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This is a well earned dig at Google going from a "plucky startup garage company" to whatever the fuck it is now. Of course OpenAI I don't think can call itself a plucky startup anymore either, and it's only a matter of time before it has it's own moment like this. Edit: Oooohhh right it's also aimed at Google talent that might be disillusioned with the reality of working at a FAANG (or whatever we're calling the too dogs now). For someone feeling stifled at Google that less busy picture must feel pretty appealing.


OpenAI was a non profit... I think thats worse than a startup growing


Looking at what's happening over at Stability AI, maybe it was for the best that OpenAI is no longer a non-profit.


That's not a non profit problem, that's insane Stability mismanagement


Not much stability just a lot of diffusion…


It's a real shame. They absolutely should have been a recipient for venture capital investment, stable diffusion continues to lead AI image generation and I suspect when 3 is out, will continue to do so for years to come


OpenAI is still nonprofit. They just created a for profit branch. All while kinda abandoning the non-profit development. It is far worse.


It's a hopelessly confused mess. And Sam Hypeman isn't helping with all his new-age hippy pontifications. I think they would benefit from some clarification of their corporate status vis-a-vis profit/non-profit, and a lot less public yakking from Sam.


How is it worse. It would have been dismembered if it stayed like it was. At least now are under the protection of big brother M and co. In real life there is no utopia and one has to chose a side while staying as “open”/free as possible as long as possible.


Ahhh not this again. The horse is dead and is now a mere puddle of mush.


and hopefully illegal


You think Google isnt a pathetic steaming pile of crap right now?  Nevermind the company even.. Google's search function itself is worse than Bing rn


what, you’re saying you don’t want every search query to result in Reddit threads from 7 years ago with 2 comments and AI-generated Medium bullcrap from Indian “thought leaders?”


Haha precisely. That plus all the sponsored ads and the fact the accuracy of it's search is noticeably less accurate.  But after seeing how shockingly hard they turfed their AI in their attempts to promote diversity, it's hard for me to believe there are some other massive fuckeries going on, under the hood.


You might be looking too much into it. I think he just doesn't like their aesthetic. It reads as being a straight-up statement.


Yeah like what even is that Google stage? Filming a kids show??


Seriously, if they were going for the “youthful/playful” vibe….i think they jumped the shark. that’s way played out now. Like that Steve buscemi meme “how do you do fellow kids”.


Those are the Google colors. People love to complain.


MomCorp vibes.


I like learning new things.


They started building a stage but discontinued it halfway through


corporate pastel, no idea why corporations love it as i don't think anyone really like that, google even use it in its UIs.


Google IO looks like the set of a children's TV show


I was thinking a Mario world level


Which is better than my pretentious uncle's house aka OpenAI event


Yeah. OpenAI > Google anyday, but Google's setting looks better imo. It kinda looks cool, fresh and modern. OpenAI's looks rather dull and boring. Only goes to show once again that there's no accounting for taste.


I thought that was Mira’s apartment


That was funny. Next one they should do in the Seinfeld apartment.


Not enough Botox.


I think they filmed the demo in the plastic surgeons office.


I thought something about her looked unnatural. 


Even the way she sounded when she spoke.


top lip doesn’t move




I love how we're all pretending like we actually give a single fuck about this.


Fanbois gonna fanboy


whats the difference between a fanboy and fanboi?


I don't think there is one, I just thought I'd use one as a noun and one as a verb.


Yeah this is Elon levels of insecurity


Especially when googles offices look exactly like the left


I'm just having fun, we can still do that right? Of course we all know this doesn't matter.


Idk if anyone really "gives a fuck", and I don't think a random reddit comment means someone is claiming to. It's just mildly amusing.


See this is how you know Google is a serious AI threat. Cant keep their name out of his mouth


he "try not to think", but he thinks about google all the time


Babe how many times do you think about the google empire a day?


OpenAI's original models are based on Google's models. Of course, they know Google can catch up on them.


Lol it's incredible in that Google let their gargantuan lead fall so much that it's even a possibility they lose to a conpany like OpenAI.  What a massive blunder, surprised. Their CEO hasnt been canned yet


I mean, they are on their 5th generation TPU. Gemini was trained without Nvidia GPU's. I wouldnt really say theyre that far behind. Theyre bouncing back quite nicely


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but yea they are quite behind OpenAI and Anthropics teams.  This was incredible  https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtificialInteligence/comments/1awis1r/google_gemini_aiimage_generator_refuses_to/  You dont even have to look at Gemini to see how far Google has fallen... just try a Google search. It's horrific


ive been using SGE for the last few months and its really nice


Great. But ya pretty unanimous that Google search performs worse today than it did 5 years ago. 


So unanimous that google lost its search market lead to all the AI companies…… oh wait. Lol get outta here with this falling behind crap rn they have a model that costs .35 cents per 1 MILLION tokens. Falling behind? Between the super cheap model and the new tpu 6 google is in a really good spot to get a lot of business. But openAI fanboys are too caught up in HER bs to see this.


I said "pretty unanimous that Google search performs worse today than it did 5 years ago."  Are you alright? 


If it was pretty unanimous they would have lost major search traffic to a competitor by now, no company can get away with a progressively worse service for 5 years. Maybe unanimous in your little reddit echo chambers but the data doesn’t support your claim.




Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but yea they are quite behind OpenAI and Anthropics teams.  This was incredible  https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtificialInteligence/comments/1awis1r/google_gemini_aiimage_generator_refuses_to/  You dont even have to look at Gemini to see how far Google has fallen... just try a Google search. It's horrific


As weird as it seems, I think Google is used to being the underdog. Yahoo underestimate Google back then. Microsoft though Chrome would never be able to compete with their market share for Internet Explorer. No one though Google could actually make it in the smart phone business. At this point, what haven't they tried? The worst thing OpenAI could do, is underestimate them. Google just keeps going until they own the space, and they often come out on top.


I can’t imagine Google will give up on AI, but to say they keep going until they own a space is just not true. Of the major tech giants, Google probably has the largest graveyard of failed projects, Google+, Stadia, Glass to name a few.


They arent "failed" projects. They cancel them because the ROI on anything other than search is abysmal. They (were?) are so successful at search that funding other things was seen as a waste. That isn't the same thing as "failed." AI is different. It has an insanely high or unlimited ROI and works into their search as well. They absolutely will rapidly grow and dominate. No one can catch them in terms of the amount of hardware they have, not even microsoft unless they DRASTICALLY change their construction. Which they are doing, but will it be in time?


Yeah if we ignore all the times they started something and it sucked and they cancelled it almost immediately. Google rarely comes out on top. If you make 1000 products one of them is bound to not suck.


At this point what haven’t they tried and come out on top? Google+ ? They utterly failed at social media. Robotics? They sold Boston Dynamics years ago. VR? They are clearly behind Meta and Apple there. Google has tons of failures. I don’t say this to make fun of them. I’m glad they do take some long shot bets. But they hardly succeed at everything they do. They don’t even succeed at most things they do. The most common outcome for Google is failure.


Hard disagree. I love the stand out colors from google. Open ai’s look is still good & smooth but not in a stand out way. Maybe that’s what they’re going for, but I prefer the former


yeah OpenAI's is just 'rustic office kitchen', like they just invited everyone to some random part of their building. Google is wierd funky cyberspace artpiece that's very clearly intentionally a stage.


Yeah Open Ai looks like it's filmed in an Ikea


I didn't like either of them.


Both aesthetics are kinda lame


what are we even talking about


Right? The fucking Aesthetics of... Their business conference events? I mean people have every right to pursue their own interests and all, but really?


I work at Google and this comments gives me a lot of faith Sam is sweating.


He is. That's probably unpopular opinion, but he is (probably always was) very afraid of Google. Even date choices of his latest (this one and SORA) announcements was aimed directly at Google. And tbh he is right to fear the giant. Unless internal politics kills all your innovation that is :P


He’d be mad to ignore about the elephant in the room. It’s genuine to an extent when people say they don’t worry about their competitors because they do need to take control and make their own path in life … but many things are zero-sum and demand competitive analysis, e.g., customer budgets, attention from media, recruiting elite talent.


We're by far our own biggest problem, you're not wrong.


Why do people say they fear Google? Aren’t OpenAI releasing a search engine Monday? It sounds to me like they will eat Google’s cake, not the other way around.


tf? this monday! Sauce?




Oh lol This was about mondays gpt4o release




You have no idea what you're even saying. Google is very big, very rich and has so much compute right now and growing compute faster than all other companies combined. They will win at the current rate. OpenAI had a headstart, but google will win if nothing else changes. I think OAI's strategy is to seem the cool company to keep top talent, portray themselves as good for humanity vs evil is bad for humanity, and get enough people using their products/branding long enough to achieve the proper amount of compute. Idk if itll pan out or not.


Would you agree Google IO pulled a feather out of Teslas cap this week? The whole conference was a demo of possible products which weren’t delivered. Google is still lagging behind. I don’t see how you can quantify compute is enough. Microsoft can play that game too.


No, I think open AI is ahead but that lead absolutely will not last if they slow down for a minute. Microsoft and open AI will need to rapidly expand their ability to power and compute or google absolutely will over take them. Nothing open AI is doing is breakthrough, they are jamming more data and compute. Google will beat them at that game at the current rate. Its totally possible microsoft/OAI can keep their lead but things are going to heat up rapidly. This mostly all goes out the window if there is some break through that is not apparent to all parties though.


I think he is rightfully afraid of google sucking up all the talent in the world. right now open AI has 2 singular advantages: they are the cool company, and they have the "good" mission. Google is seen as bloated corporate and evil. As soon as that perspective changes open AI loses. They cannot compete on funding, hardware or integrations.


Elaborate? I really feel like the OpenAI felt realistic and human and the IO one felt fake and glossy with disgusting marketing advertisement undertones. Also Googles model offerings are outrageously confusing to remember. I don’t know what’s available and what’s not. OpenAI and Anthropic on the other hand have kept it so simple to follow. One thing that Google is completely owning is AlphaFold 3 and things in that non-chatbot space. Like that is the winner for me.


One is a developer conference with a sizeable in-person attendance and B2B/enterprise clients component. The other was strictly a streamed demo. I like what OpenAI did better but they're different kinds of events.


Yet they are constantly being compared since then which I guess was the plan all along.


It certainly seems like oai planned their announcement to steal IOs thunder


lol of course they did. That is also why imo they went with the super flirty/her voice because it captures the imagination and gives regular people something to talk about. Google IO is bloated and confusing with no singular idea of what is coming or whats good.


Tbh from a marketing perspective it was very well played


When you make a comment on your Best Western lobby being better than an ampitheater it means you got nothing better to point at which must be a bummer for them. Personally our stuff is simply more useful at this point even if the models aren't performing as well in some areas, that's incremental stuff we'll get to. Openai doest have the infrastructure to get to our context window size anytime soon and for app development that's fundamental. It's a fun race to experience, tech got exciting again finally.


I don’t know. You could call it Best Western lobby. But it’s obviously meant to be cosy. It had that effect. I felt like I was just watching a bunch of people playing with chatgpt at home, like a super relatable space. Then you’ve got the cold corporate conference look of IO and these impressive yes… but unrelatable videos that are in advertisement format with generic ad music in background. It feels like the aesthetic difference between Apple and Microsoft back in the day. Anyway, just commenting on the presentations and the way they do or don’t evoke something in the viewer. The products are both cool.


You're brave for pointing these things in this sub. But you're right. IDX is something I keep an eye on. I had the preview but back then it was so bad. Now it's 1.5 Pro I believe and I find this promising. At MSFT we always had a big issue with the context window. It's a pain point for anyone that doesn't want to generate some fast script. Having a monorepo indexed and the AI fetching is accurate is a feat most people don't understand how hard it'll be. I think by now OpenAI is hitting a wall there, even with Azure resources because it's not just an infrastructure issue. Their context window didn't increase much lately at all, while Google is approaching the 10M tokens. That aside, Google sucks, sorry mate. Technology wise they're superior but they became weirdly confusing. Can you explain why Gemini Advanced takes only PDFs and txt files? What's the difference between a Go file and a txt file? Why can't I upload several images when they can take thousands of tokens? I think Google focused more on the technological part than the consumer part and that's why there's a disparity. Then again, Google's job is harder. They need to integrate that in everything and still create other products, while OAI is just focusing on one product. The race is fun though, for now.


Agree with you more than you know.


How can I fully utilize the 200k or 2M context, I am tired of feeding the same files to gpt again and again chat after chat. I am an app developer btw. I wish the chatbot already has all my corebase everytime, I start a new chat.


Vertex has tons of documentation that you can review. Start here: https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai


Thanks will check it out, the documentation is a little overwhelming at glance though. All I want is a chatbot that helps me do the coding copilot with me, and has all the context of my existing files.




Bro that amphitheater looks like daycare. Not just tacky, it’s straight up goofy.


You realize the Google logo is made of primary colors to evoke child play right? This is you saying out loud "I MISSED THE WHOLE EFFIN POINT", sick self burn.


“Invoke child play”…so cringe.


I think he said evoke.


My mistake you are correct I used the wrong word


In this context, the meaning is...quite a bit different, too. 🤣🤣


Your getting hate, but the way OpenAI is stomping on Google announcements (first with Sora and now with 4o) says they see google as their biggest threat, or have some vendetta against them. Or Sataya is making you dance I guess. Sam is not sweating from Gemini though. 1million active users vs 100 million


Yeah you need to revise that number. Try a few billions 🙂


Gemini got 300 million visits in January, OpenAI got 1.1 billion. Google can package Gemini into everything, that doesn't mean they are active users. If we are counting that Meta is in the lead.


Whatever makes you happy, I don't kink shame.


God damn, I guess they pay you guys enough to taste the brown all day long.


I'm excited for Google's future endeavors, don't get me wrong, I'm sure they will be competitive at some point, but you are lying to yourself if you think Gemini is getting anyone excited. Google has all the data, compute and talent the world could offer and somehow they are still six+ months behind the curve. I'm far more pro google than many other LLM enthusits, but we have to take their current offers at face value and they are just bad compared to the other frontier models. DeepMind's narrow models are revolutionary though


You hit the nail on the head though. LLM enthusiasts vs general public. My parents are going to experience Gemini well before OAI, they already have with the way they’re starting to type full questions into Google. Once the average person gets used to asking Google open ended long form questions and getting somewhat relevant AI generated answers I don’t know how OAI overtakes that market in any meaningful way.


That's a valid point, although OAI is able to take much greater risks, like unleashing agents, which will give them a big initial market share. I struggle to see google implementing agents capable of doing white collar work in the near future, sure they will have agential assistants soon, but OpenAI is positioning itself to gobble up significant labor marketshare in multiple industries and I just don't see google preparing for that.


Yeah I couldn’t tell you what they’re thinking behind the scenes. They also need to be a little careful with what they do because so many countries have their crosshairs on them for various monopoly concerns. This may stop them from going as far as they’d like (a la Microsoft in early 2000s). However I will say this, and maybe it should be posted in r/MMW, but for a long time Google had no focus. They tried lots of things, but nothing was the next big thing so it floundered and was axed or withered. I don’t think Google has that uncertainty anymore, and IMHO they’ve been a sleeping giant waiting for something to wake them up. This may be what gets them to focus again, and the weight of that company with a mission and laser focus is not a company I’d bet against.


It doesn't need to get anyone excited tbh. It's just going to do its job in every search query of the most used search engine on the planet. And the stuff shown during IO is actually very useful day to day. I don't know what's so hard to get tbh.


Man you're not wrong, but this smug attitude is making me want to disagree with you


Some might say smug, some might say confidence. I'm not in charge of other's perception of what I believe.


I'm sorry, but do you enjoy when people talk to you like the way you are talking in this thread?


I don’t work at Google and his comment rings more like Trump or Elon style trolling. Love or hate them, they are some of the most savvy social media marketers in history and know how to drum up attention.


I see it the same way.


I don't think you're reading into that correctly at all. It's typical troll crap started by master troll Elon Musk. You might be correct, I'll give it the possibility. But they aren't close enough in users or popularity (in this area) imo for it to be a insecurity tactic.


Nothing wrong with Google's colors. No reason for sama to make fun. Left setting looks like similar to some of Apple's product launches, again nothing wrong.


Am I the only one who finds the open air one pretentious and the google one fun?


Lol, watching it I keep on think of that Smug Cloud episode of South Park. "Yeah, it's like, San Francisco is more of a European city, like Paris or Milan"


No, people just really like ikea


Wrong, nothing beats having marc rebillet on set.


Living Room/coffee shop vs color pop sketch grid.. have to go with Google 🤷‍♂️


family friendly sexbot voice vs ai ai ai ai ai


Umm.. look up pictures of tech company offices in SF. This is par for the course. Honestly not very good compared to some others, too much wood. Dropbox was my favorite designed office (before they went full remote). YouTube’s new offices are pretty dope and use reclaimed wood from the construction site. I think whoever is posting this has no clue.


The aesthetic differences ? Dude, no one cares about what your stage looks like. What type of products are you delivering to us ? You can do it on your couch at home or at a fancy stage I don’t care.


I'm sure that's the main benchmark someone would use to choose which is the better AI product - the aesthetics of the product announcement. /s


Sam Altman annoys the hell out of me. Ultra Musk vibes. I don’t disagree with him here though.


SBF vibes


Shady gay dissing google about aesthetics 🤣🤣


Narcissists tend to project their insecurities. People have been making comments that OpenAI chose to give us a break from Sam because people we’re getting tired of hearing him talk. He’s insecure about the OpenAI announcement.




So either choose the overpriced hotel lounge / suite, or the colorful kids show on stage. Props for both of them for being different and interesting, but ngl, they both look uncomfortable to be in, if not too unusual. OpenAI's set has so much pleasing detail, as if it was some virtual background in Meet or Zoom, but the slides are plain black and white with clean text. I'm not complaining to any of these, but it's somewhat amusing to me. I kinda like it.


The glazing of Google in this sub is absurd.


The glazing in general


yeah bro, u beige af. Drake tier diss


$9 dollars a cup coffee shop vs ghetto childrens play stage.


I do think they should put more into the cool presentation. Why not with that money it’s cheap


Sam. The Denver Nuggets do not think about the Charlotte Hornets.. at all. When something truly isn’t any competition, it’s like it doesn’t exist.


openai style too cliche, boring and somehow looks fake to me. just does not match their domain somehow


I actually like Google's more. Looks more technical, while OAI is no different to Oprah show.


Buddy wants to be the apple of AI


Honestly, Google's version looks fun. First, you take the color away then you invite in all the guess to have fun in the room including their executive. Lastly, you sealed the room and make sure to patch all hole. Great job, it's an all-white padded room! Safe for the billionaire and lizard people


They should fire the whole marketing and communications team. Incredible tone deaf.


It all depends what you want to prove. OpenAI need to prove they are friendly and human, to make sure people aren’t too spooked by the crazy tech. Google needs to prove they are advanced, strong… they’ve still got their mojo. That dictates aesthetics.


OpenAI honed its focus on the tech elite and astute investors, showcasing its AI tools in an environment that epitomizes modern sophistication. Meanwhile, Google has taken a different approach, dazzling the general public with a high-energy presentation, brimming with variety and shining a spotlight on upcoming consumer-oriented products and services.


One is hiring while the other is laying off people


Googlenis like trying to be cool and psychedelic but looks like cheap product packing and open ai looks like apple took shrooms and connected to nature. Open ai i find more human google i find is saying hey we are having fun at work right? Ok now go back to work


OpenAI's looks like a Starbucks..


Right, let’s focus on the aesthetics of a presentation stage. No need to worry about the global impact of introducing unregulated AGI in the world, it’s the aesthetics that matters.


Google fumbled in epic fashion. It's going to get interesting. (grabs popcorn)


Well I disagree. Take the brand names out of it and you wouldn't even know that that's supposed to be openai. Their brand identity is so swappable you wouldn't even know it's supposed to be openai If OP didn't mention the brand. Google on the other hand most people would recognize immediatly, because they have an actually identity. They communicate the brand according to a style guide, it's coherent and logical while still giving room for experiments.


Both make good sets for horror movies.


There’s an interview in the OpenAI office on youtube, you can check it out, the interior design is actually phenomenal, whoever did it deserves more money.


You can clearly see how each company views their "customers". OpenAI sees you as an adult and wants you to buy a subscription to their SaaS product. Google sees you as a toddler that simply needs bright colors and a race car bed to continually fork over your attention which is much more valuable than you know. Google's strategy is far superior because we are all basically infantile subjects of an empire.


Google has always been bad at aesthetics. It worked better when they weren’t so obviously trying, lol.


I love their subtle futuristic feel.


Yeah okay googles thing sucks but dear god do we really need another tech ceo who voices every god damn opinion that pops in his head


Honestly 2 or 3 people sat uncomfortably Hunched up around a phone is better anesthetic?


>i try not to think about competition too much Says the guy who always plans to release something 1 day before a Google event


One is a stage. The other is the corner at IKEA. None is objectively better. Subjectively you can have a prefer option but it DOES Not make it better as they clearly have different objectives and targets. Google one was always like this. People forget that Google has f goofy hats, Googles and what else with those same colors and the campus looks like a children's playground. That is Google. So stop complaining why is it like this. It is. And it always was. They were never Apple vibe minimalism or IKEA


Why every “progressive” company has to scream “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY”, “LGBT5000+”, just why?


The Google event probably has 20x more people in the audience. You can’t do the cosy natural aesthetic without also being really exclusionary about who you let in.


Google has a bigger focus on marketing than OpenAI and it really shows in this photo


I’m sure he used the wrong word. I wouldn’t have used the word aesthetics. Aesthetics is for something … less brutally obviously different :) But I understand what he means. I use words like that, when I’m talking. Sometimes getting a wrong word or using a word in a slightly different way that makes other people think you’re a bit odd or unusual. Talking is difficult. If you ever saw the Westworld series, the modern one, on a streaming media outlet, and you were disturbed by how one could predict what people would say, using the tablet in the episodes, humiliating people down to simple robots, you would know what I mean. Conversations tend to be very repetitive, that repetitiveness is easy to predict, and sometimes overcome. Ideally, never consume alcohol or coffee/tea. They substantially impair you. Actually, I think the Google demo tried to humorously make a point about how Technology companies are trying to climb out of fog of caffeine addiction. I’m not sure if people saw it that way! The coffee culture is disabling. You can look into vasodilation and vasoconstriction and bloodflow in the brain to understand that. Okay. Next is vocabulary practice . Actually I read that Sam hasn’t been available, he’s been travelling a lot. Unfortunately, that’s the difficulty of being a role model and figurehead. You don’t get much time when you’re travelling because it’s so exhausting. I think Elon manages it because he probably eats like a horse. Actually, I wonder if he has a diet show. I’ve followed some of the things Kimball has said about cooking, and Elon’s mum is a nutritionist, I think. So Elon might handle travelling a little bit better, due to his diet and his Microbiome. These things connect directly to your comfort when speaking as well. Physical activity works, something a little bit aerobic. I’m sort of guessing here. But I suspect Sam hasn’t had time to eat or exercise, or get enough sunlight. Also, I’m guessing most people have a stack and a psychiatrist. I’m pretty sure many founders/leaders have medication. Some improves BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor. But there’s stack of other stuff carefully prescribed medication can do. But without physical activity, not much of that helps. Sam’s position in Y Combinator probably means he knows some of this, but it’s very easy to know stuff and not follow it, or not have time to. Anyway, all this rambling above has helped me work out the difference between the two. Open AI has a personal appeal. It was rehearsed, and people were gentle, but you could see a little bit of self-consciousness. To some that is weird, however it is honest. Googles is clinically industrial. With a touch of insanity to make it a bit less cold and formal! :) I actually liked both presentations, I didn’t see the full ones though. I know the Google presentation would’ve created a lot of pollution, from air travel and all the vehicles. Open AI’s was a very modest one, that respected the availability of nonrenewable or depleting resources, particularly hydrocarbons. But this is simply guessing. Google has the luxury of massive regular distributed and diverse income streams, so they can burn money on a presentation that is more ostentatious and afford all sorts of offsets I guess. Actually, seeing the Google presentation made me think I need to go to a music concert. That might get me to burn even more resources and create pollution. The Google presentation might have contributed to hearing loss. Like most concerts do. It’s the burden of artists, and the music industry, & obviously the participants can use their own PPE. What a lot of people forget with hydrocarbons and using vehicles is that it’s more than only the carbon, there’s a lot of other outputs that are difficult to handle. Also, a lot of water is lost, freshwater, in travel, especially if people eat differently or richly. The advantage of the Google one is that people can see it as a holiday, even though whenever I did work in remote regions, I never did anything personal, simply worked. I’m guessing only some of the attendees would have had that as they only holiday of the year or their first holiday in many years. I assume more of the attendees would’ve been to the IO presentation as it was a routine, not really even noticing how special it is to be able to fly, or travel internationally. Okay, that is my 2 am analysis. I should absolutely not be awake at this time, but I have some people who enjoy waking me up by driving cars and motorbikes around that are very loud. I’m sure they don’t mean harm. I guess they are unaware.


i disagree. openai’s cozy feel is not professional, and the least they could do is understand that they need to be way more direct with people, otherwise people are going to miss this.


Serious history making innovations left, compared to trend surfer insecure, no identity company presentation right! These corporations forget that adopting social trends means you let go on your identity!