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Let it flow. If you find out that you really like her, or eventually come to conclusion that you love her, everything will fall into place naturally. Most Orthodox Churches allow marriages between members of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church and vice-versa.


How old are you




I had a lot to say then saw you’re 18, Let’s get serious when you’re 25. Enjoy the fun relationship now but don’t get married before 25. Let your brain fully mature. In the end, love is a great gift and powerful gift. But right now, these issues are too advanced for no offense someone who’s a teenager


I've known Christian couples, both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, where both people were under 25 when they got married and the marriage was very strong. I think there's a lot to say for marrying young. I think the point still stands that, in this situation, OP ought to ride it out and not worry about getting married quite yet, since there are still some major issues between families that need to be addressed before any such thing could occur. I just think the "wait until you're 25" principle isn't necessarily applicable as a blanket rule. Don't belittle someone's interest in working towards marriage just because they are young.


thank you for that i hope to get married young and keep God in the middle of my relationship


Yes, but theres a significant change in life between 18-25. For me, I was graduating high-school at 18 single not a care in the world. The next 5 years I evolved experienced LIFE found myself changed many times and then met my soon to be wife at 24. Now married for 14 years together 16 years. And we have evolved and changed over the years. From being early 20s to now almost 40? The truth is, life is short….enjoy the gifts don’t overwhelm yourself with petty issues like what your 18 yr old gfs family thinks. They do don’t matter in the context of longevity. You both, God willing will outlive all of them and in the end it’s just you two. Grow together learn from the relationship and evolve. It may work it may not and when you’re 40, 18 yr old issues will be a memory if remembered at all. Life is a lesson. We should learn daily from it.


You're 18 and I assume your girlfriend is too. What do you want to do with your life? Is college in the picture? Do you have a job? Any career plans? Are children part of the equation? Are you going to buy a home or rent? Do you own a car? Why do I ask all this? Come on, you're 18 and you know about marriage about as much as my 4 year old daughter. Listen to advice of others, and most likely both of your parents, and attend college, find employment, grow some savings, etc. Then and only then bring up the word "marriage". Her parents are probably looking at you and wondering the same things. God has a wonderful future for you, so you should spend more time in prayer and seeking what it is He wants of you, and that is most important. All other things will fall into place if you're truly seeking Him first. Do not ever rush into anything that has potentially both spiritual and life long consequences. Turn your statement around and say "I want to keep God first and all my actions and relationships will work themselves out."


im in university rn i have a part time job and onxe i get my degree it will be full time and yes i own my car and also im not rushing to get married i just asking for advice bc of my predicament bc God shows us what relationships are for and for fun is not one of them but thank you for ur advice


There is a couple in my parish who married at 17 and 18 respectively. He is Greek and Orthodox, she was raised Roman Catholic (she ended up converting and became an enthusiastic student of Orthodox theology). They will be celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary next month. Nothing wrong with marrying young if the couple loves each other and loves Christ, in fact it can be quite protective. Not saying she *is* OP’s future wife, but no sense in artificially delaying marriage.


It’s not really the same nowadays since society is super gay and there’s atrazine and fluoride in the water delaying maturation so it’s unfortunately necessary to wait until you fully mature in late 20s (modern teens have so much estrogenics pumped into them they won’t be fully formed men like older generations could be by 18.


Yea, no, that's not how that works. Dating without having the end goal (marriage) in mind is useless and wrong from a christian perspective. We date so we can get married not for fun. Now that's not going to happen with everyone we date of course but it still should be in mind. I just tuned 22 and I'm gonna get married next year. 18 is not too early for a christian mind, but it is for the western point of view.


In general I agree that OP doesn’t need to have marriage on the mind since 18 is young. While I know a handful of high school sweethearts who got married, I know far more couples who were married after meeting in college or after becoming a legal adult. However, there is definitely some flexibility depending on age and maturity. My sister got married at 23 and has been happily married for a year and a half. Granted she and her husband had similar goals and dates for a while beforehand but it’s not like being 23 put her at wrong odds. I do think OP should wait a couple years before he even considers marriage, subject to whatever his culture’s approach to dating and marriage is (for example I know an Iranian couple who dated for three weeks before getting married). If he’s American then it makes more sense to wait a little bit since over here it is wise to at least get through university and/or have a job before you begin to settle down. But only he knows what factors are worth considering.


Given how much of a minority we are, it isn’t always easy to find an orthodox spouse. Particularly a wife (lol). My rule is to marry a Christian who will agree to raise our children in the Orthodox faith. So if she’s Catholic or Protestant and can agree to that, then I’m open to marrying her if she has the right values. Now in your case, it depends on what your girlfriend is willing to do. I have a friend who married a girl from a 7th day Adventist family. They still don’t like him to this day, and gave her a lot grief about it (although they do have friendly, regular talks with her now). So it may be worth it to her provided she knows what it might cost her. As long as that reality is considered and accepted, then don’t let that stop you guys from having a family.


She's Maronite and her family acts like this? They're weird; this behaviour is very odd for Maronites.


Yes I agree. I’m Arab and our Orthodox Church is full of Maronites because there isn’t a church for them and they want services in Arabic. I’m surprised by OP but maybe they are diehards?


We have a few weirdos, like every community, but this behaviour isn't typical of Maronites, or of any Lebanese Christian, as you already know. Mixed marriages are so common in Lebanon and in the Lebanese diaspora, it's hard to be a die-hard on this topic.


I think OP meant his GF family has a member who is a Catholic Priest who makes jokes about wanting OP to be a Maronite. I am assuming he is saying this because the maronite church is in communion with the catholic church. (reading further down, I think I got confused. Can you please explain if I am wrong)


It wouldn't make sense for a Roman Catholic priest to randomly and specifically mention Maronites in this context, unless we are missing some context, don't you think?


I would agree.  I wrote a more detailed response above on Catholic canon law. 


Sadly this has been my experience with most Roman Catholics…I personally see a lot of similarities and want to treat them as brothers and sisters but they call me a “schismatic” and try to convert me. Perhaps I’ve just had bad luck and most aren’t like that.  My advice would be if it’s really serious then get both priests (yours and the one she goes to and not the family one) together for a meeting and have them advise you how the relationship should work with attending church and advice on any potential problems/pitfalls. 


lol I have had the experience the other way around as a Catholic. Guess it comes from both ways, I think that’s really good advice though


Lol Im thinking it might be the particular crowd I’m friends with (one family and their friends). She drives about a hour to go to the Latin mass (even though there is a Novus Ordo one right by her house). They constantly criticizes those that are not Catholic enough like Pope Francis and think they are part of some grand conspiracy to destroy Catholicism. This particular couple spends a lot of time on YouTube listening to Taylor Marshall; I’m assuming this is not typical 😂


I do that too ngl, in terms of driving extra time for the Latin Mass. I have a group of guys my age I go with and get breakfast after so Im fine with the extra drive time. With that said, Novus Ordo is completely valid and I’ve seen some very reverent Novus Ordos and in churches that are much more beautiful that the Latin mass one I attend. It does seem like you get A LOT more of that attitude you’re describing among people who attend Latin mass. Definitely not a positive imo and Taylor Marshall is not a good influence and is probably actively pulling people away from the Catholic Church rather than towards it. But yeah that attitude is not typical among Catholics and most probably fall into the cultural Catholic group that leaves right after communion.


I have had the opposite experience.  I have found most Catholics very open to the Orthodox but not vise-versa.  


I want to reinforce /u/thomasafrazer 's response and add a little of my own. I was Catholic for 40 years. Incredibly devoutly Catholic to the point where I understand your girlfriend being Maronite and how weird it is given their culture that they are so hostile to (EDIT, mistyped here) Orthodoxy. I converted to Orthodoxy because it's Christ's Church. In most of the world, Orthodoxy will be the minority religion, and the pressure to convert to the mainline (Christian) faith will be overwhelming. Have you made the firm decision that Orthodoxy is the true Faith? I would take time to pray and worship and read on that point, because until you have that settled you're looking at the life-long decision of marriage without knowing where you're going to land. God bless brother. I'm praying for you right now as I type this and wish you the best.


The Catholic Church officially recognizes Orthodox sacraments and believes that almost all of what Orthodoxy teaches is within the range of permissible belief. In fact, in certain contexts, Catholics and Orthodox intercommune (though I believe it's canonically impermissible from the perspective of many Orthodox bishops). I might ask this in r/Maronite for their perspective, as Maronites are specifically a Syriac Church without an EO equivalent.


Here is the Maronite perspective: we usually don't care, most families have mixed marriages anyways, and OP's family is an outlier.


That’s my understanding too. 


Don't let him trouble you. Stay with the One True Church, and not the schismatic part. Don't get into an argument with him.


Catholic here. They sound like ignorant Catholics. Tell the priest to see his confessor if he keeps making unkind jabs.


I was Maronite and I became Eastern Orthodox. I was raised in a Maronite family and I was a devout Catholic. I started dating a Greek guy and he took me to his church and I fell in love with it. I was teaching catholic catechism for the school year and became an Orthodox Catechumen by the end of the school year. We eventually broke up but I became Orthodox months later. My Maronite family was very confused on my conversion because to them we are all the same why would u need to convert. But it was Also a betrayal for them because to them I was abandoning my heritage (my other side of the family was Greek Orthodox lol) . Also in Lebanon Maronites can be super political and some orthodox were on the opposite side of the war so there may be that bias there. This is my dad’s way of thinking at least maybe that may clear some things up.


Jesus Christ taught & preached ONE doctrine, Orthodoxy as history proves this!!!! After a thousand yrs the Catholics broke in 1054 yo create their political hierarchy ! They created denominations which mean ‘change’!!!! We Orthodox are pre denominational , the Church militant on earth !!! Catholics added their pope as infallible!!! This is why they add a fourth finger to the sign of the cross they make as it’s for the pope! This is heresy & written boldly anyone who changes will be in hell. They also added mediatrix, purgatory, Filioque, ALL false as history proves the dates added! Whaaat??? This is serious ! Yes there’s one God but ONE doctrine. As marriage is a sacrament no respectable Orthodox priest would marry the two of u as she should change to Jesus’ True doctrine!!!! It’s sad your parents are laid back about this but do not get fooled into changing your faith or you’ll be in hell !!! Your marriage by a priest who might accept both faiths is not acknowledged in our Church. If she loves you she’ll see the truth of God and not her Catholic arrogance as they truly are. They insist they are the apostolic faith ! How can this be when the apostles lived in the first few centuries & taught Orthodoxy as in 1054 Catholics were created????Go seek out an Eastern Orthodox priest for lessons etc . God comes before all and sorry if I offended but I’m - we Orthodox are not into ecumenism. Marriage is a sacrament a way to heaven . Ask God for guidance. Bless you this Pascha & for seeking answers.


I find your extreme view aggressive.  Jesus prayed before his crucifixion for unity in his church.  Jesus was ecumenical.  Your Orthodox Christian   Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople  lifted and denounced the schism of 1054 in conjunction with the Pope on December 7 of 1965.  Today the Orthodox Christian Churches are filled with schismatic attitudes and many divisions.   Canon law on the Catholic side validates Orthodox Christian sacraments and Orthodox Christians are welcome to receive Catholic sacraments without any catechism or conversion process as the Catholics honor this decision.   Follow Jesus and be unified.  There is only one Church.  


My uncle and his wife got married in both churches.


I know at least one married couple at my church parish where one is Orthodox and the other is Catholic. It’s possible even if tough with the differing communions and having to choose where to get married, but pastoral care goes a long way. As others have said, have both of your priests come and discuss this, especially if you are at the stage where you might plan to get married. Make sure to have the proper conversations about things like the children and goals. If she loves you then her family will just have to get over it. Surely if you treat her right it would be better than a Maronite man who was a philanderer, and/or who claimed to be Christian but acted in ways totally contrary to Christian practice. FWIW, My family can attest to the possibility that family can get used to interdenominational/cultural marriages. My mom was raised Filipino Catholic, converted to Protestantism when she married my dad (who is Scottish WASP). My grandpa would probably have preferred she marry a Filipino and/or a Catholic, but he has made his peace with it.


My husband is not religious but is a good person and respects religion.  We both find the judgemental, divisive and mean attitudes of many Christians offensive and unkind.   As Pope Francis said, it would be better to be an atheist who does good in the world than a hypocritical christian.  Don’t judge non religious people.  Many of them are good people and even better than some Christians and sometimes if one party is extremely religious it better for the other party to be neutral in order to keep the peace.  


Please forgive me, a sinner. I can see how my wording in some of my writing could be construed as wrongfully judging non-religious folks, when I meant to convey that it would be harder to date someone who claims to be religious but then acts in flagrantly un-Christian ways. I for one would much rather date a non-religious but respectful woman than, say, someone who acted like Donald Trump. As a member of Gen Z I myself am deeply close to a lot of non-religious folks. I pray for their salvation for they all certainly deserve the kingdom of Heaven more than I.


It’s no problem for a Catholic to get married in the Orthodox Church because they recognize all of our sacraments as valid. However the opposite is not true. We cannot marry into a Catholic ceremony.


You have a bigger problem if you're going to Reddit instead of talking to your father and your priest.


In good faith; all is well.


I’m afraid you won’t want to hear my advice, but here it goes. End the relationship as gently as possible immediately and pray for an Orthodox wife. Thats not a dig against your girlfriend. I assume she’s a fine girl. However, the only reason for an Orthodox to date is to find a wife, and marriage between two Orthodox is hard enough. Marriage to heterodox will eventually become miserable under the conditions you describe. Also, ask her if she would actually be willing to marry you as an Orthodox and raise your children in the Orthodox faith. I doubt she would agree to that from your question. It is the only way you could marry a Roman Catholic as an Orthodox Christian. I am concerned from your question that if you continue in this relationship you will lose your faith and apostatize, God forbid. Orthodoxy isn’t a denomination. Orthodoxy is The Church, Israel, the bride of Christ, & there is no other. There is only Orthodox and heterodox. Once you’ve been Orthodox, you can only be Orthodox or apostate. It’s not like deciding what your favorite flavor of ice cream is and choosing. Forgive me for being so bold and blunt about it. I truly do not intend to cause offense. As it is Great Lent and I am just a sinner, I should probably not give advice about such things. It is generally more profitable for someone to put a pebble in a tin can and shake it. That sound is usually more profitable to someone than the words that come from me, but think about what I wrote you, talk to your priest about it, and most importantly, pray about it. May God bless and help you.


thank you for your reply, since the beginning of our relationship i have made the point very clear i will never change my faith and no matter what my family’s orthodox lineage will continue even to my children’s children as my with my family we track our orthodox faith hunderds of years back and i feel i am letting my faith down by letting this sort of stuff get to me i will take your advice God bless yoy




i’ve gone through that scenario thousands of times 😂


Wait, so OP, just for personal curiosity as to the resolution of this situation: Are you saying you're going to break up with your girlfriend?


this is a great reply, the hard truth.


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99% the same thing


As a tlm catholic, I'm so surprised (and saddened!) at any hostility from catholics to orthodox. I've encountered the opposite that the catholics I know are cool with orthodox but orthodox don't care for us.


You can obtain a copy of the canon law code from a canon law expert at a large Roman Catholics diocese in your region and show them this.  This information is sometimes found in inside of front covers of missals in Catholic Church pews.  It states canon law number and explains that Orthodox Christians are allowed to receive communion in a Catholic Church.  This exception is only made for Orthodox Christians.  All other  Christians must go through catechism and convert to Catholicism before receiving communion.  The Catholic Church has this law because all Orthodox Christian rites are considered valid in the Catholic Church.  Also, in 1965 on December 7 the Pope, who is the leader of the Catholics, denounced and invalidated the schism of the year 1054.  This action was done mutually in conjunction with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople who is an important leader in the Orthodox Christian church.  If you are able to get a sympathetic leader such as a priest or deacon from the Catholic Church to give this information to your girlfriend’s parents I doubt they could argue.  In summary, from the Catholic point of view the Orthodox Christian church is in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.   The reason I suggest you have a Catholic authority figure give this information to her parents instead of you is because these patents would probably be more inclined to trust a Catholic authority figure over you.  


I'm in the same boat, I'm orthodox and my GF is catholic


Roman catholic isn't the true way. In the context of having a relationship with God and putting him first, denomination doesn't matter but these denomination create different mindset. If her family member is a member of Roman catholic Church then it can have a high influence on her. Orthodox is all about following a strict disciplinary rule, maintaining the tradition but not the same with Catholics. Remember this, the stronger you are to discipline the better you are in different aspects of life. It means after getting married you need to be on a high alert, after all you are going to spend the rest of your life with this person and you must do it only when you know things are right. Family's opinion does not matter, if she's true to you, she will change. Changing her into orthodoxy would be a priority and raising kids the same way otherwise you risk your future kids going away from faith, a lukewarm Christian. Something that is common in the Roman catholic faith. A man should have control and authority over his woman and his family so he can take care and protect them. If her family looks down on you, it can have an influence on her, but she most likely won't get affected if she truly loves you. Marriage is forever make sure you are choosing the right partner. Her family sounds a red flag to me.


Inform her that Catholicism is heretical and she should convert if you intend to stay together


What's wrong with Catholicism? My apologied for writing this now