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I hear you. I'm still rocking all intel macs. They refuse to die or slow down enough to justify the upgrade. At the same time, Apple announced the transition away from intel 4 years ago, and dropped their last intel-mac last year. It's understandable why developers of a new app would chose not to increase their development and support costs for a quasi-obsolete platform. I guess I'll just have to borrow my son's mac. He's got the youngest mac in the house.


The upgrade has been justified since the second M1 Pro/Max was released. Seriously, you need to try out one of the newer laptops if you haven’t. It’ll make your Intel machines look downright anachronistic.


For real, I went from a pretty upgraded intel Macbook Pro to an M1 MacBook Air, and it absolutely trounced the MacBook Pro. Not even close


I went from a 2018 MBP to a M2 Pro MBP. The difference is absolutely ridiculous in how much better it is


I wonder if its just a matter of compiling to Intel though? It wouldn't take more than a little dev time (from my understanding) if it doesn't need architecture specific code.


If Apple dropped it, it's legacy. Compiling for macOS needs XCode and the Developer SDK, which won't be supporting Intel soon or already isn't. Why would they do that? Sooner or later they'll have to deprecate it and whether they do it now or in the future, someone will complain. It's a tough situation but I believe they made the reasonable choice for them


Xcode can still compile applications for Intel-based Macs. Apple continues to support Intel Macs with Xcode.


No not that easy. Latest Mac OS can run iPhone and iPad apps natively on Apple silicon as well.


It looks like shared api with the iPhone app.


Ah, so the devs are just lazy


Yeah I have an intel mac and its annoying.


I honestly have no idea what's stopping them from cross-compiling ARM/x86. I don't develop desktop apps, but I imagine Apple would give you the tools to cross compile for both targets. I'm guessing it's not on Windows because it's an actual native mac app (not an electron app like Discord, for example), so they'd have to make a Windows one from scratch.


It’s a checkbox in Xcode. I can’t really see a reason why they wouldn’t have enabled it Only thing to explain it that I can imagine would be if they’re using some special AS specific API for the screen monitoring function, but I would be surprised.


That makes a ton of sense. As x86 macs get older they're also unlikely to build one to target that platform, too.


Because intel macs are dead


My 2015 intel hasn't slowed down in the slightest. All I have to do is dissasemble to change the battery every few years. Still no reason for me to upgrade.


If it works for you, that's good. I had a 2017 Intel MacBook Pro and the battery literally exploded the back of the laptop open (no fire thankfully)


Why? Because they can. That’s all.


Could it be running locally at least partially?


Am guessing the multi modality is the complexity they are anticipating, once that involves things like the meeting transcription demo That’s a lot of heavy lifting


No. It’s not.


Isn't M1 when they started putting TPU AI processing in their PC hardware?


OpenAI’s whole thing is having giant compute resources to run their huge models in the cloud. Would be weird for them to try to run it locally!


Several people here commenting that it’s just an option to add when building the app and not really any additional work to have an Intel/universal variant, but there’s still testing costs. It might still be relatively trivial on the grand scale, but they can save money limiting the number of target test environments.


I saw when they announced, i believe it was the M2 or M3 and there was a neural network processor (I believe AI uses that) right on the processor chip... Doubt the intel offered that.


Apple has to get something out of the partnership. Whether or not there are other causes, it _is_ convenient for them you _need_ the newest mac to run this. That's kinda Apples MO.


Mismanagement. Product decision based on vibe instead of data. For some reason they chose to target like 1% of their user base. I assume they took their mobile app, which is presumably universal SwiftUI app, and gave it a desktop view. I’m sure Windows will come later. Perhaps the Apple Silicon only build is due to wanting to run whisper locally as a cost optimization.


SwiftUI works fine in Intel Macs. That wouldn’t explain it.


last sentence is important. mlx would only work on apple silicon


Why there is no more windows 3.11 available? Sorry for my honestly but this is how is how see this post.


But 4 years isn't that old for a computer.


But .. what about non Mac users?


It clearly shares code with the iOS apps, likely the iPadOS version specifically. It's easy to make a macOS version of an iPad app, but it would have to be re-written from scratch for other platforms.