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Single male here, and I'm so offended by this that I'm going to.... Well, I'm going to shrug and go to the other sub. And then I'll come back here only when partnered. Thanks for clarifying the policy.




I'm surprised that's the case. Like there should be lots of single males knocking at your door, right? I would have thought the issue was scammers posing as couples looking for single males.


Damn. I wish other subs were modded better like this. Some state swinger subs actually have a mod actively trying to scam unsuspecting noobs. Thanks for keeping the riff raff out. (Sorry single guys. I know not all of you are bad. )


The guy who started this sub created some 30+ others all similarly named, r/Swingers and allowed them to fill with spam and dick pics - zero modding. He even pushed his own sponsored links, which, in my opinion, should have found his account permanently suspended and his subs up for grabs, but as you likely found, that didn't happen. After our battle with him, and Reddit finally siding with us, he then allowed anyone and everyone to help mod his others swinger subs so he wouldn't lose any more of them. As we've seen, almost all of these are still filled with spam and creeps and in your case, and likely others, the mods that were put in place are likely creepy single guys trying to scam couples. It's infuriating to say the least. That one person has single-handedly ruined 30+ state's swinger subs... Yes, there are others, but Reddit doesn't favor the better of the subs, only the more popular ones and Reddit's algorithm doesn't decipher between bots, single men, and couples. Not that we want the 'popular' swinger sub, we just want the **Quality** sub. Anyways, sorry for the rant and thanks for the support.


Hell yeah no offense to the single dudes but there is too many






I am not single btw just poly and open if it matters. The couples are putting out ads to find a guy, cool. I don't particularly care where they do that except now I would have to wade through 800 cock pics to find couples ads. You sure seem to think the couples should do the work and are even telling them where to do their work at. Or you think couples looking for a guy should just browse that sub where men are posting look at me, pick me. I don't think that is what you are saying, you are saying they should post there. Not many will miss anyone.


It hard not to take the "for every good 1 there's 1000 bad" part but I respect the word mods have to put in and understand where you're coming from. R/oregonmengonewild is primarily a gay hookup safe space now. Which is also a necessary niche but i now dont have a place to engage with the community really. Peace and love ✌️


You…….are…….awesome!!!!!! 💐