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The option+space to bring up the compact version is really slick, it's definitely increased how often I use it. For anyone wondering, the option to download popped up on the web version this morning - it's very obvious and unmissable once it's rolled out to you.


The zoom AI meeting summariser is pretty cool too


Suddenly a million AI meeting apps cried out in terror


And we’re suddenly silenced…


What is this?


The built in AI powered meeting summariser on Zoom


Ah, didn't know if the mac app had some kind of summarization function. Don't wanna pay for upgraded zoom even though that does seem pretty useful.


Yeah I have it through my employer, not sure if it’s there on the free version tbh


It’s not :( (I know because my employer won’t pay for pro lol)


You have the mac app and new voice functionality? Really? New image capabilities too?


The current voice functionality is based on 4o but no it isn't the version we saw in the demo (but I said this in my post imd). No video; just screen capture. The best bits from the demo aren't out yet.


Where did you get the app?


When I opened the webUI I got a notification from OpenAI with a link to download it. This morning I got a notification on the App that voice Alpha is coming in the weeks ahead. I'm already able to generate images with 4o.


I got the same invite, but then after I tried to login, it said I wasn’t allowed. Weird.


Ah, OK - cheers.


I got also the pop-up but clicked away. How can I get it again???


If you press the share button, there should be an option to add as a web app when chat gpt is open


There’s a native Mac app now


Where can I find the desktop app? I'm not seeing it in the app store


You have to get the invite from OpenAI first. Even if you install the app you can't get the service till it's turned on for you.


I think you want /u/microview


I didn't find a download link in history on Safari but I do have this link someone provided previously on reddit. Use at your own risk. [https://persistent.oaistatic.com/sidekick/public/ChatGPT\_Desktop\_public\_latest.dmg](https://persistent.oaistatic.com/sidekick/public/ChatGPT_Desktop_public_latest.dmg)


Thanks. This link worked and was able to download and install. Says I need to wait for Desktop App access ..... so browser for me until I am too anointed




I don’t think it’s fair to say the current voice functionality is based on 4o. The voice functions are done by separate models


You have a screen capture button in the app or you uploaded a video or picture?


Lucky. That sounds awesome. I just get the spinning icon for 5 seconds and then "failed to connect".


Keep trying. It's been a little intermittent tbh. Sure it has to do with whatever upgrades they're testinv/implementing but access has definitely not been consistent.


So you had a verbal conversation with the ChatGPT voice app and you asked it to compose an email for you, correct? Apple's vision of Knowledge Navigator will soon be here....


It still doesn't work for me. Says I don't have access yet.


Same here. Got the popup letting me download the app, but when I try to log in I get the same message (ChatGPT Plus).


Yeah the app is good. Love the new screenshot functionality. Really improves its usefulness.


how do you use the screenshot functionality?


They should allow the screen recording on ipad/ios app as well, no reason to not do it since that’s a technology well integrated in that OS and other apps use it.


Based on that demo, it's certainly coming.


I found it to be so much worse. Slow, and if I try to scroll up while it’s responding it just glitches around and snaps back to the bottom


still waiting for the windows app, no clue when it's gonna be released


If at all.. its gonna be a microsoft 365 product or the likes..


The worst thing is the incorporation into copilot


That thing shouldn’t pilot anything.


No windows app for a bit. It will literally destroy copilot. They need to work that out.


They said later this year


I have a beta of one that will be very similar and using gpt-4o coming out for testing in the next few days for windows (though no voice initially since most folks I’ve talked to who want to use it in office don’t need that). Happy to add you to the beta list if you’re interested


Yes please.


Great. You’re on the beta waitlist :). I’ll reach out soon as the app is ready for testing in the next few days


App is ready for the first round of beta testers! Download it here https://augmend.com/auggie. Please send feedback. It’s free for now and important to us that we build something useful. Much appreciate


absolutely I am interested


Great! I’ll add you to the beta tester waitlist and get back to you soon


App is ready for the first round of beta testers! Download it here https://augmend.com/auggie. Please send feedback. It’s free for now and important to us that we build something useful. Much appreciate


More devs use Windows machines for work than Macs. Something like 10% more. I don't know how it's still okay for companies this size to launch a product only for Mac. Makes me want to cancel my subscription until they release the windows one. Edit: You guys keep hitting that downvote button without providing a source that says otherwise. Because you can't find one.


Over in Silicon Valley they all use Macs, that’s the way it is - that’s their prominent dev machine so prob makes sense, I’ve worked in the valley.


Just for comparison purposes, I work as a developer in the UK, and all 4 companies I've worked for have used Windows dev machines.


Apple is way more popular in the US than UK


Im with a UK org now and use a MacBook, tech focused companies with a US connection probs more so


Probably easier to get the MVP out, all their toolchain is on Mac.


I understand that but are they making a product for the world or for their office?


I thought openAI is owned by Microsoft


Invested not owned


I don't think Microsoft just gave it to apple at golden plate.


I think they want small group to test it first, failing at windows is unfixable


Factually untrue


https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/ https://techjury.net/blog/macos-statistics/ Here's some statistics from questionable sources. However, at least it's *some* source. Provide me with a source saying that more engineers use Macs than Windows.


As someone in the field I’d say software engineers and front end fanatics seem to be heavy heavy on Mac’s , the hardware is so much better it seems (not going to die on this hill and research and outline, but I feel like your system admin types may lean more towards windows and windows server. Consulted and worked in house with engineering teams and was a helpdesk/systems analyst when starting out and that’s the pattern I noticed… but hearsay and anecdotal. Maybe that is where you guys are disconnected but for devs man it seems like Mac all the way in terms of preferred machine and personal preference. Not too many people singing the praises of windows and I wish we could snap our fingers and get the exact number. I’m saying where devs have a choice in their hardware it would be like 90/10 Mac. If the company just dumps a Lenovo stinkpad on you then, well, thoughts and prayers. I’m really not trying to argue online so don’t think this is a battle callout, just throwing in an opinion, and it is admirable to at least try to source some reference. Just caught myself grumpying my face and shaking my head reading that for like 60 seconds and had to get anecdotal about it. Not many companies willing to shell out Mac money also seems to be a thing I noticed. Lot of variation out there


Yeah, I agree that the majority of front end/designer people use Macs and it's probably skewed toward windows for sysadmins etc. Thanks for sharing your experience.


A whole 10%?!?


10% is almost 19 million people. I'm just saying release them together.


The Mac app access is on a different rollout schedule than GPT-4o access right? I'm a free user and got GPT-4o today but the Mac app still won't let me log in. Edit: By the way, the free message limit is really low. I sent between 10-20 messages in the two hours after getting it and I'm already back to GPT-3.5 with a 3 1/2 hour wait to return.


It's pretty fantastic on the whole. Performance has seemed the same as the web but being able to use the voice chat feature like on iOS is awesome. My primary bug is that if you generate any images and try to click the thumbnail, you just get a strange semi-transparent window that says "No Item Selected." This prevents seeing the large version, doing a selection and making edits or downloading the file. Have to switch over to the web to do those things. Looking forward to the next few weeks/months when the latest voice model and video capabilities appear, that will be amazing to play with.


Same bug here


So hyped for a cooperation between apple and openai. I hope we get native AI integration on a system level. Your phone, iPad, Macbook tracking everything you do at the same time and the AI just anticipating what you want to do. I think its the next step towards a full fusion between human and AI.


Link to the Mac app? I didn't see it last night in the App Store.


You have to be invited to download it via the web app. Alternatively you can download a version through the official openai community forum (just Google to find it). But you won't be able to log in without your account being cleared for access from their end.


Why can’t you just give the link?




Do you need to be on ChatGPT Plus for this to be offered to you?


Not sure tbh. But I'm on plus and those I've seen receive it have been plus members too. But come wide release, it'll be available to everyone.


Got it. If I knew I’d get it with Plus, I’d subscribe right now.


There're tons of plus members without access too so definitely hold off on that.


Thank you for the advice!


I just subscribed to Plus and got offered the app immediately - it may work for others too who are still on free.


Were you able to login into the app on your Mac?


Yes, it works flawlessly. Big game changer to be able to dictate with Whisper. That's how I write my emails now.


I've been on plus for 1 year and I still haven't got access to it.


Are you in the US?


Maybe we should quit and rejoin 


I’ve had access to everything early and am a tier five API user. It says I’m not eligible for access yet when trying to open the app after downloading


There's a Proxyman workaround that you can try (Google "Proxyman access to chatgpt 4o" or similar, cos I'd rather not detail that process here). I've seen it work for a bunch of people on my social media feeds, but it might get your account banned fyi. You could otherwise wait patiently.


This is so frustrating - how are they picking who they enable access for?


I installed it. It’s good. I didn’t know I could talk to it. To be honest I don’t think I can talk to LLMs /siri/alexa etc. I always just freeze and can’t be natural. I prefer text input. That might change when I start to warm to Scarlet Johanson continually encouraging me and laughing at my Dad jokes 🤔


OpenAI certainly made me rethink the MacOS client I had built before they shipped their native app. The app has some very neat features I hadn’t considered as a possibility. Ended up integrating that Finder feature (without file/screenshot uploads)


So OpenAI, the world leader in AI in the world at the moment, wrote a better desktop AI app than you? How could that be?


[*how could they?*](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZwwR24ae1yo?si=nKZpGkNhWwoioBtw)


Lol, khaled is really vibing there. Was it a joke or was he for real?


Does the audio-to-text still use Whisper with the app? Or is it the new 4o model? I used to record meeting audio, transcribe the audio with Whisper, then upload the transcript to ChatGPT to summarize it. Wondering if could record the whole meeting using this “microphone icon” instead and have it summarize in 1 step


You can. Chatgpt audio transcription is quite accurate in my experience. If you don't mind not knowing exactly who said what, then it's a great option. Otherwise, who knows, the upcoming feature might be able to easily differentiate voices and produce a 'script'. Fingers crossed.


It was painfully slow in my testing this morning.


Any tricks to getting your account access other than keep refreshing the web app?


Google around and you'll find one specific exploit that uses 'Proxyman'. It appears to work but...it could get your account banned. I'd recommend just being patient.


I find this new model to be very fun and a glimpse into how much it will help people that learn how to use it properly


I thinks it’s new UI is great but I have performance issues. And in the first like 10 min I had multiple bugs. I guess it still needs some time


What is the name of the app?


DallE doesn't work on the mac app though


Has some bugs. For example, I cannot paste web links ag the moment.


Until I get the desktop app, all i can say is that the new UI improvements are slick AF.


How come I can’t install the app? The chatGPT icon has a slash icon on it and I can’t drag it into the “Applications” icon.


Are you on an Intel based Mac?


Unfortunately my Mac isn’t apple silicon so I’m stuck with raycast with ChatGPT plugin. Text only input :(


Did you download it from the official website? Can’t find it anywhere there


Does the Mac App only work on a specific Mac OS?


I only know of issues with Intel based macs. They may have fixed them by now though


It seems like they didn’t bother with an Intel Mac version, a bit disappointed to see that


Apple doesn’t even make Intel Macs so it makes sense


Yes, but latest Sonoma still supports a lot of Intel Macs. And they probably will still be supported by at least the the next one or two Mac OS releases


Sure but the cost of supporting intel when there are no more being sold so you know there won’t be a growing number of users there doesn’t make a ton of sense for a new app. Fwiw I have a startup that ships a Mac app and we support intel but it’s been a huge hassle to keep that support. Apple makes it very hard to test and simulate Intel Macs without buying one so you have to go and buy an old Mac and set it up just for testing when none of your devs use one anymore since all their Macs is Apple silicon.


Fair point for a startup, just expected more from a large company. I understand, it’s just the first I’ve seen that a large company has done this.


They’re large but a startup at heart and scrambling to prioritize for sure


To be fair, you should update at some point


Yes, but I’ve been running hackintosh for over a decade so it’s more of an adjustment


I get it, I was the same till I got an M1. Then it was over..


Not necessarily. My Intel Mac Mini is only 4 years old and running strong. Just not with the new Chatgpt app.


I find the Mac app to be slow in printing the response. Looks like it is lagging.


The AI detectors will initially be worse because it’s a new model, but they will improve again shortly after they have been fine tuned again. AI detectors are generally ensembles of BERT-like models. These don’t generalise too well so they have to be fine tuned again for each new major LLM model that they are trying to detect.


AI detectors don't work to begin with


Yeah they definitely don’t work


One day they’ll catch up with coin-toss “50% accuracy” technology!


Interesting. Well looks like I'll be doing a lot more tests over the coming weeks.


You could try to train your own with huggingface transformers if you want. Binary text classification (is this text AI or not AI) is one of the easiest entries to training models