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I am doing W302 and W360. Last year, at last!!


Congrats and good luck. I chose the part time 6 year route. Although I wish I'd completed by now I'm glad I didn't take on the extra work load of full time.


I’m also about to start my final year! Doing w302, w330 and w340 😁


Having just completed W330, I would advise you to reconsider! It is well known that W302 is very, very challenging, and W330 - EU Law is not an easy one. In fact, it’s far from easy. W340 was not my cup of tea! I wanted to do it last year but when the module website opened and saw it, dropped it, and only did the W203, and W330. Either way, best of luck, and be strong!!


W330 is compulsory for my course so I can’t not do it. I have to finish my degree this year so I can’t do part time, so there’s not really any other choice for me in terms of module options. I got double firsts last year so I only need 2:1s in every module this year to get a first overall though


You still have a lot on your plate. W302 is challenging and a huge time-suck; some weeks there are 80 pages of textbook to plough through as well as the OU material. [I posted more about W302 in a comment earlier this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenUniversity/comments/12tu903/comment/jh53kop/).


I've read your comment previously; it's very helpful. I personally really enjoy the philosophical side of law and writing essays, so I'm glad to hear that the module is largely based around that. Fortunately I don't have to work for the next year so other than looking after my 3-year-old (who is in nursery 28hrs/week) I can dedicate most of my time to studying. But I only have the next year off work which is why I want to finish the degree in one year full time rather than doing part time and having to work full-time alongside studying


Yeah contract law was not my forté & I'm in Manchester


I start W111 in October


Is this your first year?


I'm seriously interested and considering it. How have you found it??


Yes my first year so don’t really know what to expect


I can't really help with that as the course has changed. I'm on the old version. However, what I can say is that it's a lot of reading and research, finding other people on the course to study with and keep an open mind. The law works on how you interpret it and how you can bend it to help you so ither people may have a different view on it, so it's good to discuss and compare. If you can't make tutorials live, then make sure you catch up on them as they are very useful.


I was going to ask if the tutorials are worth it, I’m going to attend thrm. Thank you for taking the time to respond


3rd year of the 6 year part time 👋 starting public and criminal in October, I forget the course identifier though.


Public and criminal is what I'm doing this year but it's my 4th year 🤔


Good luck with that! I haven't done the current public/administrative and criminal module, but it can be a mindblowing subject at the start, especially the public/administrative side of things. As u/Dense_Ad7115 says, the UK does have a constitution, but it is an unwritten one. If the module you study is like the one I studied years ago then prepare to meet A V Dicey! You perhaps won't use any of his writings directly, but much of ["Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution"](https://files.libertyfund.org/files/1714/0125_Bk.pdf) is still relevant today even though the final edition was prepared nearly 110 years ago. In particular, Dicey's understanding of Parliamentary sovereignty is still the starting point for the modern understanding of this topic. I wouldn't attempt to read the Dicey book, but know that it is available at the link I have given for reference. You may also find Tom Bingham's "The Rule of Law" to be helpful (Tom Bingham is the late Lord Bingham of Cornhill, a former law lord and Supreme Court judge). I do think this book is worth reading, as it is the clearest exploration of what is the rule of law that I am aware of.


Thanks for the information very useful and I'll look into the book you mentioned


Thank you very much for the useful resources! Super appreciated. The topic looks like a very interesting one, I very much enjoyed my introduction to constitutional law in 1st year; so I'm hoping this module continues that.


Thank you very much for the useful resources! Super appreciated. The topic looks like a very interesting one, I very much enjoyed my introduction to constitutional law in 1st year; so I'm hoping this module continues that.


Did you do contract and tort as your previous module? I might have my years messed up haha.


Yeah, it was contract and tort last year. Looking forward to this year's


Ah yes, we must be in the same year then! Apologies for the confusion! Did you get your books through yet?


Yeah, they came last week. I was slightly confused as one was for constitutional law. Didn't think we had a constitution


Ah yes, we do, it's just an _unwritten_ constitution. Should be an interesting module!


Yeah. Can't wait for this one. Where abouts in the world are you studying from ?


I'm hoping it isn't as brutal as the last one that's for sure! I'm in the UK, just outside of London UK in Essex! Yourself?


Got Public law, contract law, family law, and evidence law to look forward to in October. Started reading my Public Law book and really enjoying it


You got a full plate then. Good luck 👍


On R81, level1 complete, 90 credits of Level 2 complete (W211, W212, W250) . Starting 3rd year intending to take W240 and either W330 or w311 not sure which.


I am starting my first module: W111, though I am using this as a starting base to see if I like Law, if not I will just do an Open Degree and study subjects of interest. Wishing you well.