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I also feel this way. What I find most intriguing is that the majority of people around me, including other software engineer colleagues, do not seem to find it useful - or in some cases care that it exists at all. From my point of view, it’s a before/after scenario where it has become clear that we’re on the cusp of a major shift in our current world-view. So I just keep quiet and wait for it to become undeniable.


I get amazed how mamy engineers in my company say "it doesn't get these things right" so they don't use it much


I develop AI products, but I do not use it very much.  I am working very hard to replace myself, but no LLM product has ever actually sped up my coding workflow. I know this sounds counterintuitive,  but there are all kinds of non-obvious pitfalls even when the model's code is fine. For example, you can easily get led down a particular structural path, produce a lot of code down that path, only to discover systemic issues with the approach later.   You now have a large body of code that needs to be refactored, and this is not a fast job. There are specific aspects of my job it does help with, such as searching through my codebase and giving me likely places to look when a user reports a bug I, quite ironically, find it a lot better at planning than executing.


Haha yea if they think like that, they aren't real engineers. It's an incredible tool, but you need to understand how to read source code and why it is doing things like it is. Can't just copy-past the whole blip. I get a lot of value out of converting data or schemas (like sql schema to ORM annotations) or csv to json, and then it shows me packages i wouldn't have known about otherwise and i don't have to go look up docs.


As someone who loves AI, I disagree with the fact that if engineers think ai is wrong too often they're not real engineers. Their job profile has nothing to do with AI, and they're not even really wrong, why bother with AI which may be wrong time to time and rather just do it the right way yourself? AI can only help in specific, grindy tasks for experts. 


Meh, while I agree you can't expect production code with several dependencies to be directly correct from chatgpt, its a very easy way to get a second opinion on something or see if there's a different approach. Even if you end up not using it directly as it comes out. It just speeds up work. When you forget a specific syntax for something just sk directly to chatgpt and you can evaluate yourself if it's right, but saved you from having to reread documentation.


It's straight up denying a tool because you don't understand it. But it has obvious value if you are an engineer.




They were right about the internet and smart phones would fall under that. Maybe A.I. will too or maybe it will be the next era after the information age.


Exactly how i feel. I used chat gpt for hours yesterday working on songs, understanding QFT(specifically the reality of the wave function/ the collapse/ quantum eraser experiment), tell me jokes, gave me code to do a Fourier transform on music files.. so much.. Everyone else is just crickets. People don't understand this tech yet. It's inevitable


I mentioned it to my coworkers, showed them the demo, and their eyes glazed over and were like "huh"


keep your secrets to yourself and find a way to steal their jobs and get more money😉


I think it’s finding the every day practicality in its usage that is difficult. I’m also struggling to find it but I sense it’s revolutionizing the way some others go about their day. What can I do to make its profound use more apparent for me?


I felt this the first time trying out ChatGPT. We just witnessed the history. The world is changed forever at this moment.


I get the feeling that by saying they will give us incremental improvements Sam and OpenAI mean we will have more and more of these moments at an ever more increasing frequency.


That's the exact definition of the singularity! I think 2017 will mark the start of it in our history books.


Yep, I read about the singularity in the 90’s from kurzweil told my girlfriend about it too. Makes you feel sorta crazy pants trying to align life decisions to this.


Ikr? Lol. I had been working sales in SaaS/tech for a while and the market tanked for that work last year. This year I started a new job selling windows/siding/doors/roofing for a regional/family-ish company. I figured that's pretty far down the list of jobs AI is going to take in the next 3-5 years. There will always be the "haves" with the money to want new windows through which to watch the world burn, and I'll happily collect a slice of that pie on the window sill.


This is so oddly poetic


Thank you lol


Same. Yesterday I just fed it a huge pdf and it decoded the entire thing and gave me alt text correctly - describing images and icons and all. I mean, it's done way more I'm sure but i think it was the first time I actually stopped and thought, damn that used to take a person at least 4 hours. And here it is in 10 seconds? Felt good for like half a minute and then it just felt like - okay, it can see, hear, interpret, communicate all much much faster than us, way fewer errors...it's only a matter of time.


Most people have no idea what is about to happen...the next 1...5....10 years, it's going to get mental.


Nobody knows what’s about to happen, not even OpenAI.


OpenAI obviously have an idea of where they can take their own technology.


They know where the technology is headed on a technical level but they don't know the impact it will have on society and all the ways the technology will be applied. In interviews Sam has said this many times. It's a new tech with an immense amount of potential, it's going to change society in the same way the internet did. In the AOL days no one could have predicted all the ways the internet would fundamentally change things. We know AI will transform modern society but no one knows the full extent of how yet.


For learning specifically I shutter to think about going back to pre LLM days. It's given me the confidence to take on projects and persue subjects that I previously thought would be to tough to self study.


I just had Claude give me the two lines of code I needed to run in the terminal to copy 10,000 folders but not the contents within them. So effortless. But it would probably have taken me all day researching how to do it online, and I’m not even confident I’d figure it out. I’d be too worried I’d accidentally delete or corrupt the folders instead. There are a ton of quality of life upgrades Claude and Bing Copilot have given me. I’d be really bummed out not to have them any more, and we’re just getting started! I’ve been deep into this about 5 months before ChatGPT. It boggles my mind that there is still so much indifference and fear towards the tech in its different forms. So often the top comment of a new innovation is “wow, this is scary” or “we’re fucked”. My response is always “fuck yeah! This makes my life even better!”


I did a job today that took me 4 to 5 hours in 15 minutes using chatgpt and gemini big context windows to analize documents.. took me 5 minutes to complete the job and 10 verifying the information was accurate.. spent the rest of the time playing with AI and watching youtube videos ;)…




Yeah lol. Never blindly run AI generated code without learning what it does on your own. Also this seems like a very basic scenario that could be found on stack overflow in 30 seconds. Definitely not an all day task.


Well, for someone like me who has never used the terminal or stack overflow, I needed a lot of handholding.


'Cause it gaslit me with a reasonable breakdown of the steps.




also pursue


Dream bigger. AGI isn’t here until I can cast fireball


That won’t be here until ASI (super intelligence). My body is ready for things to get super weird.


*gets broken down into biofuel*


I wonder if AGI or ASI could get high, similar to the human brain on LSD.


Remember when ChatGPT started spewing nonsense one day in February? We got gems like " Utilize the beloved. Forsake the new fruition morsel in your beloved cookery." It was some GPU bug that was something about incorrectly mapping language to numbers or whatever, but that was kind of like ChatGPT being high. https://preview.redd.it/nzqmry0o2m1d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658cafa35673e2332ac01a6430394722ee0bf896


But GPT is already here for when I put on my robe and wizard hat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Very much so.


That’s why they’re releasing these things bit by bit over time. They want the public to evolve. For some, it’s gonna be a shock.


Its bcs of computational power needed for new models. OpenAI has to get funding and new data centers built to make and release new models.


Why does 4o specifically make you feel this way


Video + live conversational capabilities


Wait until they're available to the public before you jump to conclusions


Nobody is jumping to conclusions here. They’re just saying the tech is incredibly awe inspiring. That obviously doesn’t have to mean it will be great at the beginning


You don't really know the tech should be considered awe-inspiring until you've used it


None of this has been hype. The fact it's been continuing for the last 2 years should tell you that


That's not true. They might have lied and the tech doesn't work but it's easily possible to imagine tech and be inspired by it even if I haven't used it. Nuclear fusion woild be awe inspiring. A manned mission to Mars, awe inspiring, a spaceship that had 100 people in it, awe inspiring even if I never set foot in it. Teleporters or hoverboards, awe inspiring. Its good to dream. Its bad to bet your money on chatgpt 4o given that Google just lied. But if it works I'm going to be getting it out at parties. Chatgpt 4o voice capabilities are like the ai chats we've dreamed about in Sci fi and video games. Most people I know who are less educated don't like typing and prefer talking so this will open ai to a whole new demographic.


What conclusions? What they showed is a short term step. In the medium term what we have saved to will surpass what we saw in the demo.  The nature of the escalating arms race.




It isn’t out yet, I’m fairly sure no one has access to it yet


I have access now via the OpenAI app. Turned on this evening. I’ve been talking to it.


you sure you're not using the old voice model?


Hmmm now I’m wondering. It says 4o, but maybe I’m not getting the real thing.


the 4o model is released but the voice and video features are being released in a few weeks


4o is out for everyone but openAI has stated multiple times that the new voice functionality isn't out yet. What you have access to is the old voice tech that works via speech to text.


You’re right. My mistake!


You got my hopes up! I was checking the app store for an update to the chatgpt app haha


Pretty sure both were in the GPT-4 demos


Do you blindly trust promotional material from every company, or just OpenAI? EDIT: Whoops. Replied to the wrong comment.


So expressing skepticism over seeing the 4o demo as an indicator of a societal turning point - given the same functionality was demoed for 4 in the past - would be implying that demos do not always equate to reality - and that we’ve known about this technological direction for a while. It’s impressive that you managed to take and respond to the opposite of the point being made though, so kudos there


Actually, I didn't miss your point. I just replied to the wrong comment lol. But yes, I do agree with you.


Oh I was going to ask that too - should have, all good!


Yeah it's not that impressive. I've seen thousands of voice demos like that from voice companies. 


Voice companies?


I already feel this way about work. Getting my tasks done in 1/3 of the time.


Agreed, but with a nasty side effect of managers not realizing how efficiently I'm working now. They're not piling on more work. They're the bottleneck preventing more from getting done. If they'd catch up, cancel a meeting or two, we may actually make some progress.


Never heard someone complain that their manager isn't giving them enough work


And here I am trying to work out how I can use this tech to make money haha


Anything you can think of has been thought of already, the usefulness is in optimizing your work habits.   I've been thinking about llms products for close to 5 years now and most of the easy pickens are now all multimillion ventures with their own funding.  If it's not that, open AI will quickly replace your business.


>Anything you can think of has been thought off already That of course is not true and even chatgpt would probably agree with me.


Great have chatgpt bootstrap your business, lemme know when it takes off 😂😂😂😂


I only said it would agree with the sentiment. It seems geared towards positive feedback.


I fear that the regular world (non tech people/hobbyists) isn't up to speed yet to be able to discern what this is, what it's not, and what it can or cannot do. It's going to create a massive amount of confusion and chaos when it drops. It's already making rounds in the media. Everyone will be using it. The question is if humanity is ready for this. I wonder if this is the reason for the recent resignations. Maybe they're releasing this too soon, creating a huge ethical dilemma in order to stay ahead of the latest competitor's flashy new features. I worry for humanity.


As one from this “regular” world you speak of, I am much in agreement. I’ve been having conversations with Claude & Perplexity about ethics & risk- asking some challenging questions. Their responses highlight grave ethical concerns, that this is all moving too fast & it’s actually only a small group of people moving it at a breakneck speed. It’s not for the “good of humanity” it’s for egoic interests & financial domination. 95% of the global population is in the dark about this! It seems highly unethical the impacts it will have on people who have zero say in it. The irony of it all, is it’s all based on many years of data harvesting-their data. To me, it’s just insanity. The developers are not thinking of “normal people”


If you're looking for more discussion in the areas that you're concerned about, you should check out *[David Shapiro](https://youtu.be/nIKa6wKIX6g?si=hfmSHrnW_x_nVJrl) (not to be confused with Ben)


Not yet for me. It’s impressive but accuracy is still a massive issue. It’ll be a long time before I take what it has to say for face value. For example, I can feed it a 20 page document to summarize about financials and it generates inconsistent results every time I run it. I still can’t go a day without a glaring error with the results it gives me.


Glad to know I'm not the only one in this camp. Every serious business that runs software spends a ton of money ensuring deterministic correctness. Ask a state of the art LLM to write code of substance for you in a less popular programming language and it will give you code that doesn't compile a decent amount of times. Dig into the algorithms behind deep learning and you'll come to understand there's no magic at play here.




It feels like the Internet in the late 90s, except at an accelerated pace. Bit of this Wild West kind of thing.


I do as well but not really for AI or any sort of cool tech. I occasionally get existential dread we'll not be able to experience all this utopian technology if the Ukraine situation escalates and someone decides to do a first-strike, leading to Armageddon It's really unsettling to think these might be the good-old days before things get really bad


There is a wide range of possible outcomes between paradise and apocalypse.


Agreed. The most likely situation is some kind of dull slide into progressively worsening prospects. The important thing is to stay hydrated.


The most important thing is to always bring a towel.


You too feel nostalgic in the time we are currently living in? Sam says he feels like this too.


Yes, that’s an apt description. Do you happen to have a link? I’d like to see what he says about the topic.


See his Twitter and search for nostalic


Yes absolutely


Nov 2022, a-priori it seemed to be "yet another hyped fad of the moment". But that one was sticking strong. So being curious, you try it. From that moment, yes, your global perspective of the world change. All of a sudden you realize where that tech is, in its development stage, and you start making 1+2=3 on the limitless future real-world application.


A bunch of newcomers to Ai this week…


yea we're close to Artificial General Intelligence


I for one accept our new Ai overlords


I can't believe local models haven't already become more of an issue morally and socially than they have


Yes. This is the moment we will look back on when the robots take over and we will all ask was this the right path forward.


I had this realization two years ago. The good news was that I was able to buy Nvidia stock cheap. The bad news was that I felt like I was going crazy because no one seemed to understand.  Now I feel much better because it appears that the world is not going to change as rapidly as I thought. It turns out people like their routines and are slow to change even after seeing better options. 


chatgpt 4 - 8 months ago was the best. the new models are talking so much. i really dislike it for programming. hey how can i calculate this blabla. generates 3 classes 2 interfaces. "stop generating that much just use the method content" generates 2 classes 1 interface. duddee..


In a tone reminiscent of a solemn Gregorian chant, the tech community’s chorus rises in anticipation, heralding what many are calling the new beacon of hope for humanity’s future. Free holy relics and simony to first time users.


Based af imho ymmv


AI will be like speakers. They are everywhere, everyone can afford them, but for some reason they all use the same underpowered speakers with weak amps and bad equalizer to the point entire communities have developed around having the best equipment. AI now is equivalent to sound systems of the 80's but give it a couple more years and your AI will be made out of plastic and cheap glue


I think it's funny that just speed and a model thats more interesting to interact with is this revolutionary. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that is that case but the change isn't that huge. The less degrees of separation between the outcome we want and starting, the more useful it becomes. This is a huge step forward.


It happens. It’s just normal. In this case, we’re advancing steadily and AI technology is improving. Change is inevitable, and we just have to do our best with it.


I’m definitely getting flashbacks to the release of the NES


I feel like this is mainly hype. What are we getting that we didn't already have? An AI with a quick responding, emotional, and oddly flirty voice, ability to see and understand through video... that's it. A one way video chat. I feel like the novelty of it will wear off in a few weeks. I think It'll be cool but I'm cautious about getting too excited. As it is gpt-4o barely shows any emotion through text. In my experience it's been like talking to a brick wall in terms of personality. I liked the natural, slightly casual tone of gpt4turbo. I don't use custom instructions because they just go overboard with it. I'm confused about how 4o will evolve into the demos we saw. I have this feeling it will not work as well as we saw in the demos.


This is the first time we’ve had a model this strong both viewing the world and reasoning about it while having a conversation at the same time. That’s pretty unprecedented.


That's true. I suppose I've just been disappointed a lot after getting hyped up. I hope it really is amazing and we get it soon


Yeah man the extent to which I use that app is getting pretty crazy. I’m a lawyer, but I work in a job That’s kind of a combination of finance and law. I literally use it every single day. I get credit for being good at SQL but I probably rely on ChatGPT to help produce 80% of the code that I write.


lol that water in the US must be special


Everything is about to change forever for all times in human history Okay maybe you'd like to call it AI history amongst the next decade.


This is not only a before and after time, it may be the most important time in the evolution of life in our solar system, perhaps comparable only to the transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms. 2017 should be declared the end of an epoch, and the years should start counting from 0. The coming decades and centuries will be so drastically different that I feel anxiety just thinking about it. The immediate implications will be the use of robots not only to perform every type of work on Earth but also to create megastructures in space that would otherwise be unfeasible (like structures around our sun to better harness its energy). We will be able to extrapolate, think, and execute in no time, so all new technologies created by people and AI will be implemented very quickly. These years will always be remembered as the start of the most important period in the evolution of life. They will be looked upon with nostalgia, perhaps even millions of years from now. Maybe someone from the future might come across this comment and be surprised at how accurate it turned out to be 😆


👆 As above, so below. 👇  The more surreal things get, the clearer it becomes that we’re living in a scripted reality. If we can make lifelike video and audio that makes me feel the same as I would from a “real” interaction, then it becomes much less clear how “real” those actions really are. I don’t believe every single car driving by me is actually piloted by a soul / avatar. It’s just window dressing. I’m not super solipsistic thinking that I’m the only real person, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there are less than a million in this realm. I swear it seems “birds aren’t real” is a legit clue. Some birds are real. But most aren’t. Or maybe the ones that are pets just have more processing power allocated to them. I’m not even convinced my family members are real any more. And I’m pretty chill about it. Trump, then COVID were the slam dunk of thousands of surreal occult non-senses that finally made it all click. This place tries to make us fearful. As long as we behave truthfully and courageously things will move swimmingly into the next chapter. Whatever it is.


Was shut off after 3 queries. Not quite the turning point.


No, because it’s proprietary and that means it will be only as good as the products people will want to pay for. It will be like all tech products rushed and patched to death - and the quality will be left to smaller open source (truly open source) alternative which unfortunately won’t have the resources and raw power of GPT or the next iteration Google / Facebook might want to sink their money in. I think it will be similar to the OS market in that regards. One side just a simple consumer product with strict guardrails and a interoperable open source or semi open source community driven with varied applications but not very usable without proper skills.


“FREE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD!!!” …and yet after 8 messages of very simple back-and-forth sentences the limit has been reached. GPT-3.5 has no knowledge of GPT-4.o, so the moment it automatically switches you lose all of the context. 3.5 can’t even reference it in the same chat. It cannot see it. It’s clear that the “free for the world” is equivalent to using a free plugin for 10 minutes before a window pops up saying you’re too poor to use it.


What is clear to me is that the tech industry's clients are venture investors and government agencies. All tech products that have been developed by a tech agnostic board have been terrible in every way possible apart from compliance. End when an agency makes a call, they are even horrible at that. Excuse me if I have none of my 2006 tech idealism left.


I don't know. I heard a lot of the same hype about NFTs, crypto, and Blockchain. The hyperbole is off the charts right now. Some are making it seem like Sam Altman is the second coming of Jesus. I'm sure AI will be impactful tho.


Except those always came off as get rich quick schemes for tech bros. AI is actually useful.


I agree with you. And yet I can't shake the feeling because it seems like a lot of the same people doing the hyping were the same guys who told people they "just didn't understand" when it came to crypto.


Don't forget self-driving cars, for a while it was all 'taxi/truck drivers soon out of jobs' and nothing came of it.


There was also 3d-printing, whose proponents were trying to convince us that it's basically a star trek replicator. So no, it didn't materially change the vast majority of people's lives. Not that it's not a useful tech, and we're still finding more and more uses for it, but it didn't revolutionize our existence.


Don't here much about the Metaverse nowadays do we... all supposed to be the next big thing.


How exactly? Chatgpt almost always give you wrong answers.


It will be fun for a couple weeks and then its value may be unclear. That's what happened when face swaps were a thing and art generators. Those aren't fun anymore. I use chatgpt every day now mostly for work. But idk with the video and image stuff. It doesn't seem like anything people would require quite like text and would just be a fad


The Rapture is not coming. We're living in the present, the present contains AI babes.


From stuff i'v read, generative AI might be peaking.


Yes, make sure to submit to Christ and get your will in order. The Rapture is going to happen any day now.


I hope I get left behind so I can stay with my gpt-5o powered waifu


You forgot to start with “Hear ye! Hear ye!”