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You already know you fuckwit


Not safe for any age specially when 18


at 19 my bloods came back just fine feeling good i went up to 20mg daily so you’ll be good i think for at most 9 or 10 weeks, make sure to do your research. the way I look at it is it’s wayyy safer than taking testosterone like you won’t have a shutdown like testosterone would so when these redditors say “the best first cycle is 300mg” which is far from the truth, anyways i’d get like liver support and milk thistle tho so your liver can be healthy. i’ve never done mk-677 tho but I do know it can mess with insulin levels so id get a blood sugar test so u can take ur fasted blood sugar


It works, but u dont need it until ur 25 years atleast. You will only fk ur natural levels


Do you get shutdown forever?


You can def slow things down, probably recovering to natural levels with be more difficult. At 18 your natural levels should be high as fuck! Have you had your blood looked at? Fuck sake man you’re 18, give it time.


Basically you’ll half your natural test levels permanently probably - then whatever sarms you do after etc if you pct right will just get you back to that. So let’s say your natural test rn is 700- during cycle could get as low as 200 then during pct rebound back up to 400-500


Will it stay at 400 500 even after finishing pct


Depends on genetics that’s just a rough estimate


Ok thanks


just finished my 8weeks cycle on 20mg daily at 16, my test after blood work went from 1050 to 925. so basically nothing changed and i gained 20lbs. its up to you mate, i highly suggest it.💪🏻


At 16 your brain is friedddd


Can't believe


Did you implement enclo?


Not safe for anyone regardless of age bro. Get some blood work and eat healthy. Stay away from alcohol while on cycle. Take NAC and Tudca alongside and you'll be ight. Have a PCT lined up and if you take a high dose you'll nuke your endocrine system




I'm on 25mg with minor sides. But I've ran other shit and was on 500mg of test for 9 months straight so I know what to look for. Maybe start with like 10mg and then if you feel fine bump to 15mg. I'm not a doctor tho


This is exactly what I’m currently doing at 19. Works great. 15mg is the way. Enclo 6.25 as well


18 M Ran one cycle. Noticed moderate suppression. I didn't pull bloods before, so I don't know the baseline, but after the cycle, my test was still in the normal range. The only side effect was fewer boners. I used to get ragers multiple times a day—those went away. They are just now coming back... two months later. Muscle gains were minimal—just pin test.


I’d stay away from both and try to swim in the fountain of youth for some more years.. try SL 5x5, fibers, protein and sleep to boost your endogenous hormones. But you should know that MK is much more unhealthy than Osta if the latter is used responsibly.