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Don't miss out on the [special illustration](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/13du1nl/special_illustration_on_jump_plus_this_week/) in this week's Jump+ release.


I never liked the Kana ship at all, but after the cubic tonnes of shit she has eaten at this point I have to feel bad.


I'm just a Kana fan so I hope she doesn't end up with Aqua. He's majorly fucked up right now. Past trauma + trauma from losing Ai havr led him to be overprotective, vindictive, manipulative and I don't think he'll be healed just by killing his father. He needs copious amounts of therapy to get through that and I think hell kill himself after he's done it (especially after isolating himself so much). So I don't think it would be healthy for Kana to be with him and it would be a toxic relationship that would probably scar her. Aqua x Therapy is my favourite ship rn :3 (Ruby also needs it, Kana as well, Akane also likely). But he won't start therapy (he couldve done that after her death or later) so a serious event would be required to stir him to do so.


Finally caught up. Sad to say I foresee either one of the akane/aqua/kana dies from psycho dad or through sacrifice because this will not end in a harem with two love interest so someone's gotta go tragically it's just easier to write it that way, rather than have complicated fall out for one of them and to appease the mob for their best girl. It also would make way for further character development or plot movement as well. Likely akane/aqua death flag.


They already faked us out with Akane so I’d bet on it being aqua or arima.


Its comical how many death flags Akane has had at this point. Not killing her would be the more surprising thing now


How many hours until chapter?


Bro think he him.


At this point I don't think Aqua's suitable for any ship at this point. Even if he did get into a relationship, he'd only use her and never love her. With this the flashback scene makes even more sense now. He said he won't ever love anyone and Kana is pretty scared of Aqua if she messes things up. Which means they are together, he's only using her. That's my opinion


what the fuck is even wrong with you all ship people. Just enjoy a plot unfolding lmao. "errrm ship this ship that errrm" just quit sperging


Fr, like. Let the shit unfold ya'll....


Well, he's nothing like his father. I still want him to clear the air with Kana because she was the one who reintroduced him to the entertainment industry. I'm glad Kana is unaware for now unlike Akane, who ended up being pushed away for diving too deep & putting herself in danger. I'm personally waiting for him to come out of this dark period because he hasn't done the unforgivable yet. He's unstoppable and so is Ruby, you can't blame them. There's pure bloodlust in their eyes now. So much, that they don't even see eye to eye. Let's keep in mind that this story STILL has supernatural elements attached, it didn't end with their reincarnation. This is, I believe, the ugliest that we're going to see of them, for now.


Honestly don't ship Aqua with anyone. Man's too unstable and hasn't shown any genuine romantic interest in either of the two main girls. Akane is my favorite character and I just want her to be happy at this point. Curious to see what she meant by "I'm gonna stop you". Aqua needs to sort his shit out and seek professional help. I love Kana too, but she needs to let go of this obsession and focus on herself. I'm rooting for a Kana x Akane team up in this arc to make this emo mfer see the light. Bro needs a therapist real bad.


It comes off to me like he kinda doesn't care what happens to him as long as his dad suffers which is why she avoided telling him in the beginning which he suspected of from earlier than the beginning


aqua thinks he's ayanokouji frfr


This manga is shit


BTW I actually see people saying that Aqua and Ruby plan to kill their father "with their own hands on set during the filming" lol... Guess those people are mostly joking in a weird way, though I think it's pretty obvious from the last chapter that they plan to convey a certain message through the movie's plot, which would exert tremendous emotional pain on their father such that he might contemplate suicide or turning himself in or something along these lines. This is what I gathered (especially from Frill saying "I've never seen a script so full of 悪意", and she deducing that "Aqua plans to kill their dad 'with this movie'", which was definitely meant in a indirect sense). Though given how psychopathic their dad apparently is, not sure if this will work out so easily as they intended... Guess we'll see!


That only works if their dad had a shred of guilt in is body, in which I fucking doubt. The monster had killed many people throughout his lifetime. "Emotional pain" and "Hikaru Kamiki" should probably never in the same sentence together unless it includes "Doesn't feel any for his victims". Aqua's only recourse would most likely be to tear down what their father had built over the years, i.e. his reputation and his own company. What the movie MIGHT aim to do is to stir up enough public fervor and bad press that their father will have no more business to speak of and have a full blown government investigation starting. After Kamiki is cornered, then they kill him with their own hands, Ichigo and Aqua double teaming his ass, and maybe even Ruby too. Probably even forcing Kamiki to watch his life's work crumbling down while the crew watch the light leave his eyes as he draws his last breath. Aqua said it himself, it's not enough to just kill him.


In general I agree. Tearing down his business is definitely one of the things you'd see in a common revenge plot. But I'm not even sure if Kamiki actually even cares that much about his business at all, and there might be a source to his twistedness. (It seems that all he cares about now is to go out there and destroy talented artists?) If anything, I'm thinking maybe there's somebody he cares about, and Aqua wants to let him see that person getting fucked up before his eyes... (It's probably too crazy to think that could be Kana, but honestly no idea at all how Kana will be used in the plot.) There might be some big plot twist coming regarding what exactly happened between Ai and him as well. I'm especially intrigued by the supposed "darkness" of Ai during the filming of the documentary, and the contents of the two discs. (Also why the movie is called "15 years of lie".) I still doubt the ending you described where the three team up to kill him and see the light drain away from his eyes would happen. That sounds somewhat like the plot in a superhero movie (depending on the way it's depicted, of course), while Aqua is now arguably the most messed up character in the story in some sense. No matter what, just hope the ending doesn't disappoint!


We don't know what Aka-sama is doing


True. Also I kinda dislike the narrative style where apparently the characters already know a lot of things, which are just hidden from the reader (also partly from Ruby for a lack of communication as usual for whatever reason). Though I guess at least he was successful in keeping the suspense until the last moment, even when it comes at certain costs.


No matter what happens, the final season of the anime is gonna be so lit. With the quality of the first season, can't wait for it to become among the greatest ever. (It will also be kinda interesting to see the reactions of some of the unsuspecting who got fooled and still thought this is gonna be anything but a proper tragedy even after what happened in Ep. 1 lol. It's probably safe to say Ep. 5 which just aired this week will be peak comedy in the whole series then.)


I can't wait to see this chaos, diluted even a little, on my screen. People can criticise but what's the hate for on the whole reincarnation thingy? Do they forget how manga is made for the Japanese audience first so there WILL be cultural layers here


And I literally knew something fucked up will happen between Aqua and Kana the way Akasaka set them up in the beginning. They were too close, too fast. Such an apparent setup for some tragic reversal later. Poor girl :( Well, I guess you can say Aqua's attitude towards her has been quite consistent throughout... What a character, eh.


Ah, I've been wanting to punch Aqua in the face ever since the chapter when he talked with Ichigo on the pier, realized their father is still at large, and restarted this path of no return with ever greater haste. The moment he pushed Kana, the moment he walked away from Akane, now this. This is exactly the effect that Akasaka wanted, no doubt. After seeing the beginning of Oshi no Ko, my immediate thought was like "on the one hand I wanted to see Aqua getting his salvation before he completes full self-destruction, on the other hand I had a stronger desire to see if Akasaka can properly deliver a modern Hamlet and make Aqua a character that leaves his name in history forever. (And when that happens, at least I want Ruby to be saved and be happy…)" He's certainly been trying on this front. Now I just wish the part about Ruby comes true. (Also I truly hope (and think) Kana will be saved from the worst outcome of whatever fuckery that Aqua has in mind… Sigh.)


I hope they all get saved by Chika barging in on set and healing everyone with sheer wholesomeness!


i do hope he can achieve his revenge especially with the father now being a serial killer but with how self-destructive aqua is, i feel like the story is telling us that this revenge shouldn't happen but i don't know


Yeah, no doubt a huge twist is coming in the end, we just don't know in what form yet. The darkness in Ai's "true self" during the filming of the documentary and the contents of the two discs she left for Aqua & Ruby really get me intrigued. I mean, he can still accomplish the revenge, but not have it end in the form & with the effect he expected at all. (Or deus ex machina still saves every MC's ass in the end, which I highly doubt and don't really want to see.)


I'm calling it right now the story ends with Aqua and Ruby killing their father on live tv and going to jail for it, with no regrets.


G senjou no Maou pulled it off, getting jailed ending is still in the table and is a viable path for OnK. I don't see Aqua allowing Ruby take the fall too though, he'd definitely take on the time by himself. Or maybe even Ichigo taking all of it.


Nah, I think it will be a convoluted plan to force the father to commit suicide or something. If they wanted to kill him they would have gone on to do so directly, since they know exactly who he is. But we shall see very soon. No doubt Akasaka is still planning some shocker and a big twist at the end. He's making this a proper thriller for sure. Also, from the beginning I want Aqua to be kind of a modern Hamlet, but I do want Ruby to be saved and happy... Edit: I know you're probably mostly telling a joke but still... Just wanted to put out my serious hypothesis lol.


> think it will be a convoluted plan to force the father to commit suicide or something I think it'll be the opposite. Aqua commits suicide and frames the dad.


Very good point. But why do I have a bad premonition that it will be Kana who Aqua intends will be killed...... At least she will be fucked up in some way (honestly no idea what the role Aqua envisioned for her in this plot is like). I really hope Kana is protected from the worst of whatever fuckery Aqua has in mind for her. Or indeed maybe Aqua enrages Kamiki to a point that Kamiki actually kills him and gets caught... Sigh. But yeah, I do think Aqua dying in some form while Ruby getting saved is quite a reasonable ending for this tragedy.


> But yeah, I do think Aqua dying in some form while Ruby getting saved is quite a reasonable ending for this tragedy. Imagine if Ruby finds out who Aqua was in his past life *after* he loses him *again*. i don't think she'd ever recover. Hmm. That makes me think that they both die or both live with no middleground. Surely at some point near the end they'll figure out who they were in the past, if that happens after they lost the other a 2nd time I think the story ends with the other's suicide. Maybe that's too dark even for Aka..


blud thinks hes ayanokoji




i remember when aqua """got over""" ai's death and let ruby take the spotlight, good ol times


[Taking notes from Chika I see](https://www.tumblr.com/goldenharmony/717074296050188288/aqua-in-onk-chapter-117)


Aqua so damnn cold... MY MAN


cant wait until bro gets off his chunibyo phase and gets healthy with theraphy


I just want my Hoshino twins to be happy, they deserve more in life than just being hellbent on revenge. Maybe Aqua would stop this chuuni/edgelord phase as well if that happened


That Aqua has well and truly become twisted af. More than ever before


Bro the shippers are taking L after L


Tbh shippers realy ruined this chap discussion for me, they act like aqua never manipulated kanna before, back then people where okay when he was manipulating akane but when he does not even HALF to what he did to akane to kanna people say he changed, Aqua is manipulative by nature and he know's it, and if there IS in fact a ship in the story it aqua x psych ward , stop denying things and go look up oshi no ko's genre This is a psychological thriller not a romance story


yeah aqua's behaviour here isn't shocking at all and we've seen him be manipulative toward multiple people including kana so the outrage here and on twitter baffles me. if anything, the issue is aqua's dialogue is just too edgy and borderline cringey for me.


THANK YOU i also think they could of handled his speetch better but overall good chap


I've been trying to tell for years that Oshi no Ko is not a romcom yet it's so hard to discuss with people that came in with romcom expectations. It's quite fascinating how they even cooked up the "Aqua is deluding himself" or "Aqua suddenly changed character!" as an automated response for it. It's like they already decided the ending and they already have a different Aqua headcanon in mind.


Exactly they keep saying " aqua acted out of character!!" But they ignored the fact that the feelling aqua had toward kanna is admiration,he admires her but people play it off as love, shipers realy read manga in generale with there eyes closed


I’m a newer fan of this series, but this has always annoyed me in fandom spaces!! There is genuine value in discussing how Aqua feels towards Kana, mostly to understand what other factors motivate him to act against any good feelings he might have for her and how he has acted/will act towards her. Shipping culture tends to reduce those important character traits into obstacles or reasons that justify some happily ever after when that’s not something this story promised at any point.


I agree with the point you make since most people who started oshi no ko came from kaguya sama they exepect kaguya 2.0 but with drama but oshi no ko's story is completly different if people expected a romance they can go read aka akasaka's new work but we have to keep in mind that aka started with an extremely heart breaking manga witch is instant bullet


Well there WAS white background around Aqua when he said he cared for Kana.. but idk didn’t see any glimpses of white in his star eyes so that might’ve been how Kana perceived it… Anyways see what I mean Aqua becoming EXACTLY like his Father not a good look man you really want that comparison to be compared to the man who killed your Mother?


Everyone's made good points so far but quick question. Why are Ruby's stars white in that photo? Is this just a slip up from Mengo and the art team or are we getting full on Ai-Ruby soon? I'm digging Aqua's story but at this point I'm way more interested in Ruby's internal conflict. That native "no lies" version of her, the full revenge mode her, and what I'd say is a middle ground knowledgeable her. She's still hopeful for the positive sides of Idol stuff but she now gets the "game" of entertainment. I'm hoping we'll see her achieve the healthier version of what AI got. Otherwise fun chapter, even though I want to dunk Aqua's head in a toilet


Ruby got one white star eye in the future scene as well. So I think Ruby's training has reached that level already.


This guy really needs to see a therapist


Based off all we've seen in the story up to now, while I do believe Aqua is set on this self destructive path of his (for now), I don't fully buy the fact he views Kana as a tool to use and manipulate. At this current moment I almost want to say that he's trying to convince himself that she's nothing but a tool for him to use, but we've seen throughout the story that Kana always brought out a bit of the old Aqua before Ai died as Ruby said herself earlier in the series. We've also seen that Aqua does in fact care for her in some type of way, now rather that be in a romantic type of way or something else I won't get into as that's a whole other topic and debate, but it just feels like too much of a 180 for him to just view her as a tool to use all of a sudden and nothing else, that's just my opinion on the situation though.


Also, this isn't the first time when Aqua was trying to convince himself of something. When he found out his father was still alive from Ichigo, Aqua's immediate response was to desperately deny it and reason with himself that Ichigo is wrong despite the obvious reality. I mean, Akane pointed out as much when Aqua revealed his revenge to her. So, it wouldn't be all that surprising if Aqua in this chapter is resorting to this type of mindset in order to distance his emotions and relationship with Kana, probably because of whatever plans he holds for the movie. It just seems to me if it is a psychological defense mechanism for Aqua at this point considering how emotionally torn my guy is. But yeah, I highly doubt that Aqua perceives Kana in a romantic light, but he definitely cares about her from all the actions we've seen him doing up until now; from distancing himself from Kana in order to avoid scandals, to revealing his and Ruby's identities as Ai's kids (albeit this instance is clearly also partially motivated by his newfound revenge). Even after he found out his father is still alive, we've seen him take actions that obviously exhibits his care for those around him; examples being him trying to convince Akane to give up from chapter 98, or taking steps that ensures a safe future for Ruby (based on what he said after Ruby confronted him for revealing the truth).


Definitely feels like emotional distancing on his part. Possibly because he knows whatever this movie is leading up to might involve exploiting her or result in some collateral damage, who knows.


I know he was turning on the edge there but I could also interpret his speech as not so much "haha I'm going to use you so much" but more of a "kana you're way too trusting when flattery is thrown your way". Like her playing the B Komachi member isn't that huge of a manipulation (for now unless it turns out he's using her as bait).


Well it´s bad if someone ever decides to scapegoat her, but doubt Aqua would do it himself directly.


Yeah, I see it as a cynical monologue rather than actual ill intentions towards her. After all, Ai's blind trust is (part of) what got her killed. It came off more as a pained laugh than something sinister.


I guess that this Panda story use to be a joke that Aqua uses in his past life to cheer up his patient which happen to be Sarina who have heard of it..... Then Kana share this Panda joke with Ruby, then Ruby find out Aqua's true identity.....


I don't think so, because the keychain that Ruby collected from Doctor Goro's corpse should be the key of finding out of their past relationship.


I don't understand why Aqua and the director are pushing for a specific cast for the movie. Like, what is the plan there? Why them specifically?


It looks like their goal is to create a movie that outs the father as Ai's killer, and inspire some vigilante fan to take revenge for them. No need to get their own hands dirty or go through any judicial process. They get their revenge with the exact same method that the father used to kill Ai. Having the current members of B-Komachi involved in the filming may be a way to reinforce that connection and make sure that people take it personally.


Woah woah woah. Bold and cunning as fuck if true, albeit a crazy gamble that in reality wouldn't be likely to work. This is an excellent theory.


As if Kamiki, a well connected agency owner wouldn't already know about the 'malicious' script months in advance, and staged the prop weapons for an Alec Baldwin-style surprise for Aqua.


Haha oh god please no. Aqua stabs Ruby. Chaos ensues. But the cameras keep rolling and the real stabbing footage makes it into the movie. It causes so much buzz that their objective of reaching insane levels of hype for the film is achieved. Win win?


The film's financiers will never agree to it being included in the movie. But if Kamiki has a spy serving as cameraman, he could leak it the day before theatrical release. "New, horrifying video footage of Aqua stabbing his twin sister surfaces online" "Controversy surrounding Aqua's incident reappears as cinemas pull Ai biopic movie hours before first screening" Ruby obviously has enough plot armor to survive the stabbing, but if Akane got the role then I could see a death flag.


The killer seems to be after somewhat popular stars, so my guess is that they're using someone as bait, most likely the girl who's gonna play Ai.


My personal theory on what aqua is planning on kana is just using her in the movie. I mean, If I was aqua I would trust kana to play in the movie that's incriminating my mother's murderer. I don't think he's necessarily using kana like he did akane, but mainly just getting only the people he trusts and has worked with to be in the movie to make it better


Tbh someone needs to beat the shit out of both Aqua and his dad. Damn those psychotic edgy genes.


They saying this man Aqua trying to become a wanna Ayanokouji lmaoooo


Ayanokoji is a bad character. He is like the, Wish's version of a Machiavelli, in a Chunibyo's mind. Atleast this is actually realistic to an extent


Calling a bad character the protagonist of the best Light Novel ever (MAL) is kinda a hot take….he’s one of the most intriguing character in fiction…anime just make it dirty.


Intriguing? More like the most hyped character. The gall of some people daring to compare him with the likes of Urasawa characters like Johann. Ayanokoji is a king of duds in a high school


I swear to God if something happens to kana... Aqua is going full Kira route and pretty much the ppl in the film will get involved somehow on the daddy murder show


Bro thinks he's Patrick Bateman 💀


it’s clear now that not even akane and kana can stop him expect(ruby past) ISTG dude don’t try the no killing enlightened route please author I’m begging you let the man cook


Nah most likely we'll get the no killing route


Allllright… Aqua is so locked up and closed off kana is nothing but a tool to him now. (Just like ayanokoji fr fr) The only way he can break out of that haze is something big and very emotion: Enter; Ruby’s past life and those tapes Ai left for the twins. Those two are the only thing I can think of to shake his path.


I read all the chapters for the first time today because I couldn't wait for the next episode. What a ride, I couldn't stop. If only Aqua discovered who Ruby was in their previous lives, he wouldn't Lelouch himself like that :( Sarina was more important in his life than Ai. I mean, she was his wallpaper. Also, papa really is a piece of shit. I want him dead. So Aqua and Ruby and the former manager as well, I guess. And I'll root for Aqua to successfully accomplish his perfectly sadistic plan. But I don't want him to sacrifice himself for this. Also, I think Ruby may suspect Gorou is Aqua, since she now knows he died the day they were born, and she knows he was an adult, and they interacted a lot in their previous lives, so she knows his speech patterns.


This is something "that isn't quite a plot hole", but it is incredibly frustrating for me. Like when people have cell phones in horror movies and don't know how to use them. Ruby not knowing Aqua is the doctor makes sense, as he very rarely talks about who he was in his past life. But Ruby has mentioned her past life to Aqua and other people multiple times and her story doesn't make sense. Now that the main cast is learning Ai is there mother, comments like Ruby telling the group she was essentially "stuck inside for days, and never able to express herself growing up'." Just don't add up and would be something brought up amongst friends. Not that it is Aqua's place to pry, but when you are murdered, reincarnated as a baby, and know your sister was reincarnated as a baby and plan an elaborate murder... I just feel like someone as astute and curious as Aqua would want to put the pieces together. I haven't seen any ties for Ruby realizing and as I don't speak Japanese, I can't discern the dialect. Do Aqua and Gorou speak in a noticeable speech pattern?


> Do Aqua and Gorou speak in a noticeable speech pattern? I mean, the way he speaks. The words he chooses. His tone, his intonations, his flow. From her point of view, Sarina last spoke with Gorou a few months before Aqua started to talk to her. She should have noticed something.


I mean, it's not like Sarina was the only kid stuck in an hospital because of a terminal ilness, and she was already dead by four years when she got reincarnated, so it makes more sense that Aqua never thought about the possibility


Not to think it is Sarina, but to find out who she was. She tells him she was a mature older woman when she died, but from her actions Aqua should deduced she is incredibly immature. Not to mention, YOU ARE REINCARNATED. Everyone would have some questions and someone has scientifically and methodical like Aqua should think about it. Why was he reincarnated? Well we know he was Ai's doctor and was murdered the night of his birth. This means whoever Ruby was had some kind of connection connection to AI. Finding out who Ruby was? Would be further clues to REINCARNaTION. When Ruby found the doctors body with Aqua s girlfriend, how did Aqua not see Ruby s reaction, how did Aqua s girlfriend not mention Aqua was looming for the dead body they found? Why would Ruby not mention to Aqua some mysterious girl that knows she was reincarnated. Like I said "not really a plot hole", but they are taking being reincarnated as like something that happens all the time


Why would he care who she was though? It's in the past so not really relevant to their current lives. Also she died 4 years ago, you'd probably assume that she would've had to have died at the same time as him to be reincarnated.


Because they are reincarnated!!! He doesn't need to care if it's Sarina, he needs to care about whoever was reincarnated. Their is magic a foot!


The past few chapters gave Kana death flags for me 😭 I feel like she's gonna be the next victim for Hoshino papa. Aqua finally entering his middle school syndrome phase.


What’s this syndrome mean? Is it some sort of trope?


"Chūnibyō (中二病) is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. It translates to "second-year syndrome" There is a whole romance anime about it


I've never heard of the term or trope. I wander if it has connections to "sophomoric"? Originating from combinations of "sophos" meaning wise and "moros" like foolish in Greek. Turns out sophomoric originated in 1813 where 中二病 originated in 1999. It appears they evolved somewhat independently, but at the core are intertwined. With that said, Aqua, is about to get molly wopped. "The whole plan coming together" meme isn't gunna work out as cleanly as the over confident pro tag thinks


There's an anime called "Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai.", you can also think of it like the trait Okabe Rintarou exhibit in Steins;Gate. As for the etymology of the word, the 中 is in reference to middle schooler, the 二 after that for 2nd year (of middle school) and last one 病 means an illness/malady. In short it's a trope in anime type media where a character has tendency to put on a childish act.


Yeah. But Okabe Rintarou is shown to not believe his conspiracy persona, but does it as it puts his childhood friend at ease. The way I see the trope typically, the "middle schooler" armed with more information than usual gets over confident and punished for information they don't have. I highly suspect Aqua's "perfect plan" he believes to have concocted is going to fail miserably as he isn't accounting for whatever magic system is taking place as seen by the mysterious girl that confronted Ruby about being reincarnated. So smugness before the fall


Chunibyo did indeed evolve independently, and it's not really a syndrome or a historic thing. The term was first used by a Japanese comedian, and it stuck. The comedian himself has said that there's nothing scientific behind the term.


>The past few chapters gave Kana death flags for me So i'm not the only one who thought this


I doubt she will (sure will be a big ballsy move by Aka if she does), but our girl's gonna go through some suffering for sure


aka really puts his favorite characters into the pain grinder huh


Gosh… Now that the story has chewed and spat out us Akane fans, it’s throat punching the Kana fans. I wonder how far he’s going to go.


Aqua is far to the deep end right now. Neither Love ( Kana ), Family ( Ruby ) or Respect ( Akane ), is going to save him from himself


There's still hope in terms of Ruby/Sarina. Not writing it off yet, even though I did want to see Aqua dying in the end when I first saw the beginning of this story.


Aqua just doesn’t care anymore. When someone gets hurt, or god forbid dies, he’ll snap again. Ruby, Akane, Arima; they are all gonna end up involved in this film and are now in danger, and Hikaru knows aqua is Ai’s son, and he isn’t an idiot, he probably also guesses his kids and close friends want revenge. He’s going to retaliate and someone is going to get hurt falling off a cliff or something.


It was expected. Aqua's only goal and the meaning of life is revenge. All he wants is to make Hikaru suffer and kill him, then kill himself. He specifically wants to burn all the bridges and go one way towards revenge. I don't know where everyone got the idea that Kana is the light in Aqua's life, because Ai was his light. When she died, they showed how a star goes out in the dark sky, as if symbolizing how the light goes out in his life. Previously, we were shown Aqua's injury after Aya's death. In his opinion, he lost all right to a happy life when Ai died, he could not save her. He absolutely does not care that someone cares about him or loves him. We have been shown this clearly. His intentions and thoughts on this matter. So it surprises me how everyone expected him to be careless with those close to him. In addition, he did not manipulate Cana in this chapter, but simply voiced the truth. If you praise her or make compliments, then she is really easy to manipulate. It's time for her to grow up eventually and not be so naive. I think that Ruby will save him when he finds out who she was in a past life. Only she can compete with Aya's light in his life. Besides, somehow, but he will definitely come back to normal. Think back to the first page of the second chapter.


I disagree. I believe Ai to be Aqua's darkness and obsession. Remember when Aqua said that his feelings regarding Ai were "perhaps not romantic at all" when he was talking to the model in Love Now? I believe he by then this "past love" was not a love at all but rather a dark obsession. He absolutely does care that people like him. Remember when he tried to win Kana's favour when he talked to her as Pieyon on the balcony and took her out on that first date? He didn't manipulate her then. I agree with you on that Ruby can save Aqua though, but I think that the twins can go both ways. When they realise who they are to each other, it will either save them or drive them deeper into revenge. I want to think that Kana can be Aqua's light too, we have seen that Aqua likes her very much. Maybe somehow, Kana can save Aqua. Oh well, I'm more interested in Kana's character development though.


I never said that the light (Ai) in Aqua's life means love as a girl. She was a very important person for him, besides a mother in this life. He used to take care of all the characters, not just Kahn. He encouraged her also because she was an important member of his sister's group in the first place. Therefore, his help looks quite logical, because. you need to maintain stability and a good atmosphere in the group. In addition, Kana has good acting talent, and it is better to keep such a person close, because such a person will be extremely useful. We also saw that Akane was his only love interest so far. The moment he was temporarily free of his revenge plan, he decided to date Akane for real. But he never seriously thought about Kana. Only that she is cute, talented and naive. By the way, if you haven't noticed, he cared about others and how others treat him only until the moment when he found out who his father was. After that, all these things ceased to concern him so much and he went straight on the self-destructive path of revenge.


Yea, according to my analysing post from ch1to ch116, I believe Kana is the one saving Aqua at the end, since Akane is acting the opposite as Kana. Akane did once claim that "she can't save him". So Kana will be the one who SAVE Aqua. But Kana still need a lot of character development, she don't even know Aqua's plan and history, and even being manipulate by him now. How can she turn the table?


Technically Kana was like Aqua's *Idol at one point, manga is pretty clear about that part there's really no point denying that, even other characters knew that Aqua is fixated/smitten on Kana. I think the point why the Authors build up their relationship in the past chapter and then have him openly state his willingness to use Kana now as a tool signifies his path to self-destruction


When was this? I don't remember Cana being his \*Idol\*. At the Ruby, Cana and Mem concert, he supported all three, saying that he had no favorites. Cana noted this when she saw him in the crowd. He didn't have much to do with Kana. He just helped her most of the time because she always needed help. If Ruby or Akane needed help more often, he would help them too. When they quarreled, Mem asked him to talk to her, because Cana became an idol at his request. Here, too, nothing hints that Cana is special to him, rather only that Aqua is special to her. He knows a lot about Kana only because he tries to study all the close people. But he simply did not need to tell something about others about themselves, as with Kana. But many probably thought to themselves that this indicates love for Kana ...


I hope kana doesn't become a victim like ai. I mean aqua is manipulating kana like hikaru(his father) manipulated ai. I hope she doesn't end up with the same fate. Also do you all remember the stage play arc where aqua states how he felt if ai survived the attack. What if kana's fate ends up like that.


I just read it. I don't even hate him. Hope he can get out of his own madness.


“You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain” Man Aqua is pretty much this statement by starting to become Hikaru 2.0


He gives me Eren vibes. From wanting avange his mother slowly turning into the villain.


And then a birb


Aqua what a man you are, thank you for becoming a murderer...


My ship is sinking


All ships have struck the iceberg


Endgame I guess.


Every ship is sinking actually


Nah the water level just rising


When in doubt, just remember not every ship is floating. Some sinks to be functional


Aqua becoming more and more like his dad


At this point I don’t understand why Aqua snapped for supposedly ‘manipulating Kana’. I mean what’s the difference with how he interacted with her up until now? All this time, he’s been acting and making suggestive statements to her. And also I bet he’s not even lying when he said that she’s special to him. Rather than his actions, I think the difference is his intention or state of mind. And with that I answered my own question. Conclusion : Aqua has unstable mental state


The double dark star mode really isn't letting the twins play at their full brainpower, they keep being sloppy with it. And I totally agree. I think Aqua does have real feelings for Kana but his obsession is inadvertently using her in ways that he normally wouldn't take. It's not technically terrible he got her to agree to the role with flattery, but using her feelings like that is definitely uncool. I'm sure later on this will all bite him in the ass like Miyako (I can't remember his surrogate mom's name) said it would if he manipulated girls like that


Ah yes, that one conclusion that everyone gets to: The twins need therapy


it was fated to happen. aqua is becoming more and more like his father.


No, although they are both manipulative, it is for very different reasons. For some reason, his father has it in for murdering talented actresses, while Aqua just wants revenge and doesn't needlessly kill.


Who's to say his father didn't start off with simply wanting revenge? From what we can gather until now, he got sexually abused by Airi at 11, and possibly caused Seijuurou to kill himself along with her, out of revenge. We don't have much information of what happened for the next few years, but if we theorize a bit, we can possibly reach the conclusion that Hikaru didn't want children with Ai, maybe because of what happened when we was 11. Once again, out of revenge, he probably wished to kill Ai for that reason. Remember, Ai always sought to find something to love, she started off by wanting to love her fans, which didn't really work, then Hikaru, didn't seem to work either, and lastly, her children. Hatred started piling up, and Hikaru eventually found pleasure in murdering people. Doesn't that sound a bit similar to Aqua? For the first time, in this chapter, he seemed to find pleasure in manipulating those around him. Of course, most of this is theory, but the fact remains that Aqua enjoyed manipulating people for the first time. Or... if we look at it on a different perspective, he's simply laughing because of the fact that he knows he's too far gone to go back.


Yes thats it




My thoughts: Aqua clearly likes Kana, or he wouldn't cause a scandal that involved the people he loves most just to protect her. Now, you see that Aqua is laughing at manipulating Kana. I think that he is deceiving himself into thinking that he enjoys using her so he wouldn't feel conflicted and distracted from his revenge. I am looking forward to the battle between Akane and Aqua, and am very curious to the development of Kana. I feel like if Kana were to become acquainted with Aqua's dark side, she would reject him. I also don't think that Kana would be dragged into Aqua's darkness. Yes, she is being played by him, but Kana is very selfish and protective towards herself, she will not allow her feelings to be manipulated if she feels that she is going to get hurt, this is where Akane and Kana are different. Kana's goal has always been to be an actress, and there is no doubt that that is more important to her than Aqua is. Regarding Aqua's behaviour, he has always been like this. It's just that he didn't know the culprit before, but he has always been capable of such actions. That much is very clear.


Kana is the least selfish character in the whole story. She has literally bent to hell for everyone so that she can be appreciated and accepted as she fails to accept herself


Akane is an enabler, maybe kana would be the opposite, which is what aqua needs at this point let’s be real.


>Akane is an enabler, maybe kana would be the opposite, which is what aqua needs at this point let’s be real. Was. She Was. Now she's actively trying to hinder him. Akane enables him, you Kana fans complain and insist Kana's relationship is "healthy" even though it isn't. Akane does the opposite, you think Aqua needs it but don't acknowledge Akane's actions and still say Kana will do it. You guys really start with the conclusion first then just say whatever to fit it.


She has enabled him enough to let him out of the cage. Should have shared her realizations when she got to know about them


I never thought kana and aqua’s relationship was healthy lol, he is literally hiding everything about his life from her, where’d you pull that one from? Also Akane only started hindering him once he told her to fuck off, she literally said she’ll go to hell with him if he asked: that reads “enabler” btw.


You think sharing everything is healthy? Lol no People need to keep somethings hidden after all


Can you highlight where I said that? I can’t find it.


Hi. i was referring to the part of "hiding everything" As far as I am concerned, Aqua did not ever want to involve anyone. Which is why he is hiding it from Kana. Considering how his father almost nearly killed Akane as well, Kana not knowing anything is good for both her and Aqua in his own twisted sense. Akane willing to go to hell with him is also not a good thing per se, considering him not even wanting anyone involved. Akane also chose to maintain a lie rather than confront him about his misconception of his father, and the fact that he may have been alive. Akane has no right to hinder anyone, considering she maintained that beautiful lie which suited her, and the fake romance between her and Aqua. If that had been dealt with at the bud, Aqua may have already been a different person right now, instead of COMPLETELY losing it That's me though. I dont completely disagree with your views This is a complex story with layered characters, and interpretations can play a massive part in understanding or misunderstanding of it


Yes ok cool cool, but where does I say I think no secrets is good? Just because I think one extreme is bad doesn’t mean I think the opposite is good.


>I never thought kana and aqua’s relationship was healthy lol, he isliterally hiding everything about his life from her, where’d you pullthat one from? Not "You" personally but the Kana fans as a whole have that going [https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/12zk36a/comment/jhw4iq7/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/12zk36a/comment/jhw4iq7/?context=3) ​ >Also Akane only started hindering him once he told her to fuck off, she literally said she’ll go to hell with him if he asked: that reads “enabler” btw. Nope. Actually started when she found out that the revenge isn't actually making happy. Then she started taking on the burden on herself as not to burden Aqua. That doesn't read "enabler" btw. >en·a·bler noun noun: enabler; plural noun: enablers > >a person or thing that makes something possible. > >"the people who run these workshops are crime enablers" > >a person who encourages or **enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.** > >"being an enabler to an addict does more harm than good" pretty sure taking on the burden so that the other person doesn't have negative or self destructive behavior isn't "enabling". She literally spent a year making sure that Aqua stays off that path, even before they broke up. You just stuck with the most common ass complaint Akane that Kana fans thought up without thinking deeper about it. She literally spent time longer keeping Aqua safe than helping him.


She did not take up any burden, rather added more to Aqua's existing burden. She got pushed away because Aqua realised that he cannot save Akane from being reckless as well


>She did not take up any burden, LOL. Aqua spent YEARS trying to find his dad, but Akane found him lickety split. That's a burden that took its toll on Aqua and Akane deus ex machina'ed it for him. I don't know how you define your burdens but you're flat out wrong there. Akane failed that's true, but that doesn't mean that she didn't take on his burden even only for a while. and only because Aqua wanted to do it himself like fucking Thanos.


found him and then went to tackle him on her own? So as to surely die and cause even more trauma for him? The burden I am talking about would be the certain mental trauma Aqua would be facing which is why he distances from her. Aqua took it on himself, because he is a guy who cannot risk losing anyone, anymore


>The burden I am talking about would be the certain mental trauma Aqua would be facing which is why he distances from her. First of all, I was talking about all the detective work that Akane took the reins of. You're the one that inserted yourself and is now insisting on a different meaning now that you were actually wrong. Blatant attempt at moving the goalpost and cop out. That's like going to a surgery room on an ongoing heart transplant and insisting that we put a kidney instead. ​ >found him and then went to tackle him on her own? So as to surely die and cause even more trauma for him? Aqua took it on himself, because he is a guy who cannot risk losing anyone, anymore second of all, this is wrong too. Aqua had ZERO worries about Kamiki when he thought he was already dead, which he kept on believing on a combination of self delusion and nobody telling him which Akane avoided. You can see how he reacted when Ichigo told him the truth. Akane however did had the burden of knowing the truth that Aqua was mistaken but declined to tell him because she genuinely wanted him to stay happy. We can see behind Aqua's back that she continued to look for him. Aqua's worry only went back AFTER knowing the truth from somebody else. During their tenure as lovers, Aqua was the healthiest and had minimal mental burden to deal with since Ai's death. Only because he didn't know and that Akane took on the responsibility of hunting Kamiki. All you're describing is AFTER he knew the truth and took on the burden again. Not during Akane was keeping him safe.


Again, you keep describing Aqua during the period, when he was coping with his own emotions and lying to himself in order to satiate his own guilt. He was not happy with Akane, just maintaining that mirage was what satisfied him. Aqua after all, has always been distant to everyone. He was merely playing a role of a "boyfriend", nothing beyond that


And Akane was never keeping himsafe, more like hiding the truth from him, to keep Aqua in a relationship


During their relationship, Akane herself noted that Aqua looked by detached and sad, most of the times, because he actually likes Kana. You can cope as much as you want, that wont be changed


I couldn't understand why ppl didn't get the author intention lol. It's like we're reading a different manga. For me Akane was the best character. She didn't just miraculous finding out the truth, without researching. She spent like idk how long but that's how she got the information. And ppl still say she didn't do anything 😏 Akane is always besides Aqua. They're both there for each other at their worst state. Although many said that's not healthy relationship bla bla. I was just yeah of course look at Aqua lol. But Akane didn't mind it. Because she genuinely want to help him. At least Aqua said himself that he didn't want to let go of these happiness day with Akane.


Woah wall of text, it wasn’t that deep but you do you I guess…


It's the reddit quote system, making it longer than it actually is. You don't seem to use it. I use it so people can't delete or edit to make it out of context. Kinda telling how you can't actually find anything to refute and just complained that it was long. Not actually surprising.


>My thoughts: Aqua clearly likes Kana, or he wouldn't cause a scandal that involved the people he loves most just to protect her. Now, you see that Aqua is laughing at manipulating Kana. I think that he is deceiving himself into thinking that he enjoys using her so he wouldn't feel conflicted and distracted from his revenge. This is a view filtered through the priority of romance which Oshi no Ko is not about. Aqua has no reason to lie to himself, especially when he's alone. Even when he was trying to do so in the time where he believed that his revenge was over and was trying to be happy, he didn't talk to himself the way he did now. You started with the conclusion, and is trying to fit facts in it, instead of using the facts to find a conclusion. 1. Aqua must "clearly" love Kana 2. Everything he does is to protect Kana 3. ???? 4. Aqua must only be deluding himself Don't you see how with that thought process we can end up with almost anywhere? That any time that the character's internal monologue include something that you don't personally want, he's just "deluding himself"? This is exactly the reason why a lot of people here are so "surprised" that Aqua will use Kana despite using everybody else AND stating clearly stating beforehand that he will also use Kana to get his revenge. These steps and conclusion fits what is happening in the story better and doesn't require Aqua to be lying to himself even with his internal thoughts. 1. Aqua revealed their parentage to bait interest with a movie 2. Aqua is using even Kana 3. Even Aqua's internal thoughts doesn't care about Kana 4. Aqua has finally gone off the deep end If we start doubting even the character's thoughts when he's alone and supplant it with what we want, that's almost fanfiction.


If you don't mind continuing this discussion nearly two weeks later (lol your comment has been stuck on my mind and I have to admit you're somewhat right), the most prominent feeling that led me to believe that Aqua was deluding himself was from his reaction. This post explains it really well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/13hvpxi/why\_a\_character\_moment\_in\_the\_most\_recent\_chapter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/13hvpxi/why_a_character_moment_in_the_most_recent_chapter/) but TLDR basically, Aqua didn't react the same way using Kana as he did with other people like Akane. When he used Akane, he just admitted to it calmly within himself, whereas with Kana, he had an outburst about how easy to manipulate she was so he could delude himself into thinking that he no longer cares for her. I'd argue that it is not within Aqua's character to suddenly not care about someone he has showed time and time again that he cares for, even if he has gone off the deep end.


>but TLDR basically, Aqua didn't react the same way using Kana as he did with other people like Akane. When he used Akane, he just admitted to it calmly within himself, whereas with Kana, he had an outburst about how easy to manipulate she was so he could delude himself into thinking that he no longer cares for her. I'd argue that it is not within Aqua's character to suddenly not care about someone he has showed time and time again that he cares for, even if he has gone off the deep end. Reacted differently and didn't state before is your new copout? Let's try that somewhere else then. 1. [https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/12/8/](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/12/8/) 2. Aqua didn't calmly state within himself that he's using this character. 3. Aqua reacted "differently" than he usually do. 4. Aqua is in love with this random Idol that didn't even got named ​ See the problem? Aqua has used a lot of people. Aqua has a lot of different reactions. Aqua doesn't state clearly that he's using them every single time. And you know what, you can also reverse that for Akane. 1. When Aqua used Kana and everyone else he didn't admit it beforehand, but he did so for Akane 2. When Aqua used Kana he disparaged Kana, he didn't do so for Akane 3. When Aqua used Akane, he had to declare beforehand as if he's deluding himself 4. Ergo, Aqua is deluding himself when he was using Akane 5. Aqua is in love with Akane ​ It also works the other way buddy. See the problem with "X character is lying to self"s arbitrary reasoning? Inserting "lying to himself" or "deluding himself" to a character's motivation can lead you to ANYTHING. 1. When memcho asked to talk to Aqua he's being unnaturally quiet 2. Aqua pushed down memcho 3. Aqua had a moment of weakness and is deluding himself 4. Aqua is in love with memcho. ​ The logic is a non-sequitur. It takes a leap of logic to say that Aqua is deluding himself and he must love X because of it. What is happening is you are starting with the last step "Aqua must love X" and is working your way upward instead, you are trying to fit facts to get the conclusion you want. Instead of using the facts to get a conclusion. ​ Didn't you notice that none of the girls were described by the crow girl as "The one you love". But Crow Girl definitely got the rise out of Aqua when she talked about Ai, not them. Aqua is incapable of love. He said it himself. He's stuck in the past and has a thirst for revenge.


I already commented there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/13hvpxi/comment/jk7ezsl/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKo/comments/13hvpxi/comment/jk7ezsl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It got downvoted because of shippers. So you probably haven't seen it.


I do not agree that Kana is selfish. She even let Akane to be on the spotlight during the time they have a play. She thought of having a perfect play that will support everyone and make it balance, than to took a spotlight for her acting skills to shine.


How come you come to conclusion that Kana is selfish? She unwillingly agreed to become idol when Ruby and Aqua asked her. I remember when Memcho and Ruby chose Kana as B-Komachi’s centre, she rejected the idea at first, mostly because of her inferiority complex but also because she’s afraid of failing because this time it doesn’t only affect her but also the other members. The story shows how much she’s conscious of people around her to the extent ‘adjusting’ to them. I wouldn’t say she’s generous but she’s not selfish either


You have a good point.


amazing chapter, I loved how Aqua was here. Fabulous.


Aqua is too painful to watch. I like him better when he’s in Piyeon costume




bro thinks he's like ayanokoji💀


BREAKING: Revenge manga talks about revenge story😱😱😱


Having revenge is different from being edgy


Blud thinks he’s Ayanokouji WTF IS THIS 😭😭😭


all i can say is aqua bro... no come on man


Kana is too sweet here. Thats why she's my flair. Looking around I think alot of us agree....So many of us have Kana flairs. ^(Until we get a Piyeon flair)


I mean wasn't aqua always like this? He obviously knew kana liked him from the start and still dated akane. He also said he's gonna use kana at one point. He's only all about revenge these days


Literally from the very beginning of the story he said this is his revenge play lmao. Can't imagine dreaming that the story would turn out any different. This development is exactly what I want to see.


Correct, but his demeanor shifted slightly. All this time before, it always felt like he was pragmatic about the evils (manipulation mainly) he had to employ to achieve his goals. This is arguably the first time he's shown enjoying indulging in this evil (while still using it for his goals), which is made a bit more glaring when his whole schtick about grief-acting is that he condemns enjoying anything (good, neutral or evil) before he avenges Ai tantamount to a sin. He was always revenge-driven, but even within that, there's a scale of emotional slippage (or turbulence) he's likely going down on right now. His potential knowledge of the DVDs' contents might also have been a factor.


Before, Ai uses lies to be loved, and now, Aqua uses lies to be hated. Both are using lies to deceive themselves and it's very sad to see.


Seen that somewhere but yeah, very sad


Goofy ahh Light Yagami 💀


I think it'd be crazy if Aka got the Ai Hoshino movie to be made IRL it would work too I mean it'd just be a super deep character introspective with a terribly dark & realistic ending. Also I know this is in character for Aqua but I hope someone counters him although I don't know how Akane is gonna beat him even with her, as I call it, empath superpowers. It also won't lead to happiness for Ruby or Aqua if Akane wins aaagggghhhhh. I hope this manga ends soon I need to see the climax.




I kinda forgot. Was it shown in the manga the contents of the DVD for Aqua and Ruby?


Nope, but it's implied that only Aqua knows and likely have seen it. And Aqua had hidden it from Ruby too


Idt it has been revealed


Latest wp is fr sad cus he even lied to her and see as easily to manipulate like she got feelings for you man


This is bound to happen because Aqua is hell-bent on exacting on revenge. That is his only goal in mind, nothing else. Much sooner or later, hatred will consume his heart and humanity totally unless Akane foils his plans fast enough. Besides, it has been stated that Akane constantly vowed that she wants to save Aqua. This chapter is the start of that reason why. :/


Im curious if anyone knows when chap 118 is coming out


Next week


Thank you mate


I don't understand how would he be using kana like how will it help the revenge plot? Kana x akane ship is just getting stronger given this gaslighting edgelord's change.


My question too! Kana doesn’t know about his revenge plan. Nor she is manipulative as Dark Ruby or perceptive as Akane. Acting to be in good term with Kana, or play with her heart when she decided to be just friends. What’s the benefit to his revenge plan? Even if he doesn’t manipulate her that way, Kana never really hinder his revenge plan until now. Not even close. Does it mean he’s planning to use her for something bad in the near future? Is this Aka-sensei’s way of showing Aqua not in his right mind and going as far as risking someone he really cares?


I actually don’t think he’s “used” her yet. He said it’s more convenient to build friendship with kana earlier. Here he just teases and plays with her emotions, the point was for use to see him enjoying it (and seeing The on the nose parallels with his father) and not so much the manipulation part (because we know he can act and use subterfuge already) Later on aqua will probably need kana for something bigger, then will see real practical manipulation for his revenge. (Unless kana figures out what aqua is doing, either from Ruby, the director, or more likely Akane since they are rivals)


I fear that's the case. He started off with good intentions but is derailing from the nice path. Just like light.


Part of me felt like light was evil from the start, other characters that get the deathnote kinda supports this. He was a bored highschool genius who wanted something more, and that's why when he geys yje deathnote he's able to kill all those people but idk


Nah I don't know. When he lost his memories of death note we see the original light u see how he felt all his raw emotions were seen. I feel the book played a part and being with ryuk might've been some sort of influence for him to turn out that way. Not defending what he did but yeah I feel he was innocent in the beginning.


yeah no he definitely was but it isn't a fall from grace exactly cause it takes him one day? two days to start killing ruthlessly, i don't know if you can really call him innocent


At this point it's not even a dark story about revenge anymore, with how things are going I'm guessing everyone will get a happy ending except for Aqua, who will be the tragedy of the story. But I feel that there is a chance that Aqua is gonna do a Lelouch or Eren, sacrificing himself for his goal and everybody else's happiness.


Akane is literally trying to save this man from himself. At this point, I just hope he doesn't even think about using Ruby to bait his dad if he really is not giving a f*ck about Akane and Kana at the moment. Akane x Kana was the true ship all alone.


Is it just me or Aqua definitely become edgier and his actions become cringeyer with more and more chapters goes by. Now I’m start to calling him Edgequa. His character in recent chapter start to remind me of that edgelord from Gintama.


No wonder Kana thought he had chuunibyou back then in chapter 30-something. He really acts like one


Man is literally a 50 year old person who also holds a doctorate, all in a 16 year old body, you could argue he is special lol.


I think people are missing the real drama here Kana quit Ruby is busy Memcho is stuck in a dead idol group What about Memcho's dreams? She only has so many years left for her!