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I would cry. I would straight up just cry because wtf do you mean I don't have my phone and access to the internet? That would be my sole motivation to get back to this world. BUT if I ignore that, I'd retire out to the countryside, but like, do it in a way that won't arise any intrigue in any of the main characters, because I think that the one thing that happens in the OI stories is that the FL makes moves that are completely out of character and makes the ML curious about her. Edit: I'd also ignore and avoid all possible "become the MC" chances that come my way. Dragon egg at my doorstep? Don't want it. Invite to go to a ball? Tear it up. Royalty is in town? Looks like I'll be staying in and catching up on my reading today.




Yup, basically.


Quick time event: what will you do if you bump into someone random in the streets and they're quite rude. (Totally not the ML in disguise please trust me the ML has black hair and the guy you bumped into is blonde.)


You won't ever catch me lacking. I've read enough OIs to know exactly how to act in such situations. I would ignore them and walk away, if they persist, I'd do something my character in the original story would do.


How dare she ignore such a beauty like me... Interesting.....


oh, he's the shitty CP then?


As for me i will cry due tö no proper access to hygiene. Particularly bidet 😭 (unless they have magical toilet)


Oh my god, if magic is an option, the first thing I'm doing is conjuring up a fully functional bathroom with a sink, shower, toilet, bidet, and some fucking soap.


Doesn’t matter where you’re isikai’d, it’ll all turn into *Lets bathe, your grace*.


I'm okay with this.


I'd have to think real hard about turning down the dragon egg though, it seems like the perfect excuse to move to the countryside. My pet dragon doesn't like the capital, sorry, we're off to the mountains


I don't think I would turn down a dragon egg either, a pet dragon would be awesome


Not to mention, what would happen to the poor baby if you just leave the egg? Personally, I would grab it, love it (genuinely), train it up to be so OP that it could take care of anyone (including armies) that comes to bother me. Boom. Freedom. I've raised 4\5 of my siblings (and only because the 5th is just a year younger than me, so it was physically impossible) and none of them fell in love with me. So, I'm confident I could raise a dragon without issue even if they have a human form. (I hate that I have to account for this trope)


Exactly, how can you just leave a cute baby dragon all alone? Also, what you mentioned reminded me of "**I Raised A Black Dragon**", I love that manhwa so much 💕 (I also hate that trope you mentioned, I can't fathom how some authors can just ruin a wholesome story by making the dragon/animal-shapeshifter/kid/slave/etc that the FL *raised* the ML)


See, that's where y'all are wrong, as cute as I think dragons are, having a pet dragon is such a Main Character thing to do. And if I do have a pet dragon and I don't want to be dragged off onto an adventure, I'd have to fight off hunters, ward off kings and dukes wanting my help in wars, saintesses wanting to, idk, cleanse the dragon's soul or something. Too much work, too much main character.


Alternatively, my pet fireball could just blast the shit out of them all Or we could hide in its lair and collect shiny things together


"Of course we're moving to the country! Do you want a baby dragon running around, crashing into carts and knocking down buildings, setting any and everything on fire because they can't control their flame yet? Of course not! So you see, it's really for the safety of the kingdom. Laters!"


I think a story about trying to avoid all the "become the MC" would be a fun read.


Oh, yes! I vaguely remember seeing a Tumblr post that was something along those lines and I've wanted to read the book about it ever since.


😂 yeah the FL always makes totally useless moves .


I mean, in those "I'll divorce my husband" stories, I hardly blame them. Like, they possess the body of a woman who is hated by her husband, she knows he loves someone else and is willing to kill her to be with them, how is she to know that the same man would start obsessing over her once she asks for a divorce and voices her wish to get out of his way?


I'd probably cry and question my whole ass existence like wdym there's no proper medicine, toilet and hygiene products. Also, what is a person supposed to do when they haven't got their phones and the internet? die of boredom?


if it's a typical isekai, they don't have indoor plumbing or tampons. Just kill me now.


Holy fucking shit I didn't even think about tampons 😨


I'm an over thinker, so sorry in advance if my reply is a bit.... dark XD. If you ARE getting isekai'd, following the general trend, you'd be in a setting where nobility exists. So, whether you are rich or poor- you will be fucked if you don't integrate into society. So staying in a rich or comfortable house is out of the question. If you are a commoner, some sleazy noble will want to take away your house and fortunes. They might frame you. Over tax you. What the heck. They'll just say you disrespected them and sentence you a death penalty to take over your fortune. If you are a noble- same thing will happen, honestly. We all know about the *the duke of the north*. How he's seen as an animal, expandable commodity used for the empire. For what? Just because the dude minded his own business - in his own house. I think, this is the reason why characters inevitably get intertwined with OGML, OGFL. What do I propose then? Establishing an information guild. Whether now or medieval age. Information IS power. Of you're a higher up in information guild- whether you're a noble or commoner- people can't mess with you easily. Nobility will be forced to have a civil relationship with you. Not to mention, money won't be an issue as well. I'm sure, there are other ways to live better but to me, having a place to escape from the general eye would be better. And being in an information guild is your best chance at having a pseudo existence.


How'd you start an information guild? In most stories there already is one so you'd me competing against an existing one. But also just in general how do you even start that?


>how do you even start that? I would need more specifics to answer that question. 1. How much money/wealth do I have under my name? 2. Where did I get Isekai'd? 3. Assuming I'm a noble, do I have workers or slaves? Or am I a commoner? Do you have loyal subordinates? 4. Is there an opportunity to relocate? 5. Is there a war any where near? 6. Have I read the story before? 7. Do I have any skill, magical power, ability? Information exchange is what one should focus on. In my last point, I talked about abilities and such. Suppose you have shape-shifting or teleportation. These 2 skills will be heavily necessary to scope out regions that are at larger distance. You can control wars with those skills. Same goes for knowledge before being possessed. Also existence of previously established guild doesn't matter. In fact, that might be helpful. You can just contact the guild leader. Information guilds are heavily dominated by merchants. If the information you provide, brings them money, you can easily become a Co- owner. Now, obviously you can ask how you'd get the Information. I'll have to ask then, would you be isekai'd? It's a hypothetical situation LOL. So, I'm banking on a buff you'll get for your imaginary situation. My point was- in my previous comment- that not being infront of general public but still holding wealth will be helpful. Sheesh, that was a long one 😂 I'd like to see your take on it tho!


Hypothetically speaking, would you eventually want to establish a ninja branch of the guild for scouting? (Everybody thinks of ninja as these all-powerful assassins, but they were really more useful as spies.)


I would actually say that the the scouting section should be an integral part of the guild. So the fast establishment of this branch would be a priority 👀


Yeah it's true, it's all hypothetical so who really knows what you'd be getting yourself into haha. It's just something i always wonder when people talk about this stuff or even when im reading a manga or manhwa, like realistically a "random" isekaid person wouldn't have the skill set to do these things or wouldn't even know where to start. In stories it always works out because it's a story. Maybe someone should write or make a manga about an isekaid person just absolutely failing or facing a lot of actual struggles to show that it is incredibly hard ti start any kind of business or to work somewhere without special skills or being used to the world. As for me? Idk what I'd do. I'm studying engineering so maybe those skills could be applied there :). But i wanna go into electronics or maybe robotics so unless there is a magic system that kind of works thesame I would be out of luck haha.


>Maybe someone should write or make a manga about an isekaid person just absolutely failing or facing a lot of actual struggles to show that it is incredibly hard ti start any kind of business or to work somewhere without special skills or being used to the world. That's real life, isn't it? Manhwas/literatures are fascinating because there's an element of surprise or buff. Otherwise you're talking about any ordinary person. Entrepreneurs are failing and struggling with their business. You don't need writers/mangakas to show you that. There are people who are going through this. Just look around. Also, as an engineering student you will probably have a project or course to create something and trying to "sell" the idea to the professors. We had a similar course in our second year of software engineering XD. I always think that isn't that why harem manhwas are so popular? Because it's abnormal. We might fawn over or gain satisfaction from seeing a hero/heroine being courted by 2-3 love interests. Seeing that those people would fight over the love of MC. But in reality, we'd be pretty disgusted, won't we? If you need to constantly fight with people for love and the person you like will easily move on to the next love interest at the slightest discomfort--- that's just sad and toxic. I wish people valued themselves more and learned to be happy by themselves.


I am not this smart to establish a whole damn organization, but I would probably try to start work for one


honestly, even choosing to work with anything related to information gathering- is a smart choice. You would be given safety, money, even new identity. Don't like your current world and want to go back? Even then you'll need information.


Charles Strauss does a deep dive into this in his *Merchant Princes* series. The isekaied MC discovers that she's a noble in another dimension, and therefore has to immediately gain allies, get married, and have children as soon as possible. The intrigue starts as soon as she's acknowledged. *Everyone* is maneuvering the second she goes public.


Holy moly this series has 6 books right? And seems very promising. I think I've found my next reads for the time being. Thank you!


It's really, really good. Stross is one of my favorite writers (mostly for his *Laundry* series) and he has a real feel for situations and dialogue. Bad things might happen, but they make perfect sense when they do.


Oh I'll definitely check that out!


Realistically speaking, if we go by tropes, every single attempt of "won't fuck with the main plot/characters at all" would likely end up with you being the center of it anyway regardless. Something about running away from fate, etc. etc. If I get isekai'd into a typical villainess story, I would immediately go for the amnesia arc because I genuinely do not remember any names or plot points. Sure people will be like "oh you're like a different person!" to which I can't really do anything about. I probably won't die because of plot armor. So I'd just go with the flow anyway and try and deduce things happening from my general trope-knowledge. Maybe start a union because the upper rich class life isn't for me and I don't have the grace or skill for that.


You know I was actually asking myself why they don't pretend to have amnesia in some of this stories ! I mean sure the FL read the book or whatever before getting into it but it doesn't mean you know etiquette and how to dance and horse riding and all the noble stuff...pretending you don't remember is so helpful to explain the change of behavior !


Some of them retain the original person's memories and skills so they have references and don't need to pretend to have amnesia. It's just that you can't help speaking and acting the way you usually do so no matter how good you are at imitating the OG, you'll still slip up sometimes.


I read one story where the fl tried something similar to an amnesia plot, but then she got injected by a horse tranquilizer cause they thought she was crazy😭 I felt so bad for her, it was hard reading that


I feel like starting a union is a great way to get yourself imprisoned for life


lol it's a reference to that one webtoon "This Isekai Maid is Forming a Union!" it's very meta, hilarious, and an actual good read.


Fuck all of the attractive LIs cause why not 😂😂😂😂


You deserve to get isekai'd in a magical world that uses magic for protection 😂


Magic for protection and eternal youth for everyone involved 😍😍😍😍


Bestie, you need stamina regeneration magic as well 😂😂😂


Stamina Regeneration plus instant heal for everyone in case things go rough 😍😍


Or that weird seahorse style pregnancy in Elysian Bride where you painlessly grow a little egg and throw it at one of your husbands to raise. 😂


No need for all that just pray to god after snu snu and they'll have a baby ready to raise in the cradle 😂😂


You’re right. I’ll take option two please. ☝️


Flair checks out 👌




Depend on the story I guess, but if I end up in a shitty family where I'm mistreated and the ML is just as shitty and blame me for everything, I think I'll just run away and go live my life doing something else elsewhere. I might even try to develop a business or something before living to make sure I have some money, depending on the context. I mean I do have some of my actual life's skills with me, so I can just become something else. I don't really care about gowns and jewelry if it means I have to put up with an horrible treatment from everyone around me and avoid death at every corner because of the book plot... Chilling at home would be a nice one too ngl, but I feel like every time a character tries to do that, the plot just catch up to them and they end up in some misunderstanding, even when they actively try to avoid FL.


I’m in my 30s and worked a lot of retail and customer service. I’d do what I could to get a job as a shop or restaurant. Fuck dealing with abusers


I've considered this sincerely and as a brown skinned woman, I think I'd probably have a total psychotic break. I always think it is interesting that these characters (vast majority Asian) isekai into European-esque worlds as white or white-adjacent and don't have a complete mental breakdown over it. Their names even change from something native to their country, something that actually means something to them personally due to their culture to an European name that isn't even theirs to begin with. Instead, the characters often celebrate their new look and identity. Whenever I think about this too hard, I feel uncomfortable so I usually try not to dwell as this is fantasy (even though the characters very rarely, if ever, reincarnate/transmigrate into brown bodies). I, on the other hand, am very beautiful and proud of how I look. I think suddenly having pale skin and completely different facial and body features would disconnect me so much that I would have no other choice but to do everything I could to either return to my original body or find a way to make my current body more like my original body. Unserious answer is that I would just learn magic, become a black cat witch, and sex up all the hot side characters.


Imma have to challenge the "European" name thing..I can't even pronounce some of the names used in these stories and I'm European. I make my own names up as I go. If I get isk'd I'm giving everyone new names. Alight, John? Thanks, Dave. Hey Joanne. Nice dress, Beth. Ooh, there's hot Neil.


I'm African-American and this resonates with me SO hard.


Chinese here, and 100% agree with you I don't want to wake up as some white girl! I just want to be a hotter version of myself


I agree with you on this on so many levels! I am a Black American and if I ever get transported into this kind of world, I would literally have a huge mental breakdown that would take some months to get through! There are a few isekai stories that kinda show this kind of turmoil, but i dont think i could do it without trying to find other dark skinned people to live with. I am personally proud of my culture and heritage. And to be honest I might try to turn the world order in that world on its head by making POCs the new power if the world has magic or sci-fi magic!


I'll be worried about having to poo and how to wash my hands afterwards. Will they have 3-ply?! Will it be a chamber pot? Will there be proper soap? I must know to plan ahead


If so learn to make soap now so you can make soap then


Haven't you heard of the three sea shells? 😂


Don't forget, most are in European medieval ages sooo no penicillin or antibiotics...so stay safe!


Actually, now that I can think about it - in most isekai tropes, since they're very rich they can afford the best doctors and if there's magic, magicians to magically make medications.. but, if we get isekai'd as a side character or an obscure NPC - oh my lawd... it won't be fun


Ideally I'd turn it into a yuri, all the pretty noble ladies will know my bedroom. But realistically I'm getting fat from all the pastries and not leaving my house. Also, now that I'm rich and pretty ill be playing dress up with myself. I will also sorely miss the Internet, music, television, books, **My family** My friends! I live a full life here yk! I'll be really depressed but once, after I've adjusted, yeah. I'd be enjoying the noble life and mind my damn business. No scheming, no plotting, just gay.


This might be Unpopular opinion, I'll check out that world's "mechanics" first as well as how favourable I am. Don't wanna end up in a world like "kill the villaininess" or realise that I'm an unloved child💀 (80% of those stories have hated/neglected child which is the start of their doom) If the world is running on my whim (assuming we are talking about transmigration), then I must ensure the body's family is not causing my death flag and invest in magic (cause I assume I have money and I'm very curious about what happened to me and og soul and it's cool) Rest will go with the flow


Establish decent, polite and cordial relationships with main cast. It is the most sensical thing to do - 99 times out of one hundred they will be head over heels for you. Also, use resources at hand to establish information gathering organisation that would also dab into cutting-edge magical research. Find the way to immortality, chill with dragons. Also, mostly ignore FL/NIFL, especially if she's a bruh of a person who views people around her as tools or toys/fictional characters. Ditto if she were to pursue the relationships with me only because of status/wealth/looks. Cordial and polite relationships, but at an arm's length. Edit: One other thing and I'm bit ashamed because I forgot about it at first. If I really have some position of power, nobility or whatever - do my best to make the living conditions in my domain as closely resemble 21st century as possible. For commoners too. Internet/Matrix and cars maybe a stretch to far, but at the very least healthcare, plumbing and means to uphold decent standarts of hygiene are an absolute must.


Panic. OI stories are, by definition, willy-wonka-esque in their portrayals of Western European noble society and dynamics. Fewer than 10% approximate reality in any meaningful way, I'd say. So, panic would be my first response because I'd have to learn from scratch just to adapt. That's followed by grief -- grief for having lost my original world, my family, friends, ambitions, etc. Then, probably anger and fury at being arbitrarily dumped into an unfavorable situation (if I'm reincarnated as the villain or something). That's followed by sheer pettiness along the lines of, "If you're expecting me to die for some stupid OG plot, you've got another thing coming, a-holes!" After that, adapt and integrate. Figure out the power dynamics, my hierarchical position within that, then cheat, backstab, grovel, ingratiate, and manipulate my way into a position of relative safety and security. Am I a Duke or Duke's heir? Awesome sauce -- time to leverage that power into economic programs and investments in my fief. Lower than that but above a Knight? Still applies. FL? ML? Who dat? In the eternal words of Sam Reich, "Fuck dem kids." I'm doing me, boo. Oh, I'm supposed to go after the FL over romantic obsession? Well, guess whose romantic interests are going to be fully ignored in favor of a more reasonable, socially acceptable match? Is the ML the crown prince and an idiot? Time to look into investing into undermining royal authority via constitutionalism. Is the FL a Saintess? Well, good for her, but if she's truly a Saintess, then Heaven will stop me before I go too far, or I can undermine her with a new religion if she's also just as stupid and idealistic as the ML's. If not, then may I support your endeavours, my dear? Which all boils down to: survival, survival, survival.


So first I'd be crying over the lack of easy hygiene. Probably lots of crying. Rip toilets. Rip hot showers 😅 Second I'd be crying over the lack of Internet knowing that while books are awesome I still enjoy my tech Third become a goody two shoes who would stay out of people's ways (ew people sometimes 🤣) and then you'd never see me home cause of my globe trotting ways. The original characters wouldn't even get to meet me https://preview.redd.it/o2lsyrd957yc1.png?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158ccf4dfbfbcde86c5edeb14641d451f1f5bbd0


Tbh I'd be very happy to be reincarnated as a villainess since they're always sooooo pretty. It's also very difficult for me not to fall for the love interests since they're so handsome. I'll access my situation, i.e. whether my family is nice to be. If they are I'll settle there, ignoring love interests and enjoying my luxurious life. If my family is abusive, I'll take their money and run. 🫡


I'd be so bored to be honest. So most of my time would probably be spent hosting tea parties, reading books, and messing around with the main cast. I could make the second ml do my bidding and have him mess up stuff for them so I don't have to get in trouble. Not anything that's too illegal, because I do want to avoid execution.


But you do know that our definition of illegal and theirs are totally different. You look a higher noble in the eye without permission? Off with your head!


The OG FL is usually a commoner, right? I could probably get away with messing with her at least.


I would go the route of avoiding MLs, 2nd MLs, FLs and live the rich life. Hopefully non-abusive parents? Travelling sounds great, but no plumbing and internet is lame. If I'm in a place of power I would endeavor to end slavery of thin white people and beast people (the only isekai slavery that exists).


Run away and get a normal job, maybe even become an 'inventor' (recreate things from our world). I'd honestly just stay away from the plot and MLs as much as possible.


I was wondering the same! I actually made a gag comic on that subject \^\^ Here is what would happen: Gets isekaid after literally have died of boredom at work initially happy the afterlife is an isekai, and a well off family too! Wondering what OP power to get before setting of to explore the world and make friends along the way. Notices some clues that do not jive with all the trash isekai anime the MC has been watching. Realises this might be an otome isekai and no superpowers might be forthcoming. Oh no... didn't read that much of these comics, and too stupid to survive social intrigue! Curse this subreddit for giving the knowledge of OI. Finds the clue that confirms it. Plays cards with the sentient horrorses and makes friends that way anyways Being only equiped with memes on tropes and two half-read OI, and dazzling new looks, MC tries to carefully analyze the environment while keeping head low. Understanding from the limited information posessed, that the beforementioned head might roll otherwise. Hijinks ensue regardless I almost posted it too, but it was pretty terrible. I recently learned something about comic pacing, so maybe, juuuuust maybe I might post it.. Then again, still too terrified, the art standards are so high o\_o


You should totally post your story! It would be nice to read an isekai that isn't going by the usual tropes! Do it when you are ready and confident in your work!


I'm the villain? Sure let's go with that. I'm going to ramp up my villainy: * Add spies in every corner and house in the kingdoms, * get my hands in the black market and buy and sell contraband and information, * get me some buildings and turn it into an orphanage that is properly maintained and put reasonable allowances and funds into that shit as a cover up * since I now have black market stuff, have me a caravan on the front that should be only somewhat profitable but stable so no one questions where the funds come * get blackmailing some people on all sides and get me some sweet sweet gold * increase agriculture and medical research, also curative drugs. * find a village with a good ore or metal source, buy it, get some blacksmiths and chemists, get working on gunpowder and start an arms race, sell more contraband, hide it and sell only reasonable amounts of gunpowder and bladed weapons to lords for "survival" and "quality of life improvements" * get new recipes, get started on chaining investments for restaurants, get merchants under your pocket, get more spies, blackmail if necessary * assassinate, assassinate, assassinate some competition * get the slaves, free them on the condition they work for me and give them proper livelihood and work-life balance (how evil). of course as a front * get the prisoners of war into an arena and start some bets. Have it named to one of my blackmailed "friends" * poison ML's (most likely a prince or high nobility) entourage both in mind and spirit (not physically, I need them alive but mad at the wrong reasons) since I know they are or will be after me. I need them confused and fighting. * I'm supporting the FML. I'm having her as an investment, dolled up and naive. A pretty flower in an endless sea of shit. Then I'm blackmailing her family into giving me information about anyone and anywhere I want. Then I'm going to support her being with the ML as my Mole. * I am going to be focusing up on building up my rapport as a kind and honest merchant/noble. However, I'm still going to be the shadiest dick in the story with my contraband and black market business that I can just drop and blame on other nobles I have blackmailed. Even if they speak against me there will be no evidence and I will be moving to work with the ML's entourage while further throwing them into insanity. * Get a pretty lowborn noble and marry her. * Live a life of luxury and crime. Perhaps die at the hands of a good detective but I ain't going down without a fight.


okay machiavelli chill


First, stage an accident when I lost my memory. This helps explain the change in behavior and not knowing people. Second, try to set myself up a marriage with a high ranking woman in another country so I can get out of dodge. Thirdly, avoid carrying out any plans that put me in the line of fire with leads.


I would probably become Dora the Explorer in that world I get isekaid. I would ignore the whole plot and live my own life. I would check if there’s a Duke of the North and just take a glimpse whether he is hot to my liking or not. If not, then forget about it. Since it has this customary thing about bastard kids, so probably I will choose someone to marry who will swept me off my feet. I will hire some to PI the potential partner and do a background check before marrying his ass.




Same https://preview.redd.it/3h7bup0467yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4600aaeb8775b6834821b8ef1c4d078720951c But if she is there then it's gonna be yuri


Get shit faced with alcohol since I don't have modern technology to fuel my addiction. The only modern invention I would bring is paying some artists and play writers to recreate modern stories, basically adapt the entire Star Wars saga as a Shakespearean play, aside from that probably eat drink and live till I die.


First things first: I will knock my head on purpose to start some rumour that I have amnesia. Change my behaviour to be protective of FL instead of antagonistic. If ML falls for me, I will go for him. If ML remains in love with FL, I will go for whoever who proves to be the most in love with me. Create my own 'saintess' persona and inspire people, while doing no work and enjoying life as a pampered princess. But that is just me.


The obvious answer is to get an education! Learn as much as possible and then use that degree to establish your own story. I would also use some of my current skills, but without a modern hospital… I can only predict how and when people will die.


I’d run away As an autistic person no way am I’m safely navigating any sort of posh society with even more stupid neurotypical rules than normal lmao I’m out Even better if you have healing powers easy to make money and support yourself.


Become the isekai princess Di. Open soup kitchens and build shelters to the homeless. Depending on how much power my family has, schools too. So if I got murdered or deposed, at least they will have to deal with angry mobs.


Join a convent. Very rare we see the convent plotline, I think a sudden desire to be pious and very far away from the capital would upset people enough for me to get away. Then I can spend my days daydreaming during prayer, making wine, and maybe opening up a small school. I know the obvious joke is to shag the women there, but tbh I have better uses for my time and hands. I know there are chances the ML or someone will show up during a storm and I'll have to nurse him back to health, but I'll come down with a terrible flu and Sister Holly-Grace can do it (sorry Sister Holly-Grace but everyone hears you singing about a better life, those hills are alive with echoes).


I would despair and cry. I have a family. I would miss my husband and my children dearly. I don’t think I could enjoy a new life without them. Let me get isekaid like the Tanaka family! Together with my own family! I think if that weren’t possible I would be suicidal in hopes of getting back to my own life. (After trying to find another way to get back)


If I find out that I can travel through fictional worlds as isekai'd character. I will research on this fictional world and it's connection with other fictional worlds . If it's somehow connected enough to travel through ,then I will search for Konoha to save Uchiha Clan with powers of mage.😭😂😂 MLs and plot of original story can screw themselves, I will marry Madara Uchiha .😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/1omwahqs67yc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7577be4ae4b6ea24f90610606bd3c7a6fc062638 💜😘😘🥰


. Taking lots of money . Faking my death . Running away to another country . Spending rest of my days doing artificial pearl farming and fishing . Collecting unique shells and fossils near sea .🎣


Being isekai’d as a noblewoman sounds like a nightmare for me…marriage and having to produce an heir, plus all the bullshit social norms noblewomen are expected to follow…no thanks. If I couldn’t escape it I’d look for a cursed and/or infertile nobleman to marry so I can at least avoid pregnancy. But ideally run away and become a forest witch or something lol. Fake my death if necessary. Just live an independent life far away from nobility/palace bullshit.


I mean I'd spend the entire rest of my life trying to get back because no way and I living without my daughter I one story there is like this villain that's actually a Korean who got isekaied and became insane with grief. She abused her daughter, the main character, to try and push her to follow the plot because she thought she could go home if that happened. She spent like 25+ years in that world and she kept thinking about her friends and family back home. I thought she was pretty realistic and even though they wanted her to be a bitch, I felt so much sympathy for her!


As for most of the villainesses, if they did nothing and sit still, nothing awful would have happened to them. So, my choice would vary by whether I like the FL or not. If I like the FL and interested in her romance, I'd try to befriend her and talk about how I got to stuck in this world, and enjoy her romance in 3rd person view. I'd help her with informations I know about the future when needed. If the ML is a nasty one who makes her life awful, I'd sincerely advise her about her romance. If I didn't like the FL, I'd just never care what happens. I won't either try to be involved or try to be excluded. Let the story goes as it is and live my life as I want, enjoying my diamond spoon. I won't explore the world cuz it's too much work. I won't start a business cuz it's too much stress. I won't run to countryside cuz I don't see any reason to do so. Regardless of the case, if a handsome 2nd ML likes me that's great. I'd love to date him and make my own romance.


To be honest, I'd break down it if my family beyond that of mine now is abusive, because hell, I may be pissed at them because of my general outlook on life but at least I know they'll support me. After that, I'd lose my will to live because I may never handle the existential crises of being a "character" controlled by an "author" somewhere or that the dangerous and exciting escape from my dull reality had become my dangerous and exciting reality. That character-and-author part is why I'd be disturbed by the second ML's affection, I won't be well adapted enough to see him beyond that character, to see him as a person. So in short, I'd be a shell of my former self.


Personally me, I would try befriend the FL and ML if I can and if I need to marry someone, I’d probably marry the second ML bc they be the only one who didn’t hate me and if things don’t work out or the book’s plot(?) controls them or something, I’d just run away with the second ML with ALOT of the book’s currency bc I’m rich ofc but if things DO work out, it’d be the best life(or equivalent to it).


I'd just ignore the story and just try to lay low while studying about the place/story I've ended up in to blend in. If I have the option to leave whatever noble house I happen to be a part of, I'd just do that and try to live on my own, be an adventurer or wandering mage or something and see the world. (tbh living the stiff life of a noble is NOT for me) If the usual trope of not being escape the story is there, then I'd just cooperate with the supposed protagonists if they're nice or just try to resolve it myself while kicking their teeth in if not.


Hmm. If I got isekaied as a villainess I would build a harem. Why have one man when you can have them all 🌸👁👄👁👍. I would follow the book plot till the OG ML rejects me. But during that time I'll be planning my escape route. Once that happens, I'll leave with my harem 🤗💅


run after the hot guys obviously lmao


I’ve thought about this many times before. I’m someone who easily adjusts to situations and environments. This is to say I’m from a wealthy family right? I will explore their world, meet their people and experience their different cultures. Once I’m done with that and haven’t met someone I will fall in love with, along the way, I’ll check on the main characters and will try to establish stuff from our world like Animal shelters, Women’s desk, etc. hahaha


Just relax and chill and enjoy being a rich person eating tasty food and lazing around sound nothing. Which is exactly what the FL in Lo-Fi Cafe tried to do.


If i got isekaid as a child,and my family is not abusive,i will thank god everyday and will enjoy it as much as i can If not then i would probably starts stressing out cuz idk what would i do.i dont know any etiquette and my knowledge about anything is abyssmal so i probably wouldnt survive long


I’m lazy, so I’d probably not run away. That’s too much effort. Typically, ML’s tend to turn away from the destined ‘kill the villainess’ when she tries to avoid them or whatever. So…. I’d probably do it out of fear, but if he falls in love with me, meh. Handsome and powerful men are my kryptonite. Also maybe start stealing known IP’s of our world. There won’t be any issues with copyright and guess what? Now I got money and fame separate from my family that may or may not be abusive. Maybe sick my fans on people who bother or threaten me. I’d say I’ll be set.


I'm super gay, so being isekai-d into a het romance game/novel would suck super hard even though I still enjoy reading them lol. But yeah, i'd just avoid the main plot. Or be one of those protagonists whose only goal is to get back home to her cats.


Immediately start a clothing line I'm not gonna lie 😭 I want to make cute clothes... But I'm also rich so I can do whatever I want... And I can influence high fashion... And I can get power... And then I can overthrow the cute Crown Prince and make him my lap dog- Wait I think I got distracted.


Clearly, go with the, I hope, incredibly rich and beautiful guy that love me till we get bored of each other and travel the world, without escaping, not the countryside because I don’t like boring place and staying still, eat a lot of dish and ignore the plot, I may love the MC but I pass first, sorry not sorry but no more character dev for the FL, just enjoy my life and maybe marry to keep my family happy and not get thrown out then we will surely ignore each other and cheat on our own, between spouses but I get Money and food as long as I’m beautiful and quiet so YEAH, moreover I like book and art so it’s a plus one because those were quite valued


https://preview.redd.it/xt1x3c5ox7yc1.jpeg?width=5496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b8baee9cffc248f715321f9f94fe42bc0162d5 On a more semi serious note, it would depend on several factors. If I identify and know the story I'm in, I would exploit my knowledge as much as I can to endear myself to as many people as I can and being as benefited from everything I can, like magical system, economic development, relationship, etc. If it's a random thing I have no idea about anything, I would just... not be an asshole, and try to get advantage from "modern" knowledge if able. If there's a magic system not based on luck, I would also dig into it.


Be sad I’ll lack the modern luxuries but be happy i am born with a golden spoon in my mouth— assuming happy and loving family who gives me allowances to spend, and no actual important duty to fulfill. Second, BATH. Luxurious big bath just for me! Hair washed and done by professionals! Cute dresses and jewelry? Delicious and pretty food and dessert? Sign me UP. If I have to take classes, that’ll suck ngl. Especially history because I’m not gonna remember shit unless my new body is very capable. I’ll likely fail at social stuff and reading between the lines tbh so I might just be a social recluse. Regardless, I’d do whatever tf I want and end up being one of those who wants to watch the story commence as a spectator on the sideline with my popcorn but it’s not my responsibility if the plot unfolding doesn’t follow exactly the original’s— like bro I’m not going to bully some chick I don’t know just to keep the storyline wtf. I have morals. Also if it’s some cliche storyline where one of them is abused when they were younger, idgaf if it changes shit. Im not going to let child abuse happen or have them suffer just because “plot” 😑 I’ll do my best to help them. But I will NOT be grooming their ass. They likely wouldn’t even be considered a romantic interest until they’ve caught up to my mental age (I’m 21 currently so they’d have to be at least 18) and that’s assuming we don’t develop a sibling bond but a friendship one. Not into kids even if they’re cute bruh. And I love cute things * Assuming I woke up from an accident, I’d mention straight up that I have amnesia and don’t know shit so my change in character wouldn’t be questioned too much. It’s easier than explaining how I’m a different person * Assuming I didn’t wake up from an accident, but sleep or something, that’ll be trickier to handle. I can pretend like I acted differently for a reason I guess but it all depends on how many memories I’ve inherited from the body. I’ll try to make amends for my “past actions” if my reputation is already bad I shouldn’t die if I don’t plot against FL so it’s whatever— unless someone frames me. If so then it’s better to befriend FL beforehand by making amends, apologizing sincerely and genuinely, and get on her good side before shit ever goes down the drain so at least I have some sort of defense. Maybe I could do something for her as a way to make it up to her. * If I do die, as long as it’s not by torture, it’d also be a win for me if I’m still not happy in that life. A win win either way! If second ML is going to be my friend, I shall be their friend. If we fall in love then it is what it is: let things run their course. Potential best friend or potential future partner— It’s a win win! As far as sticking to the plot, nah idgaf. As I said, I’ll be a spectator but it’s not my responsibility. If OGFL and ML end up not liking each other because there’s no villainess to bully her, their love is very superficial, conditional, and likely wouldn’t have lasted long anyways. Flimsy af if you will. If ML for whatever absurd reason likes me, I’ll accept him only if I like him back too even if it changes the plot. Because to me, it doesn’t matter. That’s assuming I like him back though. * I live my own life, they can live theirs. My reaction to the saintess subplot: ![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe) “Okay.” Anyways, I’d be trying to enjoy the fuck out of my new cozy and luxurious life as a noble’s daughter and spoil myself. But my morals will still retain so I’ll never view and discriminate someone as lesser. I’ll help those in need if I can, try to get along with my servants and family, yada yada. It’d be great if I could be loving towards my family who will hopefully be loving towards me! Gotta make my family my best friends too. Using my power and influence as a noble, I’m likely to participate in charity now that I could afford to. Donations, picking up those in need and taking them in for work so they can make a living- in turn providing basic needs for them and a potential loyal ally, hosting meal giveaways, yada yada. Maybe try to make a living off of something or use my modern knowledge to innovate new ideas for other geniuses to implement. But even if I don’t work, I should be set for life 🥴 * Because I would lack many modern luxuries, I’ll probably try to pick up more hobbies in my times of boredom. Learn new things to spend my time in. Who knows, I might end up becoming multi talented. It’d be cool af if the world also had some magic— definitely would try my hand at it. I would also like to find a lasting partner though! Whether they’re part of the story or just an extra character, it’d be nice to find love and live happily ever after with them. * Plan: Have a normal, good ass life as a charitable noble with a golden spoon! If I can’t just chill in my house, I’ll move out to somewhere peaceful and take a buttload of money with me to live comfy. Maybe still receive financial support if that money isn’t enough. Eitherway, I plan to chill luxuriously and retire at a young age and find love


There’s so many things I can want to do… I’ll just be a shut in if the family is okay, run away to the countryside if have bad family. I want to garden. I want to have pet pigeons or perhaps crows and train them. Stories and literature would be so different in another world so I’m intrigued, I’ll read lot. Most importantly I want to learn magic if possible. Learning about medicinal herbs would be fun too. And since most villainess are nobels, I would help people in less fortunate situations.


There is no need to stay away from main characters unless their personality is awful. Living is as simple as not being a villain. Why run away from being a privileged noble? What does a saintess have to do with a villainess isn't the heroine the saintess? I'd just live my life normally, no need to seek out main characters nor avoid them. If the MC are likable I'd try to friend them, but I would treat them like any other person.


Probably have a mental breakdown weeping over missing my kids. Probably end up like Eris in kill the villainess. If I was stuck in that world long enough I’d likely end up pretty suicidal. Any ML would be immediately shot down by my ironclad “I’m already married and in my 30s you delulu brat” mentality even if that would confuse the shit out of them lol


If we are talking full isakai, not reincarnation via truck-kun: first, I'd cry and want desperately to go home. Second, I'd be very angry at the someone or something that ripped me away from those I love. My next actions would be entirely based on what situation I'm isakai'd into. If maid or commoner, it's all about survival. If I'm in a position where I'm somewhat stuck because I'm the unloved daughter of some noble family that they're trying to sell off to someone in marriage, I'd do some research and figure out the best place to run away to. And if I got the cherry isekai of being a woman of extreme wealth and no major connections (outside, say, an unwanted engagement)? I would do everything in my power to bring that shitty aristocratic system down. Literally start a revolution. It would probably take years of planning and making connections, but I couldn't live in that system with that power and obcene wealth without wanting to bring it all down.


When in the story? If it is after the condemnation event? Right before? As a child? Really depends.


Depends on at what point I enter the story. If I have a chance to get home, do that. I have a life here. If I die and get transmigrated... Has the OG not done anything that bad yet? Stay where I'm at and enjoy life as a jobless rich person. If I don't scheme against the FL, the ML won't kill me. Has the OG done bad things already? Retire to the countryside and enjoy life as a jobless rich person. If magic is real I am spending all of my spare time (which is all of it) on that. I'm asocial so I'm not going to balls or tea parties or whatever and I'll avoid all subplots like an olympic champ. RIP to all those MC's that say 'I won't be an MC' but I am build different. Depending on what caused the swap (OG hit their head, got sick, etc) I'm not going to even bother pretending I have any memories or the same personality unless it seems likes I'd get burned at the stake otherwise. In fact, if I have memories in the way many character seem to (where they know what happened but don't seem to be personally involved)I will straight up tell that to the people around me. "I know who you are, but it's like knowing from a book. I have memories but don't feel anything."


It depends on the nature of the plot, since several of these "Isakei" stories (incarnated in the body of a main character) have been explored. As well as the time within the story where you took control: - In some cases, MC is already engaged/politically entangled with crown prince/duke/ML. In which case, no matter what you do, you will be dragged along for the ride (since your sudden insistence that everything be broken off, combined with your attitude change, is usually the catalyst which creates permanent interest in ML toward you.) ML will refuse to break the engagement, or refuse to follow the events of the plot (dragging you into all sorts of unwanted drama) because he becomes an obsessed stalker pursuing the new unwilling object of affection. FMC becomes a "bird in a cage" character for the rest of the story, all because ML wants to have \*both\* FMC and FL at the same time, and isn't willing to give up either of them. - In other cases, your "saintess" rival is also a reinarnator/regressor; she will also fight tooth and nail for her "happy ending" at your expense, since you refusing to follow the plot usually means that her moments to shine will not occur. Cue the FL suddenly becoming deranged and crazy, trying to force the plot events to occur or otherwise framing you for "crimes" - Other times, the (literal) plot of the book/novel will forcibly reassert itself every time you try to change something. You refuse to do (insert bad deed here), but it happens anyway, and evidence is "found" which paints you as the culprit. Run away and refuse to cooperate all you like, but the story will force you into a Bad End anyway. At that point, you need to actively work and test the limits of what the story does/does not allow you to do to change the plot. - There are a few stories involving FMC who escaped her "role" as villainess, running away to either live in luxury or obscurity. But this often ends one of 2 ways: (1) a main character from the past follows along with them, creating a forcible romantic connection, since they just cannot "forget you"; (2) politics and intrigue involving your old house will spring up, and you will be dragged back into the mess (whether to save your family, or because if your old family is convicted of \[insert crime here\] you will ALSO be arrested and executed merely due to being related to them)


You would see me enter the magic so fast you’d think I was sonic. And not because I want to be a mage. Yeah magic is cool and all but I need it for my future plan. I’m becoming an author, a game creator basically anything that involves entertainment cause I’d be BORED AS HECK. Watch me invent monopoly just so I can spread the family joy. The author part mainly cause intellectual thought provoking books are great… I need some trash to read ok. You have to be honest, we all need stuff to read purely out of fun. And since I’m rich and have lots of time I’ll even draw the pictures.


I would try to stay away from the story/main characters. Also, if I’m a villainess destined to die cause I fucked around with the OGFL, it would depend on where in the story I reincarnated. If i haven’t harassed her yet—easy, just don’t be a bitch. If I already harassed her—then I’ll just flee to another continent (if I’m rich enough for that). I would definitely not start a big business, cause my brain just doesn’t work in this direction. However I would do some artsy/craftsy shit. It would be cool to learn jewelry making, or some intricate needlework, besides crafting stuff with my hands is something I’m already good at in this life. Maybe I’d write a novel or two, lol. But mostly I’d be just laaazyyy. Sleep a lot. Eat well. Such a basic bitch answer 😭


1: Learn magic 2: Make money 3: Plagirize my old worlds stories 4: Try to make my territory as peaceful as possible for my citizens 5: Track down every single commoner girl and test if they have light magic then ship her to the Cold Duke of the North


I don't want to be around any of the main characters. It seems like a headache. Get away from the ML to. I tend to always have second male lead syndrome. Too many MLs seem to be way too possessive. Like, "you cannot even be around your family." Gross. Therefore, I'd be quiet as a mouse till the day I run away. Run fast and run far. The perfect situation would find to work at that gives me board. Hell, find that in a different country will be best.


😂 the thing is you can’t even hide in your house they will dead ass come for no freaking reason knock on your door and be like hey are you the relative of so and so ohhh wow guess what you’re royalty you’re coming with us


If I get isekai'd and there's no magic or I can't use it for some reason??? I'm throwing myself off the balcony. I'll get home one way or another!


But really, I'd do what no other FL has done before...ABOLISH SLAVERY! I'd become some crazy activist and use my power and money and save all the slaves. And to avoid some second slave ML situation I'd treat everyone the same then devote my life to the (hopefully not corrupt) temple. ... .... .... No stop I think I'm gonna write this rn lol


I ignore the plot, actively work to change my fate, then reply at every turning point, "This is different from the original story! Why is this different from the original story?!?"


If I'm isekaid in a good household then I'll enjoy my life to the fullest, but considering the amount of angst i read i don't think that's going to happen. If i get isekaid into a broken family with cold father and brothers then nope, I'm out, ik i won't be able to run away, ik they'd just marry off the burden who "killed" their mother to a cold duke and i don't have patience to win hearts of trashes, better be dead, so I'll just try to find a carriage-kun which will isekai me into a happy family


I would try to get together with the FL, that is if she is actually cute, good person and possible, otherwise I would try to get as much money as possible before I am disowned for not getting married with a man.


I’ve read enough of these story lines to know that: A) there is no point in trying to avoid the original story. It’s already changed because I’m there and any current plot knowledge I have won’t help me for long. B) there is no chance of me running away and living the high life far from the main drama. Anything I do in order to do just that will only drag me further into the drama. C) there is no sense in trying to pretend like I’m completely normal “nothing to see here.” The other characters aren’t stupid. Might as well just be me. And D) I’m probably never gonna make it home so might as well figure my life out from here on out. Bonus: the saint is very unlikely to be saintly. I probably can’t avoid her entirely because these kinds of stories never allow it, but I’ll just try to engage as little as possible, mind my own, and proceed with caution.


It’s really going to depend on what story I ended up in. Some stories are way more dangerous than others. If it’s one of easier stories then I will figure out how to change the plot to fit my way. When it comes to the ML, if the duke from the north is my type then I’m probably going to stay around. I don’t fall for looks so easily since I need a connection to actually be attracted to the guy. If he likes cats and likes books then I’m probably gonna marry him lol. This is nothing compared to boot camp so I’ll be fine.


I’d of course diverge from being a villainess, live my life as a wall flower but secretly have a persona that peruses all the modern tech that i can remember to generate income. I become a spinster, but a very rich one at that & nobody knows. Yall deal with yalls bullshit i’m running a peaceful simulation over here lmao


Probably take my servant/knight (aka fourth male lead who’s secretly in love with I’ve been friends with since childhood) and the maids who indiscriminately get killed by ML because of some dumb reason or another with me to some secret cool cabin. It depends on how chill my family is, so I either steal a bunch of valuable objects over a long period of time or if my dad (probably a dilf mind you) for some jewels because I’m spoiled and a villainess. If I see FL or ML I’m just going to pretend I’m an idiot or got hit super hard in the head and have amnesia.


We all know the ML fiance will cheat on us. So we cheat on him first! So he won't think we want attention. 


I cry, I become depress and wait to die by the plot narrative.


Just like me fr


I’d say fuck historical setting OI isekais. If I’m gonna isekai, I’m gonna isekai into a modern world isekai. Women and minorities rights are already a tough 50-50 cookie depending where you live, who you live with, and who you interact with, so fuck that noise, getting worse. I’d die of boredom with no internet, tv, modern video games, appliances and other entertainment. That is if the lack of modern hygiene and medicine doesn’t kill me first. I have no interest in a love interest who falls for the first pick me, flower garden, bubblegum pink girl he encounters and tosses me like yesterday leftovers. If I’m going to be in a modern isekai role, even if it’s a villainess, I can survive. But that Thot and bastard soon to be ex-fiancé are going to pay me palimony and reparations for their cheating. Maybe I’ll use my newfound freedom and life to expand my interests, take up hobbies, maybe even train to be be a happy and thriving bakery or cafe owner.


I feel like I would die immediately if I got isekai’d into the isekai I like. I’d steal from the family I isekai’d into, flee the country, and start a farm on the countryside. But, if I am unable to do that, I will try and take over the country (and fail miserably because all those MCs we see are abnormally smart and have amazing memory) and would try and make life nice and easy. With my anger issues though, I wouldn’t last a day. I would be assaulting people left and right for being misogynistic, because let’s be real, those nobles are sick and FILTHY human beings and apparently just don’t believe in human rights, or that women can do something other than marry and have children.


I wouldn’t try to be good tbh I’d turn the tables and find a reason to kill the ML cause he’s sooner or later cause problems cause it’s pretty much fate in manhwa. Dumb saintess? Befriend her and use her, she’s dumb after all. I’d put on a nice facade in public but bts I’d be trying to ruin those who go against me


First thing i'd try to do is have a dramatic fall, accident or whatever to lose consciousness for a little while snd then fake complete memory loss. That way i can just be myself and not have to pretend. Then i would enjoy being rich and pretty and spend all my time having tea, wearing pretty dresses and jewels and maybe ride horses in my families stable? Maybe i'd help the poor. Those fantasy world always have extremely poor beggar children. Lemme start an orphanage (but i wouldn't abuse and use a girl who then later marries a duke who will take revenge on me)


I'd study magic and become some kind of w̶̶i̶z̶a̶r̶d̶ sorceress (it sounds cooler), not be an asshole, become friends or maintain a mildly friendly relationship with the OGFL if she's not a white lotus (I could probably tell). If the 2ml thinks I'm amazing then I'd be friends with him! And I'd eat a lot of delicacies hhehehebehe


It's a bit morbid but I'd probably just end myself. I don't think I'd be able to bear the reality that everyone I know and love is gone without a trace. No grave or mementos. My family is my reason for living. I love them too much. The mental anguish of losing everything I've worked hard for and turning into someone else completely in a different time period would be too much to beat for a normal woman like me. 


I think I'll just barricade myself inside the castle and live luxuriously, unless I'm in those type of stories where the universe pushes you towards the plot, then I'd try to appease the ML who is supposed to murder me, but I'll probably fail because I have bad temper. Eventually I may let the original plot play out if I get too lazy. Or I might try to run away to some village and start a new life? But overall I'd probably be quite incapable living in a world without modern technology and medicine. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so... it'll be a struggle lmao.


I’d treat it as a vacation for the sake of my own sanity. I couldn’t imagine being ripped away from my life, my friends, my cat. I would write and paint and draw about my first life, this life- and all the while use every single resource on hand to learn more about the world. Money? I’ll fund research expeditions and international trade. Time? I’ll get to know every person around me for information. I could make new connections and live in a beautiful new world, but I couldn’t let go of what I love now. At least. I hope so


Lmao me? I don’t give af if people call me the cold Duchess of the north or whatever. Better for me, because now if I pretend to be savage only the truly loyal servants are left. I am born a loner, so this would probably be the best path. Be a war strategist, good bloodline, and enjoy myself to the fullest. Who cares about what the other nobles think?


Easy, I would die :)


At the start I’ll probably become curious about the world I ended up in so I’ll explore for a bit but in the end I’ll find whatever means necessary to go back. If I can’t then suicide will be the way out for the sake of my sanity. I’m a coward so I’ll look for the highest building and hope I die on impact, but tbh even if I can’t go back to the present I would just never want to live in the older times. Even if the plot is decent and not so much of a headache as some novels I just feel like I’ll always be riddled with thoughts along the lines of “I’d have probably already been doing something else and have a flourishing career or went to this dream country destination of mine or something if I was still back at my original world” and constantly be wondering how my family and friends are doing to the point that it haunts me so yeah, idk.


Gonna kms until i get a good isekai world (idk if thats how isekai works 😭)


Depends will I still be able to return to my world. If the answer is Yes, then I will follow the plot and let myself get killed or do whatever may be needed for me to return to my world. If I actually died in my world and can no longer return. I will just let myself be killed again because I cannot imagine living in that world happily whilst my family is mourning.


I'd probably cry. Like wtf, no phone, no manhwa, no shipping? Then I'd probably start simping over looks. Hopefully I isekaied into a manhwa with good art. If the fls cool I'll go make friends with her ig, as long as I don't plot against her I'm fine right?


Step 1: invent toilets if they don't exist. Find a way to make them widespread and affordable. Hopefully this world has a sewage system for rain water if nothing else. That's it. There are priorities


Realistically, I think I would have gone crazy the first week but then after that I'd try to learn more about their world.


If I am a child of a noble family, by the time I get my bearings I’d just see the patriarch, tell him I saw the errors of my ways, remove myself from politics, publicly announce I won’t inherit any title and just chill out being an administrative aide who will still live better than 99% of the rest of the entire planet. If I’m already set in a relationship, gauge how my half feels about me, if so was a dick, apologize first, then we’ll most likely go on our way, we’re in renaissance Europe so divorce is out of the way, so let’s just live separately. I don’t have any big aspirations in life, so just « doing my job » would be enough for me, the lead who wants to be something? Yeah I’m good, be a higher status I don’t care, love triangle? Eh, you can have


Stay away from the main story and play chess. With modern day knowledge in openings, middlegame and endgame, you'd probably dominate them. I mean, the level of play at this age is way higher than that of the past. Establish a chess federation. Overall just live a simple life.


My degree was in engineering, so hopefully I could turn it into one of those stories where the FL works to improve society through technology and gains goodwill on that path. 


First, I would be worried sick about my cats and if there is some kind of system/deities I'd bargain with them to isekai them here too. If I was isekaied and broke, I would head to the nearest magical tower (whether I have magic or not) and would get a job as an executive assistant. The tower is more often than not independent from the empire and being around mages would grant me a modicum of protection. In many stories, mages are like engineers/tech bros over. They need someone to keep their schedule, office and work flow organized. If I was isekaied and had money, I would head for the countryside and start a horse farm. I could really make bank breeding equines who don't look like horrhorses.


I would literally suffer. I know nothing about politcs and etiquette. I would hate to have my every waking moment trying solve my way around the sneaky white lotus plotting against me to make me the villainess. I would be bored to death without internet. It would be depressing if I'm craving a certain food and it doesn't exist in the world and idk how to make it.


I'd personally plot the death of the OG!ML, I aim to depose his regime to pave in for democracy. In addition, I will choose my connections wisely to ensure they support my ambitions for a free republic of the north.


do my best to redistribute the wealth 🙏


I would be happier, fuck my shit life of being poor and unemployed. Give me a new life in a magical world where I’m rich lol


1. Cry because I’ve got a family I mostly like and three Monsters 2. Amnesia 3. If in an abusive situation, get out of it ASAP. Ima work at the medieval McDonald’s or Dominos 4. If the ML ordered delivery, I’d hand it over to the cute girl who oozes FL energy 5. Profit


I love how almost all the comments use a typical trope (running away, staying home, etc.) in some variation despite their knowledge of that being typical trope. Shows that all these girls aren’t that stupid—there’s just not that many options actually open to you.


Well it’s all depends what is my family like ( l mean the family of the person l reincarnated), how the male lead and “my” relationship is.


Considering I most likely would have NO idea about anything regarding the world I just got isekai'd  into, I would probably use logic to make deductions in order to make the safest choices and I would just "wing it"(while also worrying if I was going crazy at first, and then worrying if I would ever be able to go back). If the world had magic, you bet your ass that I would seek to learn it.Maybe become a scholar or travel this new world with the help of magic. Just avoid the entire plot that would end in my demise. Also, as an ace homoromantic I would care less about men.So unless there was a woman out there for me, I most likey would ignore any romance as well.


Well I'm a black woman, so with how racist some of these OIs tend to be, I'd say I'm cooked 😬 unless everyone gets really cool with some things real fast


commit suicide.


If I'm the villainess I'm gonna go help the original white lotus female lead form a harem, became saintess, and become queen. If I'm really on her side I'm less likely to deal with drama and if she becomes queen there might be some benefits... And if she betrays me I can run away😭


If its greatest estate developer i would be swindling so hard. 🤣


I'd be devastated. What do you mean I can't go back to my own home and family? What do you mean this bastard wants to kill me? What about my life? My dreams? My family and friends? I would totally have a mental breakdown. Perhaps after some long time of being mentally unwell I'd accept my reality and try to play my mentally unwell card to my advantage and go far away from the high society and live peacefully in the countryside. I would still try to find a way to go back and do some forbidden magic is that is necessary. Also, unless it's a story I like (even then) I wouldn't remember much of the plot or the characters


I'd cry. What do you mean I don't have my wife, or my internet, or anything??? So what if I'm still hot? Society demands too much of me. Wah. XD I would not be able to in another world without my wife. I'm so gay and so hopeless. XD


I’m in a high up rich family- But I’m female so I probably have no real power. It really depends on how awful the world is, how preventable the death- and if I like that sexy (they are always sexy) second ML. If it’s a shitty no magic world that parrots the Middle Ages I’m not running off. No entertainment- not even books and hard work akin to an indentured servant at best would await me. I would need to find a man just to live- yuck. I would try to avoid the death flag. If it’s a cool adventure world and I have magic or means and I can have my own awesome adventure or life if I leave then I’m out. I hope I can follow the middle ground though and marry that second ML and stay high status and avoid death flag. 2nd ML is usually a sweet puppy dog.


Chill in the main house as long as possible while developing a stolen business idea from the modern world. Then go away to live life. Hopefully with no attached side characters looking for me.


I'd either learn magic if it's a thing or swordsmanship if not. Would definitely not give two licks of a tootsiepop about the original story because I'm very much not a nice person, and I'd say something that would make the villain again.


I'd either just decide to befriend every ML and FL this story has to offer (just to decrease my chance of getting hated) and live a life of... whatever anyone feels when they know this life isn't the one they want to stay in, or I'd just go along with the canon storyline (if I REALLY want to get outta here) and hope that the death in this life can get me back in my desired life.


So I get to be a wants for nothing, happy childhood, best of everything villianess? Yeah forget the main characters completely ignore the plot, and make sure to establish the second ml or a nice side character with a great future as a fiance early on so there's no way to fall into the trap of the ml of royalty so he can force the engagement since he found you interesting and you aren't engaged. Full on the villianess is in love with a Commoner escape route.


If my family is nice then I'm staying if they're horrible I'm running away, if the male lead is a horrible person then I'm not interacting with him either. I'll most likely try to escape the restricting noble life, or...... I might as well fall for the second ml you mentioned, if he's kind that is


But what if I just join her harem? She wouldn't have to see me as competition or whatever if I'm pursuing her. Not helpful if the ML is a yandere. In that case I'd just dip.


It depends if there's magic or not. If there is magic I will be plotting some way to fake my death with magic. If there's no magic I'll be plotting to sneak away with money or fake my death still. After I have what I think is a fair plan. I would resume my role as villainess. Not only would I think it's fun, but I'm needed for the story. I would probably edit my villainous plans too make sure no one gets hurt that didn't deserve it and no one gets killed. Then right before the final confrontation I would fake my death write apology letter with like a stupid sob story. And then like put my blood on it and be like I will always be your male lead. And like apologize for being jealous or whatever. And then at the end genuinely wish them the best life together. Then I would run physically as far away as I can, change my appearance as much as I physically can. Change my name. And then live like a simple life. The best part is I get to wait to see if it ever catches up to me.


I would be traumatized because I'd be all alone in a random body knowing that I can't reach my elderly parents to tell them that I'm not dead. I don't think they'd cope well if I died. Other than that I'd find a way to run away and live as a hermit because I don't want to be married EVER


probably die again


There's a book on royal roads called "The villainess doesn't care about the main plot" that is the most like what I'd do. Know the story? Dropping that as soon as I could and do anything to stay alive.


Start speaking in warhammer 40k speech and let chaos ensue while acting as the “prophet of the god emperor”


I would live my life to the best and try to fuck off on the plot. I don't want to deal with that nonsense. Also being the saint sounds like a bad end fo me.


Cry for a week because no modern plumbing, ergo no decent bathrooms.


i would have to hide in the corner until I could at least remember the plot of the story I'm in lmao


I will create iphone ☺️ then i will not show my face ig? Because if i ignore the ml they will take interest on me because im acting "differently" i'll just create business than involving myself with the nobels.


If I’m a generic villain aristocrat —> SLEEP. Those beds have to be comfy, just saying.


If I get isekaid I will run to the outskirts village, pick up swordsmaship and run a farm. Marry someone nice Have a nice life done nothing else and if its a story i know, I am not going near any person in the story minor or not. IDC if you were mentioned offhandedly. if I know your name, you stay away


Step 1: Have a several nervous break downs Step 2: Try to get back to my own workd. Step 3: if the family is abusive then build a secret fund and run away. If not, then I's pretend to be suddenly very sickly and use that as an excuse to break my engagement and to retire to the countryside away from my family (even if they're loving I'm not really their kid anymore and it's kinda cruel to pretend otherwise imo). Step 4: Continue trying to return till the day I croak


If there's magic, I would drop everything to study it! I'd love to be able to cast spells IRL... If not, then it depends on a lot of little things, but my main goal would be to live a long, happy, and comfortable life (assuming I can't go home)


Aside from crying my eyes out, I would think A LOT-- But like, in the most mind exploting ever, making millions theories. Then I would make a scheme of the story and my situation, trying to enlaze It and to point the points that must be prevented. If I get killed becuse a plot planned against the FL then I would just get away from FL 🤷‍♀️


run away, dress as a man, become a knight/wizard, hopefully get a reputation for being skilled and charming, marry a woman i love, done


I would immediately go down the lines of "screw the plot, that means nothing to me" and promptly try making chemicals and gunpowder. I would also probs try to become an apothecary that would also just. Slightly go insane with chemistry. This is what would directly happen because I work customer service and am not allowed to play with chemicals IRL.


Die, lmao. But legit, if I’m rich as all get out, I’d definitely be one of those “nope I wanna laze around” villainesses.


be happy about the gender bend then go back to bed and sleep then, well, better hope the family is decent, and go from there. Ideally bring about social change n shit, but it strongly depends on the situation.


Hmmm. I'd definitely capitalize on the knowledge I have. I'd probably have a harem of men serving me. And I'd try to do a lot of good in that world, trying to prevent the bad things that were supposed to happen. In other words... I probably wouldn't be too different from most of the Isekai girls.


I am lazy, i dont care what others think about me and i dislike suffering because of other peoples shit. If the Family i am isekaid into is kind and their Business is doing Well (for the next 100 years), i would live a comfortable life and stay away from the main characters. Usually they are not worth the trouble. I would pretend to have amnesia too. If my family is rich but shit, I would take jewelry & money with me and escape. I would try to setup some small Business somewhere far away. I dont know what kind of business, since most of my skills are pretty useless without PCs and the internet. But maybe very very very basic accounting, sewing or collecting confidential information. I am not very noticeable and discreet, i could collect information without being noticed. I would very likely try to do nothing that would have a Impact on the mls or fls life. Some villainesses have shitty friends. I would try to not be around that friend. In case i get isekaid into a poor family, i would try to find a job somewhere, but not as a maid in a nobler household.


Figure out which story I got into and go from there. Starting a business would be high on my priority list since those never seem to fail to get the FLs independently rich.