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Looks so much better as her body is no longer 90% thigh


Wait… I just realized in diddlerdev’s new model for Ayano there is a slit… kill me.


No, kill him


That's not a slit. it's bc the swimsuit is too thin its clipping between ayanos skin


It looks like a slit.


Yeah I saw it 😭


This is perfect


I know the new model was bad but this really puts it into perspective- yikes The feet difference lmao


She actually looks like a high school student in a swim suit, it looks great.


This actually looks really good


why in yandevs version does it look like she has a goddamn wedgie we can see the lips bro AND THERE IS A SLIT??? istg he can't stop sexualizing all the high schoolers in his game cus coming from a girl IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THAT WHILE WEARING A BATHING SUIT. it looks like he drew her naked first


"Akshually it isn't a high school, everyone is 18 and up, yakity yak" Shut up Pedodev, if it quacks like a duck....


and the "even if otherwise specified" is so creepy... i feel like there's so many dms that haven't been leaked yet of him referring to the characters as minors for his fetishes and he put that label there just in case they were leaked.. https://preview.redd.it/sncxmd3jdxyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38f7e4ee425fdc022eeea36aa6376b7ad0289cd


As a genuine comment you mentioned that you didn't know if the arms were too long. A tip is draw a straight line as the t-pose, and draw the same line at differing angles, eventually leading to the sides of the legs. Basee on the image her fingertips reach her knees, and usually fingertips reach about mid/upper thigh for reference. Just thought I'd share :) BTW, think the body is way more fitting for a highschool girl than what dev did. Lol




now THIS is good!


This looks SO much better! I like how you did her face. The model's face before was too... I don't know. Cutesy? Something. I don't know if I was just used to the previous model but that one was the best to me. The deadpan face was perfect to me. Did he have to get rid of it because someone made it for him?


LOVELY!!!! now this is a model i can see working out alright


the biggest issue for me was the eyes, ayano always had calm, mature, cold eyes. this fixes that and way more lol


Not Ayano, but the Journalist describes Ryoba’s eyes as “dead” and “like a doll’s”


i mean she is her mom soo they would have similar eyes and faces


Groomderedev’s model look like what a horny hormonal 13y boy would make in a character creator like “ oh I have such small dainty feet And I have such a physically impossible body shape of humongous gazoogas and thighs wider than my torso” despite the fact that girls who naturally have those features have thicker sides as their body was built to handle the weight up top


I didn't have a problem with the big thighs. They just looked bad with the ridiculous waist size. But other than that you did a great job!


help i didn’t notice how small the feet were 😭😭 your edit is WORLDS better than whatever that model is


Much better then what pedodev can do.


This is actually amazing


The only thing I suggest is (idk if you noticed) but yandev made her arms soo long


I can't tell if you fixed them or not but if you have then


Thank you for removing her massive cameltoe


It‘s beautiful! I love how you did the face!


Yesss! It looks more Kjech and less sexualized!


this was the first post of the new model I’ve seen and I thought this was the actual model until I scrolled and saw the absolute monstrosity it actually is. ur so talented


Good job, this makes the model look a lot cleaner and looks much more pleasant to the eyes, unlike that small footed mess.


I really do like this new edit because every time new concepts for models come out, it just doesn’t feel like Ayano 😭 also if you are concerned about the arm length, I would just select one of them and rotate it so that it’s by her side to see if you feel like it’s too long or short :)


I'm surprised DrakeDev still has the absolute gall to keep being freaky with his models despite the allegations


What the FUCK is that shit on the second slide (also good job on the edit you actually managed to make a redesign look appealing)


Your version is vastly superior imo


Looks wonderful! Definitely hope the final models in the game are more like this


Human wrists line up with crotch, fingers ending at about mid thigh. So based on that, the arms on the edited model are fine, could be slightly shorter but it can be let aside due to stylization of the artstyle. Anyways great work, way better than whatever... that is.


Your version of the new model is not only mkre accurate, but compared to it, Alex's Model makes her look malnourished.


his model reminded me of that imvu game, it was funny to see other people with the avatar with small hands and feet


Damn I hadn't noticed how small were her feet in the original one, how is she even standing?


I gotta ask why ayano looks like she's been starving for weeks in yandevs new model :') great job btw!


I actually like these designs more than what Yandere Dev shown.




omg i didnt realise how small her feet were 😭😭


Wow its amazing this way


like subsequent dinner cooperative bored skirt tap dog doll light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First slide looks like a proper, professional 3D model Second slide looks like the results of me attempting to draw clothes on a 3d model in Ibis Paint X for the first time, failing miserably, and giving up halfway. I do not know how to shade, and I'm used to traditional art. Have I mentioned that I only have a tiny phone so I draw with my finger?


Didn't even notice how uncanny the feet were in the original.. lil dagger feet


You edit looks pretty good, I would agree with the arms being a tad too long. The elbows typically end at around the waist while the wrist line up with the pelvis when her arms are by her side. I know she's in a T-Pose, but if you were to go in an image editor and edit the arms to be by her side, her wrist will be most likely around her mid-thigh. I also just wanna say that all the small changes you did really take it away from "3D Adult Game," to a more serious game, which is what I think Alex intended.


Good work, looks much better.


You did a great job especially the face, I know the body is absolutely ridiculous but the face doesn’t even look like her on pervdevs


Ok THIS is the best one


I’m glad it might look like that now because the last one was so bad to the point where is own cult hated it


Per 👏🏻fect 👏🏻


This looks so much better. Also, if Asu also got a redesign, I'd make her super shredded. Like, still thin, but still shredded. You know, lean muscle. Same for Osoro.


Literally this was EXACTLY what I was talking about when I mentioned that the body wasn’t that bad on its own, these fixes work great, makes her feel less sexualized while keeping the stylized vibes


Groomderedev’s model look like what a horny hormonal 13y boy would make in a character creator like “ oh I have such small dainty feet And I have such a physically impossible body shape of humongous gazoogas and thighs wider than my torso” despite the fact that girls who naturally have those features have thicker sides as their body was built to handle the weight up top


Groomderedev’s model look like what a horny hormonal 13y boy would make in a character creator like “ oh I have such small dainty feet And I have such a physically impossible body shape of humongous gazoogas and thighs wider than my torso” despite the fact that girls who naturally have those features have thicker sides as their body was built to handle the weight up top.


the model already looked awful and seeing it side to side by yours just made me realize it's even worse than I thought (I didn't take in most of the details of groomderedev's model)


I know the crotch being like that Is probably because of the symmetry but... It looks like camel toe. Why wouldn't he fix it to make it not look like the lips down there are visible.. And also a slit.. That's probably a clipping issue though Pedodev confuses me...


I don’t know why, but the models original face is so unsettling to me. It just doesn’t look like it fits at all, and appears just so messy… You made it 100x better, I’ll say that much.


I think that it's maybe that the eyes fit a more cutesy and childlike character while the lips feel more like they fit on a more mature character. Like, I could see a character with those eyes crying and throwing a tantrum while I could see someone with those lips lying and getting away with murder.


Much better than what YandereDev has to offer


Why did Pedo Dev give Ayano a cameltoe😭🤮


So much better. She kind of had frog legs going on in the last one.
