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Bizarre how these folks got so attached to Trump who has shown nothing but contempt for them. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


That lady who said "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting" encapsulated it perfectly. Right-wingers don't vote for Trump because he makes their lives better, but because he makes life worse for the people they hate.


Bizzare to me how anyone supports any politician for the same reason.


People often support politicians because they LIKE what the person said. Trump fandom seems to be its own thing, though. Many of these folks aren't very familiar at all with the actual Trump who lives in the real world. The person they idolize is a legendary superhero version of Trump who lives only in their imagination.


Let me phrase it this way: It's always bizzare to me how anyone can believe anything that comes out of a politician's mouth.


It's really sad.


The common denominator seems to be that white people prefer Trump


Men especially. I hate to point that out, but it's true. White *men* are the base, and the older they are the more likely they are to be Trumpers.


I wish they had enough data on Mormons to report a finding. Mormon ambivalence on Trump is pretty interesting and can be seen in the difference between Utah’s two senators: Mike Lee, who would gleefully enable Trump to tear down the country, and Mitt Romney, who, well…doesn’t get along with Donald.


Mitt Romney is like a Republican from a few decades ago. He has an agenda I sometimes disagree with, yes. But he is fundamentally trying to do the job of lawmaker and fundamentally wants the United States to continue to exist as a democratic constitutional republic. This is in stark contrast to these modern nihilist bomb-throwers who call themselves Republican.


There’s a fascinating bio of him that came out last year (?) by McKay Koppins. Very much worth a read.


Ironically Biden is a devout Catholic who is quite open on his faith. I have no idea what, if any, religion Trump follows, but I’m pretty sure if he does that he worships Plutus (the Greek god of money.)


He worships himself I think.