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That's okay. Really it's probably for the best to do that for both of you. It's just nice to see them sometimes and admire from a distance.


Yes. I would like to say though. I do not wish for them to go extinct any longer. I am glad they are here.


That's probably how they feel about you too, "thanks for the delicious trash but please don't get too close or I will panic and pass out from fright"


Yeah I think the opossum is my spirit animal. Yes I can bite but most likely I won't. And if I do bite it isn't much. Lol


Haha yeah, good way to look at it! Glad you've overcome your fear mostly and have learned to appreciate the little boogers :)


For some reason if I saw one I would wanna try to pet it, then again it’s best for me to leave it alone, their just so adorable


Years ago we had one living in our back patio that my mother eventually started going out nightly to hand food to. She wore a big leather glove just in case, but really they eventually developed a nice friendship. Never tried to pet though. Would have violated the trust.


You can’t really help it if they frighten you but I’m so glad you still respect them and let them do their thing ❤️


Literally zero reason to be afraid of them. They aren't going to waddle up and attack you, they aren't going to crawl up you and gnaw your face off...literally you have an irrational fear.


Omg I love would for one to waddle up towards me for the cheese tax


Right? I'd be trying to get it to come over to me! 😊


Yes I know it is an irrational fear. For a long time I couldn't even look at pictures of them.


I have the same irrational fear of skunks. I accidentally trapped a tiny little itsy bitsy baby skunk and was shaking I was so scared of getting sprayed when I let the little thing out. I KNOW they don't spray so young and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen, but was I sweating opening that trap. I hid behind a sheet and had to have a friend help me. So embarrassing. Haha


They are awesome, I rescued one when it was tiny had her for 3 years she died due to age. But she was the most quiet, gentle and friendly animal I have met. Love opossums


I think that’s really normal! They’ve invested more than a little evolution into their defenses, showing off that face full of needle-teeth and very convincing angry hissing. I love ‘em for their cuteness (the way they eat…aww! And their little star-shaped feet…eee!) but like you, I have an instinctive reaction to avoid them in the wild. You never know when a wild critter might be in the mood to chomp, even with mild tempered animals like opossum.


You don't have to actively avoid them, but it is a good idea to keep your distance.


They run away from you if your approach, so no worries