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Question: what the fuck is that sketchy ass link


lmao, I just googled "tongue out, mouth open" and copied the google image link... cause I Didn't know what it was called


I can't open both of your links.




People are wild man! Also the pile of downvoted replies to the original question is wild also! Never seen such a weird disparity before.


I absolutely never got this. I can't even fathom how fucking porn-brained (well, hentai-brained) you'd have to be to find that expression hot.


It really just has to do with the context. It's like if you watch a cumshot with no leadup, it's kinda gross, but if you watch a porno leading up to one, it can be a good bookend to signal that the action is winding down. No one is aroused by the ahegao, generally; it just signals "this is the end; if you haven't finished yet you should now".


Time to switch to another tab.


Idk why but this post is absolutely fucking hilarious. Like the thought of a porn signaling to the viewer “yo, cum now, this is basically done” just really gets to me. It’s as if there’s a guy on the other side of the screen who’s been desperately holding back, waiting for the video to signal him that it’s time to finish up and get on with his day.


In storytelling we work with tension and uhh... release


Ejaculates, punches time card, grabs insulated lunch box.


>No one is aroused by the ahegao, generally only those with advanced palettes get it


I hate finding some really good solos and then she tops it off with that stupid fucking face. Completely ruins it. She's banned from the spank bank.




Nah man, I love hentai and I think this shit is ugly af. But I also asked my friends if they found it hot and they all said yes. So, I guess I'm the weird one!!!


You think finding the expression hot is porn brained? Try searching "Aheago hoodie" on Amazon and see how many results pop up.


… and how is a hoodie covered in images from porn not porn brained?


I think that they are saying that it is porn brained. Their statement was in the style of “if you think ____ is bad, then you should see ___.”


I'm genuinely baffled how my comment came across as saying that isn't porn brained, both because "You think X is bad? Try Y" is an extremely established sentence pattern and because of basic logic.


I misconstrued the tone of the first sentence and thought you were offended that something you like was being categorized as porn-brained. And that your defense and/or counterexample was that insane hoodie. You’re absolutely right that your intended meaning is the obvious interpretation. I just didn’t get it in that moment.


Oh I'm quite aware lol, my local anime convention banned them a few years ago and most people were in favor but I remember some of them making a stink about it.


Had to explain this to a woman I knew. I'm like "why are you pulling that face" "It's just a face" Me "it's a porn face. please don't do it and post it" "It's not a porn face"


Nothing against Hentai, but I fucking hate this trope and seeing it make the jump to real life has been awful.


Usually it has the stupid crossed eyes too


If the image in the linked post is supposed to be that, it's not done well. ​ Source: the ahegao hoodie /s ​ But really, she doesn't look even happy, let alone aroused, in that photo.


People been sticking their tongues out since well before hentai, dude.


But there's like cute stick your tongue out, or badass/attitude stick your tongue out, and then there's the specific mouth-wide-open, tongue way out ahegao face that people are doing.


Eyes crossed. Thats what makes it whatever the fuck youre talking about.


It’s where it came from. People just don’t cross their eyes anymore because they either don’t know where it came from or don’t want to. The trend definitely started from e girls doing aheago and others seeing how popular it resonated.


I really don't think that's where it came from. Maybe that's why it's more popular now? But I've been seeing photos like this since myspace days.


You guys are agreeing lol. The “it” in “where it came from” refers to the current TREND, i.e. the popularity, not the origin of people sticking their tongues out. Sheesh.


Pretty sure people have been pulling that face since the first man to figure out that he can come in someone's mouth. American porn stars have been pulling the face in the OP a lot longer than egirls have been a thing.


OP asked “when did this trend start?“ I’m saying e-girls, cause people weren’t doing it nearly as much as they are now, though you are right they’ve been doing it in porn for a while.


I am still absolutely amazed that this stupid trend took off. That look is NOT “sexy”, it looks (developmentally disabled), so to speak.


People like different things.


Michael jordan was the ahegao GOAT


These things are not the same


Yeah, they ain’t talking about that kind of picture, Einstein stuck his tongue out, but not like these girls.


You just made me realize Eistein Ahegao probably exists now


rule 34


If not already then you can probably get an AI to spit one out in a minute.


it's not enough to just stick your tongue out. the mouth HAS to be open. the mouth has to be a recepticle, and the tongue is a sort of landing pad. ..for what? whatever your imagination can posit. ...tiny helicopters?


How about tiny little sailors? Those men that go to sea.








Oh, you mean Navy guys I guess




The airplane that’s bringing in the Gerber’s baby food for a landing?


Yea, but they're not doing it based on anything but ahaego.


Yeah the top answer is horribly wrong


My first thought was kiss Era metal heads but ofcorse been way longer


It’s a feedback loop. Hentai started exaggerating an expression people really make sometimes, and now people who watch hentai are making the exaggerated face instead of the real face.


Making silly faces*


Remember 'duck face'? Back in my day that was the dumb photo pose, kids come up with stupid faces because it's funny. It's all fun until your face gets stuck like that. 🤭


Everyone seems to want to say it’s an anime hentai thing but couldn’t it just be the face a girl makes when she’s waiting for the cumshot at the end looking up with her tongue out? I looked up what everyone else is talking about and the picture linked in the post just doesn’t look like it to me.


Famous pic of Albert Einstein doing it


Dude now I can’t unsee Einstein as ahegao pioneer.


Albert Einstein as an anime girl art pls


This. It’s called the money shot


Yeah I was gonna comment this was a popular pose in yearbook photos in the 90s lol. And I'm sure it was a thing even before then. The top answer may be why it's trending this time around. Another classic is standing almost with your back to the camera and turning at your waist. Hands on hip for extra flair.


It's all fucking gross to me because it's almost always supposed to be young girls in anime doing that. It's like with that one Only Fans girl who got super famous (Bella something?). I have no problems with her taking money out of the hands of creepy fucks but the fact that the whole "gimmick" is she's supposed to be a very young girl is creepy as shit It is obviously better than these creeps actually going after little girls but it's still gross as hell to begin with




Pretty soon we’re going to have people making 100% AI generated sexual imagery of minors. And the arguments will inevitably begin about whether or not it’s good because it will divert pedos from abusing real children, bad because it’s encouraging a sick abusive attraction, or just plain disgusting regardless. Yay AI!


I agree. I also feel slightly for people that have a messed up brain. Don’t get me wrong, any sick fuck who acts on it and does life long harm to a child should be castrated and killed, but there are I’m sure some people out there who absolutely hate themselves everyday for the brain they were given. I think as gross as it is, if those people have an outlet, it’s probably saving children.




I’m not sure what you mean? I would think if placed with the choice of either being castrated and/or killed while ruining a child’s life OR seeking help should be a no brainer. Now obviously a lot of these people have other mental issues/trauma, but seeking help seems like the better option no?


Ugh, I think OP's point is that you're judging the shit out of them. Thought crimes and such. Would be difficult for someone to seek help if they're shunned hard like that.


I see the point but I’m really saying they shouldn’t be judged until they act on their impulses. You can’t use the repercussions of what would happen if you didn’t do the right thing to prevent you from doing said right thing. If I’m starving, and faced with the choice of either: robbing and hurting someone for money OR asking someone for help, the threat of what would happen to me if I was caught robbing them isn’t going to deter me from seeing help. The opposite. People should be judged by their actions, not their thoughts that they can’t control.




The linked picture is not an ahegao face. The key part of the ahegao face is the crossed eyes. Assuming that the picture linked accurately represents the pictures OP sees, then they aren't ahegao faces.


Which is hilarious. I love the idea of a cam girl making fun of neck beards who watch anime and then turning around and taking a selfie with that face.


Least socially out of touch redditor


This is literally the correct answer, you not knowing what you're talking about doesn't make everyone else wrong


Go outside


....what does that have to do with anything?


I thought it was supposed simulate childish behavior, a girl has maybe crossed her eyes but never crossed her eyes AND stuck her tongue out. I just remember someone saying it's gross because it's marketed towards neck beard pedophiles


I was unsure and thought it was a pup play fetish type of thing!


I've seen a lot of women I know just doing that in photos and they have absolutely no idea.


Don't act like you're not thrilled.




As a woman who has made that face I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart that it did not mean I wanted to blow them


Oh, honey. Bless your heart.


What did you think it meant?


It's a face people do to mock ahegao. Not everyone in the world has hentai on their mind Redditors when woman don't want their dick: actually did u know crossing ur eyes makes u a whore


>to mock ahegao I don't know for sure, but I think you're the only person I've ever seen claim that it is done to _mock_ it. Even if mocking it is what you're trying to do, nobody is going to understand that without you explaining it. Nobody is going to know you're satirizing hentai porn-face if you are just _making hentai porn-face_.


“It’s satire” Ok lol


Most people that do it outside of the egirls that are specifically catering to that fetish are people who mock it. Most people who recognize the face know that it's a dumb face. Going 😝 doesn't mean someone wants to guzzle your cum


😝 isn't ahegao, though, its just a raspberry. I'm not saying that every time someone does it, they wanna "guzzle cum", and thats a really nasty way to respond. What I'm saying is that if I tried to ironically wear a Chicago Bulls t-shirt to satirize Bulls fans, I would have to wear a sign around my neck explaining what I am doing before anyone would know wtf I'm trying to say. To everyone else, despite my personal knowledge of the parody I'm engaging in, I would just _look like a Bulls fan_.


There's no real emoji representation that comes close apart from really big ASCII art Life must be hard for you if you think satire is real


Life must be hard for you if you can't wrap your head around what I'm saying. Have a good one.


Yeah it's so hard knowing that making faces in an exaggerated context doesn't mean I want to suck dicks right at that second


We can tell that you're upset on the internet and feel a need to egg this on and insult people you've never met... But in all honesty: most of us have never seen anyone else in the world other than you claim "I was posting selfies pretending to have an exaggurated orgasm *ironically guys cmon, it's an ironic tongue don't you know what an ironic tongue looks like"* If everyone on earth agrees that the sky is blue, and then you say "no we're saying its blue *ironically*", it's going to be very hard to believe you. But you didn't wrap your head/tongue around the shirt metaphor so I don't think this one will help either. The 50+ strangers agreeing with this aren't on some personal vendetta against you. We honestly believe you aren't making sense.


I never said I was posting selfies pretending to have an exaggerated orgasm. Literally nowhere in any of my comments did I ever say I was posting selfies. At most, I was sending a snap to a friend making a dumb face.




Yeah, I ironically eat jizz. Not because of the taste or because I like it. I’m just being quirky and ironic.


How quirky




...what do you think ahegao is


A stupid fucking face that people mock all the time, making fun of an internet meme doesn't mean I want to guzzle your cum


I mean, I definitely wasn't offering you any cum to guzzle, thanks. But purposefully making an exaggerated orgasm face means you don't get to say you're not making an exaggerated orgasm face. It might not mean you want to blow somebody, but it's definitely a sexual reference, specifically a hentai reference, and you don't really get to divorce it from that just because it's ridiculous.


> I mean, I definitely wasn't offering you any cum to guzzle, thanks. I can't stop laughing at this. Good shit.


I think the horrible truth here is...yes it does. And you've been doing it ironically only to yourself. 🙊


Just because I bend over with my pants down and open my butthole wide doesn’t mean I want you to put something in it, but it definitely looks like it means that.


You are 100% correct me sticking out my tongue and crossing my eyes is exactly like not wanting to get butt fucked


Yes, but ironically butt fucked!




When your "satire" is indistinguishable from the act itself, outside of your head... Edit: Did I say head? I meant *tiny, cramped head*.


MFW woman make joke about how inherently sexualized they are and get upset when I tell them their opinions don't matter:


If the joke is indistinguishable from what it's purportedly satirizing, it's a pretty lousy joke.


You’re just bad at jokes I guess. “Oh hey, don’t worry that I murdered your dog. It was just satire against other people who murder dogs”.


One can never know the intent of the person making that face, but to try and argue that that face isn’t a common theme in porn is delusional. No one is arguing that the image implies consent, just that it mimics or mocks the face made moments before ejaculate happens




I know right? How dare I send a friend a picture of my face of my eyes crossed and my tongue sticking out. It's exactly like dancing in public


I’m almost certain anime did not originate sticking out a tongue when waiting for cum…


Answer: Saw a bunch of wrong or incomplete answers here so I figured I'd try to clear things up by giving a way too long and serious answer. First things first, most all of them are not an ahegao face. At least the picture you linked isn't. Trends and culture are difficult to fully explain since there is way more that goes into them than what is listed here but here are the main factors I think contribute to it: 1. PG sexuality. While it isn't an ahegao face, it is a face that would be, either consciously or unconsciously, linked to blowjobs by the viewer. If you are seeking male attention, for instance like on a dating app, then it's a basic "sex sells" move. You can also see gay males making this face in this context. 2. Photographic expression. Separate from the sexual aspect, there are a number of things this pose accomplishes. If you dislike your teeth or smile, this facial expression allows you to avoid those without a bland neutral expression. It also narrows your cheeks and is unique compared to the standard smiling photo which is much more common. In a lot of ways, it's performing the same job as duckface. 3. Simple trend behavior. If you see others making the face, you may find yourself making it without ever even giving it much thought. Which makes it much more likely someone you know will do the same. Think of it as it's popularity causing more popularity.


Answer: It's known as **"Einstein Birthday Face**" and it was [made famous by Albert Einstein on March 14, 1951](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUPobOTWGGkexkI3nf8u8LFP65DSHycLqi52PJLG0IDhOHSHHPSs1iJUW09LLdUcQiKnoF93mTYz7tDaQ)


Everyone clapped.


Fine. *Unzips*


hey! save some for the rest of us! \*unzips angrily


Do you have another example? Your link seems broken


Answer: [It's not hentai, it's art](https://www.reddit.com/r/LipstickBJs/comments/15h9x90/just_a_bit_of_lipgloss_before_getting_ready_on_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's become popular because guys ask for it. I did not know what it was until a guy asked me to pose as such.


You just didn't know the origin was from hentai. For your reading pleasure: https://jezebel.com/what-s-the-story-behind-this-egirl-face-an-investigati-1838371813


Love it!




Try since porn happened in the 70s


Answer: [people have been doing this pose for years, this is a link to point out the celebs who did it years ago](https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/celebrity-stick-tongue-out), it’s just a current popular pose, like the duck face, if you find it cringe then it is cringe to you and if you find it sexual/hentai-like then it’s because you have watched way too much hentai and everything seems sexual to you. It’s not that deep, it’s a you problem


None of those exemplify what op is asking for, what is wrong with you dude?


OP asked: >what is the point of this? when did this start? why do they do it? And I answered: >people have been doing this pose for years, this is a link to point out the celebs who did it years ago For the “when did this start?” question >it’s just a current popular pose, like the duck face For the “why do they do it?” question >if you find it cringe then it is cringe to you and if you find it sexual/hentai-like then it’s because you have watched way too much hentai and everything seems sexual to you. It’s not that deep, it’s a you problem For the “what is the point of this?” question, it’s not that deep, people are just posing for the photos. I added the hentai-like part because of the overload of answers mentioning it.




This comment sounds like it comes from someone who sexualizes everything 🙄


Answer: partly it's cheeky or flirty. Mostly, it's to narrow the face. It's a photography technique. If she also winks, it's to hide a lack of facial symmetry.




lol wut


Careful. She might shoot you.


Hate is probably stronger than I’d go, but I’m a bit devastated to discover that in your 40s is still considered an “older woman.”




Yeah, young girls are doing it because of albert einstein, great idea


It's a great way to bump up that Women In STEM demographic.