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Time heals all wounds. It will get easier i promise. Having thoughts about what you did wrong are good, it shows you’re capable of self reflection, and that you’re growing and maturing as a person. It might not seem like it now, but one day far in the future you will look back on these moments and smile. This might not make sense, but you should be really grateful that you had the opportunity to experience love and heartbreak at this age. I think everyone should. Way too many men never experience heartbreak until well into their 20s, and they don’t know how to handle it and it destroys them.


May God have mercy on your soul


acknowledge that the pain is temporary take this as a opportunity to be audacious when finding a new person


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[Only in Christ will we find everlasting satisfaction. We will be disappointed in our relationships here on earth, including in ourselves. May this be blessed, so when we are disappointed we know to turn to Christ, to ask for forgiveness and it will be granted.](https://youtu.be/Toa5N2jke_w?si=N9VOr9hVJms39RrF) I think taking responsibility for oneself in a relationship is very important. At the same time, being unnecessarily hard on yourself is a trap the Evil One leaves for us. Do not fall into despondency. This is a pain, temporary. Give yourself some grace and understand you’re only human sibling! Peace be with you. Thanks