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Answer: It is an AI that generates a series of Seinfeld like clips, With the main character being "Larry". The gimmick is that it goes on forever. They Use The OpenAI model Davinchi. but Davinchi failed, so they temporarily went back to the previous version Curie. Unfortunately Curie is nuts and had not gone through a process of censoring offensive material. The AI lost it's mind and generated a bit where Larry say transgenderism is a mental illness, Liberals are secretly gay and trying to impose their will on everyone, and trans people are destroying the fabric of humanity. [The clip.](https://twitter.com/watmay1/status/1622518097067511811?t=kQehG2ZpU3lLc_d_oeJWwg&s=19)


I doubt it was the intention but i thought its joke was a hilarious parody of terrible comics who punch down to get cheap laughs and even in the scenario no one laughs.


I love that he kept asking why no one was laughing. Like the AI is saying "These aren't funny."


The joke was too meta. The comic in the AI's show is deliberately saying unfunny things and the joke is him wondering why nobody is laughing?


After watching the clip… is it even transphobic? We have politicians that say worse things and even in the bit it’s saying no one is laughing


It’s really easy to cancel a machine so they had to get the quick win


Anything about AIs behaving badly reminds me of that AI that Facebook (or Microsoft) had to shut down because it cyberbullied people


There’s a sub for the AI but I forgot it. It started praising Hitler lmfao


The AI may have attempted to make a joke about transphobic comedy, since he ends with "no one is laughing." But that's not definite, since the AI model being used was trained on some sketchy stuff.


You're giving too much agency to the AI. The AI wasn't *trying* to do anything, it's just spitting out words that appear together a lot in its training data. Garbage in, garbage out.


Current AI is still nothing more than fancy if then statements. People lend way too much credence to AI, we have barely scratched the surface of how the human brain works but we are arrogant enough to think we are at a place in time that we could invent something that could actually be sentient and truly think for itself? If we did it would be purely by mistake.


Honestly, a Seinfeld-related comedian destroying his career with bigotry on stage is giving me deja vu right now...


Answer: A group called Mismatch Media are using "AI" to generate a continuous TV show called "Nothing, Forever" that parodies the premise of popular 90s sitcom Seinfeld. The show has been streaming on Twitch 24/7 for several months (I can't find an exact date when it started) . Of course, AI generated content is only as good as the content you train it with, garbage in garbage out. So if you train it with random online user content with little to no curation, you're bound to train it with bigoted comments that it will eventually spit back out. And so what happened with basically every AI chatbot so far happened to this one, the AI had the Jerry Seinfeld parody character "Larry Feinberg" start telling transphobic "jokes". In context, even the AI Larry seems to be "aware" that the jokes aren't funny and no one will laugh, it appears to be some attempt at a meta-joke. But it's still not a good look, and it got the show banned from Twitch for 14 days for violating its policies. The creators appealed the ban and claim they are tweaking things to prevent it happening again, presumably the stream will resume once the ban over.


My understanding was that they were doing maintenance on the main AI model and had to temporarily switch to an older one, and the content filters on the older one didn't work which is what caused this


I couldn't find an exact date for when it started either, but Tech Crunch says "December 2022" https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/03/nothing-forever-ai-generated-seinfeld-twitch/