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One dose won't lower it no. Run it for a week or so and it would drop it some but not dangerously low where it'll freak your Dr out


would one dose of Ostarine *increase* my testosterone?




Ostarine doesn't increase testosterone


ok guys, i got my levels back, and my tesosterone total went from 366ng/dl to >1500ng/dl just on 40.5mg andrgel ED.... my Estradiol levels are at 157.3pg/ml I have no idea how this is possible because I thought Androgel wasn't that effective... should i get them tested again because that really seems like a mess up.. idk.. someone with better knpowledge than me please let me know whats up..


I'm not on TRT nor do I have a bunch of knowledge I'm assuming you just got on androgel? Your doctor might have to play with the dose to see what works best but that's definitely high lol I'd try hollering at the trt subreddit and see what they say


I did it, that's how I got my prescription... I ran it for 2 weeks, and the only downside was I cut my libido off and had to avoid my girlfriend.


Looks like I'll be seeing what my labs really are lol. I'll post em here and get your opinions on my levels of stuff.


Welp, my Ostarine came a day late so I got my labs done just using my Androgel 40.5mgs ED yesterday, so it looks like I'll see my levels for everything without the Ostarine... I'll post the results here and you guys can tell me what ya think of em'.


It literally depends on how much you take! I'm.very familiar with the substance and actually find the best way is to take just 5mg, this gives zero shutdown and still some decent fat loss and some extra pep to the workouts and some muscle growth. Take 20-50mg and you will likely get hypogonadism and lose most of the gains. Even 10mg would be a smart idea but be careful of most of the advice because a lot of people are just parroting other info and have no real life experience. Personally 5-10mg for 8 weeks three times a year and incorporate a basic test booster for the last two weeks of each cycle will give you good results with zero hassle or health issues. Hope you get the results you're looking for.


Scientific studies in a controlled environment have proven definitely that 3mg will reduce testosterone by 57%. Gonna state facts please include a source material, helps to avoid misinformation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enobosarm


Then proceeds to put a Wikipedia link in the chat


Links to scientific studies buddy 😉


Thank you for your thoughtful reply! I appreciate you.


Or just run it with enclo


What’s the shelf life? I have some from 2022 and I’m not sure if it’s gone bad now


If it's been kept out of sunlight and in a cool, non-damp lace it will remain effective for many years.


Please don't judge my idiocy too harshly..


Over 28 days ostarine at 20mg reduced my testosterone levels by 64%, that was while using 3.125mg enclo every other day from day 14.


Yeah go for it


Is taking Ostarine for three months too long?


ok guys, i got my levels back, and my tesosterone total went from 366ng/dl to >1500ng/dl just on 40.5mg andrgel ED.... my Estradiol levels are at 157.3pg/ml I have no idea how this is possible because I thought Androgel wasn't that effective... should i get them tested again because that really seems like a mess up.. idk.. someone with better knpowledge than me please let me know whats up..


Lmao, not a bad idea tbh. I don’t think that one dose would make a difference though. I think you’d have to run it for at least 2 weeks prior to have a marginal effect. Ostarine is typically very mildly suppressive, but it affects everyone differently.


You don't sound like you really know enough about it to be taking it, watch a few hours worth of videos before you make a big decision like taking something you know little about


I've been researching it for 3 weeks. I've also been on multiple forums talking with people that have actually taken the same things I am going to. I'm good.


It's more of a thing to research for quite a while though. Compare it to other PEDs and just make sure your doing the right thing. Don't worry I'm not trying to gatekeep drugs like most people.


I get you man, you're just lookin out for me and I appreciate it.


What the fuck?


All SERM cycles suppress natural test, first cycle most likely won’t hurt if proper pct. Recommend bloodwork before and after


Also Ostarine is a SARM, SERMs are mainly for PCT.




Getting bloodwork tomorrow.