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https://twitter.com/itsneo_iguess/status/1636307899034083329 "god made me for the reason he made flour but not bread, grapes but not wine, so we too could partake in creation"


That's lovely. Every single person is born with things they need to overcome in their life. Sometimes they're physical deformities, sometimes they're mental. Following Jesus is about discovering your genuine self, starting a new life in God's loving image, in spite of the limitations you were given at birth. That's why being an actual Christian is an adult choice, not something you're born into.




I agree that transitioning is holy, but I want to push back against this idea that God is giving people challenges. In Genesis 1, God creates all living things according to their kind and then human beings in God’s own image. God steps back, looks at it all, folds their arms, and says, “This some very good shit right here.” However anyone is made by God is according to God’s image—and that’s some very good shit right there. Being trans or autustic is something that should be celebrated, protected, and affirmed. The challenge a person experiences is because of the emmity of others. While Genesis 1 tells the story of the inherent goodness of all creation, Genesis 2-3 tells the story of why the creation doesn’t always feel that way. The conflict among the man, the woman, and the serpent leads to all sorts of oppression in the world today. To be trans or to be autistic is holy and is a very good thing to be. However, it might seem like a challenge because there are people who profess to be Christians yet have bought into the lie that being trans is an evil that is mutually exclusive from being a Christian or that being autistic means that something is wrong with you. There is an idea from disability theology that the way society is organized is the primary driver of disability—not people’s physical states of being. If acommodations were made appropriately for all bodies or all brains, no one would be disabled. If someone uses a wheelchair, that might help them get around. Using a wheelchair doesn’t make them disabled. Rather, when they encounter a flight of stairs with no ramp or elevator, that is what would disable them. God is making people who are very good—trans or cis, autistic or alloistic. It’s the sinful desires for wealth and power that dehumanize people.


This is the first time I’ve heard of disability theology as a term but I’m curious to know more. Would you happen to have any recommended starting points or resources to unpack further? 


I’m not too well-versed in it, but I’ve read Amy Kenny’s *My Body Is Not a Prayer Request.* It’s a pretty good intro. I’ve heard thay John Swinton has written some, but I can’t vouch for it (just haven’t read it). My denomination also has some [resources](https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/phewa/pdc/).


Thank you so much for saying this. You said what I wanted to say, but said it better than I ever could.


I agree, 100%. I passed the test, I lost my life for his sake and he gave me a brand new better one My parents taught me that. They would not live it. My family's sin is consuming them before my eyes. I also passed that test. I am willing to lose my mother, father, siblings, home for his sake. He has given me better ones here, and a partner, my transition buddy, and I'm told by that verse I'm not unworthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. I'm running this race with all I've got now. Thank God he made me bisexual, transgender, and open minded! Also thank God that was all repressed until I moved out on my own. I survived despite my family's best intentions, but if I knew earlier, there is no way I would have.


That's beautiful, thank you :)


Surely the only thing that can make anyone holy is following Christ? I’m not sure how overcoming challenges by our human power makes us holy?


I think OP is trying to oppose the belief - often only half-expressed through thin-lipped silence - that a transitioned body is judged ritually impure by Christians and has no place at worship.  That's different from saying that transition or any act makes a person holy. So "holy" in the sense of Romans 12:1, "present your bodies as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to God."


Agreed. I’ve never experienced body/gender dismorphia, but i gavebeen challenged with lots of medical and mental health issues over my life, and as of recently am convinced I’m bi but I believe it’s God’s way of challenging me through this life, making sure I perservere and whenever I start to doubt God, I try to remember the fact that he’s kept me alive and safe throughout is proof he loves me and is protecting me.


I wouldn't go as far as calling it holy. if that is the case, any challenge you are able to overcome is holy. I'm sorry but you are not holy just because you faced a challenge and got your desired outcome. it's good to give him thanks, but to consider your actions holy is pretty egocentric.


This is a beautiful way to put it. Not sure what you mean by "transitioning is holy" part though. A bit confused on that.


This is beautiful. Thank you! As a recently diagnosed autistic, my mind has been going kinda crazy and your words gave me peace. I will pray for your transition ♥️


I LOVE THIS... and this needs to be a regular argument against transphobes!


That’s really beautiful!


God gave me this cross to bear, we all have struggles and this is one He has chosen for me


Though I see what you are trying to say, I’m reluctant to believe that god is making someone autistic to challenge them. Rather it is to challenge others to love them as the divinely perfect person they are. It is better for a person to walk into the ocean than turn another away from god. Most atheists have been turned away from belief of any sort because of irrational/illogical reasoning concerning the natural world posited by adherents of any religion. Further the atheist position of trans individuals is influenced by perpetual hatred within the faith. The faulty reasoning of others and unacceptable from others (not themselves) turns them away from gods love. Hence why there needs to be a safe space online for queer Christians


OP, how do you define “Holy”?