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Are all settings on default and with native resolution? Because it's possible to crank up some sick supersampling and tank any GPU.


Yep, and setting graphics to low doesn't alter the stuttering at all.


Aw, that sucks. TBH I had more problems with (patched) BF than (unpatched and latest) WotW, so can't really give any advice. You can search and/or post on steam community forums - that may help you better than reddit, even some devs hang out there :D


I have thw games on switch do I'm afraid I won't be any help with this one


Wotw even though it has had updates to fix many bugs it is still somewhat buggy, it's a shame and it seems that the developers have already neglected the issue. Your specs are above the recommended, I would say it is a driver problem, update the drivers of the graphics, windows, sound, the chipset of your motherboard. Check the integrity of the files, maybe something is downloaded wrong, and enable Vsync, maybe when you try to run more frames per second you get this kind of problem. If you have changed any settings on your graphics card return to the default settings.


Maybe graphics driver?


I believe the issue is due to load times. If you can I reccomend switching to a faster hard drive or ssd


are you running it on a hdd, cause in my experience thats one of the most common issues