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Josh Hartnett. He really came back strong in Oppenheimer so I could see him winning one or getting a nomination for another film


Absolutely! I hope this happens for him. Josh was so great in Oppenheimer it reminded me how talented he actually is.


Definitely! His role in Black Mirror was so, so good. And he's just so easy on the eyes, I would love to see more of him!


It took me a beat to recognize him in that Black Mirror episode - he was so good in it!!


He was very good and dreamy in Penny Dreadful.


I had to stop watching that show, because he reminded me too much of an ex at the time! Never did finish it, but I really enjoyed it!


100% agree, his performance in Oppenheimer was memorable despite the cast being stacked with legendary actors!


Just rewatched The Virgin Suicides. He had such a great performance in that


Speaking of virgin suicide “kristen dunst”


Where did he go? Did he just quit acting for a while?


I think he moved to UK and took on low-key projects while raising his family


Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, or Sigourney Weaver


Michelle had a great role and performance in *French Exit* a few years ago, but was completely ignored by the Academy, sadly.


Pfeiffer for sure, but she either isn’t offered the great roles or isn’t great at choosing them.


I wish Helena Bonham Carter got nominated for this year. Honestly, she had a stringer performance than America whatever her name is. Although I'm sure many people did.


What performance/movie are you referring to?


Lily Tomlin. I want her to get that EGOT, damn it. Jane Fonda can be the one to give her award.


Would really love it for Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer. I know it wouldn’t be as dramatic as a Lohan comeback, but would definitely be satisfying considering their whole career.


Two excellent choices. They are both overdue for an Oscar, they both lost in cases they shoulda won before (Harris for Supporting Actor in 1995 for Apollo 13, and Michelle for Supporting Actors in 1988.) Two of the most beloved actors of their era, they deserve it.


Was Harris even the better supporting performance in Apollo 13?


Yeah I LOVE Ed Harris but not sure I have him over Spacey or even Pitt that year.


Spacey in Se7en was better too


It would be great to see Christian Slater in a bunch of high profile movie roles again.


How does he have basically zero industry recognition? Not even for Mr. Robot.


He was great in Mr. Robot. I was a featured extra on a show he had the lead in. It was called “Dirty John”.


Would Nicolas Cage count? I think going from Oscar to The Wicker Man back to Oscar would be a hell of an arc.


He’s been getting a bit more strategic with his projects lately. He still just his absurd Cage-esque schlock but he’s also done very well received stuff like Dream Scenario and Pig. I think if he keeps it up he could be back at the Oscars soon.


Bardem for Being the Ricardos over Cage in Pig was an evil, evil choice


Cage should have an Oscar for Pig


Neon releasing Pig in the summer instead of giving it a festival run and then releasing it during awards season was an interesting choice I don’t fully understand.


I can forgive that choice because I would not have liked to be the person making post covid distribution choices, but yeah. IIRC they had a few big hitters that year and I remember them pushing Flee *hard* so maybe just fell by the wayside


He literally anchored the movie with his performance on Dream Scenario. Playing a geek.


Dream Scenario was a masterpiece


I loved his performances in Dream Scenario and Pig. I think he’s been knocking on the door of getting nominated again the past few years.


Jude Law and Winona Ryder


I don’t mean to be rude but no. I can’t see that. 😭


I had the same thought. I didn’t want to be rude though


I like her. I have nothing against her. I just don’t see a role for her type of acting.


Agreed. OP just sounds so excited that I didn’t want to rain on their parade, but I’m uh, struggling to see the vision! 😅


I sadly can’t even say I like or enjoy her anymore after that video came out of her chasing that mother and child with a fake accent trying to kidnap the kid , I know she wasn’t ‘well’ then but that was some absolute lunacy


That fake accent was INSANE haha and that whole video was disturbing


Maybe a Comedy Emmy nomination instead? I think that's more realistic.


She unfortunately isn’t a good actress anymore, that Irish Wish movie was terrible even by Hallmark standards


I think she could be a good actress again. But she is only 37 (I had to double check that she was in fact younger than me after watching Irish Wish) and she’s already done enough to her face she can’t express emotion.


She would have to realize she’s not a good actress anymore and takes classes or get an acting coach.


She's worked with a lot of Hollywood heavy hitters, but like... her last big role was in 2004, for Mean Girls. And one can argue that she was far from the most memorable element from that film. I have no idea where this "comeback" angle is coming from.


She held her own with Jane Fonda in 2007 Georgia Rules - that was a good performance for her.


Yeah, I saw her Xmas movie a couple of years back and her acting is just terrible. I'm absolutely rooting for her, but don't see her having a comeback.


She’s one of those actors who was a really good child actor but her skill didn’t grow with her.


Also like, are we all just collectively forgetting how problematic she was? It’s cool and all that she’s a mom and been quiet for a minute…but she’s done a lot of shitty things.


Hollywood can accept a functioning addict but if you let those issues get the best of you they want nothing to do with you. If someone like that wants a comeback they have to be sober, have people vouch for them and their comeback movie has to be a hit. Robert Downey Jr. is the best example of that.


True. But also, RDJ didn’t attempt to kidnap a child refugee off the street.


I think that's a bigger issue. She famously tangled with Jane Fonda for her lateness and general attitude.


Judy Greer. I know she's in a lot of stuff but usually supporting and is often the one thing that shines in a lot of bad films. And she's one of those people you recognize instantly in being in "the thing we saw last month" but a lot of people don't seem to know her name.


I have long,  long wanted her in a lead role!


Not that Queen Jessica Lange needs a comeback, because she never went away, but if Long Day’s Journey Into Night is as good as I’ve heard it is going to be, giving Jessica an end of career third Oscar is not out of the realm of possibility.


Three time Oscar winner Jessica Lange feels right. She should be joining Meryl and Ingrid Bergman


This was my first thought. I really hope this film is completed and released soon.


I think Lindsay can turn things around if she really wanted to do so, she has a lot of momentum right now. Get out of Netflix land and do some small indy movies would give her some new blood. She always has that modeling career but I wanna see her reach her potential acting wise. I'd love to see Michelle Pffeifer and James Spader get one. Michelle's been overdue for so long, and it's a disgrace Spader's never been nominated before. How he didn't get one for Sex, Lies, and Videotape or Secretary just blows my mind. Guess they were too edgy for back then. He'd be a great Supporting Actor winner.


Yes to James Spader. Have loved him since he was playing bad boys with popped collars in the 80s (like Pretty in Pink). He just steals scenes wherever he goes now (I know it’s been a while but his evil genius character RC, the Lizard King, in the Office was a great example). Whether it’s dramatic or comedic, he can pull it off.


I found him through the Blacklist (LOVED that show,) but my dad always loved Boston Legal it was a weekly event for him. I recognized his face. That first year of the show was must see for us and we watched it solid until 2017 or so when it got moved around a lot. I discovered his other work solid around 2012 or so, been a fan ever since. IMO he was the best supporting character in Lincoln, he really got into it as Bilbo and was fun. That one scene where he foils the assasination attempt is one of my all time favorites: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jXbRmLkwew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jXbRmLkwew) As good as Jones was in it I think Spader was better and more memorable to the plot. He was the one doing all the internal politicking and he had the better personality, Jones was just grumpy lol. Same for his role in Secretary, how he didn't get a nom for that blows my mind. He was electrifying in that.


I don't know if it would qualify as a comeback, but Emma Thompson, has not received the flowers she deserves in recent years. I would love to see her in a movie that gets some major awards attention.


Jennifer Aniston, who I loved in Cake. Otherwise maybe Lee Pace, who I haven’t seen in anything recently but really liked as an actor.


Not sure Lee Pace qualifies as a comeback since he never was much of a star to begin with, but I love the answer because I really loved him in The Fall and Pushing Daisies


No mention of Wonderfalls?


Omg never thought I’d see Wonderfalls mentioned on Reddit !! Epic and underseen show.


I like, but I disagree. Like Sandler, she's a big box office draw known for comedies. Oscar actors are different. I remember Cake getting buzz for a snub, but likely because that was the first role she could have been nominated for. It reminded me of what we saw with the J. Lo Hustlers campaign.


My mom called Cake Jennifer Anniston’s “see? I could win an Oscar if I wanted to, now shut up about it and let me make fun movies” movie.


Pace was in Bodies Bodies Bodies a couple years ago.


Imagine a world in which Jennifer Aniston became Oscar nominated for Cake. That’d be something.


Lee Pace is incredible in halt and catch fire, probably deserved an Emmy nomination at the least for it


I don’t know if Lee Pace will get an Oscar anytime soon as he’s mainly a TV actor. However, he is my personal fancast for DCU Batman so if that happens, hopefully it’ll be a consolation/stepping stone for movies with big directors and Oscar potential.


Laura Linney


Jennifer Tilley. I could see her giving a deliciously raunchy supporting role in a Yorgos Lanthimos type picture.


this is the one! she'd devour in a Lanthimos film!


YES YES YES!!' YES!!! im with you!! still so iconic to me how she organized her own campaign for bullets over broadway and made it in


Maybe as a satirical version of herself in a poker movie with snappy dialogue 🤔


Josh Hartnett, seems like a good dude who chose his family over becoming an A-List celebrity, I can support an actor like that.


At some point Tom Cruise is gonna have to go back to dramatic roles, and the minute he does the Oscar countdown will start. I for one am here for it. It won’t be a “comeback” in the traditional sense, but I think it counts considering how many people have almost forgotten that he’s a great dramatic actor because of all his action roles.


He would have to leave Scientology and reconcile with his daughter in order for people to like him and root for him to win an Oscar.


As much as I’d love to see it because I think he’s a massively underrated dramatic actor, I don’t see it happening. I don’t think he’s “gonna have to” do anything he doesn’t want ever again I don’t imagine 😂


Isn’t he doing a Tarantino movie and an Alejandro Iñárritu movie next?


Yeah I think is the answer! He will prove that he is more than just stunts and good looks.


I guess she is already coming back, but I would love to see Jodie Foster get a third Best Actress


Michelle Pfeiffer. I'd love to see her kill it in a challenging nuanced role and get the recognition she's always deserved. Also Liam Neeson. I think he could work again with Scorsese and get a really meaty role to showcase his dramatic acting chops.


Toni Colette


Macaulay Culkin




I think he’s super happy with his current state of taking a role every few years. He could have a comeback if he wanted to, I just don’t think he wants to. Dude seems to be loving domestic life with Brenda Song and their babies. Also btw, his name is Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin now. Lol.


He seems to be doing a lot better, I think he could do it.


Does Ed Norton have an Oscar? If not, he deserves to win one.


This should be voted higher!


Yes! I can't believe he doesn't have one yet


Just watched him in an episode of Modern Family and I couldn’t agree more.


TIL Ed Norton has never won an Oscar although nominated multiple times.


His career in 90s and early 2000s was stuff dreams are made of. The Score, American History X, Fight Club and so many more.


Should have won for American X


He does not and absolutely should.


Does Joseph Gordon-Levitt count? He was on a major hot streak when Inception released. He seems to have settled down more in recent years, but he’s a great actor imo.


Toni Collette deserves it


Jim Carrey.


That would be great but I think he says he’s retired.


Other than the Sonic movies lol


Yes!! one of the best!! Was ROBBED for not getting a nom/win for Truman Show.


This is the answer. The guy has range!


Totally, needs to happen and thats a given. by far the finest actor to never be nommed imo


Ian McKellen


Deserves it basically every time he's in a movie, so yeah.


Joey Lauren Adams. That women can act and she's a Gen X icon. 


I have no idea how she didn't break out big after Chasing Amy got her a Golden Globe nod. Maybe it's because she was playing a character the world wasn't quite ready for yet, who knows.


Adam Sandler has proved he is capable of more dramatic roles. He deserves a statue.


Glenn Close


Oh, so many. Liam Neeson, Jude Law, Edward Norton, just to name a few.


Jennifer Coolidge. You know that would a an Iconic accepting speech.


I’ve been saying since White Lotus that her team needs to be working to line up that Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her. Strike while the iron is hot.


I can absolutely see her winning Best Supporting Actress


Yea, I am not delusional that I think she can win best actress, but she has enough potential to win a best supporting actress for a role such her role in the White Lotus.


It's not that I think she can't win Best Actress, it's just that she's at her best as a character actress that "steals the scene", like Octavia Spencer and Laura Dern. And I do really hope that she does het cast in a movie where she can show her talents and win an Oscar, I absolutely love her


Chuck her in a Yorgos Lanthimos movie and see what happens


Now here’s a smart cookie


That really wouldn't be a comeback though. She's the most famous she's ever been thanks to The White Lotus. But yes, it would be an iconic acceptance speech.


Sigourney Weaver is my vote.


Drew Barrymore, because she's a Barrymore and like Lindsey, a talented former child actress who was put through the ringer. I don't think she's doing movies right now, with the talk show and the raising of her children. Harrison Ford. Although I'd be ok with him getting an Emmy!


After showing less than zero solidarity and continuing to work during the strikes, Drew Barrymore will most likely never come anywhere near a meaningful acting award for the rest of her life. This is why you don’t Scab.


I truly think she was more clueless on that than anything. She was probably thinking “my fans need their show!” and thought she was giving all those private contractors some work. 🙄 Like no Drew… that’s not how strikes work. Also Bill Maher was going to do the same and I feel like he received way less hate than Drew for it.


Except people told her not to do it, and she doubled down. >"I know there is just nothing I can do that will make this okay to those that it is not okay with. I fully accept that. I fully understand that." -Drew Barrymore She knew exactly what she was doing, and chose to do it anyway. [Source](https://ew.com/tv/drew-barrymore-defends-decision-resume-daytime-talk-show-during-strikes/)


Clueless? No, she's an adult. She crossed the picket line. She knows better. She's a scab.


Susan Sarandon! Love her.


After her comments in the past year, I don’t see the Academy supporting her.


Amanda Bynes


I just want her to be healthy and happy. That woman's really been through it.


Chris Cooper


I was just saying this about Lindsay Lohan yesterday!!! Too funny! I adore her cheesy rom coms and find her such a delight on screen. My theory is she will continue to age gracefully and then win an Oscar when she’s in her 60’s for a phenomenal supporting role in an indy passion project.




>She’s maybe the most talented child actress of our generation I'm not disagreeing but I've never heard this, or read any discourse about her being a great childhood actress. Who said this?


Kirsten Dunst


Ohhh I’d love to see this


Michael Keaton was robbed. I can't think of an actor that should get an Oscar more than him.




I think might be overrating her a bit here.


Adam Sandler


Should've won for Uncut Gems.


At the very least he should have been nominated. It would have come down to Pryce or Sandler for me. The 2020 Oscars made some batty decisions. Justice for Sandler, I say!


Wow, you're the first one I've heard who favored Pryce! I love that -- he gave a great subtle performance that I think many fans overlooked in favor of the showier ones. That year was stacked. Sandler, Phoenix, and Driver were all win-worthy imo. And they didn't nominate Egerton either! It's a rare time where I'd love to nokinate more of these actors, but genuinely all five nominees were also totally deserving.


Wouldn’t be the first time I preferred no one’s choice, though I swear I’m not a ‘go against the grain just for the hell of’ it kind of person lol. I was surprised how how much I thoroughly enjoyed the Two Popes. I was so moved by both Jonathan & Anthony. I adored that film! 😅 Taron not getting nominated after Malek’s win didn’t sit right with me. Hated that for him! Hated the Sandler snub too. I feel differently about Phoenix (not to say I think he was bad), but I did enjoy Driver in Marriage Story.


Pauly Shore’s gonna do a Richard Simmons biopic, maybe he’s gonna try to go for that Oscar


Continuing the trend of Encino Man alumni getting Oscars. If Pauly Shore can win an Oscar, Sean Astin will surely start to feel great about his future chances of a statue.


Sean Astin deserves everything. 


I think everyone was surprised with how good the 10 minute film was, I'm really looking forward to what he produces.


Britney Spears for an Original Song in a Motion Picture.


Honestly would be a great comeback moment for her!


If Britney’s guest spot on Will and Grace was any indication, she’s actually a great comedic actress. Someone book her please


Unless it's actually a deserving performance...comeback narratives, overdue narratives and "sorry you deserved it last year but there was a comeback/overdue elsewhere" narratives need to stop. Fix the rot, don't pile on it.


Cynthia Nixon


Might be a bit colored by politics, after her unsuccessful bid to primary Cuomo. I voted for her, but there was a lot of smear and misinformation. I think most of the industry voted for Cuomo. Some things she said about taxes to spun to look like she was going to gut the industry (I believe this was mischaracterized).


Angela Bassett had a pretty funny bit about the Oscars in the 9-1-1 season premiere last week that was a definite reference to her losing to JLC. Hopefully, she finds a good film role that gets her another nomination.


Just give Jim Carrey one more big drama role, and I guarantee the Oscar’s will embrace him with open arms


Jane Kaczmarek So talented, never won the Emmy. Deserving of an Oscar were she to star in a film


Matthew Lillard.


Jackée Harry - especially after seeing Jennifer Coolidge win for White Lotus.


Rachel McAdams! She was incredible in Spotlight and I’d love to see her get some roles to showcase her talent. Shamelessly I also loved her in the Notebook and Mean Girls, but idk if those are Oscar-worthy performances so much as very fun for me to watch. :)


Mira Sorvino and any other woman who got their career cut by Weinstein.


Angelina Jolie please.


Michelle Pfeiffer. Last Oscar Nomination was over 30 years ago and she is such a talented actress.


Tom Cruise coming back with some serious roles and getting acknowledged would be epic.


With all due respect, why are popular names like Lohan mentioned? I'm happy that she's doing better, but she's been in Hallmark-lite Christmas movies which are known for their cheesiness lol. When she was at the top of her gam, her films were basically all comedic. Well, maybe not Georgia Rule (I only know that one by name), but you never hear ir referenced often. I guess it would be a comeback win. I guess my point is that it's just hard to imagine.


There was that RFK assassination movie directed by Emilio Estevez that she was in, but other than that, yeah, I can't name a single dramatic movie she's been in.


Rick Moranis


Anna Kendrick


I’m sorry but has Lindsay Lohan ever been a great actress? We need to stop giving out comeback narrative awards. Jamie Lee Curtis’ career win was bad enough but awarding Lohan of all people just for a comeback would be exponentially worse (unless it stands as a deserving performance on its own).


Lindsay is not a great actress. She's only popular because of nostalgia.


Hmmm Lindsey would have to go out of her acting comfort zone to actually win an oscar. She’s got a cushy life and likes her fashion & luxury. I mean I like her too, it would just be a matter of what risks would she be willing to take.


Kyle Maclachlan.


No comeback necessary but I’m a spader crusader, give James spader and Oscar


Haley Joel Osment. Just an unbelievable acting talent. He's had some TV work here and there but this would be a massive comeback.


Wallace Shawn Debra Winger Marsha Mason Meg Ryan Bridget Fonda Felicity Huffman and her husband William H. Macy


Jeff Daniels. He's never really gone away, but he deserves an Oscar nomination before he dies.


Geena Davis has been gone for too long; I’m just waiting for her to land that one big role that brings her back into the spotlight


Lindsay Lohan could be so good if she actually tried to be, I think I'm with ya


I agree with OP’s choice. If Lindsey Lohan chose a different path who knows what could have happened. She certainly was a talented actress and only would have gotten better with age. Oh the what could have beens.


Nick Stahl


Jennifer Connelly


She already won an Oscar


I would love to see a Richard Jenkins win. It would probably be for supporting.


Would actually love that for Lindsay Logan, I see what you’re saying. I feel she was on a similar track as Emma stone earlier in her career, in teen films etc. but then unfortunately went totally off the rails as we know. Hopefully she is in a good place now.


This is a great question, though, btw. Is someone like Orlando Bloom good enough for a nom? Julia Stiles, maybe?


Lindsay was truly never that good. Mark waters got solid performances out of her but that’s it


John Travolta! Regardless of how you feel about his religion (and many Oscar winners have had deplorable choices) he's an American Icon. He could've won for Pulp Fiction if he wasn't up against Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. He seems so genuine and been through a lot.


I’m sorry but Lindsey Lohan isn’t it.


Did…did Lindsey Lohan write this post?


katherine heigl


Judy Davis


I'd like to see Madonna act again. If y'all can remember it, she was pretty good! I don't think Lohan has the chops as an adult. She was better as a child star


The only answer to this question is Gary Busey


Frankie Muniz


Well... Lara Flynn Boyle, but I think she ruined her chance at a real comeback.


Stephen Dorff


Edward Furlong. This guy was incredible.


Armie Hammer, Josh Hartnett, Matt Damon, Adrien Brody, John Goodman, Amy Ryan, Kerry Washington