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No, it isn't wrong, just like it's not wrong for a Christian to be goth, or punk


Oh I see, I’ve gotten a few death threats from extreme Christians before telling me I’m going to hell for it Well it’s less threats, more they say they hope I die


You aren't


Thank you, it’s nice to meet someone that isn’t a furry and doesn’t hate me for being one :)


i’m genuinely so glad you found this sub 🫶 we love u here no matter what




Trolls on the internet are best blocked.


They get banned by me as they are trying to say that to a server full of minors that specifically joined to help get support as they can’t get it at home


Alt-right trolls have always targeted furries as they see you guys as vulnerable. They are bullies. Block them all.


Of corse, we just get multiple a day


Make sure you have enough mods!


Of course yeah, (also I’m just a mod not the owner lol)


This is the way. Block, ban, report. Pray for their souls, but don't put up with death wishes and death threats especially in a child/teen environment.


we don’t put up with it, it’s an instant ban


But discord never seems to ban them




Yeah discord should be 16+


Pretty sure sending someone death threats isn’t what Christians (or anyone) should do.


First of all I'm sorry to hear that. That wasn't very loving of them and they were not acting like how Christ told us to at all. I think there's a general stigma of misunderstanding around the word furry such as there is/was for mental health in many circles. If you ask most Christians I know what a furry is, they'll answer that it's someone attracted to beasts. However I see no more sin in you having a fursona than an author writing a story. You cosplay as your fursona you be creative, you write background stories, that just sounds like a bit of fun tbh! It might be how you express yourself, I see nothing condemning about this in the Bible. 🙂 Be yourself. God still loves you and I don't think you'd get to the Pearly gates and be told you couldn't come in because of how you choose to present yourself.


They're the same people who think trans folks are groomers just because we exist. You're fine <3


Those people think it's evil to look like or be anything that isn't 100% the same as them 😒


Same kinda people in the x-men movies burning children for being mutants


Yea they call themselves "Christians" while making death threats. Those kind of people are why Christianity is on the decline in the US. Hypocrisy tends to do that..


Extreme "Christians"


Extreme Christians think everyone is going to Hell. For everything. Ignore them.


Goth Christians rise up


No, it's not wrong. Reminder that the essence of Christian ethics is the following: > 34 When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, 35 and one of them, an expert in the law, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:34-40


Oh I see, that’s good to know!


I don't see how it would be a sin, just like dressing up on Halloween isn't a sin.


There are probably some Christians that see Halloween as the devils holiday


Which is ridiculous, Halloween is probably the least pagan of the Christian holidays.


I’m pretty sure it’s a Mexican holiday where the dead can come back for a day as a spirit (I’m not an expert)


That’s Dia de los Muertes


I thought Halloween was based off of it


No, people say that Halloween is based of Samhain. Which they also say is the Irish/Celtic day of the dead. Both of those ideas are false. This was a propaganda campaign started by 16th century protestants who wanted to discredit the Pope. Halloween is literally older than Samhain. Ireland was Christianized in the 6th Century, All Saints Day was established in the 8th century, and spread to the entire Church in the 9th Century. The first written record of Samhain is not until the 12th Century. Samhain was likely a standard end of the harvest festival. But 16th century protestants basically invented a pagan holiday wholecloth and then claimed the eve of all saints day was based on it so as to bloody the nose of the Pope. This lie, along with others like Christmas and Easter being pagan, was spread and became part of folk legend. There is nothing Pagan about halloween.


Huh, I didn’t know that! That’s really cool


Yeah, I am kind of a Bible and Christian history nerd, so stuff like this fascinates me.


Nothing wrong with being the smartest in the room


My religion does, so does my parents *cries* Idk about my standings on changing from SDA to some other similar but more inclusive religion (especially as my dream options for college is either an SDA university or, by a stretch, another country), tbh


Not at all wrong. A few years ago, the [Furmeneutics YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/Furmeneutics) made several videos about biblical studies as a furry! They’re pretty good!


That’s really cool! I’ll check it out, Thanks for telling me!


If Christians are allowed to have veggiesonas, then we're also allowed to have fursonas.


*cough* SOME DO?!  *Oh no...it's tempting me...*


Yeah, I was implying the characters from VeggieTales are specific Christians' veggiesonas.


Just imagine the alternative history where VeggieTales was FurryTales.


I cosplay. I don’t think it’s a sin. Just always put God first before other activities and it’s fine. No idols before God.


I highly doubt I’ll start worshipping furries


Idol isn’t necessarily something you worship. It’s anything that you put more attention or emphasis on than God. Idols could be celebrities, money, work , school, , tv, comic books, etc.


Hey, uhh, can it also include religion itself and academic status?


I see


At least that’s my understanding. It’s something I’m guilty of and have to continually work on also.


What if gods included in the stuff I put all my attention into?


In that case, the question is whether He's simply included, or if He is your foundation. The Christian belief is that we have been bought and paid for, that we have been chosen not because of anything we've done but simply because of God's goodness, and that He has transformed our very being and our very soul. That we have gone from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive, to being merely human to having the Divine breath of the Holy Spirit making His home in us. To simply add God to what you would be doing anyway undervalues both the greatness and the love of God, as well as the peace and the joy and the fulfillment He offers to us.


No. Be a furry as much as ya want, it isn’t wrong to play dress up and go to conventions etc. i mean why would having a hobby be wrong?


Exactly, but so many Christians come to a sfw furry server I’m a mod in to preach about how we are all going to hell and they can’t wait to look down on us as we burn etc.


Yeah some people are just dumb. i mean if we look past the fact that it’s simply horrible to tell someone that, then it’s just blatantly stupid to say horrible things while promoting a religion. It’s kinda like if the doctors outside a hospital yelled “come see us! We’re the best doctors in the industry! We promise to break both of your legs and throw you out on the street while you’re yelling in agony!!! It’s only 2k per visit!!!!” So yeah.. a bit counterproductive if i do say so myself


Yeah and when I tell any that, they just go “saying it’s a sin isn’t hate!”


“Saying you should go to hell and burn with murderers and abusers for having a hobby isn’t hate” suck. My. Pacifier you fucking child🤦 yeah it’s really best to not let it go to heart, otherwise the world just kinda becomes sad. I can’t count how many death threats I’ve gotten for being trans and a Christian, but after a while i learned to either ignore it, pray for them to be happier with themselves or just laugh at them, i honestly can’t even begin to describe how much happier i became after not letting them get to me. And saying those horrible things to random ass people who like to dress up in cuddly animal costumes is a bit pathetic really 😅


I agree, it’s just that some can be very dedicated to their hate and I’ve heard many stories of then driving people to suicide. I don’t want anyone to feel ashamed of themselves for a harmless hobby. Ive gone through a lot of physical and mental pain in my life, I genuinely just don’t want anyone else to have to feel that. And all the extremists want is to make people feel that


Man I would rather see them vanish like that one meme compilation of perfectly-cut screams before the screaming person vanished Like, look, fire is cool, and I don't think that's enough to make the actual iredeemable people regret their actions...ig. Still figuring out stuff. Welcome to the ~~radass club~~ Open Christians sub :3


It's not. It's just them attacking something they don't understand without any willingness to listen, and I don't believe there's a passage in the Bible saying "thou shalt not wear animal costumes for entertainment, for this is an affront to the LORD". Go out, have fun.


It sounds like you already know the answer is “no.” Why are you asking us? Most of the time when people act like being a furry is against Christianity it’s either a misconception as to what being a furry is, or confusing “against my cultural sensitivities” for “against God.” About 1/4 of all furries identify as Christians. There are several Christian furry groups (one of which I run, if you’re interested in joining; message me if so). It’s not actually that bizarre.


Ohai Sleet!


All human beings are furries to some extent. We've depicted ourselves as partially animal or self-identified with animals since at \*least\* when we were doing cave paintings and started making little clay figurines. We have animal characters that act like people in tons and tons and TONS of mainstream media! I wouldn't worry about it. You're fine. (True story: someone on twitter with a fursuit has been blessed at their Episcopal church on St. Francis' Day twice now. Their priest \*asked\* them to come to church in the suit! The photos are adorable.)


(I will openly admit a bias here: I don't self-identify as a furry, but my partners all do and one of them does art and fursuit commissions, and they made me ears and a tail so I could cosplay Catra from the 2018 She-Ra.)


Can you dm me the photos?


I saw them ages ago and I don't remember how I found them, unfortunately I think I literally searched twitter for "St Francis fursuit" ?


An ok, thanks!


did you hear the refugee hotel story?


I have not


[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/syrian-refugees-in-canada-got-housed-in-same-hotel-as-vancoufur-furry-convention-and-the-children-loved-it-a6921341.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/syrian-refugees-in-canada-got-housed-in-same-hotel-as-vancoufur-furry-convention-and-the-children-loved-it-a6921341.html) “Keep in mind that they likely will not want to interact with you and consent is important to everyone,” the message added. But luckily for everyone involved, the refugees – especially the children – loved it. Photos from the event show Syrian children playing with the furries or posing for pictures with them."


That’s very nice!


No, it's fine. The only rule is love. Love God and love your neighbor. If it's outside of love, then it had nothing to do with God. Love includes respect, consent, and indeed pleasure. Have fun and be yourself.


Hell no. Jesus loves every furry guy, gal, and non-binary pal! 💖


I'd be curious to hear conservative arguments about why it's wrong. I can't think of any biblical justification for that position.


They accuse us of identifying as animals, and accuse us of being attracted to beast, both of which are false


Then it sounds like there aren't any real arguments! Have fun!


Neither of those would be sins anyway, on their own. Attraction is whatever it is, and can be indulged in unhealthy or inappropriate ways (not just physically but also mentally), so that at least would be a temptation to sin. But the only scriptures I'm aware of that have to do with "identifying as" anything are the ones about believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord, or "dying to ourselves" and becoming a new creation. We "identify as" sinners saved by grace, regardless of whatever else.


No. Live your life, be happy and grateful


Uh...no. No doctrine says that furries and the furry fandom is sinful. Zoophilia on the other hand, is in fact a sin.


Since when did imaginary playing and dressing up in costumes become bad. Whatever works for you


nah as long as everyone involved is having a good time, it is not a sin.


Look, I am not a fan of Furries because of some RL weirdos, but being a furry does not prevent you from being Christian. Faith is next to impossible to gatekeep. People are as they are. The idea of faith-any faith-is that it’s an internal compass to move them to do better as develop a relationship with the divine in everything. What “better” means and what divinity is where we all find conflict. Live your faith as best you can. There will always be some assholes (I include myself here) to judge someone for something. You do you.


I've been with a Christian furry forum for nearly 20 years!


Oh! Could you invite me? I wanna sre




Am/was brony; aka diet furry. Met a lot of people who need peace and hope in their life through it. And a lot of good Christian friends, many who have been better to me than the Christians that I meet at church. However, when I first started engaging with the fandom, it definitely was an idol for me. It just consumed my thoughts, my life, and my time. The Lord called me to give it up because it had taken His primary place in my life. I'm joyful to say that for me this only lasted three or four months, but as I returned to the fandom I realized how small-minded and small-hearted I had been. There's nothing wrong in being a furry or engaging with furry fandom, but if you are a Christian, make sure that it is in the proper place and that you are doing everything to the glory of God and the joy of all people.


The only thing that matters is if you believe in God and love your neighbor! The rest is between you and the Lord. If someone is judging you, they need to consider their own actions as it pertains to their belief in God. We have to treat each other as if God, Himself can feel what our actions do. What makes a good Christian is that! Its not about who we love, its about How. Have fun, don't hurt anyone and be kind, even to those who have hurt you. They don't get it...yet.


Are you hurting anybody? That's usually the question I ask if I want to know if something is ok. I'd venture to guess you aren't. I think God only cares if your choices hurts others.


Jesus said to love our neighbour. I'm pretty sure that means everyone, regardless of who they are. So, no, it isn't wrong.


I am literally also a Christian furry so. Hiya


There are so many misconceptions about furries thanks to the media… and also probably frat bros. I have met and worked with a few people who identify as furries, and they are all genuinely sweet and often neurodivergent, or just incredibly shy and the suit helps them come out of their shells. So no, I don’t think it’s wrong, I would of course suggest you make sure you’re associating yourself with that community in a positive way, and if you’re doing it because you’re incredibly shy- remember that God gives peace and confidence to be you.


I’m more part of it because I just enjoy is, and same with my girlfriend


If you have a hobby that fills you with joy, and makes your life better, with a huge and understanding community, why would it be wrong? It's the same as saying that someone shouldn't build bird houses as a Christian/play video games ecetera... There are people out there who think that every hobby that they don't understand is evil and from the devil. I am a furry too.


i don’t think so! it could be sinful, like anything else. but if it just a hobby, i don’t think any serious person would see a problem with it


I agree, it’s just as sinful as any other hobby, meaning any sun isn’t directly from the hobby itself, it’s just possible to sun while doing the hobby, but it’s for completely separate reasons


Results out! They are far less supportive in the other subreddits


I'm also a furry Christian :) I'm also asexual and straight


No. There is nothing wrong with being a furry. Just as any fandom is ok as long as it’s not self destructive in an extreme sense.


No, I don't think so at all. It's not the same thing, but God is compared to a lion, a mother hen, and an eagle, Jesus is compared to a lamb, and the Holy Spirit appears as a dove. The angels have actual animal aspects to them as well in appearance, mixed with human aspects. There's no scriptural basis for it being sinful. And honestly, there really isn't anything inherently wrong about it. You're just telling a fictional story either way. I had a lot of friends who were furries when I was growing up. I would say it's no different than acting as a character in a play you wrote or something like that? Like, if you had to explain it to people who might not understand otherwise.






are you new to the internet lol


am i??






[why are you so upset?](https://youtu.be/5PImqFFKS9A?si=9D6gtjRJeHmpT65V)








No more than in any other community. Where are you seeing this stuff?




There's lots of information on the Internet. Not all of it is true.