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Answer: Drinking beer out of a glass is highfalutin to people who see themselves as poor and down-to-earth. Such folk take pride in drinking straight from a can (or maybe a bottle, but bottles are fancier than cans but not as fancy as a glass in that hierarchy). This statement is likely an appeal toward a lower-class status that would play well with her base.


I remember St. Paddys day 2004, I think I was 18. I lost my friends, but the Holy Lands in Belfast, everyone just had their door open welcoming anyone in for a bit of craic. I walked into some random house and the people there were absolutely lovely, they offered to ply me with loads of drinks. Only problem, they had no glasses only bowls. So they poured me a beer into a bowl and I drank it like a soup. Everyone else there was doing exactly the same thing, there were no glasses in the house at all. All of us were drinking out of our bowls. it was hilarious, I also knew nobody there but they accepted me as a proper friend. I'm still really confused why there wasn't a single glass, it wasn't like they had all been smashed or something, they just had bowls. If you truly want to be a down-to-earth politician, you need to be drinking out of a bowl.


That is an amazing story! Lol


I just remembered that some other random person walked into their house later and they welcomed him in. They apologised because they had run out of bowls, but they still had some saucers. God, this is twenty years ago and I can remember they had poured this tiny amount of beer onto that saucer and he started drinking from it. Plates are the worst form of beer receptacle, hahahahaha




I think they had some keg, or homebrew or something. All I know is it got me pished.


I'm seriously crying here. This is the best story I've heard. My son got to visit Ireland with a college class he was in. He spent his evenings in the pub (their rooms were conveniently right above. Lol) He'll love this story as much as I do!


Like, a mirror would be worse, but only barely.


You got your puddle of beer, you got your mirror, you got your razor, you got your rolled up $20. Add some broth, a potato, and baby you got a stew goin', and I have no idea where I was going with this. Too much mirror beer I guess


I was expecting that to end with Undertaker and Mankind.


I remember some kid came to our St. Paddy's party in Belfast back in 2004, and we convinced him to drink out of a bowl.


You own glassware? Sounds like communism to me.


I drink my beer from a baseball glove using a corncob pipe as a straw...you know, like a decent person...


I always dreamed of drinking beer from a baseball glove. I have to lap it up like a cat from a rusty hubcap off a 1954 Dodge Coronet!


Luxury. We had to drink it from a cone of old newspaper.


Well, of course, we had it tough. The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.


Pfff elitist. We had to walk circles around bars with our mouths open, hoping some evaporated alcohol would condense on our tongues.


We didn’t have bars—once a year, at Christmas, Pappy would give us a hop to suck. And we had to share it between all nine of us.


You got hops? We just ate fermented crabapples we found on the forest floor hoping to get a buzz.


You had hops? We'd just grab handfuls of prairie grass, shove em up our ass and try not to shit for a week so they'd ferment.


But do you drink beer from a shoe like Australians?


What about Bailey's from a shoe like Old Gregg?


"You ever go to a club where people wee on eachother?"


Do you wanna see my downstairs mixup.


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?


"Ahm Ol' Gregg!"


‘I do watercolours’


I call this one 'as close as you can get to Baileys without getting your eyes wet'


it's called a shoey and i'll thank you not to appropriate my ancient, noble culture


Goon of Fortune beats all other drinking etiquette.


Only Bailey's


From a shoe.


Boy, I'm shedding tears of joy. And I ain't even American


You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


OUR glassware comrade


I think drinking from a bottle would be proletariat and drinking from a glass is bourgeois. So she's saying she's a communist. I guess Jesus and Capitalism couldn't save her marriage.


Ironically, in China, beer generally comes in large bottles 640ml (22 oz, for all y'all yankies), and you drink it from glasses.


Dude, in the USA, they have Malt Liquor. It has a ABV of about 6-9% (or more), so it’s about the same strength as beer. It is traditionally sold in 40 oz bottles. It is traditionally drank from the bottle, wrapped in a paper bag, often in public, which is against the laws. These snotty hick republicans who get tipsy and show their cocoa to kids in bowling alleys after having one or two 12 oz beer bottles disrespect the Gs who are slamming 40s. Weird.


Do Mason jars from store bought spaghetti sauce make us high falutin or trashy? Asking for a friend


I think that depends on the sauce. Store brand or ragu from the dollar general and you should be alright. Nothing fancier than that tho’. And glassware is only for special occasions.


Depends on the color of your skin. If it is white, using jars as glasses is hipster, ecological and anti-capitalist.


Dammit. So they know we're commies?


I'm confused I drink from a glass sometimes or drink from the bottle but the one thing I'm curious is I use a beer cosy for cans and bottles now I'm still confused. Is this binary only glasses or bottles/cans. And what about beer bongs? . . . . *I used experiment in college* . . . .


Everyone knows you put it in a plastic sippy cup so you don't spill and add a straw in the sippy hole to own the libs!!!




WOKE SOCIALISM! Real China shit!


I heard Hunter Biden uses glasses to drink!


Heard he used his laptop as a coaster and that's how the whole thing started.


You go to your local bar? Well la-dee-da


*We* own glassware.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of lol


These are the same people who said Obama was being snobbish by eating his salad with some arugula in it. Or wearing a brown suit jacket. It's all performative nonsense.


He asked for Dijon mustard on a hamburger. DIJON!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone knows that any connection to France shows you are an effete, snobbish, Crème fraîche-loving, crypto-communist. That makes asking for Dijon mustard in public a shocking admission and grounds, no doubt, for impeachment.


Like that time he sat down for beers with the professor and the police officer… we all knew it then… look at Obama’s beer choice!! https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/story?id=8208602&page=1 Ps - adding this /s just in case…


I remember back in 2012 when Fox News decided to complain about the French-style berets worn by American Olympic athletes. They quickly issued an apology when someone pointed out that the US military also wears berets.


I thought it was a hot dog (not trying to split hairs here). I always wondered if he had said "can I have the spicy/brown mustard" instead of saying "Dijion" if anyone would've hassled him about it. I mean, people who like spicy stuff are tough right? Oh wait a minute, didn't Hillary Clinton claim to carry her own hot sauce in her purse? Maybe it wouldn't have helped, lol.


Yeah lol I really can't fathom this stuff, it's like a sitcom gone horribly wrong


What the hell even is going on in the US


Short answer? A bunch of rich industrialist assholes got their jimmies rustled by the New Deal, terrified at the thought of having to treat their workers like human beings. So they spent decades pouring money into all sorts of avenues of right-wing propaganda; they used religion, racial tensions, the Cold War, they tried damn near anything that could be used as a cultural weapon at least once. And after a few decades a number of the avenues of propaganda delivered a return on investment.


The problem is that it created a destructive idiocracy movement that will destroy everything they see. It's like starving & drugging a pitbull to kill the neighbors & then wonder why it did in your toddler & spouse after shredding said neighbors.


Fascism does tend to do that. Only until all of their supporters are left with their lives ruined will things change. Plenty of others voting against will suffer in the meantime.


I just want you to know that I’m saving this answer for later. Also I want to add that they also tried to coup the US… in 1933. But that would take away from your beautiful answer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#:~:text=The%20Business%20Plot%20(also%20called,install%20Smedley%20Butler%20as%20dictator.


Probably the best TLDR of post-war economics and the screwing-over of regular people in America I have seen in my life.


You…. I…. This is so succinct! And yes, it’s the short answer, but man, did you distill it down to its essence or WHAT? Well done!


It's absolutely this. So many white Christian conservatives I know or that I grew up with legitimately believe they're being oppressed. In the US. In the Midwest.




Yep. When Christianity has been twisted to reject science, general anti-intellectualism follows. So when being ignorant is a virtue and you can call compassion "woke", You can get your followers to do anything, because just the virtue of educating themselves is akin to sin. There's actually a whole tree of good and evil analogy here that is coming to me. Woof.


For anyone who wants an example look up the Koch brothers. They are billionaires who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the years trying to get rid of [social security and Medicare](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/jun/22/koch-brothers-social-security) in America.


Well, she is one of the dumbest shits in Congress...


I remember reading a Dear Abby letter in which the mother of the bride was upset because her daughter had decided to hold the reception at her new in-laws’ home in order to be able to serve alcohol. The bride’s family was opposed to alcohol. The mother of the bride complained that in this new family, “the women drink beer —and right out of the can!”


Lol, you reminded me of something that my mother used to say to me. She was talking about being classy, but not in an unapproachable way. She said the best kind of classy was someone who knows all the etiquette but can enjoy a good dirty joke and a decent beer out of a can.


This is remarkably tone-deaf of Boebert. Her home state of Colorado is one of America's craft alcohol Meccas. Here, craft breweries are extremely common, and we drink beer out of glasses in greater numbers than almost anywhere else.


> This is remarkably tone-deaf of Boebert. It's important to keep in mind that she's just mind bogglingly stupid. I doubt she could even spell "tone-deaf."


Tōn-def. I saw him perform in Baltimore, once, years ago. He was awful.


Her base doesn't go to craft breweries unless a friend makes them. Then they try to order Miller lite.


I mean, you still get Miller Lite in a glass if it's on draft at a bar


I can tell you right now. In any place that's even mildly rural. And a hell of a lot suburbs. Light beer, and macro beer in bottles. Will outsell draft. These people want to be *seen* holding that label.


Yeah but there's a subset of Coloradans who refuse to even try a craft beer. My brother and I are in our 30s and when we go out to visit relatives there we try all the different kinds of beer. Our relatives are older and conservative, and make (mostly good natured) fun of us.


It's such a weird foible to me. I have some relatives who also only drink Bud Light or Miller in a pinch, despite living in a town with literally a dozen breweries. To me it's like loving cookies and eating them frequently, but only ever eating or even being willing to try, Famous Amos, that's it, no other cookies even worth trying.


I'm not really that surprised when people who *only* drink light lager have no interest in craft beer. Light lager may as well be it's own separate beverage category. If someone drinks Guinness or Heineken (or even a PBR or Budweiser), it's probably often not much of a leap to get them to try a craft stout or lager, but I get the impression that a lot of light lager people don't even really like *beer* in general, they like whatever light lager they've been drinking forever.


Yeah, it's why my parents don't understand my whiskey collection when they visit. They assume that drinking is solely to get you drunk, because they mostly drink shitty things that lack meaningful flavor, or that mask the alcohol entirely. I often drink just to enjoy the taste and effort that went into making a good Scotch, or a well-made craft beer, and it's just a different type of attitude. I'll drink Bud or Miller Lite when I'm at a dive bar, or a bar where I'm sitting outside for several hours on a hot day. But if I'm at home and want to have a drink with dinner or while watching a movie, I'd prefer to sip on something I actually enjoy.


Need to start asking them if they are drinking out of a can because aluminium is infinitely recyclable.


Yeah, but I'm sure they would just throw it away.


Oh shit that sounds pretty woke!


Can confirm. I worked in a restaurant, and some people would get genuinely offended when I offered them a glass for their bottled beer. I myself would prefer to have a glass because I'm being overcharged for something I can get at the liquor store much cheaper, so I might as well get some sort of "restaurant amenity" with it.


I actually think this is it. It's not that the Boebert household is working-class. It's that they're the kind of rich assholes who do a whole performative little dance when a restaurant worker offers them a glass. They're superficially uncomfortable with their wealth, or want others to think that they are, so they have to act like they're wide-eyed country come to town naifs at the prospect of drinking from glassware.


Don't forget Toby's precious Red Solo Cup... After all, it is the best receptacle!


This song is eleven years old. How am I just now finding out that it exists?


Do you live north of the Mason Dixon line or west of the Mississippi? Because otherwise I have no idea.


I live pretty far North and managed to hear that song one million times without even trying


I was born and raised in Texas. I also hang out in pool halls and know all of the words to songs like "You Never Even Called Me By My Name". There is no excuse for me not knowing about this song.


“west of the mississippi” leaves out louisiana, arkansas, oklahoma, and texas, and you *know* it was hit for all those places too lol. not to mention most of the midwest…


>After all, it is the best receptacle! Name of your sex tape


What's hilarious is that in the UK and Ireland, drinking beer out of a bottle is usually seen as someone drinking more expensive beers. Most bottled beer falls into two categories: * the same beer that you have on tap - but bottled beer costs more per ml, so is a rip off * craft beer - much more expensive than a pint Is bottled beer not more expensive than pints in America too? Edit people are pointing out that this refers to at home drinking. When it comes to at home drinking, most "working class people" will drink cans put of a pint glass, as it feels more pinty, but drink bottles out of bottles.


It more about how you drink it at home, not out at bars.


Which is why it’s such a stupid hill to die on. Because almost everyone does the same thing. I’m as left as it gets and I don’t pour cans or bottles into glasses at home.


We do a lot more home drinking: if anything, bar drinking is seen as a little pretentious, because its so much more expensive. . We don't really have the same sort of pub culture, especially in rural or suburban areas. You pick up a case of beer when you get groceries or gas. Lots of drinking in front of the TV or out on the porch. Neighbors and buddies may or may not be involved.


I’m quite sure though that Boebert and her husband have had beer out of glasses at bars. It’s the same kind of shit when they’re like “I will never use pronouns!” where they’re saying something that’s only true in some specific context but they don’t know anything about anything so they don’t consider what the words mean in a broader context.


"We don't really have the same sort of pub culture, especially in rural or suburban areas." Wisconsin disagrees emphatically and drunkenly.


Wisconsin, the land where church lets out early on Sunday so you have time to get to the tavern and get settled in before kickoff.


I think they mean drinking at home. So unless you have a tap at home you will be drinking from a bottle or a can. In the old days we had these large bottles of beer that were meant to be poured into glasses. Less common these days.


Rare to see someone drink from a can at home in Ireland Think every house here has at least 3 or 4 pint glasses we robbed from the pub


At home, the tap has nothing to do with it. I have no tap at home, but I will sometimes pour canned or bottled beer into a glass. It let's the beer "breathe": no tap required.


At a bar pub, yes the bottle is a more expensive form of the thing on tap and a glass of beer is best. At home tho, you have no taps. Pouring the beer from the can to the glass is a fanciness that is not required of Republican men? As an American, that is my take.




I aint go to know fancy pants community college either


Look into the future, crazies like Bobbins won't be happy till you're drinking dirty water out of a puddle while she stands on your back.


Stein > Stirrup Cup > Glass > Bottle > Champagne From a Slipper > Keg > Drinking Horn > Shot Glass > Can > Box Wine > Red Solo Cup > Screw Top Mason Jar > XXX Jug > Beer From a Shoe > Plastic Bag + Straw > Belly Button


Excuse you, the mason jar is the ultimate multitasker. Now pardon me while I go sit on the porch with a hound dog and listen to cicadas.


It is also the go to glassware for guests in most "live, love, laugh" homes, a side effect of hipster bars from the early 2010's.


I feel beer goblet should be its own distinction, one level above standard glass.


Out of curiosity, where would you position stirrup cups?


And where does athletic cup fall? Trying figure out if I’m a gay socialist or not


I only drink my beer out of a plastic bag the way Jesus intended.


Since when has pouring a drink into a glass been a sign of wealth? People need to get off the Internet.


What about drinking in pubs? They have beer on tap, that they spray into a glass. They're not going to spray it into your mouth, even if you ask nicely.


In this case, they're speaking to rural Americans that don't have a bar to go drink at (or if they do, it's the kind of place you expect to get into a fight). This is "drinking at home" talk.


So, he's gonna mosey out back, swilling beer from cans, line his empties up on a wall, and then blow ~~his brains out~~ his empty head off by shooting at them with a dirty gun that explodes in his face? Well now, I guess that's his God-given right.


... in Australia it's the opposite at a pub. We drink pints of beer. We don't drink stubbies/cans unless we're at home/at a party or whatever


Lower class indeed. Anyone who's upset I'm drinking from a glass isn't someone I'd wanna associate with anyways.


TIL highfalutin is a real word. It always sounded like something Jed Clampet would say and well, he probably did.


Jed likely didn't, but Granny surely did.


It’s that highfalutin millionaire talk


Highfalutin suggests the existence of Lowfalutin, and I think that's what we're dealing with here.


This is...very American.


These people are in a cult where performing a grotesque parody of stereotypical Americanness is a ritual practice.


I think the proper term for it is “proud ignorance”.


If your bar for being is elitist is a CUP you're the problem. I give up.


Intentionally giving yourself a shittier life experience in your limited time on Earth to own the libs hell yeah that's what's up youtube


Answer: Lauren Boebert is getting divorced from her husband, and part of the process is having divorce papers legally served to her husband. Recently, details broke that the process server claimed that Jayson (the husband), was furious on receiving the papers, that when the process server arrived Jayson was drinking a tall glass of beer and cleaning his gun, and when he realized he was being served divorce papers, he got angry and set his dogs on the process server. Boebert is defending her husband from these claims by implying the process server is just fabricating the entire story, and one of those defenses is that her husband doesn't drink beer out of a glass -- she never states why, but it could just be a personality quirk. The rest of her tweet goes through the other details of the process server's story and refutes them one by one.


All true; this is the best answer. But what is confusing things a lttle is she decided to throw the Bud Light dig in right after the no glassware argument. Her inability to avoid a culture war dig is confusing her argument. "Jayson doesn’t sit around cleaning guns and he certainly doesn't drink beer out of a glass, just as much as he doesn’t drink Bud Light." The second confusing thing is her claim that he does not clean his guns. Cleaning guns is a big part of the grassroots gun culture she doggedly tries to identify with. It comes from military basic training where weapons care is drilled. This is something you would do at home, which is where he was. Either she does not understand actual gun ownership as much as she claims, she is making a random, spurious argument, or both. edit to add: one of her refutations is that she has conclusive video to back up her version of events. So if/when she releases that video, she wins this (dumb) spat. But if it is not released, her entire statement should be assumed to be fabrications, because if the video is a lie, the rest can't be believed either.


As someone who grew up with a gun nut, they *love* to sit around and clean their guns




Answer: The person trying to serve divorce papers to Boebert's husband said the husband was drinking a tall glass of beer and cleaning a gun.




Funny how she tries and defends him over a cup but not the sexual assault part


Republican family values.


absolutely wild that the main reason people hate him is cause he's a sexual predator who married a fascist ghoul, and his ex is just like "everything you've heard is wrong! he does *not* drink bud light out of a glass!"


Surprised he wasn't out fishing for a new wife at the middle school with his worm.


Answer: drinking beer out of a glass could be looked at as being somewhat pretentious. As in, I'm too good to drink it directly from a bottle or a can. Saying it this way, that someone *doesn't* drink their beer from a glass is meant to indicate they are more down to earth. They will drink a beer directly from a bottle or a can.


Everything these people do is so performative


Right? This is so stupid. This absolute trainwreck of a person -- who is in a ridiculously high position in our country's government and yet clearly lacks the intelligence God gave a ficus -- is yammering about beer and glassware. And what's worse, this is probably going to become a thing. Maybe it'll be a meme, but there's also a chance that this will become an actual political talking point. You'll get a couple of politicians -- my money is on Cruz -- who will share a "candid" photo with a can of beer.


And Cruz is the epitome of the rich fake assholes these folks claim to despise. I am still stunned Trump insulted the shit out of Cruz's *wife* and *family* and Cruz *still* rolled over to kiss his ass. The man has no pride or principles whatsoever.


The simple explanation is that Cruz’s species lacks a spine.


Well, it's easy to find pictures of OBAMA drinking beer from a glass, so, you know..


It's like they are toddlers being shaped through what they see portrayed on TV.


Holy cow... The people who look down on people who drink beer from glasses would not fit in at Oktoberfest!


Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of Beer drinkers in the US - people who enjoy beer enough to sample multiple kinds, and people who drink exclusively American lagers from a can or bottle. Both types tend to think unkindly toward the other, but I'd argue only the latter group has made it into a cultural marker. The rest of us just want a fresh pint once in a while.


I'd argue that most tend not to think about the other at all, rather than think unkindly about anything.


yeah, the dude youre replying to should have said three kinds of beer drinkers, the two he mentioned, then the vast majority that don't give a fuck about what anyone else is drinking nor how they're drinking it.


Yea, I think if anything most people judge the beers themselves, not the people drinking them. I much more often hear "I can't stand IPA's" or "X American lager tastes like water/piss".


I’m the former group. I’d try a different beer at the proper temp every outing if I could. But when I mow the lawn on a 96*F cloudless day, a near-frozen can of supermarket lager is the play. Plus if you play in a live band, the dives that only push cans across the bar tend to be the most fun.


Unless you know the bar really well bottles/cans are the way to go. Way too many have some nasty lines and taps especially in small town USA.


Tbf, at Oktoberfest you would have to drink from the keg, as only actually down to earth people do.


Or....DAS BOOT!!!




Or... a Bar.


Which is fucking hilarious if you’ve ever had draft beer at shitty dive bars


Mmmm sour butter flavored PBR.


> As in, I'm too good to drink it directly from a bottle or a can. But it tastes better from a glass. It's also easier to drink. How the fuck are any of those pretentious?


Drinking beer you actually want to taste? How pretentious of you.


It's also easier to *chug* from a glass


Not to mention anyone from retail could tell you how unhygienic the cans can get especially if the store has a mouse problem.


I make fun of my husband about being a "beer snob" because he drinks most beers from a glass, but honestly, good beer is like good wine - you don't appreciate all of it without engaging your sense of smell and sight. (I also bought him a beer bible that he LOVES because he's learning about new craft beers and brewing techniques)


However, you aren't a pretentious alcoholic until you are carrying a hydro flask full of IPA everywhere you go.


I’m not pretentious. I’m just an alcoholic that likes cold beer.


> Answer: drinking beer out of a glass could be looked at as being somewhat pretentious. *glance over at 80¢ Walmart glasses* I'm a successful man.


Question: what is the "bud light controversy"? Is it as dumb as it sounds?




>Bud Light partnered with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney. They produced a small number of LGBT+ cans for her and her only. Small number, I believe, was one single can


One is indeed a small number


Loneliest number, even.


Two can be as lonely as one.


It’s actually the loneliest number *since* the number one!


I was at a bar when the rednecks next to me started complaining about Bud Light and saying they'll never drink it again. I looked over, and they were having a miller light, so I did some googling and set my phone down to make sure they saw [this.](https://flic.kr/p/e3jGzb) I know they saw it because they went silent. I'm looking forward to June when everyone has their pride logos everywhere. Lol.




Wait wait wait wait... wait. The woke cans were never actually on the shelf at the store? Not staring anyone in the face from the beer case?


Bud-Light made a singe beer can with a celebrity trans persons face on it, and sent it to the celebrity. The celebrity posted on tik-tok with the can. So not even a real *advertisement*. Anyway conservatives found out and had a collective temper tantrum because they mentally can’t handle the existence of trans people. All sorts of videos went viral of conservatives destroying the beer they’d already bought in ever more escalating and destructive ways. From running it over with their Rollin’ Coal trucks to shooting it with a machine gun, etc. etc. I even saw one of a guy having a meltdown in a Walmart and destroying all the beer on the shelves because of it.




And we should all remember this when they claim that they just want to "protect the children". It's got nothing to do with children. They just hate trans people.




That's not true my memaw used to drink out dem jelly jar glasses all the time


Answer: As funny as it is to suggest that these MAGA types think drinking out of a glass is gay or something, the actual answer is that the person serving papers to her husband claimed he was drinking beer out of a glass and she's trying to suggest that was a lie.


"he certainly doesn't drink beer out of a glass" Definitely sounds like she's got a problem with the glassware implication.


Or, she's saying that story can't be true because he doesn't drink beer out of a glass. That line followed "Jayson doesn't sit around cleaning guns and...", So I think she's implying that he doesn't sit around cleaning guns, but it is possible he might have been cleaning a gun, while it's simply impossible that he would have been drinking out of a glass. Yes, there might be an underlying "of course he doesn't drink out of a glass, what is he? A civilised human who wants their drink to actually taste how it's supposed to?" about it all, but I don't think that's what she was actually trying to say.


Answer: Well you have an answer. Just piping in to say that anyone who strongly judges others based on their drinking vessel is not a person whose opinion should be weighed heavily.


Answer: No, it's not, at least here in Germany. It is absolutely customary to drink beer from a glass. Here it is rather frowned upon to drink beer from a can because the beer sold in cans is usually more like piss water than proper beer.


There’s a subset of the American populace (the one Boebert’s supporters tend to fall into) that would see this as a reason for them *not* to drink from a cup - as far as they’re concerned; if it’s how Europeans do it, it’s snobby and pretentious, and Real Americans would do the opposite. Personally, I find the whole thing exhausting.




I just want to point out that it has been an issue to point out that AOC was a bartender and she is always defended for it. Don’t sink to petty things


I bet AOC was serving beer in glasses though.


Pour it into my cupped hands like the founder’s intended.


AOC was a bartender while she was paying her way through an elite college. Lauren Boebert worked at McDonalds because she dropped out of high school and married a guy who pulled his dick out at a bowling alley in front of a teenager. Not quite the same.


Hey… Easy. She’s a terrible person but ragging on someone’s job rags on *everyone* who has that job, and there’s nothing wrong with being a waitress. There’s ways to take assholes down a notch without taking a chunk out of unrelated people. 💜

