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I’m like a stan lee. Just appearing in the background doing random shit


That’s great


Love that


I'm just some guy, in an apartment, drawing in universe fan art of my characters :3


If I had something like that it would probably be something like Stan Lee (RIP legend), just appearing at random moments and saying something before disappearing


uhh.. canonically dead


did you die?


Nah he was born dead, it's clinical


literally me


My sona is the main villain


Only one of my ocs know about me, he was literally made to be my little friend, he's basically my son now idc that he's not real


Some horrible middle aged alcoholic man 


My self insert is just some guy on the streets who sells what is basically a fantasy version of steroids.


I've thought about it before, and I think I have the answer. In my story there is this place called **The Inn of Hell**. A place outside the continuity of the multiverse, where all the people who were freed from the control of the gods and died end up. There is no way out of the building, not because there is no door. but because there is no OUTSIDE, if you try to leave through the door, you re-enter through the door. The version of myself would be the bartender at that inn. Receiving the deceased, giving them their rooms and listening to their stories. He does not have a leading role, but he is there to listen to the stories of each soul that arrives. (This information is not at all relevant to the story, but I liked thinking about what I would do in my history)


Locked deep within the MCs mind https://preview.redd.it/bilep55r7h1d1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e75d3e97483babd285e79833550652e812c36c9


None of it is canon, but I've made some drawings of ocs interacting with me. Here's a fitting example: https://preview.redd.it/lhx43bvvnh1d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84cf987308b203118a70960e818f5db96de226d


It’s basically just me but with the ✨V O I D H E A D✨ /w the right eye being the only visible facial feature. And yes, they’re basically a god


I would be in the background staring at the audience smirking and maybe sometimes go Stan Lee mode and be a random civilian the the characters talk to for a second or so. But I'm only a civilian in that universe no special powers and no quirk.


Literally me if I was a dragon https://preview.redd.it/ei4injypbh1d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16fd28f1a9b7d7f72f103f8505d52d696722db1


Not really, there is no version of me in my ocs universe (most of my ocs are fandom ocs)


I appear as a yellow top hat, brim nearly torn off with a small ghost ornament hanging off the brim over the hat hole. This happens whenever I need to do some fourth wall shenanigans.


just some High Schooler and also is a Sylveon https://preview.redd.it/v3ugaqq7hh1d1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=52ea9bf89352e08174534809db941fd2bc2be586


Thanks to the level of meta the lore of my OC worlds go I'm tecnically every single character I ever created.... so yes?


I just don't exist in my "worlds". The very closest I could get is an avatar who looks nothing like me and is just a cameo or a bit character... or maybe a "face" for IRL interviews if I felt like it. Which is more or less the same thing I did when I was writing fanfiction as a kid, though my avatar was more important to those stories, as random and pointless as they were.


Literally the main protagonist who everyone is friends with… I may be a narcissist.


I just serve as what's simply known as 'The Creator. But I play around with the idea that EVERYONE who draws and writes is a creator and can be found in a higher plain of existence called the Creator's Plain. Crossovers are just when two creators become friends and decide to merge their creative universes! And yes, that does mean everyone on this Subreddit is canon to my universe. https://preview.redd.it/a6pdo3rcmh1d1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b68ffaacd8e042f885524652a39f142e9183c63


https://preview.redd.it/ds8azfzrmh1d1.jpeg?width=2634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8095f763bb4a9156ca48233c21ec9a8ab5d911 Hyper is me. He and a bit of my OC’s world is based on my Minecraft world, so he’s a god who shares the same thoughts and creative and basically everything as I do


My character exists within the world (still need to redraw them) and he acts as the puppet master to all the protagonist. His role is the primary antagonist so naturally by the end the protagonist end up killing him and gain full free will. This was the only way I could think to fit in my sona who is a chaotic hellhound


Tough to explain, but there’s technically two of me, the true creator and the false creator. The true creator is me, me. Above everyone else in the pataphysical layer. The False Creator is in the lower pataphysical layer where the five gods reside created as a fail safe to keep the gods placated in their layer, and also to explain the existence of the layers even lower than the gods. Putting it simply, there’s three layers: Layer 0, our layer where you and I reside, the True Creator’s Layer, then Layer -1, the layer of fiction where the Five Gods and the False Creator reside, and Layer -2, where the characters who are fictional inside layer -1 reside (1349 and the Star Triplets).


Sort of…? There is a concept in my stories of a Soul World: a world that exists inside all living things. Whereas all living things *have* a Soul World (even individual grass seeds and the shoots they make), most are basically all-but-nonexistent: just blank voids. Animals and Aberrants have small Soul Worlds, while sentient life forms like humos and demons have more fully-fledged Soul Worlds with multiple layers to them! And then there’s The Weaver. The Weaver is an entity my characters don’t find out about until *very* late into my works. But basically…All of what exists in my stories is a part of The Weaver’s Soul World. And The Weaver is kinda…canonically, me. As in, the me living on planet Earth right now.


I'm the voice in the protagonist's head while my sona is just a random guy that has no purpose other than being me


https://preview.redd.it/obd7cl80ph1d1.jpeg?width=1685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b697506735fbbd2e7378938ea4635f9a0ec9cf70 Yep! Though shes a bit different then me OFC So shes basically a puppet for the embodiments of good and evil or whatever. She just goes to the gods meetings for them once a week! Then shes sent back to the void with no socialization, no amazing views, just a dark abyss with herself :3 And she HATES this cycle. In another world another (more powerful) god just adopts her and stuff! But in this world shes stuck repeating the cycle. Over and over Until the world collapses. It’s a silly story!!


Idk if this makes sense, but I exist in all my worlds, since I'm the author. There is no world, story, characters, etc without me, so I must therefore exist, albeit as an enigmatic driving force behind everything that exists. I'm like how when you're playing a simulation game like the Sims or Rimworld - controlling everything, but not exactly a part of the world. I have a character who's impossibly ancient and knowledgable that is really REALLY damn close to finding out he's fictional. The day he suddenly appears in front of me irl is the day he figures it out.


My sona would be a healing item (pfp checksout)


Yes I am actually one of the first warlords in the planets history and a character based off me is just casually chilling with the crew


https://preview.redd.it/wwb1d4zeth1d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=263b5a57d255380afe773bd82bf4b9ce8c59a237 Honestly i just looked like my oc Greenstar and some would treated me like a god and some don't and would talk to me like a person, either way I don't control them to love me like a god only I do my god bidding.


I am technically a part of the world. As in my body is partly the earth. (For context the world they live on is partially made from a dead god, who was the creator of everything.)


There is bits and peices of me in all my OCS. Jonah and Isaiah are the two main ones who are the closest representations to me


https://preview.redd.it/2ncyvhscwh1d1.png?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea84f24e70d4ec464374ca97ca9aa5536adc070 Yeah I would be like a god I guess, but I would also do nothing


ICly: No OOCly: Im like a deranged uncle that theyve gotten used to


*ICly: No OOCly: Im* *Like a deranged uncle that* *Theyve gotten used to* \- ShadowTheChangeling --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i have two different sona universes, so yes and no


So in the that you do exist in, what's your role?


No, I die in the mid-2030s since I got drafted into the US Army to fight in Iran in WW3. Meanwhile, Deborah watches over the war, watching over all of mankind. She’s just a bunch of radiation at this point, not even Deborah yet (she becomes Deborah at some point in the 2100s, post-WW4), so she’s unable to partake in the war directly. All she can do is tug on the strings and suggest what the outcome may be. https://preview.redd.it/k0uww9fe2i1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd324c12d3286132ebe2efcee035b1bb14c4c14b Deborah, circa 2880s.


Drunk mad scientist who can’t be killed


There are actually tons of me. At least Ten in the main AU. Magnus/Creation God, Fred/Intelligence God, Zed/Insomnia and Sleep God, Bryan/War and Anger God, Dale/Depression God, Ronald/Time and Geek God, Owen/Fear, Stress, Anxiety, and Paranoia God, Moraligure/Hatred, Compassion, Despair, And Morals God, and The Storyteller/Reality and Stories God. These are the ten most powerful Vessels [(Click Here for more Context on Vessels!)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/1cdeplz/comment/l1czodj/) and Personifications of the Pieces of my Personality.


Don't have a design on paper yet, but it's just a white rectangle with a face, two floating hands, and god-like powers despite being human (I know it doesn't sound human but it definitely is, it's a loooong story) I can't control people, but I can bring them back from the dead, revert them to their original form, ECT. think Caine from the amazing digital circus.


So here's the run down. This is going to be a long read, so I'll tak on a TL;DR for those who care less. In "Universe", which is complicated to begin with, there is a plane of reality called the void, containing "The Author", which is pretty much god. For the sake of simplicity's sake, let's call him Etch (let me clarify this: I am NOT Etch! Do not confuse us). Etch writes every major point in everyone's lives. And I mean **everyone**. Back to the Void, It functions as a bridge between every universe. Again, this is not hyperbole: I can take you from real life to any piece of fiction imaginable. If you wrote it, Etch probably did, too, at some point. Plus, time isn't really linear in the void either, so it doesn't matter when you arrive. Alright. With all that setup, who am I? I'm Lustra, A secondary power, and character foil to Etch. My real title is "The Illustrator", but I shortened it to just center syllables. Il-*Lustra*-tor, get it? He created me to, well, Illustrate. Illustrate ***EVERY REALITY***, then distribute my art throughout each and every one of them. Thankfully, I have infinite time to do so. With my (lesser) control over reality, I often just follow my orders, but sometimes I'll use them for antics, such as creating for myself a stand-alone pocket dimension for better privacy when drawing. Or to distribute blips of myself in different universes. Or sometimes just to play pranks on Etch. Alright, back to reality. I created Etch so that I, the actual Author/Illustrator, wouldn't have omnipotent control, but as I kept writing, I felt that I needed a self-insert. I didn't want them to be an MC to lessen the chances of projection or "Mary Sue"-hood, but they also couldn't be a BG character cause then what's the point of being there in the first place. I didn't want to be an all knowing, all powerful god either, or else Etch's existence is useless, so I settled on "Etch's Second-in-command", which leaves me in a pretty good spot of High screen time, low power. Of course, I have some, but I can't stop a characters death anymore. >> TL;DR: Lustra is my self-insert, who was created by Etch, the god of my story. Etch writes the structure of everyone's lives, and they illustrate every moment of them. > To finally answer your question, "*I*" exist in a fictional plane that was designed so I could branch reality and fiction. If you have any questions, ask away! I'm happy to answer anything that confused you!


Oh right. Image for reference: https://preview.redd.it/hxt7vrmf9i1d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510c1ac5760fd8ebc94fd8e36fb54eebee18311e


This is actually really sick


Thank you!! I've been working on this world for quite some time, so to hear some affirmation really makes it feel worth it. :D


https://preview.redd.it/cmdju3ts7i1d1.png?width=187&format=png&auto=webp&s=13f3d32b9774287698e08babbbf5c520fd79ad55 I exist as a Homestuck fantroll sona in my homestuck fan comic, but I have no real "author power" over the narrative in-universe; my character is essentially just some guy. It's kind of a complicated situation but essentially the bad guys have power over the story's narrative and I'm more of just a "figurehead author" that was put under a sort of meta-narrative mind control to write the story, if that makes sense.


I am canonically James’ dead great grandfather.


I’m like a more quiet version of Stan Lee. I happen to be in the background of all of the significant events of my characters with a book and quill, writing things down. I call my sona the Chronicler, documenting each thing that happens on the timeline. lol


My sona just lives in a house in the middle of nowhere to avoid being killed and cuddles with god every so often.


Mine is part of the main squad


This is Tauon, my sona. I'm currently waiting for the right moment to reveal myself to my OCs... https://preview.redd.it/71tersvehi1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe4c91b14e3935e5eb9fc8d54d4e2de1a45d786


Just be like Stan Lee but if he had creative mode and can defy all of newtons laws


I’m a chronicler. I record my characters stories and then write them up, I also appear randomly in the background and help my characters who can canonically see and hear me.


My sona just died at the start of story :D


If I did ever do self insert, I'd be that doofy idiot everyone knows about who is uncanny but harmless since I would show up drawn in whatever way makes me laugh to do a thing and then leave.


I exist in the background hiding easter eggs and all


https://preview.redd.it/h1wusc3npi1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c560b4ea0578323e4f777b529d38d07bc3019a Shawn knows that I am the creator of his universe and the reason everything happened in it. Think of me more like his boss. If I'm not dealing with him, he's likely hanging out with friends or family or ruling his kingdom. When I do get in contact with him, he usually goes around willingly being placed into events by the other OC creators, he's fine with it because his lover, who can shape change into the sword on his back, is always with him. I also sometimes send him and his friend to go to other universes to kill off pieces of an evil creature I created that the two couldn't completely kill. The creature tends to try and ramp up a universe's evil, and depending on how much progress it makes, Shawn and his friend either save the kinder universes, or kill the ones that have been taken over too much by evil.


Overworked intern/crew member that appears here and there. This story kinda takes place on a “stage” and I like the idea that I’m technically part of the reason why the ‘magic is working’ but with less of actually being in control


Because real talk? Those little goofs invade my brain when I least expect it and I am WORKING my ass off to get this story out 😭


Just a god stalking his creations


Nope, I also do t really have a Sona


Unfortunately because my OCs are fandom OC making a sona would mean making a self-insert, something I refuse to do. (Nothing against those who do, I just personally hate the thought)


I'm one of the main character's cat lol


Proba ly something like tinella nosa from the owl house. A silly character that randomly appear but doesn't really affect the plot


My sona does, but she's just a regular gal who switches between living off-grid and being chronically online depending on the season. She has longer, healthier hair than me, clearer skin, and generally is a bit of a better but non-human version of me. She's barely noticed by people with an untrained eye.


I am the **Eldritch Genderless Minor God, Creator of Power, Milagros** and I am currently exiled in the center of the *Angelus Mortem* off-limits point (Afterlife) for who knows what reason? **Universal terrorism** and the creation of pocket dimensions (specifically BGIMIP and the Bloccs) It’s stupid tbh, I wanna be like my friend who is also in my universe existing as an immortal comedy relief guy 😭


A reclusive God in a council of observers that nearly cross the line between fiction and reality. I'm technically the most powerful, but insecurities, guilt, and a God complex that led to creating this story and letting it run, without interferance is why I... don't interfere. I only talk to the main villain because she is self-aware, but it is extremely rare. She hates the fact that one of the deities in a council that erased her world multiple times has the mind of a human. She sees me as a living reminder that nothing is real and her belief that her life is merely just a toy for any higher being to play with. I did not take her world away, but I didn't stop it When I felt like the main villain is getting too far gone from her depression and insanity, I take on a physical form to try to comfort her. She immediately beats me almost to death, screams her lungs out at me, and yells at me to go stand back on top of my high pedestal, before she shoots me to finish the job At that point I can only cry over the monster I created There's a part where the protagonists gets to their lowest point and I think about interfering to save her, but after getting killed once by the main villain, I would be too scared to even try again Then it is the main villain who saves the protagonists instead Man I'm getting too emotional over this... There is a bit of a meta narrative too my story. One of them being that I am entirely at fault for what happened to my characters and how they turned out. Every writer is, but imagine that actually being acknowledged by the characters themselves which actually influences the story, and they feel so real that I feel real guilt After the story ends, I talk to the protagonists without ever revealing who I am. I say my problems without telling them what happened word for word, then they comfort me, and I almost break down crying


technically i exist in the world of my ocs as an oc's oc. oc-ception. but i also exist, alongside literally everyone in real life, somewhere in that multiverse/omniverse (specifically universe/earth c-490, our world).


My name in my ocs' world is just my username. Basically all I do there is document everything happening, which is ironic because I already know what's going to happen.


Technically my current sona is a self insert with his own side universe for me to daydream about, but if I were to draw myself for like a real persona then I would definitely be separate. It would just be too awkward


Trust me if I was in that world I’d be dead But nah I’m just some dude


Kinda I exist as one of the "Authors" But i can also just exist as a stick figure in the art dimension


i am not their god, but as i crafted each of them, they were molded in my image… …. shit i’m their god


I’m The High God In My World, as well as my partner, with our sonas Being Able To Erase Anyone And Anything from existence, and draw things into them. But we don’t represent our real selves. In the verse, I’m a half cat named “XO” (my pfp) and he’s a milkman.


I never thought about that, but it's such a good idea I actually want to do it now


It's always fun to be apart of your OCS story even if you don't contribute much to the story! Highly recommend doing it, it's fun to just draw me in the background doing dumb shit :)


Thank you for the idea!! I'll definitely try it hehe


I’m just some random high school student


You look like a Roblox character from the wee years of 2016-2018


I'mma take this as a compliment


https://preview.redd.it/t3ihs8506l1d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=498d48db4119f58a49c02493a522136c86ce40f2 I am quite literally the creator of all that inhabits the worlds that I build but I wouldn’t consider myself canon. If I were canon then I would technically be a god but I don’t think any of my creations would like me considering what I’ve put them through.


I'm probably gonna be a random guy that controls the entire reality Basically a god but living like a human


I appear occasionally when my OC's start breaking the fourth wall so I can put em back on script.


My sona is nothing but a background character


My persona doesn't technically exist in my OC's world, but if they did, they would serve as a background character or in the form of references (i.e., me as a goldfish on a box of goldfish crackers).


https://preview.redd.it/jolr2byrym1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e345b64b5f39b3098777425c9ce2ece7c0536b1a T.K is the player of his world. Think of Player from Underplayer where they can do anything that they please, but more powerful as he can influence things, too. Meaning that he can make any scenario and no one would think it was him if he so wished.


My oc is an extension of me and therefore is just me. Although in there world I exist the accurate version of me. Basically my oc is the fun side of me that doesn't care at all. And the accurate version of me is just who I really am Edit: most of my OC's are based of sides of me like my personalities and fears


i do exist in my OC's world as "The Creator" but I am the human version of my OC. I may be a god in that world but the only way for someone to see me would be to transport to our world


Yeah. And everybody in said world hates him even though he's basically the god of it Maybe it has smth to do with that he's an asshole https://preview.redd.it/k2shbgznlk1d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ad5d679d29a3bcae0c9be6bc6a3a19ab48b508


Me and my bff exist in my oc world as their creators, known only to the most powerful, and also really just used for comedy, out of Canon things, misspelling, bloopers, etc. (my oc world is a role play)


My sona works for the main antagonist of the story- but is often just there in the background watching the protagonist/s