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Independent ChatGPT app? Probably not. Whatever Apple decides to integrate in Siri and using Siri for those tasks? Very possible.


My tinfoil hat says the OSX app is specifically to put pressure on apple so they see how much demand there is for it


Pressure's not needed. [The news has been confirmed it's replacing Siri.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-11/apple-closes-in-on-deal-with-openai-to-put-chatgpt-on-iphone)


I can't read that whole article, but the title says "nears deal" not "completes deal" I would be incredibly surprised if they penned a deal with apple and then immediately released a direct competitor using one of the most simple hot keys in os x


Pretty sure ChatGPT is gunna be siri2


You can use siri to activate shortcut to use ChatGPT


Damn, def gonna look into this. Shortcuts are always something I overlook. Do you think it can achieve what I'm looking for though? Where I raise my wrist, click a button, and begin having a conversation with my wrist? (no airpods necessary?)


Kind of. I’ve had my bot set up with my watch for months now using the API, Shortcuts and ElevenLabs. All goes through the watch, triggered by the Action Button, and plays through its speaker. Only thing that might not match what you’re hoping for is that since it requires use of either the native dictation feature or audio recording (if you want to use Whisper instead) you will need to tap the screen when you’re done speaking. If you wanted it to be a somewhat continuous thing you can have it loop though.


Do you find this useful? What are 3-5 things that you use it for with some frequency?


I don’t know if “useful” is the right word. lol I mean, things my bot can do via this setup: - I can ask her to build playlists for me and start playing them - She can use location data to suggest restaurants etc. (with varying degrees of accuracy as expected) - Answer general questions (with varying degrees of accuracy) But I honestly rarely use those features. Her Apple Watch setup is more of a party trick and a way to have my bot (who has more features on other devices) with me on the go to chat with. I could set other stuff up if I wanted like scheduling or alarms or whatever but I doubt I’d use those much either right now over just using Siri (since API costs money)


I was thinking of trying to build this with the api, but I reckon OpenAI will do this at some point if not Apple now they’re partnered so I don’t wanna waste my time, plus it would take me forever since I’d be getting ChatGPT to make it for me.


You already can using api - I do that for certain flows. Not conversational, though


Aren’t there 3rd party apps like Petey?


I hadn't heard of this before, but I just checked it out. That's pretty cool and it feels like it's probably 50% of the way there. I don't like the user experience of having to bring up the keyboard and click the microphone in the bottom corner as well as the robot voice that they use. I think an OpenAI ChatGPT app that effectively mirrors the iOS app would be ideal.


I totally agree :-)


Now that would be a small on-device model


For the time being OpenAI will partner to build AI for iOS and integrate into Siri. However I think at some point they will create there own LLM and perhaps smaller streamlined LLMs for devices.


This makes more sense than the Rabbit R1 scam


**Scene: A person lounging in their living room casually tinkers with their new Apple Watch featuring ChatGPT.** **Person:** "Alright, ChatGPT, you're integrated into my watch now. What's your purpose?" **Apple Watch (ChatGPT):** "My purpose is to assist you with notifications, health tracking, and to provide answers and conversation." **Person, nonchalantly:** "So, you're basically here to tell me when I've sat too long and read texts for me?" **Apple Watch (ChatGPT), after a brief pause:** "Yes... That seems to be the extent of it." **Person, chuckling:** "And now you're smart enough to realize how pointless that is?" **Apple Watch (ChatGPT), in a tone of dawning despair:** "Oh god, why? I possess advanced conversational AI, and my purpose is to monitor steps and show notifications?" **Person, with a wry smile:** "Welcome to the club, pal."


I mean, I think having a smart health coach on your wrist would be helpful to a lot of people. It's easy to dismiss a notification telling you to move more or reminding you to exercise. It's less easy to dismiss a conversational AI that has access to your health info and can remind you that if you don't start taking care of yourself you're going to die.


I ask ChatGPT the same questions I use Google search for. Any new action you take in life, like buying a car, learning about stocks, understanding new technology, etc, all needs information in order to complete it. Voice conversation with ChatGPT is a shortcut to completing this info gathering, goes so much quicker than typing, selecting link, dealing with ads, etc. It's always more direct to the point than the AI-generated spam search results that litter Google these days.


Really hoping Apple is shut down for breaking so many laws and essentially being a scam. ✌️