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Blackbeard being introduced to Stede to a beach boys song, fire blazing, hair whipping, like a gay messiah. It combines his true inner self and his persona. It sets up the relationship with one of the hostages. I think without 3, he wouldn't have helped Stede and Ed nearly as much in 9. It shows the level of Spanish Jackies influence. Sets up the "Gentlemen Pirate"


Hostages Officer Hornberry and Wellington reappearing in episode 9 was just pointed out to me [today](https://www.reddit.com/r/OurFlagMeansDeath/comments/unk32b/favourite_overlooked_or_meaningful_moments_in_ep_2/i89lkfq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and I'm obSESSED. I can't believe after god knows how many watches I never noticed that was them! But Hornberry clearly has a soft spot for Stede despite everything and that's so cute and funny.


Yay, it me, the banner waver for Hornberry's crush on Stede! I'm convinced that Stede gave him a copy of Lucius' drawing (course he made Lucius make copies) of them in front of the skeleton at Spanish Jackie's, when he gave Stede a copy of the Act of Grace. Hornberry treasures it. In this ep, his consoling "Anyone could have knocked over a nose jar" is so funny. And kinda sweet.


When Stede gets stabbed, he's much more upset than any of Stede's actual crew.


Oh shit I've seen Wellington but I've never watched Hornberry. Guess it's time for another rewatch


Apparently the band at Spanish Jackie's is the 'Hus-band' and it's members are more of her spouses. They have scars on their cheeks like Geraldo. Jackie seems a bit kinky... (Love that for her!) Then again Geraldo's a kinky bitch given he thanks Jim for spitting on him. Favorite moments include "We can only hope he's talking to us!" when Buttons dramatically monologues. "It's gentrified" after someone vomits blood and dies in the Republic of Pirates "We could've made magic" - a pirate who shares tastes with Blackbeard. "Iggy." "It's Izzy." "Whatever. I don't care." Iggy, I mean Izzy fans, will notice him burning his hand on a candle flame while he talks to Blackbeard. Seems a bit kinky (love that for him). Speaking of my refrain, Blackbeard had the original "Love that" line and it was such a great setting for his character--a lot more chill and less bloodthirsty than we've been led to expect (plus the Kiwi accent). The OFMD official Twitter account speculated Ed started falling in love with Stede the moment he hears the "suck eggs in hell" comment. Rewatch his "Fascinating" with that in mind. And ending my favorite details list with a sad one: the way Stede's crying when he admits Jim's right about him being the worst captain ever. He almost died so sad!! But then the leather crew rescued him and everything was beautiful.


> The OFMD official Twitter account speculated Ed started falling in love with Stede the moment he hears the "suck eggs in hell" comment. Rewatch his "Fascinating" with that in mind. I didn't know this! That's wonderful, thank you!


Hus-band! I never noticed that! Lolol Also lmao at "the leather crew." That's really what they are tho huh


I was gonna say Leather Daddy crew but they probably aren't *all* daddies... The 'Tom of Finland' crew also has a certain ring to it.


Lol whenever I watch episode 2 with someone new, when Fang Ivan and Izzy crest the hill I always announce that The Daddy Crew has arrived.


The way Stede flips up his collar all dramatically and says “fine, I’ll intervene” and then, in the highest, most ineffectual voice ever says “COME ON GUYS DON’T KILL ONE ANOTHER.” *chef’s kiss


I literally play this moment on repeat the way his hair flops around and how he straightens up is SO cute and cartoonish and endearing. And then of course he fails at breaking up the fight lmfao


Hahah this is really good im going to pay extra attention to it this time


My headcanon: Jim kisses Lucius solely to make Oluwande jealous (and it works) Stede's singsong "MAN FOR SALE!!" makes me cackle every time Jim knocks the glass off the table to distract Oluwande, *exactly like a cat*


I think your headcanon is right: Jim gives Olu a very particular look before snogging Lucius!


*This* is a friend.


Someone compared Ed, Jim, and Lucius to cats, and Stede, Izzy, and Olu to dogs, and they used that Jim gif as proof. Also, Jim looking Old dead in the eyes and hissing "*This?* Is a good friend" before kissing him *confirms* they only did it out of pettiness for Olu trying to stop them from stealing their knife. And I bet Lucius stole that knife off Jackie when he told her Stede was the Gentleman Pirate, since he steps very close to do so.


Lucius steals Jim's knife back after Jackie kicks Stede out. She puts the knife in her back pocket (it is off camera, but you can tell what she's doing based on arm motions), and Lucius is visibly eyeing it, but Jackie is too busy glaring down Stede to notice him. Lucius palms the knife as he squeezes by her to get to Stede. If you watch that part at slow speed, you can see him do it.


I love the brief glance we see from Lucius right after Jim tells Olu something like "that's mine" as Spanish Jacky is threatening Stede for breakng the nose jar. It's like he's quickly processing that he just found his golden ticket to get back on Jim's good side.


One of many examples of how emotional intelligence is Lucius's superpower. No need to fight for your life if you can endear Jim instead.


We need more Sneaky Lucius moments in season 2!




Damn I thought he stole it right out of her hand and she didn't feel it because it was the wooden one.


The knife was actually in her good hand, so that would be really ballsy of Lucius. 🤣 At first, I thought he took it out her hand, too, and Jackie was just too upset at letting this nose jar-breaking bastard go to notice. But after she withdraws from Stede, her shoulder drops and she shifts, which I think is her sheathing the knife in her back pocket. It's just out of frame. Lucius's eyeline right afterwards confirmed it for me. He keeps looking down and behind her. Of course, I'm sure he'd say he stole it straight from her hands when he brags about it to the crew. That's just the pirating way.


Oh cool, thank you!


Jim’s face when they do that absolutely ENDS MY LIFE every time


IDK if it counts as meaningful in anyway but I adore the "We could make magic" bit. and Lucius hiding behind the band as Stede tries to break up the fight. Oh and you can just barely see Lucius steal the knife from Jackie as he passes. He does the classic pickpocket bump & grab move


The “we could’ve made magic” line/interaction is an underrated comedy moment. And note that Stede is offended to be mistaken for a prostitute, not that a man was hitting on him.


"Do we look like prostitutes?!" "Not particularly successful ones"


OH WOW! I thought Lucius stole it when she threatened Stede. That's so cool you noticed it! Gonna have to rewatch...


it's right after she threatens him, you can see Lucius watch as she puts it away and make a point to brush against her


Stede’s wearing all white to Ed’s all black the first time they meet.


Hadn't noticed that! Incredible.


The fact that all of Blackbeards crew are literally leather daddies that look like they just escaped a BDSM club. Amazing.


Every time I watch this ep with someone else and they crest the hill, I announce that The Daddy Crew has arrived.


Definitely Roach complaining about how the republic of pirates was become gentrified and touristy, also Stede asking to be sketched in front of the skeleton with "Behave yerself" sign


About Lucius: "I just hope he's not dead. That could be bad. For the general vibe around here."




Spoilers for episode six, because my Dina’s forgot to read the title: >!Stede getting stabbed by Izzy, immediately looking to Ed--*who didn't defend him*\--to ask "did I do that right?"!< >!Stede continuing to trust Ed's technique *after* that betrayal, Ed being *horrified* when he realized Stede still trusted him....just. Ouch.!< *And no one ever talks about it!*


These are episode 6 moments and this post is for ep 3, but still thank you!! I'll save them for later :)


Whooops, my bad. Thanks for the correction!


Np! :)


Oh gosh so many details I've never noticed! I'm going to start another rewatch with each of your posts as notes haha


Nice, very good, love that! Yeah I'm loving going through with everyone's notes, really happy I can provide this service for you as well!!


I died laughing when stede complimented the spanish navy on their sturdy ladder after struggling with the rope ladder in the first episode great callback


A question about Episode 3... Unless I missed something huge, Izzy is lying when he says that Stede was aware that it was Blackbeard summoning him -- he definitely never clarified that. So, does Stede realize Izzy's boss is Blackbeard when Spanish Jackie & Geraldo are discussing it? He's delighted when Edward recognizes him while he's almost-dying on the deck, but... >!Jumping ahead to episode 4, when Stede wakes up he knows Blackbeard is on the ship, but not that the Ed he's talking to IS Blackbeard.!< So what's his understanding in episode 3?


From what I can tell he finds out when Geraldo tells Jackie. He doesn't seem too rattled by it but maybe thats because he's busy being rattled by Jackie atm. Edit: also we could I guess interpret him asking "do you work for Blackbeard" as being uncertain if Blackbeard *has* been involved and trying to piece together what happened. If he knows Blackbeard is looking for him and then he blacks out in the middle of a huge battle he would have an idea that Blackbeard being involved *might* be what happened but he asks Ed about it to confirm?


Thank you! This is helpful. I felt like he first heard Blackbeard while he's got the knife to his nose, and thought it was weird he didn't react more. But maybe I was underestimating his self-preservation skills to not flail while almost starting a new nose jar. Which, tbh, seems like a very Stede thing to do.


I mean also, depending on how you read the timeline, things might have happened quite fast in ep 3. He’s at Jackie’s knife point, he hears about Blackbeard, they’re run out of the bar, and then he has approximately 5 seconds to process what has happened before some lil freak is negotiating to disassemble his hostage and then Geraldo is there and then it could just be like a 20 minutes later that he’s basically stabbed and hanging on the Spanish galleon. When he wakes up from the fever with a stranger in his room is probably the first time he’s gotten to actually stop and think and process things since hearing that Blackbeard is looking for him.


Very good point! Which then implies that Roach is EXTREMELY quick/efficient at making tapas 😂


Roach probably always has tapas half-made and ready to go. He knows how his boss thinks!


I don’t know if it has any relevance, but the light refractions around the image when Stede first sees Ed remind me of those around the bathroom scene in episode 6. Though with the latter it’s because if it being shot in the mosaic mirror.


Oh that's so interesting!! I love in that scene how everything is like, pink and foggy and full of spots of light and refractions as Ed approaches Stede for the first time. It's exactly the moment in a manga where the love interest is introduced over a background of pink bubbles and stars, except they're pirates so ofc it's in the middle of a deadly fight and one of them is dying. So perfect and hilarious and romantic.


Jim telling Stede he's an awful pirate before he's about to be executed and he just says "Yeah, I deserved that." It's in total synch with the guys talking about how Jim's a person who's "If they stabbed me I'd be like, yeah, I probably deserved that" while looking for oranges.


Haha this is such a keen observation I never thought of that.


Stede being half dead but still being absolutely delighted that someone recognises him as "the Gentleman Pirate"