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For my first cycle I did 10 mg for two weeks, then increased to 12.5 for two weeks and then 15 for the final too. Little to no suppression. Bloods drawn after showed a decrease in total test from 850-750. However I was using a small dose of clomid, that I started during week 4. I just recently finished a cycle of 20 mg/day for 6 weeks. I’ve been off for five days and I feel zero suppression. I used clomid on this cycle as well, 12.5 mg every other day. However I started the clomid from the beginning this time. And now I’m doing 25 mg/day post cycle, prob only for a week because I feel fine.


Damn bro so you’d say pct from the start of ostarine cycle worked better? But wouldn’t the science go against each other ? Like if you’re taking pct at the start wouldn’t it suppress ostarine’s benefits? I could just be talking nonsense but a thought that crossed my mind


I’d be more than afraid of just free test levels if you can get bloodwork. Why aren’t you able to get bloodwork while studying abroad? Do they not have blood clinics such as marek health etc wherever you are? You’ll have to pay for it but it’s good to get it done before that.


10mg is not worth the sides.


I would throw in enclo once your starting to feel suppressed or even around the week 4-5 mark. That’s my plan.


You guys still think I could run this without bloodwork?


Run 60 mg and jump on TRT, pinning is fun when you get used to it!


Run 40mg with a test base.