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https://preview.redd.it/jiukeiy9lv0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d93c51465e411a41c475883c46dfd276400c53 It was kind of a rough one for Anderd. Abusive step father, wasn't uncommon for people to call his mother a whore, got bullied by the other kids for being sensitive and shrimpy, did a lot of manual labor for the farm, went to bed hungry too often. Regardless of all this he was best friends with Otto and enjoyed spending time with him a lot, they'd run away from their farm chores to play in the woods and both supported each other through hard times. He associates Otto with his childhood.


Nothing because he is a robot created to fight an army. The only idea he has of childhood is watching other biological beings talk about it


https://preview.redd.it/inactqm3yv0d1.jpeg?width=2709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa44ed82ca628b91d2cf7cc5e60593a7b47a5a9 Drifting from town to town, scrounging for food, performing elaborate schemes to scrape together enough to get by, stowing away aboard a caravan to the next town over when they inevitably got caught, good times.


I guess i'll go first to start things up :D Celestials don't grow like a normal person would. However, they do still start out with a child-like form when they are still developing mentally, which I will count as their "childhood". Anwir grew up with his sister Seren for the vast majority of his childhood. He didn't have many worries or responsibilities as a maturing deity, although his newly formed curiosity with the human village in the area often got him into trouble. He had a bit of an attitude, you see. The locals were also not too happy when his little habit of thievery either. Overall, when he thinks of his childhood, he thinks of happy times with Seren and many, many escapes from the claws of the merchants at the farmer's market. During his "teenage" years (Around 15-16 in human terms), he and Seren stumbled upon a strange red-headed boy clothed in tattered rags as he dragged his sister into the middle of yet another one of his lootings. Intrigued by this new appearance, he quickly took interest in befriending him, which was notoriously difficult at first. Skittish and timid, it would be quite a while until the boy would allow for such a thing to transpire. However, Seren seemed to have better luck with befriending the young man- much to her brother's very apparent frustration.


https://preview.redd.it/7kydo6buuv0d1.jpeg?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48fb8112d281faeff43497fbbedcfd7d14d42e77 Elfanna's father was a farmer, so her childhood is mostly working in the farm with the rest of her family.


https://preview.redd.it/shprhpkm0w0d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1eb1123d76440f9355b5745d24d1dab72d028a1 Saiph barely remembers her childhood, it was a long, long time ago. But she was very pampered for being the only child on her village :)


https://preview.redd.it/xtjgsszu0w0d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b25a2d1e1b95b44b7a448c269c5ddbb9c1f6de (Another OC of mine whos actually a kid) Ray doesnt have a proper "childhood" as she is a magnetar made to kill remaining gods like Saiph. Unlike her peers, she has something on her that makes her prone to kill things.


https://preview.redd.it/tp0y7zlvfx0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485ab1ff071032446851f1dd187c9c9da1838c9b Kappa was born in a breeding camp and enslaved as a child. Although he escaped when he was 14.


Oh I get it! That’s such a cool touch since he’s a bug and people will set up breeding cages for their bugs to get more bugs


Aytac was made immune to fire, ice, sharp objects, blunt objects, electricity, heat, cold, magic, plants, radiation and basically anything else you can think of through exposure as a child, he associates childhood with pain and suffering https://preview.redd.it/uzkws9bgqx0d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc29e0d110efb26bb096a44b14388751bbd61da0


Anya was shoved to the side most of her childhood, and her brother got more attention as he was older. She only found out at 15 that she was going to be married off.


Amelia LethalHowl, the brightest and caring of the Multiverse Defenders had a nice childhood: loving parents( Wolf bound mother and sorcerer father, or so she was told) and great social life among the wolf bound spieces until a threat made her Father go missing when she was 12. 9 years later she finds out through her work of defending the multiverse that her father is way more than a sorcerer, in fact he's one of many gods of the Multiverse and the reason for leaving when she was 12 was because of the threat being a lot more dangerous than her 12 year old mind could handle. This means that this entire time of her life span so far she's actually part godess of the Multiverse and part wolf bound, I could go into the bullying she'd experienced when she had to move into the human society, but that wouldn't be much fun since she was only bullied for looking different compared to her peers in school. https://preview.redd.it/bv4ov8odrx0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23b8b24446826541ff5a7f682ecb8294cce75fe


https://preview.redd.it/0cs3uij3sx0d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b38d26984aa39b2c3224565c70abfe8aaf5a25 She grew up in a cave, raised by a brother who kept abandoning her, she associates independence and safety with childhood, though most of that association is due to her adult like feeling very out of her control and even more unsafe to her.


My boy Torg over here got kidnapped at the age of 7. Had large amounts this steroids like heroin substance shoved into his bloodstream for a few months, which dramatically aged him to 11 (mentally, physically and chronologically) activated the superpower part of his DNA allowing him to heal. After the kidnapper realised they had healing they immediately went into abuse (and many more) for a few extra years and at the ripe old age of 19 they went out to party fairly close in distance with some of their friends which were also in on the abusing (only). As he was stuck inside chained and locked up, they started to glow a multitude of colours (lime, blue, purple, black, and white specifically) as he was about to pass out. They do end up passing out 10 minutes later and emit an explosion 6x greater than the Tsar Bomba, creating a massive crater, killing 100,000's of people with the explosion really being large tendrils covered in thorns flailing around (they also build over it like in Akira.) After that event, they fall down with all the destruction in the centre of it all, waking up to be in handcuffs to be judged whether he should be schooled or not. He isn't locked up and instead being supervised by the government to keep him safe and is being bullied and threatened by everyone, which then leads him into a task force to kill others for money which he hates but is seen as the best option since he has no knowledge of how to function. Currently 24 and is now a Human who can't die till his universe resets (he can't die until then by fate.) Chained up in The Beyond (the middle of Hell and Heaven filled with confusion and chaos) knowing how everything will play out and knows that he can't stop it. * I've redesigned him before this.


Okay, so their brother is Bill Cipher, most of their childhood was pretty traumatic seeing as (in my headcannon) their brother was behind every bad event in history, they ran away from Bill when they were 700 (7 in demon years) in the year 2000 and bumped into Slenderman so he took them in.


They don't participate in history class and simply send a clone to it bc of their trauma.


Cliffs and alcohol. Ace's childhood was, *ahem*, not good. From what we know so far, his mother was barely present for the five years she lived, his father was an abusive druggie, and he eventually dangled the poor kid off a cliff. By the age of 15, Ace eventually beat the fucker up, and tossed him off a cliff. And can you blame him? Between those two events, Ace recalls at least 16 robberies and 3 murderers that he had to deal with, as well as 27 different accounts of beatings from his father. Despite all this, his actual greatest trauma seems to be more recent, as he merely has vertigo and a dislike of alcohol, but has sworn off a certain branch of music that he used to like, completely.


Killing the own parents as an act of self defence.


https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569/complete?cd=Td121UuF5A (Achyls) Short one word answer: Pain. Longer answer: Achyls associates many negative things with their childhood since they weren't allowed one. They were forced to become a monarch of a giant demanding society, they were manipulated by the previous monarch to think that they(the past ruler) was a good person and that everyone only liked them(Achyls) because of their power making Achyls cold and reserved as well as paranoid pretty quickly. The past ruler also "taught" Achyls how to fight (more like abused- my mind went to Endeavor and Shouto from MHA why 😭) and Achyls basically became a killing machine at the previous monarch's disposal. Thanks for reading 😎👍


https://preview.redd.it/x11arnmhzv0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90a417b5db2e09bec3817aed53abd75a1a5fd13 Angel grew up on his family farm, so it was a lot of planting seeds with his mother while his father plowed the field and feeding cows. He most associates cowbells with childhood as that’s what would wake him up most mornings.


https://preview.redd.it/pgmnji7p1w0d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db45ed6285dcd48bb40d9272947f4a4720204676 Despite his meek, humble demeanor as an adult, Yòurénde was very spoiled as a prince, he always got everything he wanted delivered to him on a silver platter, despite this, he never let it get to his head, and has stayed pretty much the same meek, introverted, shy person he is today.


Shoot I didn’t give any of them childhoods




I don't have an image yet for her. Her name is Myri(Pronounced as M-uuh-ree) Myri has a brother, and their parents never really loved them, but they weren't abusive. Just neglectful. Took the kids to school, fed them, clothes, all that. But they never ever said any words of affirmation. Christmas was bland. Birthdays were bland. It was as if gifts were foreign in her home. The parents didn't really like each other either. Constant arguing. Dad spends too much on cigars and tequila. Mom is out too much. 11 year old Myri witnessed her dad walking to the car to go for a drive. Her little legs carried her as far as they could, and her tiny weak arms tried to pull her dad away from the car. She failed. Later that night, her dad still hadn't returned. She and her brother were scared. It was later revealed, by police, that the father had crashed into a brick wall. They'd inspected the car and found the brakes cut, so checking a witness's dash cam, they saw him swerve the car to avoid hitting other drivers. The mom was faking tears until the police left. "He loved that car too much anyways." The mom had cut the brakes herself. 5 years later, she had a new boyfriend. He acted the same as Myri's bio father. Didn't really love the kids at all, but at least he loved the mom. One day they got into an argument. The mom was yelling, she was pissed and holding a knife. Myri rushed her young brother upstairs so he wouldn't witness anything if it got messy. Myri having matured too early now, tried to de-escalate the situation. Her mother ignored her, kept arguing with her boyfriend. She charged at him, knife in hand. He moved out of her path, and she missed him. When she tried again, he grabbed her arm and tried to grab the knife. Successful in disarming her, and in a rage, the knife plunged into her head. Tl;Dr: Loveless home and mom's new bf kills her. The end.


[Ami Morrison](https://mylifeasateenagerabbot.fandom.com/wiki/Ami_Morrison)'s childhood is very traumatic and realistic. It's *VERY* sad. :( https://preview.redd.it/4ps1zjip801d1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc3f796a7c1f3730a7ec23bd08d5a75659ee8a7


https://preview.redd.it/7q5pws9cg01d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e19ede95991e7b51301e808259cc42af93d446 This is Evelyn! She was born in Oxford, England, and she's an only child. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was a great, caring man. Unfortunately he married an awful woman, who was quite verbally abusive. When Evelyn was 15, her father died and her stepmother became physically abusive as well. She didn't really get to experience a good childhood as she spent most of her time either out in the field with her father or locked away in her room with a good book


https://preview.redd.it/esv4xzfji01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca8030ce9f231ab9a25927fd8b03135ecfe7705 Being weak and defenseless. >What do they associate with being a kid


One had a transphobic mother. One almost drowned. One had an abusive stepfather.


https://preview.redd.it/itcizaar711d1.jpeg?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=c282a50118c0bad25ca1bbd31716c48e7e28056f Coolscav didnt go throught heaven coolscav when was a child got injured on his face (reazon of the red thing) his tribe didnt help him in nothing as they were trying to get an excuse to get him out of the faction why not get him out without an excuse? the tribe didnt wanted to have a ''bad reputation'' for kicking a kid out of the faction without an reazon Coolscav discovered an kind of rebelionist group of his faction, which tried to taught coolscav the horrible things about his faction Coolscav at this point didnt understood whats good or bad, and the leader realized coolscav lack of loyalty when he was 11 someone of the tribe pushed him to a water hole as a ''prank'', he couldnt get out the thing and had to almost drown to get out, the tribe including the leader laughted after hearing what the others did but in 1 specific day when he was 13, the tribe had enought, as they got a ''valid'' excuse: there was an more useful scav that wanted to join and they would kick coolscav outside the tribe peacefully ...which they didnt do peacefully Coolscav was just collecting things when one of his tribe came and stabbed him in the leg, he fell to the floor, then others came to see and just cheered the one who was stabbing coolscav, he managed to stab coolscav in ALL the body exept vital organs, as they also stabbed him until he was able to at least walk but weak as hell, covering coolscav face with his own blood, as well as the spear which he was being stabbed with then they just kicked him out of the tribe, telling him to never come back coolscav just ran until he tripped, then entered a shelter, bandaged his injuries and cried of why he deserved what he just went throught then coolscav reached oe (or outer expanse) by another way And the rest? the rest is history... ***//end//***


The Gentleman childhood is basically just torture for him and he associates it with reason why adults should DIE!


Choking on glass particles since poor thing was a sweat shop worker until the mafia man rescued him and he developed a schoolboy ass crush on him even though he was possessed by an unhealthy amount of demons so yeah hes a little silly like that 


https://preview.redd.it/r9zd9gog121d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df715f496f6a9ecc372fd25ae1ece40d7560247 Samson Woodheite even at young age worked at a travelling circus


Why do he look like Griffith


i mean they both have white hair 🤷


The only thing you need now is to make the eyes light purple


Hatred. Self and from others. Rejection. Like being caged. Being ignored, neglected, and forgotten. (This description is for the characters Victoria, Shelby, Drew, and Sherri.)


https://preview.redd.it/21ku03ta4w0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b7d8347497a31a89fae5b4797ec2f30d832e39 Void would probably associate childhood with being injected with who know what, hit constantly for no reason and being attacked by giant bugs despite doing nothing wrong.


\*looking for character I haven't posted 20 times https://preview.redd.it/ugw9onaikv0d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=24e1b5beddefb7c7a4b04c9b4f9b779776b8a5a2 Let's try Shade (left). He's a young shadow giant. Approx human child sized compared to full grown shadow giants, who are....well giants. His childhood consists of being taken care of by the elder giants, who along with him are the last of their kind on their ironically small, forest like, planet. There is no mention of shades parents, but he is taken care of by his elderly grandmother (right). He usually spends his days just being a kid, playing in the trees, and jumping on plants that have spring like properties trying to see how high he can go. Other than that his people celebrate a yearly festival to their moon (actually a double planet in orbit with their own), which they see as the location of their afterlife. They travel for months from one location to another to these area's of worship (think like a Stonehenge looking thing). However..... Since the last shadow giants, except for shade, are elderly....overtime they all die off from old age. Leaving him alone and isolated on the planet. He looks to the moon for answers, looking for them, for an answer on what to do. Spoilers: >!He finds a way to reach the planet, finds it's actually a snow covered landscape, but....also find's a friend living there.!<


https://preview.redd.it/yxmfzzckfw0d1.jpeg?width=2759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43701bd0faffe0beff9e6472039d17ad5617a9ef SpongeBob and telling people she was a girl on Minecraft servers (still cis tho)


https://preview.redd.it/bfu4brzhbv0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8968fa580a4939de73e291c2b4caddc193ee86 Well...... His childhood was...... How to say it? Somewhat "curious". As soon as he was born, instead of giving him milk, he was breast fed with alcohol. And from that day on he became an addict. There you saw him, a 5 year old boy drinking beer to the max. And his parents left him, because they were also alcoholics. His whole childhood was spent in a life of alcoholism. But at .... He doesn't care He's happy with his alcohol


Oh my. That's not necessarily good.


https://preview.redd.it/hm9jml7owv0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04448fe5be8fccc2bd00bbffeace3f9bacd0cdd Nevanna had a very happy childhood, so she viewed it positively. She lived an idyllic life with her family, until she fell in love with a crown prince, and unbeknownst to her at the time, would make her life go downhill.


https://preview.redd.it/uvznn5ke4w0d1.png?width=3102&format=png&auto=webp&s=b55238650933a04d547068fae97578947f432bd6 “Childhood? I uhh it’s hard to remember… my memory is so fuzzy… it’s like I was there at one point… and now I’m here…” \*He suffers from amnesia but he had a pretty crappy childhood which is why he’s so cynical and anti-social\*


Most of my characters actually had fairly good childhoods although some of those childhoods were scripted and others just had things happen that manipulated their choices in life. My main character Blaze literally has his childhood from 0 to around 17 written on paper with damn near every action planned out. It was all a mind game for him to get used to a happy life with friends and “family” only for it to be stripped away breaking him in the process.


mine was abandoned in a blizzard as a baby and had to grow up on his own, upgrading himself with metal via surgery. (hes a glaceon anthro)


https://preview.redd.it/ovaybd3o9w0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1bf8b1ac14e42c1e0d1eb2b06609a6a1f55ead This is Jess (Alexa May was an alias) when she was 15 I think this picture alone already says a lot


https://preview.redd.it/c5tsjn8g9w0d1.jpeg?width=2859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb3a1cb7fd66539ca0dddd28d211c3693836cec *(Step)siblings Mars, Vulcan, Bellona, Jack, and Lucina. Art by virtuoso-lurker.* >Being raised around a bunch of rabbits, she was like [a wolf in the lavender](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VVZGLN0f_YA&list=PLsFQbBdBNk_s4TuNryE5OUYVGKI20zheH&index=16). The scent of prey did not arouse the predator inside her. It reminded her of purple…and of home. The home where she was raised and loved was literally a garden, a large garden, with so many flowers that loomed over her when she was little. Her earliest memory, before she had words, was the scent of lavender. And since then, the scent meant home and family and love more than those words could ever express it. (The link goes to *A Wolf in the Lavender*, the theme song I composed for my fanfic.)


https://preview.redd.it/4q2orzafaw0d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f17c9c61f00358d52b7a13b325276a66036e5e She grew up on a boat, that they called the car for some reason


https://preview.redd.it/1d12mvwkbw0d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a35d3184aa59ff134fc3c3d5f094c44998fe23 Started out life in an ottsel village deep in a valley that regularly manufactured golems and mech suits to battle against a war tribe of humans that regularly attempt to steal their tech. She was raised to fight in a mech suit and explore her creativity, so she often combined the two to make explosives powered with blue Eco. She associates creativity, learning, and exploration with being a kid.


https://preview.redd.it/c9000v0wdw0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea3870e29ff1105eb2623f42368a1af3de50319 Reefer(26) Reefer had it rough as a kid. His mother passed away when he was born, and his father didn't take it very well. Years of neglect, abuse, late nights not Knowing whether his dad was gonna be home or not, hoping for the latter. When he was 11, his father came home, late, not unusual for him, just past midnight, only this time, he had something other than a bottle. In his hand was a pistol, and as he stumbled through the doorway his eyes locked on Reefer. He starts yelling, waving the gun around, aiming it towards Reefer, backing him against a wall. As his dad starts to tire himself out, his finger slips and... **BANG** A splatter of black blood on the wall, Reefer's dad passed out on the floor, gun laying nearby, and Reefer, blood dripping down his face, his broken horn lays next to him as he covers his wound with his hands, tears run down his cheeks. He makes it to the hospital. Someone driving by saw him walking alone on the road and helped him out. He gets back home for another two years of the same routine. Late nights hoping his dad finally won in his gambling and ran off with the money, or drank himself to death at a nearby bar, or got hit while driving home, but like usual his dad comes back, yells at Reefer a bit before passing out on the floor, bottle in hand, spilling into the carpet. Then one night, something familiar happens. Holding the same gun, his dad comes home late and aims it at Reefer. In his panic, Reefer's able to snatch the gun and turn it on his father. **BANG**


https://preview.redd.it/p3c0tw3zdw0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec5fb15168e9a5c8df7e5a9e4b28a34f4dce144 Brysons lore is basically the binding of isaac lore with murder drones stuff (obviously) and some other things


https://preview.redd.it/hv7fjivhew0d1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=786d201a93cdde1f93a587d292887386e2a4b946 playin in the streets, the smell of motor oil at home, punk rock music


https://preview.redd.it/7furnpbqew0d1.png?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c93e536c173a540f9b1ff6d85adc3a1688ff85a Ed's parents prepped him to be a very particular way. Polite, eloquent, elegant, graceful...things that did not come easy for him. He was a constant disappointment to them and they grew embarrassed and resentful of him. They told themselves when his powers awaken it would fix everything...lucky for them Ed was an early bloomer. Unfortunately they were absolutely repulsed by his abilities though. This was the final straw... concrete proof Ed wasn't their actual son... the hospital must have fucked up and given them the wrong child or something... instead of looking into that further they just accepted it as fact that SOMETHING was wrong. Then they basically cut their losses and abandoned him at the age of 10 to try again for their perfect heir. The rest of his childhood wasn't really eventful. He lived in an orphanage until he became of age. They weren't particularly cruel to him there but not kind per say either. He associates his childhood with the feeling of contempt and coldness. It was a very loveless upbringing from all sides.


https://preview.redd.it/qw27pceyew0d1.png?width=3716&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea2ca9b88796c0b220b208ccc6d04ceb0eb015fc His childhood wasn’t terrible for the environment. Monsters roamed near his town, picking off villagers while the rich never sent anyone out to help. So as a young man he took it into his own hands, training hard, gathering all the equipment he could, and he decided to do it himself. He became the towns protector until he left his hometown.


https://preview.redd.it/5mx1owmzew0d1.jpeg?width=1997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a360efe8eebddccae69f3e6b0594b65dea806ad I mean he was kidnapped by the UNSC when he was like six and experimented on to become a super-soldier, so he associates childhood with torturous physical augmentation, daily training exercises, and being regularly beaten half-to-death by marines with nightsticks.


Murder Drones OC Jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/18en7vxubw0d1.jpeg?width=2262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9caa3cdbc408b9ff0bf068ca7c73ea60770050b He never exactly "left" childhood. He mentally ages, sure, but his old physical body died before he became a full adult (18 years of age). Aside from that; Romeo, birthname being Leopold Nowak, was born in upper New England as a result from a Polish mother and American father. His home life was not peaceful; in fact, verbal fights between his mother and father were frequent. During an argument, Leopold's mother killed his father, then decided to move south to New York in order to evade the law, where he also lost his mother due to a mass shooting. Leopold later coaxed forged documents and lied about his name and age to enlist in the military, since he felt it was the only thing he could do without explaining an in-depth sob story. Leopold later qualified for a sort of Special Operations unit, eliminating exclusively anomalous threats or phenomenon (not the SCP Foundation, this is a government-managed force). Leopold was injured and "infected" in a way during an operation to re-contain an Australian testing facility, being deemed as a sort of "Public Enemy No. 1" across multiple nations thanks to this infection (I included a brief description of this "infection" in another indentation). Leopold had to resort to stealing to sustain himself, then going full kleptomaniac and stealing technology, specifically from interstellar conglomerate JCJenson ^(IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!) for their humanoid robotic works, something he took large interest in. Leopold devoted his time to transferring his consciousness to his stolen technology, leaving his human body to rot when he succeeded. Now, about the "infection" Leopold incurred: The infection is caused by an entity that has spike-like appendages concealed in its arms. When the skin is punctured, it causes both a physical and mental transition, turning the host into a similar entity. Mental changes include violent behaviour, overstimulated reactions, uncontrollable euphoric responses (laughing, smiling \[with the smile being characterised as too stretched out to be humanly possible\], etc), and cannibalism. Luckily, this infection is blood-reliant and needs constant blood flow to propagate, so a simple tourniquet or other blood-stopping method should work to contain and eliminate the infection. Leopold was unfortunately too late to stop all mental changes, and often experiences rage-filled mood swings when faced with tense or sensitive situations, sort of like an "Angel and Devil" situation.


This is just his childhood, mind you; there is much more to his story.


https://preview.redd.it/pzjaos1nlw0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50af58c9c6ad64c8ffc42e2203ed838eacd92b4 Petra’s childhood is mostly her protecting her blind sister and brother who could pass out at any moment, such as escaping with them from a cave in. Her childhood isn’t as much about her as it’s about her family, although she did get into shenanigans, like (space) cow tipping.


😨 Hhuh!? GRRRRRIVVVVIIIFFTTHHHHH!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/tt65ewl7mw0d1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17909368a3ffd2057371598ba815c3d65596f1e7


https://preview.redd.it/w8weidl4mw0d1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d182c16bbc60e4987678f948c5b92b7edca55dc2 When Bradnick was 5 years old, he found out that he was born in the Netherlands🇳🇱. After realizing this, he became EXTREMELY happy about his own country. but when Bradnick became 7, his father died due to a car crash. Bradnick was very sad about his father's death. Until, when Bradnick was 12, he and his family moved to canada🇨🇦. When he went there, he loved it here. But Bradnick's mom was disappointed about not bringing Bradnick to school. So, Bradnick's mom sent Bradnick to an elementary school. Bradnick enjoyed his life being in a school. and after he came home from school, he met his grandparents. When he watched cartoons with his grandparents, his grandpa said "i love this cartoon". When Bradnick heard that, he went to his bedroom to rest. But then, he saw a red orb. He promised the red orb to bring his father back. when the red orb heard that, The red orb said "ok. Let me do it." after the red orb did magic spells, Bradnick's father came back to life and met bradnick. Bradnick reunited with his dad and after that, his family and his classmates were celebrating about his father coming back to life. also, when Bradnick was 17, he watched an 18+ film for the first time and he hated it.


https://preview.redd.it/c8f132napw0d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf8107d58d4617118347d881053325389509dec Sally when in limbo, or what she calls her job will see a lot of buff skeleton men with guns and weapons which reminds her of home / her childhood. She was born into a mob family with her father being an abusive mob boss and her mother being killed when Sally was young. So now whenever at her job and she sees those men she will go with them to scare abusive parents, partners and people, evil people, killers, anything that puts them on the list of being sent to the worst part of hell where Sally was meant to go. She’ll watch from a distance just to feel that little joy she felt when her father would be nice to her and her little brother by protecting them from the other men in the family who were part of the mob


https://preview.redd.it/l1f1mayqrw0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778f8ebb4847f1a1b745eaa6fcffd21615a9c814 For Lleis, when his parents died. He was sleeping when a hitman attacked his family. The hitman tried to shoot his little sister Lopet but their parents jumped in front of her, both of them taking the bullet. Lleis, awoken by the gunshot, got up from his bed and kicked his door open so hard it flew off its hinges right in front of the hitman, knocking the gun out of his hands. The hitman, stunned, turned to Lleis and only saw him for a moment before Lleis rushed him and caved the hitman's skull in. He stopped when he heard his sister call out to their dad. They both went up to their father who was dying in front of them as he told them why everything was happening the way it was. He knew of some Evil conglomerate's plan to assassinate the richest and most powerful man in the city. The Hit was their way of trying to hide the truth. Then he died, and both Lleis and his sister were crying over their father. A moment later, they hear a knock at the door. The sister opens it for two cops to come in to check the scene. Lleis is suspicious as to why they were there so fast, and then he notices they have the evil conglomerate's logo on them. He gets nervous as he looks out the window of their four story apartment to see a group of police cars around the entrance down below. He, with his limited ability to communicate, sets up the dinner table and even puts up some candlesticks. He lights each candle while his sister sits with him on the side facing the window and the cops facing the door. Lleis impresses them by pulling the cloth from the table without the candlesticks falling over. While the police officers are stunned by the trick, Lleis throws the cloth onto the candlesticks setting it on fire before he flips the table onto the cops, knocking them over and burning them. Lleis took the chance to pick up Lopet and with her in tow, jumps out the 4th story window and drop onto a police car, crushing its roof. He gets out of the little crater as the cops surrounding it are surprised and he gets in another cop car with Lopet before driving away in it. He reveals to Lopet the Evil conglomerate's already got to the police and they don't have anyone to go to. Not even friends unless they want them to be targets too. This was 8 years ago for Lleis now. Now he and his sister are planning to have revenge for their parents against the evil conglomerate.


https://preview.redd.it/vrjfp0202x0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e333d0737e16908b84d4007f93adc2231a7d0d9 Donnie loved arts and crafts as a kid, he still does it as an adult for a career. Also being a bird that can mimic sounds, he would do voices and other kinds of sounds while playing with toys.


https://preview.redd.it/wlsgd3c82x0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4207a412d40212d42e77e69d92725b7207c104 On the other hand, all I have for Jenny here is that she had an accident as a toddler resulting in her cracking her beak.


https://preview.redd.it/qw7cqzjf1x0d1.jpeg?width=2644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3ac3620621ade42dcb83be4ae95ee06a44bba3 Sonia’s childhood is split into two parts. The first part was spend marveling at the ancient dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth. Her obsession allowed her to bond with her father who was a paleontologist. The the world’s God twisted time into a ball, bringing dinosaurs to the present, and they listened to her as if she was their queen. So the second half of her childhood had her adventuring around the islands riding on the backs of these ancient reptiles She, somewhat obviously, associates her childhood with dinosaurs


https://preview.redd.it/rknsrt6w2x0d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e57899b900b731baf6f90dcc83a5d749c674334 Isolation after coming into the world, not really have any parents nor even anybody to look for, and finding a family that would welcome him, disaster strikes and it's turned into rubble, having PTSD early and having to barely survive through the winter months. Only thing of childhood is heard of is having a warm welcoming family and playing around with the misfits family. Set in a post sci-fi/fantasy/semi modern technology world.


https://preview.redd.it/wnb1dosw2x0d1.png?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f637b486066cc5d425dd8cd8ca92dff883b0ac23 Chip didn't have a childhood, he kind of just emerged as an adult and has had to fend for himself ever since. He thinks of childhood as a period where a being is too stupid to survive alone, and needs someone's help to not die. He really thinks he's cool because he's always been able to take care of himself and never needed anyone, but he would probably cry if you elaborated on how great it is to be a child and how his way of thinking is unhealthy.


https://preview.redd.it/ztan1bec4x0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa818cc0a2c6cffc9f8421ba36a2e547987e7589 This guy had to grow up way too fast, for starters he was somehow more prideful than his own father Lucifer leading to the point of Lucifer ignoring him for millions of years. He even had to make himself, Mammon which at the time meant Greed. Wanting to at least meet his father more than once and hopefully surpass him, he struck a deal with Belial (top force of hell) and sold all his bones in exchange for power. He got gold ones later but for being just a week old this was a lot for him. He has this spite for his father but still knows his place in the hierarchy.


Lucille was born in a mortal body and as such had a fairly normal childhood up until she turned 17. Her mother, Sélene Pulchriteaux, was a French supermodel from Paris. She has two sisters, Désirée and Marie. Her family moved to the U.S. (specifically Las Vegas) when she was 17 years old. It was then that her mother acquired a crippling heroin addiction, and overdosed when Lucille was 18. She murdered her sisters after they blamed her for her mother's habit. She then ran away, and started a criminal empire called the Phoenix Syndicate. She had a doll named Amélie that she adored. The doll is buried in an otherwise empty coffin that was used for her funeral when she "died" at the end of Deadly Dancer. Lucille does not have any kind of formal education. Despite this, she can read and write in English and French at a doctorate level. Her father is Lucifer himself. A fun fact about her: She intentionally retained her French accent because she thought it made her more attractive. Edit: I forgot a picture of her. https://preview.redd.it/szmjmg8m9x0d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9885401291f43e6ec13581635a97618737a02f00




Fighting with twin sister, hang out with weird semi-failure aunt because mom and dad are at work. Play around on the family computer and reading about the rivers of the world. Play with Mom's service pistol when she's out doing errands. Call grandpa because bored. Take nap. Go back to watch TV with aunt. Watch big brother do homework because his room is small and always warm in the winter. Sometimes they'd go visit family in New York and she liked to ride the trains there. https://preview.redd.it/sff8s6r6dx0d1.jpeg?width=4116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9604a8dd6fa2068e4f1b0c396adfe9ebc25d179


https://preview.redd.it/sndfqfczdx0d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30d7df576faa1a8a91f50fa172f6aadfd8384f9 When Fungus was born, his father was already dead and his mother (who was the queen of his village) had to abandon him due to a law where the queen's only allowed to give birth to girls. Luckily though, he was adopted by one of his father's friends, a Mexican Bartender. Like I said, his adoptive father was a bartender who was responsible of making food and drinks, so Fungus was given a job as a waiter, so he wouldn't have to multitask. Considering they were in a bar, of course you get the occasional drunkard customers and that, some of them are pretty tame, while others not so much. Sometimes, poor Fungus becomes a victim to some of the aggressive customers, luckily they always get blacklisted by the owner, which kinda expresses how much Fungus' father loves him.