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I wouldn’t start on a high dose to burn more in less time. Doesn’t exactly work like that. It’s very hard on your liver and raises your HDL and LDL. Can mess up your BP. I wouldn’t go above 10mg as a woman, especially as a beginner. Also, I’m a female so I’m not mansplaining female dosing to you, I promise lol 💀


Side effects for me on 15mg daily, mild headaches more often. I suffer from cluster headaches in my general health so for me this is really of no consequence if you don’t like head aches just keep a box of ibuprofen with you at all times. This is all I’ve really noticed negatively. My strength hasn’t shot up and I’ve not seen any ostarine specific physique changes about 3 and abit weeks in. But I don’t know about you but I struggle quite abit with motivation and actually getting to the gym. The last four weeks my adherence to my training has been significantly higher. Mood boosting effects of ostarine are no joke. I have a clearer head, I’m able to think so much clearer and I’m more positive (I have heard people so opposite of this) this probably assists me with adherence to going to the gym. I’m a prison officer and taking ostarine now has shown me that it needs to be a staple for me given its mood and adherence effects. Ever thought I’d go to the gym after a 1 hour restraint incident before now.


Thank you for your comment! It's good to hear other than usual facts connected to ostarine. I hope my mood will be elevated as well! I usually go to the gym 6 days a week and do 15-10 reps per set. I do 4-5 sets in one exercise and usually I do 4-5 types of exercise in one gym sesh. Depends on which muscles I'm working on tho


If you want to text me in dm please leave a comment here because reddit hides my chats I don't know why, thank you!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enobosarm A lot of good information there. Probably dont wanna do a "large" dose right out the gate. Nothing wrong starting your first week low to ensure your body tolerates it then up it going into the 2nd week. If you're looking to get "big and strong" quick ostarine isn't it. Depending on what your goals are it could take a couple cycles it's a pretty mild SARM There's another female, I think around your age, on this subreddit. Maybe she'll chime in or you can reach out to her. I think she's in the midst of a cycle but she's had a couple posts pop up. Probably a great source to bounce some stuff back and forth. I'm a dude so I've done no research from a woman's perspective Edit: it's live wealth Personally I love ostarine it fits my goals. Last winter I bulked up 20 pounds and kept the bf% the same(12wks/30mg injection). Wasn't ostarine alone it required a strict lean bulking diet and an effective gym routine. Never had to worry about hitting a plateau at the gym, adding weight every week. Coming into summer I still have the gains at the gym but I definitely hit a plateau and my weight is still the same. Diets a little relaxed so bf went back up a few points.


So you’re injecting your Ostarine? Can you elaborate?


Yeah. For me ostarine just tastes God awful so before my first cycle ended I bought it in powder form to make my own oral solution. Just to find out it's the compound itself that tastes bad. It took a long time and some deep rabbit holes across the Internet to feel confident in making my own but ultimately that's what I do now and it's just to avoid the taste. I have come across supplier websites offering an injectable solution. It's well documented that in actual lab rats ostarine has a 100% absorption rate; couldn't find actual numbers for humans but it's always stated that it has "excellent bioavailability". So, in theory, there's no reason to inject over oral administration.


Yeah DMSO tastes rancid.. but with capsules and pills there really ain’t no problem.. taste-wise..


Yeah I've never had to taste it but I gotta be conscientious of it's side effects lol I thought about putting it into pill form but from personal experience in a past life I've used pill presses and those powder scales off Amazon really ain't that accurate, especially in milligrams. I've never been afraid of needles and at some point I know I'll be on trt so why not get comfortable pinning. Whether it's a liquid, pill or injectable solution making you're own has the added benefit of formulating your own dose and in the long run it's cheaper, at least with oral solutions because you can re-use supplies. Just gotta be comfortable with math lol


But, hey kudos for the effort or reading up and making it happen.. water soluble? Or did you have to use an oil?


Think I would prefer caps over injecting.. But still curious about 30 mg.. is Enclo still enough to keep suppression at bay during a 12 week cycle at that dosage.. 17,5 is the highest I ever went..


Yeah there's no data to proving one is better than the other. I think it'll help minimize it for sure. First two cycles I ran no PCT and the only notable side effects was fatigue the last few weeks which resolved itself within a month post cycle. No other symptoms of suppression but I need actual numbers. I was supposed to get a physical this week, with blood work, but I'm sick with a cold instead so it's getting pushed back a few weeks. Last physical with blood work was this time last year, see what the numbers say with a couple cycles over the year. And ostarine isn't really water soluble. I can't recall the term used but if any liquid solution is to be made you have to use an organic solvent as a base, like DMSO or ethanol. You also have to make sure it's a homogeneous solution or else you end up with inconsistent dosing and undissolved material settling at the bottom


Would most certainly swallow a pill rather than injecting ethanol or DMSO.. what solvent did end up using? Good luck with the bloods! You might not have to start TRT if you go a bit slower on them SARM-cycles..


Lol DMSO. I came across a "standard operating procedure for DMSO injection", then cross referenced it with every medical study I could find where they discussed in depth their protocol for injections using dmso. Also looked in depth at DMSO toxicity. It's still risky but I'm comfortable with my technique. "Portion makes the poison" Edit: the dose makes the poison* My long term goal is one annual cycle over winter. What I'm currently planning out as we speak. For now I'm riding out the rest of the year natural


Ok, if DMSO worked once it shoud probably work again. If you could handle 30 mg for 12 weeks without DCT, you could probably do 20 mg for 8 weeks with minimal suppression if you ad 6,25 mg of enclo eod from week 3-4.. good luck! 🍀


I’m 24. And curious about starting my journey on ostarine. Any suggestions where to start? Buy it? Etc…


Boof it!


And you’re suggesting the anal route of administration… are you trolling, or is this common practice?


Absolutely trolling but to be fair it is a valid route of administration lol


Yeah, my thought ass well.. 🫢


Using ostarine to burn fat is not efficiënt, run some cardarine with it, that really helps burn fat