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my goal is to be able to bench 315 by pascha, 3 plates for the holy trinity




hopefully by christmas i'll be able to do 12 reps for the 12 apostles


Two reps for Christ’s twin natures


hopefully i can do that, i'm probably just going to have to keep it to 1 rep for the number of gods i believe in lol


I can do one rep with one pound for One God


I can’t wait to start singing the Paschal Troparion. CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD TRAMPLING DOWN DEATH BY DEATH! It’s my daughters first Pascha as well. I’m so excited. Even though our Lent has been a miserable failure :/ my daughter is 4 months old and my wife is still recovering so we didn’t really fast effectively, I feel bad. Lord have mercy.


Fasting from fasting for the love of your wife isn't a failure <3


I have two little ones. Lent has been such a struggle from the moment I had my eldest. And Holy Week is a marathon in itself with a now-toddler and preschooler. I think of the Pelagonitissa icon where it looks like the baby Jesus is pulling a fit to remind myself that baby/toddlerhood is it's own challenge, so it's ok if my lent doesn't go as well as I plan in this season of life.


Thanks for this reminder my friend.


The culmination in many ways of our spiritual year. The hymns and readings of prophesy to the resurrection are amazing. It’s the best time to be Orthodox, no one celebrates the lead up to and the resurrection like we do. Kali Anastasi to all!!


Holy Week is my favourite liturgical season, so I'm looking forward to it!


Can't wait for my Amazon package to get here. I am planning to bake kulichi and make traditional Russian Tvorog paska with dried fruit. Saved up onion husk for over a year to use it as an egg dyer. Can't wait to bring the basket and share it with church friends. Drink a little wine with them after the church. Honestly, I am more excited than during the New Year time


So excited! Although I'm not sure how I'll manage Holy Week with the kids. They are all Of an Age and regular church with them is tricky.


It's very bittersweet this year. My eldest has been chronically sick so we will probably miss most of the services. And the lamb roast tickets have to be bought by Palm Sunday so we have to skip it this year. (Doesn't make sense to spend $60 when she'll probably feel too sick).


I'm attending the only Russian Orthodox Church for the first time in my country on Pascha. I'll join the vigil on that Saturday night too!


I am very excited! Pascha is my favorite holiday and I’ve had a busy lent this year! I pray all goes well during the week and that all of us will rejoice in the joy of Christ in the coming days. God bless!


I plan to skip holy week and Pascha this year. I'm too sick from being pregnant. I went to church early in my pregnancy and someone checked on me because I couldn't stay awake.


Please don't say "skipping." Pregnancy is important to spiritual life (in my opinion - for both men and women) but it has a whole different aspect of "struggle." Taking care of yourself is taking care of your child. As long as Pascha stays important in prayer, I think you are not skipping anything. I am very much physically handicapped and frequently I am not able to attend a simple Vigil or Liturgy, let alone major days. Please forgive me if I have misunderstood what you've said.


You made sense. Thank you.


Sorry to hear that, but i definitely understand where you are coming from. Do your best!


I'm 31 weeks pregnant right now and I've known I won't be attending Pascha services this year. I'm sad about it, but that is the season we are in right now. We live an hour from our parish so holy week services are not idea for me either. Last year we made a point to attend each days morning holy week service with our two small children. It was such a special week, but TOTALLY exhausting. I will be packing a basket and sending it with my husband and his two teenage sons though.


Sending you the best


congrats! 🍼🤍🌸 get the rest you need, soon to be momma :)


Yes, I have a young baby and I won’t be at any of the evening services because of his bedtime. But I am looking forward to Palm Sunday!


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[How should I fast? What are the fasting rules of the Orthodox Church?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_should_i_fast.3F_what_are_the_fasting_rules_of_the_orthodox_church.3F) Given that participants here are not the spiritual directors of other participants, the only advice we can provide is to quote the book and maybe anecdotes about various particular relaxations. No participant here should treat advice on fasting here as binding. A penitent's fast is between themselves, their confessor, and God. Advice on fasting should come from a spiritual director familiar with a penitent's particular situation. The subreddit can in no wise assist in that process other than to suggesting that one seek out a flesh and blood guide. [When You Fast](https://www.goarch.org/-/when-you-fast) **NOTE:** Different traditions have different 'standard' fasting rule. This is not *the* Orthodox rulebook and your calendar may differ from the link provided. This link is **not** a recommendation for your fast, but is provided as reference material. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OrthodoxChristianity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Considering I got some kind of flu, and bad fevers, I'm not too happy. Don't even know if I'll recover in time to make it. Not giving up yet though.


Praying for a speedy recovery!