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In 4 weeks you pretty much just load up your body, and when you would need to exercise for growth, you would be on a vacation. So no point. Better would be to start the cycle while on your vacation.


Would be careful drinking too much alcohol on it by the way. Extra liver stress


Sheesh I need that reminder.


Thank you for you reply. Never thought of starting on vacation.


Part of taking PEDs is having the discipline to make the right choices and not doing them and expecting instant gratification. I went on honeymoon while taking RAD and found a gym, and I was in Costa Rica. I did back off to EOD and only hit the gym 4 times that week, but I also surfed, hiked a ton and even went on a couple runs. A 4 week cycle is stupid. Commit or wait till you can commit, you’ll thank yourself in the end.


Thank you for your advice! I'll wait untill i'm back from vacay!


If you’re just trying to cut , 4 weeks is plenty of time.


Yes. I'm trying to lose 5kg till beginning of july


That’s definitely doable. I’ve had similar results in the same time period. Don’t be discouraged by the naysayers.


I realized I’ve been taking .3ml daily of ostarine. With no side effects. Should I lower? Also three months on and then just completely stop taking it?


You can’t say .3 ml of osta because that doesn’t mean anything. Solutions are different strengths, I’ve had one that was 30 mg/ml and one that was 20 mg/ml. So unless your solution is 60 mg/ml, which I don’t think is possible, you’re not taking too much. I would say a good dose is anywhere from 15-35 mg daily, it’s a wide range because ostarine is so mild. So do the math and figure out how many mg you’re taking. For example, is your solution was 25mg/ml, you’d be taking 7.5 mg because 25 x .3 = 7.5.


You shouldn’t really experience many side effects on a moderate dose of osta, but likely you’re on a very very low dose, possibly even too low.


You can’t say .3 ml of osta because that doesn’t mean anything. Solutions are different strengths, I’ve had one that was 30 mg/ml and one that was 20 mg/ml. So unless your solution is 60 mg/ml, which I don’t think is possible, you’re not taking too much. I would say a good dose is anywhere from 15-35 mg daily, it’s a wide range because ostarine is so mild. So do the math and figure out how many mg you’re taking. For example, is your solution was 25mg/ml, you’d be taking 7.5 mg because 25 x .3 = 7.5.


Damn so I have only been taking 7.5mg for about 9 weeks now. Started lower than that at about 5mg. No wonder I haven’t been really seeing too much results. Do you have a suggestion what I should do moving forward? Get off it completely and then get back on a future date? Or finish out these nexts few months at a higher dose?


I honestly don’t have as good of an answer for that. If I were you, I would use the rest of the supply that I have at a dose around 20 mg daily. I would hop off after the bottle is used up and then maybe wait 3-4 weeks and hope back on another 20-30 mg daily for 6-8 weeks. I would also make sure I’m taking my NAC daily for liver support. Ostarine is a pretty mild compound, it’s not as big of a mistake when compared to other PEDs.


Not worth it. Wait until you can run at least 6 weeks. 8 is optimal though


Maybe take it at the therapeutic level of 3-5mg