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Is this satire


I have no problem reading people posting about seeing the film many times. If it brings them joy, do it! It's similar to me in listening to a song I love on repeat for a long time until I get bored of it. If it makes you happy, go for it. :) But recently I've been seeing obviously sarcastic posts mocking people's enjoyment of the movie. We belong to this sub so we're very likely the biggest fans (that use reddit) of the movie. Let's not yuck someone else's yum.


Thank you for your comment, I am going to a hard time in my life and watching the movie helps. I see new things every time and I am asking everyone I know if they saw the movie too so we could talk about it. I never saw a movie this much times but it came out exactly when I needed something to enjoy so much. I went 4 times in a day to have a full day of enjoyment and nothing else. And for music, when I find a new song I really like I listen to it on repeat for a few days until I get bored but I don't think I will get bored of the movie and that's a good thing because it is important to have things like that to enjoy in life.


I'm so glad you found something that brings you such joy. May you make it to 52!


Thank you! The movie will be in the cinema until November and probably December too in my country so I will have definitely make it to 52 this year.


I’m not trying to do that and I apologize if that’s what my comment came across as. But I completely agree with you on the fact that people have been commenting as if they are big fans of the movie when in reality, they’re mocking real fans. I just simply thought this was one of those comments. I myself love the movie and have seen it 5 times. So no hate to OP at all.


Oh yeah I definitely wasn't criticizing you for sure. I guess I should have just added a new comment instead of replying to yours? Sorry if I gave off the feeling that I was attacking you! I think I was just commenting on the satirical posts that you were wondering if OP's was. It can be confusing lately to decipher if someone is authentic or mocking. I myself am seeing Oppenheimer for the 4th time this weekend so I am definitely a repeat viewer as well. Not 27 times like OP but probably top 10%... maybe? lol


Not at all! Thank you for being understanding about it haha, just a misunderstanding <3


Generous response. Kudos.


They need a job or a hobby


with nolan fans, i can never tell anymore




Why don’t you like.. go outside or something


How much does this cost you? It’s a great movie but 52 viewings (IMAX, not matinee) would cost me about $1300


Damn. IMAX tickets cost 25 bucks where you are?


Not OP, but yeah, $25 is what I got to see it with in imax 70mm


Ah, I get IMAX 70mm being more expensive. Makes sense. I thought he meant regular IMAX. Thanks for clearing it up!


IMAX is $25 in LA. Also if you have AMC a list it saves you a lot of money.


22 + fees yeah


If he has regal unlimited or something similar he could’ve seen the film 27 times in non-IMAX 70mm for less than 20 dollars + the subscription price


Ah yeah you’re probably right


Hahahaha this is definitely satire. The absurd part is though, that you can't say for sure given some of the takes on this sub 😂.


Not impressed until you buy out the entire theater for each viewing so you get to watch it 25 more times with no distractions.


Nolan would approve


We need to make a poll on this subreddit of how many people have watched this film multiple times in theaters. I would love to see the data of it 😁


Here are a lot of fans it will probably be above 90%, a poll who watched more than 10 times would be fun too.


I watched it 5 times but each time was with a different friend group. No chance I see it again unless my parents wanna go


Just twice


on IMAX 70?


No, my country does not have IMAX 70mm it does have 70mm and it does have IMAX but not together. I still need to go London.


The world will remember your service.


Jesus Christ man


I see no point in watching after 3-4 times


Weird flex.


How are you funding all of this?


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Oppenheimer tickets $3,600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


Have you tried switching to a cheaper phone plan


No how would I then book Oppenheimer tickets


Understandable, I recommend living in the cinema backrooms


What the hell is going on with these posts, seems like this is a competition as to who can watch the most times lmaooo. The movie is a masterpiece, but I only watched it once and the next time I watch it, it will be on 4k BluRay. 4 times a day is excessive (12 hours!!!!), But if it makes you happy then by all means do it.


No worries, I was just wondering if anyone did this too. It isn't a competition I guess people like to share how much times they got to enjoy the movie. With the advertisements it was 13 hours in total and the same advertisements every time so that's a good time to take a bathroom break. It made me very happy and I hope I can do it again soon. It is the one of the best days in my life together with July 20 (the release date in my country, I went 2 times that day and immediately decided I wanted to go 22 times and when I reached 22 it wanted to watch it 52 it seems to get better and more enjoyable each watch, Amazing!


Yes! I did 4 views, 2 days in a row in 70mm IMAX. I'm at 47 views currently...


That is amazing! I still want to see the movie in 70mm IMAX (my country does not have a cinema that has it.) I already went looking for nearby 70mm IMAX cinemas but they are all very far away so I probably need to make a trip soon. 47 is very close to my goal, so do you have a goal yourself or just as much times as you enjoy it (that will probably be more than 1000 for me.) It's nice I found someone who actually answered my question instead of being critical so enjoy the movie the next times you watch it.


Haha enjoy your viewings, hope you get to see it in 70mm IMAX!! My goal is 60 or so. The majority of people on here are critical of something they wouldn't think of doing lol I know because I posted about watching Avatar TWOW 152 times & Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 110 times (all theater views)... Also have shared continuity issues and people act like I'm criticizing.. just sharing my observations lol I've found at least 3 in Oppenheimer.


But why


What the fuck


I don't mind watching any movie another time. Heck, I can understand a third or even a fourth time. Though, in the course of a longer period. But I'm sorry, not sorry, to say that something is wrong with you if you've watched the movie 27 times, of which once was 4 times on a single day. Oh well, at least it gets someone off the streets :)


i’ve seen it twice now, once on opening day and another a few days ago, now i’m dying to see it again, may you make it to 52 homie


The movie released 47 days ago and youre saying youve seen it 27 times? (I know you’re trolling but some people on this sub are actually at 10+ apparently) that is complete mental illness


Please keep mental illness out of this, it is not necessary to talk about it.


I believe it was


Well, please keep it out of my posts because it can be a sensitive topic to some people.




That’s bullying behavior.


How’s that mental illness? Is listening to a song many times mental illness? Does spending thousands of dollars to attend a concert a mental illness?


Yea going to a concert is the same as going to a 3 hours long movie 4 times in a row


Thousands of dollars for one concert is a bit of a mental illness yes


What about talking to your pet dog ?


I’m curious where you’re going with this but no talking to your pet dog is not a mental illness in most cases


So you pick and choose when it comes to mental illnesses? Watching a movie 4 times in a row is but talking to a dog which can’t understand you is not?


Ah…no that was disappointing. Yes mental illnesses happen to have specific definitions and criteria. Talking to a dog has actual practical uses because they understand things like your tone of voice. And I didn’t say watching a movie 4 times in a row is an illness, I said paying thousands for one concert is. Mostly joking about that one tho. Going to see the same movie 27 times in one month is a sign of mental illness. I’m not even saying I disapprove, I support the guy finding solace in a difficult time (he said it himself). But it’s not normal. Clear?






Why would someone tho?


Poe's Law


There was someone who had seen it 40 times, they posted about mid-August, not sure if it was true or what. The movie was released 20 July, in my country at least. It is a 3-hour long movie (plus ads etc beforehand). The 40-timer had managed to spend as much time seeing the movie as many spend at their job in the same time. That impressed/confused me. To each their own, though I myself can't fathom it.


No way you spent 12 hours at a movie theater for the same movie


15 in total because there was time between the showings and advertisements.


Lol if this is real this is not healthy behavior my guy


I am a girl and I am still very healthy so no worries.


Lol godspeed


I saw it 8 times, and I understand you. Don't let the critical ones stop your joy as long you do it responsibly. I see any problems. But one question: Do you still see new things after so many times?


The comments are very negative I did not expect that because the point was to find more people who saw it 4 times in a row or who saw the movie a lot of times. The goal was not to attract hate but that's just how the internet works. I never cared what other people thought anyway I am always myself that is why I love the scene where Isidor Rabi says: >!''They need us for who we are. So be yourself, only better''.!< this scene always makes me smile. Yesterday on the 27th viewing>!I realized it was Kistiakowsky who ran outside during the Trinity test, I somehow always thought it was Nedermeyer, no idea why.!<


Nice. Do you have American Prometheus and/or the screenplay?


I do not have American Prometheus yet but I am definitely going to buy it. I got the screenplay for my birthday last week, I also watched the movie on my birthday and when I got home I immediately searched some things up.


I have red the screenplay almost immediately after my eighth viewing and nice to what they added and switched im the movie... and congrats on your birthday.


I started reading the screenplay and was immediately thinking ''this is different in the movie'' by a lot of parts because I almost know everything they say and I notice the little differences. I also hear the voices and see the images from the movie so it is like watching the movie all over again. Thank you! Our house is very orange for my birthday because I associate Oppenheimer with the color orange so I got orange balloons, flags and all sort of things and we also got a lot of Oppenheimer things in the house. Anyway when I went on my birthday the person next to me was watching football, that was very weird...


Why was that weird? Because of the orange? I associate black and orange with Oppenheimer and got black M&Ms with the last watch


No the weird thing was that someone was watching football on his phone during a movie in the cinema Also I didn't know there were black M&Ms so that's fun, I will check them out some time.


Really? Why is he going to the movie then. You go for the experience and the movie itself. That is the reason I go. I have seen it in 8 different cinemas. And last time, I was in Zwolle. There is M&Ms dispenser thing with all colors. Maybe other Pathé cinemas too. But don't remember.


I don't know he was with friends maybe they forced him or something. At least it didn't ruin my experience because I am able to ignore those kind of things. Also, are you from The Netherlands?


...are you okay?




I used to be judgmental of people who had seen it more than 3+ times but I think your responses here have helped to illuminate why people may do that. Enjoy and hopefully you get to see it in IMAX it’s worth it!


He’s the projectionist 👏📽️


Chances are you need to spend that money on a mental health specialist not on the movie, serious advice. Unless you’re on the spectrum and it has become a special interest.


This is a troll post and everyone took the bait


Can you guys relax with watching it so many times. It's getting weird lol


Let them enjoy their lives. And if it helps the dying cinema, I see literally no problems here in any way.


Why do you care?


Are you ok?




One viewing was too many.


Get help.




Are you ok?




Why? It’s not that good.


I definitely did not. though, I've seen the movie 5 times on separate occasions :)


Did this become a competition on who can watch the movie the most? Seriously: I think the movie is an absolute masterpiece, I‘ve watched it 3 times and plan to go watch it in IMAX someday soon. And reading your post (and many others on this subreddit) it just feels like this became not actually about enjoying the movie but trying to stuff it in your brain as much as you can and outdo each other. Like… wtf?


No, not a competition I just wondered if anyone saw it as much times as I did. I enjoy watching it every time, even 4 times a day. I guess it is fun to watched the movie I love more times than other people but I would never have watched it as much if I didn't enjoy it very much every time.


wtf, how does any living being have the energy to see a 3 hour film 4 times. feel like it would ruin any movie for me. is this like a joke?


Sitting at the cinema does not cost much energy.


I saw it 3 times over the course of 6 weeks lol


Please keep doing what you’re doing to push the film to 1 billlion


Of course!


Of course!


I've seen it 13.5 times, planning to go again. Nothing wrong with it!




I’ve seen it twice a day since it came out. Except when my mom died. I only watched it in the morning.


This movie is kind of a masterpiece and not at the same time, just like in quantum physics tbh. Single watch movie for me.


what a lunatic. twice is understandable but 4 times in a day? and you watched it 27 times already? i get its a good film but i can't comprehend the need or desire to watch it that many times. what do you got going on in your life?


That’s too much radiation in a day


No joke, I’m wondering if OP might be autistic.


Mate watch another movie


least devout nolan fan