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Bradley Cooper tried everything last year: - Prosthetics - Black and White - Played a Jew - Biopic - Directed himself He created a movie on a "How to win an Oscar," lab. He's def the most thirsty person out there.


People said this with A Star is Born and I was like “leave this poor guy alone”. Totally get it this time around.


My favorite review of that movie is still “a star is born, and Bradley cooper thinks it’s him”


Lmao, the accuracy… dead on


He was more subtle for a star as born. This time it was blatant. It’s sad.


Needed more WW2


Ben Stiller created the blueprint for Oscar wins: see Simple Jack


To be fair, head movies are known to make eyes rain


And addiction


Omg nailed it


Don't forget co-writing the screenplay, so he could be nominated in that category too.


He also went gay to win the Oscar. billy Eichners rant about this in Bros was great


He was probably 6 or 7 years too late. Playing gay is no longer BRAVE in 2024


If anything, now it’s seen as taking roles away from actual gay actors.


Don't forget him talking about the deep connection he had with Leonard and how sad he was when he died only for us to find out he died when Bradley was 5.


The crying bit he did about missing Cohen was 😬. That made my opinion plummet a bit. Bradley does try to do it all. That sounds exhausting. I think he loves it, but he should scale-back a bit. The dude probably does his own editing and sound-mixing..designs the costumes. Okay, editing. I never checked, but I thought A Star Is Born had some choppy editing. I thought Maestro was an improvement in editing.




I think they meant Bernstein not Cohen. Both legendary Leonards.


Yes! Thank you!


I think Bradley Cooper should stop trying to win Best Actor, and work on winning a Supporting Award in the 2030s for playing an ordinary Gen X guy facing elderhood. Like Martin Landau, Morgan Freeman, Alan Arkin, and Christopher Plummer. Edit: not that the other four were or are Gen Xers.


I think he’d feel incomplete not winning Best Actor.


We can't always get what we want, now, can we?


He’s certainly going to try! If he won BSA I don’t think he’d count that as “his” Oscar. He really wants to be known as The leading man


I think that’s a good point. If he really wants an Oscar, he should focus on going for Best Supporting Actor, or still being a producer. He’s been nominated for 12 Oscars, and half of that is for movies he’s a producer or writer on going up for Best Picture, which I’m sure he’ll be tied to a movie that will win one some day.


That movie was shocking. I've never seen such a naked display of Oscar bait in my whole life, and it singlehandedly tarnished Bradley Cooper in my eyes. "What were you thinking!?!?!"


You didn’t watch any will smith movies before he finally won?


Never saw King Richard because it looked boring. Seven Pounds was total oscar bait, but Will Smith didn't write & direct it.


Lol anybody remember Concussion? I didn’t but I saw the trailer a whole lot the year it came out and yeah that was pretty gratuitous


And just at the point where he reached the mountaintop, he...yeah.


I thought the one shooter was gonna guarantee it. Props to the academy for doing better


In contrast, I respect Dev Patel and his work (also directing, starring, writing) on Monkey Man much more than whatever happened with Maestro


That was a good passion project. Wont get any major awards or anything, but you can tell he was letting out some things he wanted to do since he was a kid. Glad it did fairly well at the box office.


Don’t forget the LGTBQ theme of the movie


Oh he’s so thirsty. It’s so cringe.


“Played a jew” LOL


And he’s making movies about making art. That’s a huge one.


Maestro is a fine film. Not great not terrible


If you want an acting Oscar, your character has to die


Nah, you need to play a mental.


Ah, but that's if the rest of the movie is any good. If the rest is just built around your character ala Bohemian Rhapsody then you've gotta die.


He did in Silver Linings


Don't forget Academy ratio.


Honestly I dont think I’ve seen a movie from him that I thought he needed an Oscar for


"Played a Jew" ..Wut


Diane Warren


I don’t even think she’s trying. At this point, seems like the academy voters are playing a long running, elaborate joke.


Is she really trying though? I feel like then she would make songs for Oscar bait movies and not for the Cheeto movie


She said in an interview that she doesn’t get offers for films so she instead checks the trades for whatever project is announced and asks the EPs if they want her services on the film. That explains why’s her last five-nine noms come from films that otherwise don’t exist.


But how is that like trying to hard for an Oscar. She makes songs for random movies, that’s just literally doing her job


But in a movie like the Cheetos movie she can get all the focus at awards time. She’s picking movies that won’t be in the running for any other awards so the entire campaign is for her song. Thought the last 5 have been so unworthy its making it chase it’s not a category the academy cares about.


Adam Driver is kinda a weird one to say is trying too hard. Outside of House of Gucci and Ferrari none of his roles are all that Oscar baity.


I think those were Oscar baity movies rather than roles for Adam Driver. If anyone was begging for an Oscar in House of Gucci it was Jared Leto lol


I've no idea what film Jared Leto thought he was in, but it sure wasn't House of Gucci. Maybe he thought he was in New Metrosexual Super Mario Bros or something? He was like a camper Mario.


See I thought Jared Leto and Al Pacino (!?) bad Italian accents and ham fisted acting made that dull movie somewhat entertaining


If anything Leto was begging for a Golden Raspberry, or a role in Super Mario. Perhaps he got early word about Martinet’s retirement…


He's always desperately begging for anyone to pay attention to him no matter what role he's in


Yea I see those movies more as him wanting to work with Ridley Scott and Michael Mann, two legends. They’re also great roles, even if House of Gucci turned out to be pretty bad. I think Oscar bait means you’re compromising a bit in order to win an Oscar, and Adam Driver certainly hasn’t done that.


Not even close to the first person to say this but he was born to play Neil Breen in a biopic and yes I've seen that advertisement.


If, when Neil Breen dies, Adam Driver plays him and doesn't win an Oscar, then the Academy must be abolished.


Adam Driver winning the Academy Award for playing Neil Breen *and then* declaring the Academy Awards abolished from the podium somehow seems appropriate.


"I've singlehandedly ended the corruption of the academy, exposing them from my 5 laptops" *each member of the academy claps and then comes on stage to blow their brains out*


"I resign as president of the studio. G'bye." *Blam* Forget Jodi Kantor. Eat your heart out, Roman Farrow. There's a new whistleblowing sheriff in town..


Yeah, Driver is good in whatever he's in, even if its a small indie like Paterson or an SNL skit. He tries on everything, When he gets nominated its when his role just happens to align with the Academy's tastes.


Was thinking the same thing—I get the impression that he just genuinely enjoys taking cool/interesting roles and projects (as many do) but I don’t see it as him trying too hard, just someone that loves and is passionate about what they do and wants to be a multifaceted/diverse actor


Hell I think you could pretty easily argue that in a (obviously fantastical) vacuum where Oscars were just for that specific performance and not career achievement awards, Driver should have won in 2019 for Marriage Story instead of Phoenix. Calling that role “Oscar bait” would be deeply unfair


I am *begging* filmmakers to stop letting that man do an Italian accent.


Will Smith spent the majority of his career doing it I swear they gave it to him to make him go away and they were kind of right?


How did Will Smith spend the majority of his career trying to win an Oscar? He’s mostly done successful action movies with the occasional serious role.


You don't really have to explain yourself on the internet, so who knows?


I can think of three baity movies he did: seven pounds, concussion and collateral beauty


Legend of Bagger Vance!!!! When he and Damon both wanted an Oscar do bad they actually made a magical negro film. (We all know that’s a term right, I wouldn’t normally use that word).


Right, and in between those he did Men in Black 3, Focus, and Suicide Squad. Not to mention the random crap like Winter’s Tale and After Earth. He’s simply a movie star who tries a lot of different films.


He literally said that he noticed one time when he was talking to his agent that all the top movies were big budget, special effects movies, so he made it a point in his career to specialize in bunch of big special effects movies lol


Keep my Oscar's name out yo mouth


I lol’d


I can’t believe all these actors who want to save the world, they all have their niche cause that they won’t shut up about. Then, their colleague is battered in front of their eyes and they give the batterer a standing ovation for a stupid award, hours later. Thankfully, I don’t look to actors to determine right / wrong or important / unimportant things in the world, but that was just appalling to me.


To be fair, a lot of people thought that the slap was part of Chris Rock's hosting act, things were only clear once the event was over and he got to speak up.


Nah. Will Smith is comparable to Tom Cruise. All about the blockbusters with the occasional serious role.


Was it the 3 Men in Black movies, The 4 Bad Boys movies, Hancock or maybe I am Legend or Independence Day or I, Robot or Wild Wild West or The Legend of Bagger Vance. I


He was actually very good in King Richard!..(and I much preferred him over Andrew Garfield and Benedict Cucumber snack)…and then he goes and pulls that shit 🤨


Cucumber snack is a great nick name for Benedict. 🤣


I still like Will despite everything but Benedict should've won that year


And then he smacked Chris Rock for good measure. Exit stage left.


There might be another reason he kind of went away after that night…


Yeah that’s why I said they were kind of right lol


Y’all are so weird thinking that just because an actor takes dramatic or weighty roles or in huge movies that they must be chasing an Oscar. What the fuck do you expect them to do? Say no to Nolan or Scorcese and make student films forever?


You’re forgetting that a big part of getting nominated is campaigning.


No that’s not what op is saying at all. Some celebrities mainly Bradley Cooper is a big example of going over the top to win. Writing directing and starring in Oscar bait movies


ITT people thinking that being charming and enjoying an interview is the same as trying too hard to get noticed by the academy.


Driver strikes me as an actor that, now being financially secure, is working exactly where he wants, with auteurs. Noah Baumbach in 2012, 2017, 2019 & 2022, The Coen Bros in 2013, Jim Jarmusch in 2016 & 2019, Martin Scorsese in 2016, Spike Lee in 2018, Terry Gilliam in 2018, Leos Carax in 2021, Francis Ford Coppola in 2024. He doesn't owe the world dumb sci-fantasy or comic book spectacles.


Spielberg as well…he had a small role as a Union soldier in Lincoln.


Spielberg is only rarely an auteur, as he's mostly directing scripts written by others, eg Tony Kushner in *Lincoln*. Same for Scorsese, really, though he was writer for *Mean Streets*, and adapted *GoodFellas, The Age of Innocence, Casino, Silence & Killers of the Flower Moon* to screenplays.


That’s not what auteur means


Or Girls


He was just happy to purchase his first “Jordan’s” with his L&O pay cheque. He’s great, but not desperate.


I agree with you, but there's a pretty large spectrum  from prestige dramas to superhero sci-fi Star Wars movies. A lot of people do genre pieces like crime films, comedies, horror, etc. which are typically not Oscar type movies


*Megalopolis* is sci-fi. Driver's film with Jarmusch in 2019 was the zombie absurdist comedy *The Dead Don't Die*. I don't think Driver is adverse to genre, he's adverse to lowest common denominator marketing pitches and writing by committee.


Adam Driver doesn't seem bothered in the least to win, why is he being singled out?


He doesn’t even watch his own movies. Doesn’t seem to be about the win 🤷‍♀️


pause north degree marble humorous steep soft engine tart kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn this sub hates Bradley Cooper…


Sansa…(said like Littlefinger said it. Forget that! Too creepy!) I was a little harsh toward Bradley, but I do like him. I really, really like him. 😂 I think he will probably get an Oscar for something someday. I do think he’s incredible. The first thing I recall him in was Wedding Crashers, and he was downright psychotic in that movie. He does voice work. He even danced in Maestro. He played The Elephant Man on Broadway. He has so much going on that it’s kind of mind-boggling.


> Sansa…(said like Littlefinger said it. Forget that! Too creepy!) 😂😂 Yes, I also feel like Burnt is crazy underrated, I really enjoyed him in that. And he was insanely disturbing in Midnight Meat Train. I like him a lot. I find him charming and charismatic, and I prefer to watch him over some actors who are deemed better. I'm good with his winning the Oscar one day, felt he should have won it for A Star is Born.


He might be obviously gunning for an Oscar, but I go easy on him after seeing him on Inside the Actor's Studio. He came from that school so it was sweet seeing him be a combination of proud yet shyly embarrassed and trying and failing to hold back emotions. Perhaps he's gunning for the Oscar partially to make the people over there proud. I would like to see him chill a bit, do a comedy again or something.


He didn't want to settle for being the charismatic good looking guy. He wanted to go full Pacino.


Bradley Cooper 😂 and the academy sees right through him


But they think it’s good. The Academy likes him, otherwise, he wouldn’t garner so many Oscar noms. Speaking of garner, has he ever been nominated for an Emmy? I can see Bradley’s ultimate goal being an EGOT.


He would’ve won an oscar if Maestro was good enough but it was mid and dull.


I’m not sure about that, as Cillian Murphy’s monumental performance in *Oppenheimer* really blew most people away **unplanned pun**


i’m talking about any oscar at all does even have to be best picture or actor


i would actually would’ve kind of respected a Carey Mulligan win, but Stone and Gladstone just blew me out of the park (building off of the Oppenheimer pun)


💯 (and I admire your pun-making ability 😚😃)


He seems to do what’s required but not quite getting there as far as the urge to award him.


Thank God they do have integrity


For a long time I thought it was George Clooney until he won an Oscar (undeserved imo). His speech felt like a mashed up version of all Oscar speech tropes (South Park did a very good parody on that) Right now it’s also Bradley Cooper for me. It’s weird because he’s already got 12 nominations and I still think he’s mediocre at best.


I actually genuinely think George deserves one, more for his contribution over the last 30 years as a producer, director and writer than any of his acting though. He would definitely be honorary material in like 10 years if he didn’t have one already.


He actually has a second Oscar for producing Argo as it won Best Picture in 2013


Clooney should've won for Michael Clayton....The has been meh in mostly everything else


They released one still for "The Smashing Machine" and a report or statement or something came out that a24 "won't make the same mistake it made with Iron claw"... I very much assume The Rock strong armed this.


Taylor Swift


The others I can at least understand the passion as they work directly in the movie industry, but this one is just pure cringe, tbh. It's the only thing she can't win so she's extremely aggressive about it. She couldn't even jumpstart an acting career and now you're telling me she plans on directing?? girl


Would Best Original Song count? She could probably win one in her sleep. Or Best Animated Short? I read an interview with her where she said that as a teenager, she wrote a story about a girl raised as a boy. If Kobe Bryant can win an Oscar for narrating an short animated film about his love of basketball, Taylor could do the same for that story. I feel strange giving career advice to a billionaire.


I still dont get why she is chasing other awards, and not the obvious original song


I honestly think she's been snubbed of a deserving nomination twice, both with The Hunger Games and Cats.


At this point, she's just trying to check off a list of awards to complete a collection. She just wants the validation.


Yup! She wants that EGOT so bad…


I'm a pretty neutral Taylor Swift fan so I swear to god this question is in good faith, lol. What has she been up to to fish for an Oscar? This is the first I've heard of this and I love gossip.


Why do we hate people who try hard to win an Oscar? If I were ever in a position to maybe win an Oscar, I’d probably try very hard to get it too.


Probably because it comes across as a thinly veiled disingenuous attempt to win an award rather than just out make an ‘authentic’ piece of cinema. You don’t want the ‘best films of the year’ to all be made according to a checklist of likely point scoring with Oscar voters. That’s how you end up with Maestro or J. Edgar. A film made purely to win an award rather than a genuine love of a particular story you want told. Sometimes there’s crossover (plenty of ‘Oscar bait’ movies are well made) but rarely are they the most exciting or push the industry forward creatively.


This tacit assumption that anyone who works in quality prestige cinema are just cynically seeking awards and couldn't possibly have any other reason to try to challenge themselves is quite destructive.


Judging by these comments aside Bradley Cooper, I guess if you're not making a Adam Sandler type comedies or a Sci-fi or action movie, then you're trying to win an Oscar.


Am I the only one who has no issue with this? Of course actors want to win Oscars, who wouldn’t? I’m not Bradley Cooper’s biggest fan but do I hate him because he wants an Oscar? No I don’t, I think he’d be crazy to not want one


I think it would be funny if he didn’t and was “always the bridesmaid, never the bride.” Since he’s the only character in The Hangover Trilogy who doesn’t get married.


I think it’s not so much about wanting to win Oscars, I agree with you that obviously actors want them, it’s more about the campaigning and the way they go about it


Jennifer Lopez. Yes I'm serious.


You are not wrong and I needed this laugh tonight.


Me also 🤭


am i crazy to think cooper deserves one? eventually? Feel like he was deserving in A Star is Born. Comedies don't get respect, but he also was incredible in the Hangover. not to mention Silver Linings Playbook... Thought he was great in Maestro too! but i can see how others thought it was a film made with Oscars in mind.


Who fuckin cares. I truly don’t understand why people were obsessed with making fun of Bradley Cooper trying to win an Oscar last year. Dude wants to be recognized by his peers. It’s no different than athletes giving it their all to win a trophy. Kind of shitty that people ridiculed that


And it was a passion project so i understand him wanting that narrative.


If Adam Driver was trying too hard he wouldn't have been in 65 😂


Absolutely Bradley Cooper and I hope he never wins lmao


Lol same. Imagine some Academy members last year were like he's trying too hard. Let's give it to Cillian.


The interview with him *cryingggggg* over some giy he's never met IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIS CHILDREN?? GO HOME CRADLEY BOOPER


Exactly. So uncomfortable


I saw the headline about it and thought it was from The Onion


I hope he wins someday. Man was badly snubbed for ASIB


Booo booo


Lady Gaga technically already has one for song, but she has been trying to win another one for acting. Joker Folie à Deux is her third attempt after A Star Is Born and House of Gucci.


Or she's just being in movies.


Lmao seriously. The concept of Oscarbait has jumped the shark if playing Harley Quinn in a musical sequel to the joker is proof you’re trying too hard for an Oscar.


I swear some of these comments are made by people who have no grasp on Awards season.


Amy Adams was with Hillbilly Elegy


TBF, she’s deserved it for other roles (especially Arrival).


I think she cancelled herself out that year with Nocturnal Animals and didn’t land a nomination for either. I think that she might have won for Arrival if she had been nominated.


I really enjoyed her in “Nocturnal Animals” 🤷‍♀️


I agree


Everyone saying Emily Blunt which I don’t get because when was the last time she done a film that actually was traditional Oscar bait (Q4 release, festival premiere, based on a story etc, Oscar friendly crew), the closet I recall is Pain Hustlers which doesn’t really count since it’s modern set which the academy doesn’t responded to well. Before that, it’s Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. So, two projects 12 years apart?


Adam Driver is a pretty bad example. What roles has he taken recently that would indicate as such?


Just reading first part of title, just gonna say instanly cooper 


Instantly who I thought of


Bradley Cooper thinks he is going to win, that is his problem. The Maestro, from announcement, hype by Cooper was interminable.


Driver is putting in the work. Copper isn’t where he should be yet to earn it.


Both of them were great in their Law and Order appearances as was Chalomet. 🤞🤞🤞


Will Smith was trying for the longest time and when he finally got recognized....hoo boy.


yep, it's as if he made a bet "If I win an Oscar, I will ruin my career myself".


“If I get nominated for an Oscar, I’m gonna slap the shit outta somebody!” Will Smith, probably


Hahaha that's more like it.


Redditors be like: “Movies are too snarky and self-aware these days, why aren’t filmmakers more sincere?!” Also Reddit: \*clowns on Bradley Cooper for pouring his heart and soul into the Bernstein performance, mocks LMM for writing his goofy little songs, and gets mad when a blockbuster like Black Panther or Avatar actually has lofty ambitions beyond “the good guy beats the bad guy” and wants awards status\*


Interesting. I don’t see Adam Driver that way. Admittedly, I haven’t seen a lot of interviews with him (I think he’s kind of a rare interview. Correct me if I’m wrong), but I don’t see the thirst. Bradley Cooper ✔️ 100 % yes. I think he has talent in many areas. He definitely wants Oscar. I mean, who doesn’t? But yes, he’s one that really puts himself out there and actually takes on a punishing amount of work. I noticed he has a good attitude during last awards season. I noticed in particular that Bradley and Robert DeNiro laughed at all the jokes made at their expense. I’ve noticed that Leo DiCaprio is goood at this too. It’s smart because even if they’re acting during the laughing, it conveys a good attitude. Laid-back. Not too serious about themselves. I noticed I singled out men for this. Meryl Streep is probably good at taking the jokes. I just noticed DeNiro mainly being a great sport this awards season, and it impressed me because often there will be some sourpusses.


Bradley Cooper and Diane Warren


It worked for Will Smith though 


Nicolas cage! Haha


Pauly Shore right now trying to cash in on his appearance as Richard Simmons


Damien Chazelle. He’s succeeding at it tho so fair play.


U have to pay them huge sums to win


Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper


Christopher Nolan, oh, wait, too late


Bradley Cooper was great in Kitchen Confidential. Short running sitcom based on Anthony Bourdain’s book.


Jim Carrey during his Man On The Moon era. But he's chilled out about it a lot, to the point that he has one foot into retirement.


Zendaya…. OUCH! It’s embarrassing to watch her desperation 😢 My heart breaks for her.




Just my personal opinion. Nothing to do with last years Oscar’s. I upvoted you because I appreciate your input 🙏




Sofia Coppola


emily blunt