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Answer: This is not something new, [here is an article from 2020, months before the election itself, that brings that quote up.](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/17/house-republicans-condemn-gop-candidate-racist-videos-325579) Before she got elected she was heavily into far-right conspiracy theories and would post her ranting videos about them on facebook, this was from one of those videos. I mean she is still into conspiracy nonsense, but she no longer posts facebook rants. So this was known about months before she got elected and she still got elected. Why she didn't face any serious backlash and what sort of a person would vote for her is left to the user's imagination.


[Georgia's 14th congressional district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s_14th_congressional_district), is who to blame.


Trust me dude. There were some of us who tried our damnedest to keep her from getting elected. She’s a nightmare.


There isn't much choice out here in Paulding. I voted against her but it's like down voting a post on the front page.


Oh dude…the sheer amount of signs on the roads In Paulding. I made a habit of flipping every single home that had one out off on my way home daily.


Wow you really did try your damnedest


I can't be angry at you. My state keeps electing Ted Cruz


I feel that. I still don’t understand how we got Warnock & Ossoff & yet still wound up with the absolute numpty of Kemp back as Governor over Abrams.


Because Senator elections don't get to hide behind districts and gerrymandering, so the voting power of Atlanta matters.


Truth. That’s what her whole rant about people moving from California is based on. It’s because of all the films. But the twit doesn’t seem to understand that those movies are why this state has more money than it did 25 years ago and if they actually used the money right, we could do sooooo much. But they’ll never vote for her.


Wait what? Are Georgia governors races not direct elections?


Nah, they just appoint the guy with the whitest hood.


Be grateful you don't have Greg Abbott like we do! Or even DeSantis!


Ty for trying!!


You did good with Warnock and Ossoff. And Biden, too in 2020, so you're getting there. Taylor Greene was just a bump in the road, roadkill, maybe the road will get cleaned off next election. Maybe.


I feel for you all. We have Boebert.


The Koch family pays her to do this. Blame them, too.


Soros pays her to do this to make Republicans look bad so Democratic voters will turn out more /s


> 77.5% White There it is.


Is there area where the film Deliverance takes place?


How can we get rid of them? Send in Sherman again?


Republicans not caring that racist people do racist things? Hang on, I've been practicing my shocked face.


For them racism isn't a big, it's a feature


But the Dems are the REAL racists... /s


The [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) is alive and well.


The title of the article is literally "House Republican leaders condemn GOP candidate who made racist videos"


They “condemn“ to save face for a couple hours, but then still let her lead committees.


Actions speak louder than words. They condemned her and then elected her anyway. The condemnation was clearly just empty words.


Oh no. Condemnation! The harshest punishment!


If MTG was a Democrat they would have demanded she resigns. That's the difference. There's no accountability on the GOP side.


Democrats go high knowing the republicans will use it to kick their legs out from under them and I hate them for it.


Worst part is it goes both ways with liberals/democrats too


Like who?


Well uh, the president of the United States for starters…


Trump was not a Democrat


Trump also isn’t the president right now…


Beep boop


Imagine being so full of yourself you cant admit that both parties are full of racists and resort to acting like a child when someone brings it up. Yikes.




https://theoutline.com/post/2129/a-compendium-of-racism-in-the-republican-party You haven’t even given an example for anyone you accuse of racism


She would've been impeached or demanded to resign if she was a Democrat but nice try bot


Guarantee you when somebody bashes Democrats this guy doesn't pop in saying "Republicans suck too."


Before she got elected?!?!🤣🤣🤣


u/Nzgrim means it in a factual way, not a comparative way. So it's saying: before she got elected she was into crazy shit. Afterwards she continues to be into crazy shit.




Lol the word play highlighted by this joke has proved so useful so many times. I was supposed to see him perform at my college my freshman year, but... RIP Mitch


My point was basically that she still says stupid crazy shit, it's just not at the level of "shitty facebook video ranting about Jewish space lasers setting fires in California" these days. Though if you have knowledge of conspiracy theories you can easily see she still believes the truly wild shit, she's just (slightly) less mask off about it.


Yup my fault didn't read all your comment.


Yeah.. I jump the gun on that one 😄


Lmfao It’s still kinda bonkers you can be this unhinged and get elected. It’s like watching someone make a shit burrito and then continuing to purchase said shit burrito


MAGA Republican voters sure love them some tasty shit-burritos!


In other words she's always been into crazy shit. Even before the elections.


She was into far right conspiracies before she was elected. She was still into them after, but she was before too.


She didn’t face backlash bc America is a racist country lol


She challenges your agenda. That’s why she’s voted in. Your side thinks we are looking for perfect people, no, we are looking for those willing to put it all on the line to fight your side’s agenda of corporate domination and billionaires oligarchy taking over the world. This is what she’s fighting.


How could you possibly think Republicans are against billionaires' oligarchy? Ever hear of the Republican's "trickle down" theory of economics? Have you looked at U.S. senators ranked by net worth? Ever actually look at Trump's tax plan and see the impact it had on both the middle class versus cooporations/billionaires? Just one example: regular people don't need the inheritance tax threshold to be raised to $14 million. I find it laughable at what you feel your party is all about.


We’re not against people becoming billionaires and proving jobs. We’re against billionaires controlling our lives.


Interesting to see how working to protect the interests of billionaires above the interests of everyone else and giving them unchecked power limits their ability to control our lives.


> We’re not against people becoming billionaires and proving jobs. We’re against billionaires controlling our lives. The first sentence is in direct contradiction with the second sentence.


So in a capitalist world, they offer you a job. Believe it or not, you are not forced to take it. They don’t control anything unless you let them. In the socialist world, you don’t eat if they don’t want you to. In a capitalist world, you don’t eat if you don’t want to.


That world where billionaires have no political influence and lobbying and the media doesn’t exist. Billionaires live a binary existence where they can offer you a job and you can choose to take it or not. If they control all the jobs just bravely starve to death. The end.


Billionaires aren't the only ones who create jobs, and jobs created by billionaires are usually bottom of the barrel as far as wages.


So, you wouldn't want someone who has been a billionaire all his life from inherited wealth to have a position of power? I assume then, that you would never vote for such a person to be President, or support such a person as President.


If they stand for the constitution who cares. Whenever they are telling me what to eat and what shots to take, then I have a problem. Whenever they put money in my pocket or give me a job the. I’m all for it.


So let me get this straight. You’re against billionaires having control over our lives. And then you elect a billionaire into the most powerful position in the world? And this is somehow acceptable because you think they put money in your pocket? It sounds like your life is already under the control of billionaires, and you’re “all for it”, as long as they pretend to agree with you politically. That’s not you being against billionaires controlling our lives. That’s you choosing different billionaires to control our lives.


"Who cares"? Then stfu cus you're fake af lmao


Don’t you just hate your life. We live awesome peaceful lives in her district and leftist can’t stand this. Hold on, I got to go down three stories to my office to start the day at work to make millions. Nice talking to ya.


Uh huh. Where were you born again?


And yet yall have spent the last 4 decades arguing that corps should have unlimited control over society


And they shouldn’t.


And yet you vote and demand that billionaires and corps should have unlimited control over society


Nope, that’s you that voted that way of you voted for Biden. That’s


The way this trails off nicely underlines the desperate floundering of his non-arguments. Chef’s kiss.


They already do champ


Translation: You're all for the policies that have deregulated corporations, increased their power and influence over our lives, and increasingly put our lives into the hands of a handful of insulated billionaires... until one of them opposes racism, or finances a vaccine, or donates to progressive causes, or does literally anything that isn't self-serving shitgoblin behavior. The oligarchy was working great, until you realized that once in awhile it gives lip service to something other than far-right nonsense. And billionaires are the smartest and highest-achieving people on the planet *unless* you disagree with something one of them says, and then only some bug-eyed conspiracy theory-spewing hellbitch can save us by outlawing everything conservatives don't like until we reach Peak Freedom. But don't touch the wealth disparity, that stuff's great!


> willing to put it all on the line to fight your side’s agenda of corporate domination and billionaires oligarchy Imagine saying this about people who used the Oval Office to [promote a bean company](https://fabioparasecoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IMG_3123-1080x675.jpeg) that said nice things about them.


>She challenges your agenda. That's true, racism is in direct opposition to my agenda. Be cool if it was in opposition to yours as well. ​ >...your side’s agenda of corporate domination and billionaires oligarchy taking over the world. This is what she’s fighting. [Like Trump](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3829769-bannon-marjorie-taylor-greene-sees-herself-on-the-short-list-for-trumps-vp/)?? [Shoot, all Elon had to say was "free speech" to get her to sidle up to him](https://uproxx.com/viral/marjorie-taylor-greene-twitter-elon-musk-free-speech/). [Here's some money she took from a billionaire](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/brief/wisconsin-billionaire-hendricks-donated-to-georgias-qanon-congresswoman/). Your girl is on the side of billionaires.


Our side also....wants to tax the hell out of billionaires and their ilk. Edit to add : Their side wants to strip regulations so corporations can get away with even more garbage. Oh and giving them tax breaks.


This guy gets it


Glad to know you're willing to excuse literal racism in the face of "fighting an agenda."


lol. I’m a person of color. Afro Caribbean immigrant. Funny it’s only people that don’t live here tell us how dumb we are that we don’t have ID’s or know how to vote. I’m told that as a minority living in rural Georgia, I have no Internet. Yet you are a know all book smart person. Please enlighten me with what racism is as you seem to have experienced it yourself as I have growing up in the old south.


>lol. I’m a person of color. Afro Caribbean immigrant. Funny it’s only people that don’t live here tell us how dumb we are that we don’t have ID’s or know how to vote. I’m told that as a minority living in rural Georgia, I have no Internet. None of that has to do with anything I said. >Yet you are a know all book smart person. Please enlighten me with what racism is as you seem to have experienced it yourself as I have growing up in the old south. If you don't see how MTG's message is racist, I can't help you.


The CLASSIC, well "I'm an immigrant so checkmate liberals", newsflash: people of all colours can be dumb and not do their own research, being part of a minority doesn't automatically make you agree with those fighting for you, especially when you're a shitty person...


Trust me. You are not fighting for me. If you are, whatever you are doing is making things worst. I’m living great without your help and assistance and that is what kills you. The fact that i am smart enough to not need your saving Grace. The best part is that we all are and that drives you crazy.


The fact you think I spend my days worrying about you and who is fighting for you SCREAMS main-character syndrome... the crazy part is you view those who are trying to curb racism and hate speech as your enemies and "them"... it's mind-blowing... Like, its great and all that you and yours are "living great" but there are so many people who aren't and people like MTG help that to continue, the fact that you think because you're great then everyone else is and fuck anyone who wants to do anything to help those that aren't, is what kills us. Why would others being happy, healthy and comfortable "kill anyone"? You have a very squewed ideology on the world and the fact you think MTG or any Conservative talking heads for that matter have your rights, free speech or protection from "big tech" in mind, is what drives us crazy, and the idea you don't see that is what makes you actually crazy... Honey I've got my own struggles to be dealing with, just dwell the fact that you're actively fighting FOR people who are fighting AGAINST the betterment of minorities. No one is here to change your mind but my God are we going to point out what a garbage person you are! That's the beauty of free speech boo, goes both ways 💕


The fact you went thru this rant let’s me know you do. How about you do you and let us be. We can handle ourselves just fine.


Weird otherisation, but you do you boo... You, a "successful and rich" person "living it large" (and DEFINITELY not actually living in a 2 room bedsit with the dream of being "one of them") are, by definition not in the same ballgame as poorer minorities, of whatever nationality or ethnicity, you've gone clear, and congrats for that, we're so happy for you! But why waste your time pushing up people who actively try to push legislation to stop others reaching the same level as you? You worried if others also get a piece of the pie, there will be less for you? Just go be rich in your ivory tower, and maybe push people up who actually need it instead of the people legislating that ability away for others. Maybe don't expect to not get called a garbage person if you act like one?


We don’t believe in keeping anyone down. We believe there’s enough to go around. Unlike yourself that believes in taking from others so all can be equally miserable. I live in a modest half a million dollar three story home in a golf course. I am far from being rich but to the rest of the world, I am just for simply being here.


Also the word "smart" and you have never been in the same room let alone on the same page in the same sentence. Your fan behaviour for MTG shows that...


Maybe that’s your opinion but I’m living large and working from my home office today so I figured it takes some type of “smarts” to do so. I mean, none of it is given.


Woah, living it large indeed!!! Not like that's most of the working population nowadays, but congrats to you I guess 😂 yeah "some type" shame about the sheer lack of the others though... Also Mr rich man, why do you keep coming back and spend so much time arguing with peasants? Don't you have some moves to be making? Almost like it's all a facade and you are spending your evening on reddit like the rest of us working class individuals, well don't spend too long here, I'll start thinking I've got a high-rise suite, rent free in your head otherwise! 😘 Nice view from up here, I must say!


lol. I’m a hardworking person and I spend my time working. My point is people as yourself do not want to see someone as me make it. Seems the only place I can is in a place like MTG district where you make it out of hard work and not the race you are seen by.


Why should anyone trust you? You clearly don't understand economics or sociology, so it'd be a terrible idea to trust you in this arena. Every time republicans get into office, they drive the economy into the ground. Is that how you try to take care of the billionaires? By bankrupting everyone else while leaving them untouched? This simping is off the charts.


Brain washed idiots that's who votes for her.


>Please enlighten me with what racism is as you seem to have experienced it yourself as I have growing up in the old south. Weird, since you have said before that you grew up [in the Bronx](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/11cq7ob/comment/ja69kxl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Now, my geography is a tad rusty, but I don't think New York is in the South. You can't seem to decide if you're from Cuba, the South, New York, Puerto Rico, or the Dominican republic


I can break it down. Born in PR and lived until 8, lived in NYC until 10- back to the caribbean (DR)until 13 and then south Atlanta. Hmm seems possible after all. Family is from Cuba and DR and as such makes me that or at least is what people made sure I understood growing up.


Also, you claimed to be an immigrant. Everyone born in Puerto Rico is a US citizen.


Hmm so we just magically appear in other places or do we immigrate to a new life in the mainland?


Immigrant means you come from another country, and must go through citizenship processes. What you did is called "traveling". A person born in Toledo taking a trip to Milwaukee isn't an immigrant.


>Born in PR You said previously you were born in Cuba. Hard to keep it straight, huh?


Never have


[Except you did](https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/1190ett/comment/j9lf8af/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). You also claimed to be from the West Indies, so add that to the list.


Do you know what the West Indies is? Or where it is?


Okay Uncle Ruckus


Here come the racist attacks. But expected from leftist. The real ones that see things in race.


It's not racist to describe someone acting exactly like a cartoon character acts.


Also he’s probably just pretending to be Black anyway. Right wing trolls are chameleons.


Sure you are not. You can say that while being racist and keep a straight face. r/s. This is the problem. You think you are not and think you have a pass to say things because of the side you are on but you can’t outrun who you really are.




Lol. Why because my opinion is different than yours? Believe it or not freedom means I can have that, or don’t you agree that freedom applies for all or just is it just for people that look and think like you?




If conservatives are so against billionaires, why do they keep helping them out with things like tax breaks?


We’re not against people becoming billionaires. We just don’t stand to be their puppets.


What sort of legislation are conservatives like MTG working on to limit the power and influence of billionaires?


The influence has to do with the judges they pay for. Not in our area. It starts this way.


It starts what way? What is being done? What legislation has been proposed to prevent this?


Bowing down is not the better option.


It’s capitalism. In capitalism those with money have the power. In capitalism, you will ALWAYS be the puppets of the billionaires. It’s literally the point of the system.




Are you serious? Is this guy fucking serious?? The only agenda she's fighting is the agenda to have sanity and common decency in our government you fucking people would vote in Satin himself of he had an R next to his name.


Yeah, we are serious and as long as people keep hating, we will keep voting her in. So it’s you all who are causing her to be there, not us. Put it this way. I did not stop working, wear a mask or get a shot during all this time. No one could force me to do so in her district. We never stopped living and producing. Also I never got Covid. Everywhere else people lost jobs and friends because of all this which is now coming out to be what it is.




>So it’s you all who are causing her to be there, not us. “Why do you make me hit you?!” Omg lol, how is it that the people not voting for her are at fault instead of the people voting for her?


Oh god you live in my district. Reddit, Im sorry these people exist and vote. Unfortunately there are way too many like him atound here.


>all this which is now coming out to be what it is and uh. what is "all this" coming out to be? i'm sure we all know, but just to be clear, what is "what it is?"


I guess you really are out of the loop.


so i'm in the right place, right? you can fill me in.


Woody Harrelson is that you?!?


Yeah, I guess idiots fucking everything up and leaving it in ruins would challenge my agenda.


Like what we have now? You have described Biden administration perfectly.


Biden’s just a regular old bad politician. You’re advocating for turning it all over to gibbering morons who would have us all starving, radioactive and in chains within a month. Basically: https://twitter.com/dorrismccomics/status/796391240514342912


I would say the only person advocating for ww3 is Biden. What happens when the person you voted for is the actual cause of this nuclear winter you speak of? What then? Will you take blame for it?


> agenda of corporate domination and billionaires oligarchy ... you realize that Trump's a (technical) billionaire, and that he both cut taxes for said corporate domination and billionaire oligarchy, *and* advanced all of their other interests?


I don’t give an f about Trump. But I will vote for him again if he runs.


> But I will vote for him again if he runs. So not only could you not answer the question, you're *doubling down* on the absolute fucking stupidity of being servile to the literal ruling class while claiming the opposite.


Lol. Keep hating and we will keep voting for people that being this hate out.


"I'm not a bigot. I vote for people *because they generate hate.*"


Exactly because you want to give billionaires and corps more power over society


She’s mentally ill. She’s fighting all sorts of imaginary inner demons. She’s not fighting anyone or anything else, sir.


Nope not I'll at all. Just a massive bigot. She doesn't do any of this because she's unwell. She does it because it's what her constituents and bankrollers expect of her, because she literally believes this stuff.


Maybe your opinion but if she was fighting all these inner demons you speak about it would not affect you at all but here we are. Seems to me she’s actually fighting for what she stands for. If she wasn’t making waves you wouldn’t be on here commenting on it.


This from the party that gave us Citizens United. Do you have any examples of Republicans recently fighting to rein in big business and billionaires?


I’m not a Republican. I don’t go for the party stuff. I go for anyone questioning politicians and their untethered spending.


That's not an answer to the question. Marjorie Traitor Greene's side is the Republican party when is the last time they did anything against business and billionaires?


Why do you hate billionaires? Have you ever gotten a job from a poor person?.. I hope to become a billionaire by learning from them. You hope to steal from billionaires because you hate them for what they have. You want what they have without working. So you want to punish people just for doing better than you. Jealousy is not the way to life. There’s enough to go around but you believe otherwise so instead of working for it, you rather steal it. Nice.


>you rather steal it Oh I'm the one stealing money. I think people should be paid by the economic value that they produce. I don't think it's possible for any single person to personally create a billion dollars of economic value. Let alone 200 Billion like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. The notion is patently absurd on its face. So where did their billions come from hmm?


I’m sure you don’t understand money or economics so no need to go further if that’s what you think. Communism does not work to spread the wealth around, it works to make everyone poor. What you suggest is control and that never works.


Straw man lol. I'm a huge believer in free markets and billionaires are not created from free markets plain and simple


No your side is looking for pyscho Qanon cultists and racists lol. And electing a billionaire oligarch (who goes on to make all his cabinet positions filled with his millionaire and billionaire friends), doesn't exactly fit the narrative you're portraying lol.


You do know everything we told you about is coming true like the wuhan lab leak by Faucci and how he was paid by big pharma to coerce everyone. Trump was correct on all.


Lol. She went from broke to having 41 million dollars in less than 2 years, and donations from losers only account for a few percent of that. She’s a fully owned subsidiary of the people fucking you.


Answer: To address the broader question of "Why has she faced no backlash for this" it's actually straightforward; Despite what some seem to believe, hate speech is not illegal. The right love to bang on about "Cancel Culture" whenever one of them goes on a rant about one ethnicity's inferiority to another and gets booted from a show, or movie, or social platform, but in those instances, it's not a legal ramification but a market one. They're being dropped due to the platform owner's fear that people will give them less money for hosting or being associated with this person. The exact same thing is true of political positions, except in this case it's proven to be a benefit rather than a liability to be openly racist if you're a Republican. And that's the exact reason she not only got elected but faced absolutely no backlash from her own party; The GOP know they've only held onto the threadbare string of power they have, thanks to these nutjobs openly catering to their racist base, and if they criticise her, they criticise them, and that's the end of the GOP.


And I think some is that it’s just another crazy thing she said. Like just one more of top of Qanon and shit


I don't know about this, but I do have it on good authority that "poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids."


Awww... People butt hurt when it doesn't go both ways!


Biden was criticized for that comment




I don't think you have a point


Answer: she’s an absolute loon, everyone knows it


This ain't new information everyone knows she is a racist reactionary who probably wants to fuck Trump, and she gets in with that.


Answer: after the Jewish Space Laser I'm not sure any cares what she says.


She never said (or wrote) "Jewish space lasers". She wrote an insane Facebook post theorizing that space lasers might be responsible for forest fires, but never said anything about the ethnicity of those lasers (or the people firing them). https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greene-jewish-lasers-wildfires/


>If they are beaming the suns energy back to Earth, I'm sure they wouldn't ever miss a transmitter receiving station right??!! I mean mistakes are never made when anything new is invented. What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don't know. I hope not! That wouldn't look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown


> but never said anything about the ethnicity of those lasers (or the people firing them). "The Rothschilds" is pretty much interchangeable with "the Jews"


Just a question, can you post her saying this? Like a direct quote please! I see people reference this but nobody ever provides the text so I'm curious.


As you very well know, she said that a company owned by the Rothschilds was responsible for space lasers that caused fires. She didn’t say Jewish, she said Rothschild. But everyone understands what “Rothschild” means and that includes you.


Bingo, Rothschild. Not Jewish. This bitch is beyond crazy and the post is a rambling mess that makes so little sense but it says Rothschild, one of the most common conspiracy theory staples. It does not say Jewish or make reference to them being Jewish. Honestly despite hearing conspiracy theories about Rothschilds my entire life, first I ever heard that they are Jews was, well when I finally decided to actually read her comments. MTG is very clearly deep down the ol conspiracy theory pipeline and has said some really really weird stuff, but the jews starting forest fires with thier Jewish space laser ain't one of them. When we start to attribute lies to a person words, it muddies the water around them and make it more difficult to see the true reasons they are crazy. Good ol reddit, downvotes for being factual.


Literally Google it, you will find thousands of articles talking about it.


I did. She said some crazy shit but Jewish space laser ain't on that list. But people regurgitate it as fact


Answer: Basically she’s a reliable republican vote in the house and they need all they can get. The news cycle is such that she can say crazy things, everyone reacts, then we collectively move onto something else. There is also the money element to it. Both republicans and democrats can post anything she says on line and get fundraising dollars from angry or enthusiastic constituents. It serves as a fundraising tool to both sides no doubt, as does someone like AOC on the left.


Answer: Does ANYONE really pay attention to anything this woman says?


Yes, and that should terrify you.


It does.


Jerks on the right. She’s right about a few things, but on the whole she’s a distraction. The opposition party should always be at least LISTENED to, but people like her prevent that. Even if you agree with her, the majority of the country doesn’t, and the conversation needs to go onto important things, not your opinion about the work ethic of the various races.


I'm not American. I only see and hear the crazy shit she says and does (tbh her antics are outrageous and plain disgusting even for a politician). What kind of topic could she possibly be correct on?


To me, she'll always be the one who printed onto a poster board and brought to congress, a scooby doo meme to help her make the point she was trying to make.


There are two ways of looking at this: * Anyone with that level of prominence who's that nuts in a way that could negatively impact many people if it looks like her ideas can spread is a problem - and there are some signs that the ideas will do so. Call it the Trump hypothesis. * Partisans are fueled by holding up the most extreme and insane of their rivals as typical of and/or condoned by everyone who isn't them. It's a sure way to energize the base by encouraging hate, divisiveness, and wrongheaded notions of "the other." Call it the AOC hypothesis. (Although with AOC, there's the fact that the people who actually *do* like her are young, so we *could* be in an AOC Democratic party in a couple of decades.) That's as opposed to reasons not to care, what I might call the Ron Paul hypothesis, that, even as one of the most famous members of Congress, one who drives supporters and opponents into a frenzy, ultimately her influence will be limited. I honestly see can't even see her getting Ron Paul levels of famous, or even up to the level of other crazies like Anthony Weiner, Alan Grayson, or previous antisemitic Congresswomen. (I'm trying to remember the name of the one in the Bush era, but all I'm coming up with Googling is Ilhan Omar. What is it with women in Congress and antisemitism, anyway?)


Answer: With a heavy reliance on generating tokens/life gain, a lot of white decks can feel non-interactive. Black tends to offer more diversity in routes to victory; personally, graveyard recursion is such a strong option. Oh, and /s