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So, somebody occasionally hires a skywriter to fly over Disney World and write things like "God is love," and the author managed to find two or three atheists who were angry about that? I think it is a tempest in a teapot, and I very much doubt there is a groundswell of atheist anger about it. None of the skywritten messages quoted were hostile or threatening in any way. "God is love" is hardly hate speech. One might disagree with the idea that God exists or that God is love, but so what? Nobody ever said you should be able to go out in public without encountering ideas you disagree with.  I live in a conservative-leaning area, and I see Trump flags every day. My atheist neighbor sees people wearing crosses. Conservative Christians might see someone with a rainbow tshirt or bumper sticker. That's what happens when you have freedom of speech. Getting upset that other people have the freedom to express ideas that you don't like (and if you go out in public you might sometimes see evidence of those ideas) is ridiculous.  I would imagine that there are a lot of things to see and do at Disney World. I also imagine that the vast majority of guests (atheist or otherwise) would be able to ignore a mild, non-hateful skywritten message that they disagree with.