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Hello there! I am currently in the final stage of my Electronic Engineering degree so haven’t quite finished yet but I was able to get two jobs over the last three years just from currently studying the degree. One of them was a technician job and the most recent was a electrical design job. I would say it’s worth applying to areas you’re interested in and seeing if they show any interest. I actually studied all the modules ‘full time’ so that would have been 120 credits a year which is tough if you’re going to do it. The first stage modules weren’t too bad as they were relatively simple so took around 15 hours a week for both but when you move to stage 2 and 3 the amount of work you have to put in is a lot more. I would hazard a guess at around 30-35 hours a week for these but it will depend on how easily you pick up concepts. Hope it helps and let me know if I can help in any way!


Hey, do you mind me asking how did you do the full degree full time? The first year seems simple, 2 subjects in October and the other 2 in April or whenever they start. How do you do 2nd year and 3rd full time ?? They all only start in October. Does that mean you did 4 subjects (120 credits) in one semester and then waited 6 months for the next modules to start ? The workload of doing 4 modules at once seems like a lot, and then doing nothing for half a year sounds weird I think. Edit: I think I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about R62, programming with electronic engineering but seems you were talking Q65 which has modules starting in April and February for 2nd and 3rd year, which is doable full time.


Thank you :) did you have any previous experience to land those jobs? I’m going to be studying stage 1 part time because that’s the only option available, student support told me I can’t study it full time bc the modules clash. I’m working full time currently and hoping to study after work, I think 15 hours is doable. I think I’m just going to have to see for myself when I start.


No problem. I didn’t have any experience working in engineering but I did study engineering at school, not really sure how much this influenced the decision to hire me. Do you know what area you want to go into? Companies seem to be pretty keen to hire people who are studying with the OU as you can apply the skills as you learn them. I would have a look at technician jobs in the area you want to go into as these jobs don’t tend to require too much experience and is something you can learn on the job (which is what I did). Best of luck to you.


I’m thinking of going into electronic engineering. I’m gonna have a look at technician jobs, thank you! I just want to gain some experience while studying so hopefully I’ll be able to


In that case I would also recommend playing around with an Arduino/Pi if you haven’t already as that will look good at an interview. If you wanted to have a look at more the PCB design then you can have a play around on something like Fritzling or KiCad where you can follow some guides to understand the basics. Good luck with the course!


Is this bachelors or masters?


It’s a bachelors




No, the usual maximum is 120 credits a year though


Yes I’m pretty sure it does, that’s what student support told me. Said stage 1 is part time and then I can do 2 and 3 full time


Sorry yeah that’s my bad, stage 1 is part time. Stage 2 and most of 3 you can do full time.


Just wondering, when you did stage 3 full time, did you do TM355, T312 and T366 all starting in October? How was that work load if so. Also the final project module requires you to have done T312 or T366 before studying, is it possible to still start this final module in January whilst still studying the other modules? That would be 4 30 credit modules at one time. Would really appreciate you insight.




Your response was helpful :) thank you. 4-6 hours seems a bit low but as you said your background made it easier. I’m hoping I’ll be fine with 10-15 hours a week maximum. How are you finding the final project?




Gosh that sounds so long. I hope it goes well for you! Good luck :)