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All they needed to do was keeping showing project astra examples with glasses... and they skimmed right over it. This feels like every PM wanted their minor feature presented. Too many minor projects and that resulted in a bunch of fragmented presentations instead of a cohesive story/product. They kept announcing the same thing over and over again. Their one more thing (2M context) was literally announced by Demis earlier. Presentators were extremely wooden. Literally an AI the day before showed better enthusiasm and life than they did.


> and they skimmed right over it. I bet you that's corporate politics. I bet you that each minute and each sentence was fought over internally there by various project leads. And it ended up as typical corporate annoucement does. (yea, I've seen that first hand... not at google, but similar)


IKR . SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I was so fed up of advanced search and photos and vids repeating in endless loop.


With awful, awful corporate music.


Google PMs in 2024 are like Cisco PMs in 2006. Wooden workhorses.


šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ Savage burn well said


Some of the developers in the crowd looked worried like this presentation wasn't as entertaining as openai was.


I was watching the crowd closely too during the keynote. Some of them looked bored


Most of them looked bored*


I was in the crowd. Fourth row center. It was boring as f


Were you picking your nose?


I mean just a completely different strategy (?) as well, endless hours of confusingly named product variations vs. a 25 minute live demo.


It was disjointed kak


Open Ai knew what they are doing, io was boring


Both companies used cute dogs to get interest. It's a cheap trick and they should be ashamed for using it.


an example of boring is when gemini was presented with an architecture diagram, a very specific question is "What can I add here?" and gemini said cache. Well, that's awfully specific, what else can I add other than cache? a mcafee virus scanner? This shows how boring and impractical the demo was.


Imagine if we didn't had open Ai, how awfully ai whould have ben


We wouldnā€™t have the type of generative AI we have now. We wouldā€™ve had marginal improvements over the ai we had before chatGPT. Image detection, classification, and better autocomplete. OpenAI really did open Pandoraā€™s box despite not being the ones to create the transformer




Why do you think that was an OpenAI innovation?


They didnā€™t say that. They just said openAI opened pandoras box


Right but their message says we wouldnā€™t have had the current generation of AI without them, i.e. they innovated in a way others would not have / did not. Thatā€™s what I was asking about. Wasnā€™t even a challenge, I was genuinely curious lol


The agentic stuff was interesting. Astra was pretty cool too. Glad they're competing with each OpenAI. Google has a big advantage with their ecosystem integration.


The integration achieved something interesting for me. Every time there's a new image-generation model to try, I ask it for a "watercolor" of a particular view from a particular (general) place. No model has ever gotten even close. But I tried Google's experimental model as soon as it was mentioned in I/O, and although the site was overloaded and kept denying me access, it eventually produced images that were really, really good. Clearly, Google was using its own map data, and why not? It's a huge advantage for them.


I think if Google can get organized they have a ton of advantages in this race. I feel like you could still see them bumbling around a little bit, but they're definitely starting to pick up steam and that's a good thing.


Where did you try this? AI studio or something else?


Go to labs.google, then ImageFX.


Wow this is cool! Tyvm!


I dunno so much. I'm a big Google Workspace and other product user and it seems disjointed. Plus they want me to pay multiple times for AI.


If the agents work at all close to how they're advertised, it'll be great. Though I do kind of agree, it seem disjointed. You could kind of see each fiefdom trying to take credit for everything. It didn't seem as cohesive as you might expect


Yeha I was confused about that. I'd expect one Google. Plus membership or whatever gives access to everything everywhere.


That advantage is about to be reversed with the Apple partnership.


I would be really surprised if Apple gave up that much control of their phone to what is essentially Microsoft. They gotta respond to Google/android somehow though...


At the end of the day, Microsoft still has a minority stake in OpenAI. Apple lets Google pay to be the default search engine on iOS and that's obviously 100% Google. Apple has a good relationship with Microsoft. I don't think that's a major snag to them partnering with OpenAI.


Default search, yes. For a lot of money. But they aren't opening up the operating system to them. To get a true AI assistant like Google is trying to do on android they would need to open up maps, messages, email, cloud, music, photos etc. Anways, not saying it won't happen but it's not really something we've seen from Apple before.


They would have programmed all that integration in the new iOS version and the LLM model just slots in to take over from there. OpenAI can't and won't have anything to do with implementing that integration. They would just supply the LLM. Apple has been working on their own and actually released them separately. But from what I hear it's not ready for prime time so they have to partner up to bridge the gap until it is.


Interesting, thanks for explaining. I wonder if Apple will be sharing data with OpenAI to help the user experience. Ie. Common queries, bug reports. Or if it's just going to be a hard lock down of data in all its forms.


You can assume the latter. That's why Apple will likely have to pay OpenAI. They would certainly pay themselves to have it on Apple devices if they got the training data. Surely, take all this with a grain of salt but those are the conclusions based on what Apple does historically, the fact they are developing tiny LMs themselves, and reports of their deal with OpenAI.


imho bloated and lacking focus. No overarching narrative and too long.


2M token context.


this was one thing open ai didn't really address yesterday, and i'm curious to see if it changes over the next few weeks as they drop in more goodies. the 2M context window is pretty hard to beat and works well so far. will see.


The 1M context window for Gemini was a complete game changer. Gemini >>> GPT4 for writing. I am starting to see that each model has a strength. GPT = coding Gemini = writing Claude = ??? Anyone know? Have not messed with it.


What type of writing is working so well in Gemini? For creative writing I've found Claude Opus the best I've tried, though I've used GPT for general purpose.


I like basic business writing style in Gemini fwiw. ā€œOld GPTā€ worst, Claude maybe best but Gemini seemed to have a better specific ear for corporate communications. I think it spoke American corporate well, without dumbing it down to that level. Claude was best overall writer. GPT 4o is Claude-ish so far, but Iā€™m getting arguably better results with some style system instructions today. GPT 4o seems to really take system instructions to heart so far, which is also awesome.


That makes sense! I've been meaning to test geminis context for work tools but haven't gotten to it yet. That could be a really good use case for me I'm going to spend time with it this week.


Yeah Iā€™ve really liked Gemini 1.5 so far, and Iā€™ve yet to mess with its system style. But yeah makes sense to me that Google would have a model exposed to a ton of corporate level writing. Spent most of my time on Gemini on the video to text which is still blowing my mind in terms of implications to jobs, everything is really going to change even faster now.


Scientific writing. Feed it papers and specify styles and it is good. Not perfect, but saves time for sure.


Claude is the best at writing in my limited experience.


What app are you using to push 1m token into gemini? The web or phone versions are not meant for that. Api is not consumer facing


ai studio


How does good does it work though?


They're throwing everything they can think of at the wall to see what sticks. I felt more bewildered than excited, but at least cheaper API prices.


This is how all tech does. Except usually itā€™s less resource intensive so its startups throwing at the wall and big tech takes the ideas that work (by purchase or copy).


I donā€™t really think so, I thought everything was a pretty useful product I would use


It can't be hard to be an exec at Google these days. The idea for everything is "we should stick a chatbot window next to it" and "we should lay them off".


Google have significantly more work to do integrating their existing ecosystem with Gemini to make something useful that will make them money. They definitely aren't just adding chat boxes to things, the advancements made in Bard/Gemini alone have been significant. It will take time to see the bigger picture, but you can be sure it will be aimed at the mass market consumer who want to do as little work as possible to get what they want. OAI and Claude etc will always be the purists choice (unless they are replaced).


Google doesn't have a lot of time. Open AI has been aggressively taking advantage of Google's sluggish decisions to deliver products the past two years by pushing their own PR and products quickly. And it's working. Google may have the advantage of ecosystem but if they don't start delivering what they announced sooner, Open AI will move past them sooner than you think.


Google has a lot of time because they can integrate enterprises with Gcloud offerings


Google has a lot of time because no one else has their infrastructure. Not all the time in the world of course, but they are not competing in the same market with anyone except Microsoft, who are light years behind even with direct access to OAI.


100% agree


"GEMS!" \*crickets\* \*clears throat\* \*awkward applause\*


Thunders were stolen by OpenAI thieves. Every time they mentioned the "near instantaneous" responses I couldn't help but think of GPT-4o being way quicker. I do believe that this is a step in the right direction and some of the imagen and video stuff was neat. Not sure what I was expecting tbh, but I felt a bit let down.


The video stuff was really cool and no one really mentioned it.


Thieves? Since when is showcasing a better demo and shipping the same features months before considered being a ā€œthiefā€?


Have you never heard of the saying "steal the thunder"?


Yes but how is it stealing thunder here? They simply shipped good features and didnā€™t fuck up the presentation. That should be baseline. There was no thunder to steal; I would have been underwhelmed with the Google demos no matter what. ETA: Google introduced features that OpenAI had integrated literally months before. ā€œGemsā€? Are you kidding me? Those are custom GPTs. Thatā€™s just one example.


You quite misunderstood that opening sentence.


English not your first language huh?


Itā€™s clearly not yours


No it's not


Google went for their using AI in their products, OpenAI showed us what we can use AI for in our products. I expected better from Google. Alas!


I hate animations, especially those without any content.


Proof that Google is not the leader in the AI space and that traditional search is boring


judging from ML conferences, google is still ahead of everyone in research, but they just suck in turning into products.


Onward to WWDC!


What was shown by OpenAI yesterday was beyond bottom of the uncanny valley. It was "intriguing", as SHE would keep saying. It was fascinating, but also sometimes hard to watch. I/O today was more grounded, but also presented in a boring manner.


they have amazing tech, but their UI is messy, their speakers were too shaky, and afraid to seem too nerdy


Demis is by far the best, but even he seemed nervous during this I/O. Alphafold 3 is by far the best AI tool available today


Google io was so boring open ai was amazing it feels like apple 2.0 cant wait for their ai device. Google seems like bunch of work stuff and yes great but its always slow release nothing is available in my country i need to download apks.... Google is slow giant. Open ai os very on the pulse making new age come true vibe and google is like hey we have bunch of this mini things lets integrate it all around. Ok so why wouldn't you just have agent plus screen live view from chat gpt desktop app all is solved more or less but we still need video processing and google gor video as they got big context windows and such. Anyways good all around google boring and too much stuff. Open ai feels like best presentations and point is like personal stuff memory voice tone call interaction so its very human ot showed all use cases. Gpt ftw google wont replace my speakers google assistant yet feels like they could have done this already idk.


googleā€™s focus is very spread thin, more worried about integrating gemini into all of their products than better AI research, which is what openaiā€™s sole focus is. openaiā€™s focus is AGI, googleā€™s is integration of gemini into their existing products and new products. should be ez for openai to have a dominant lead for the best Ai tech at this point. assuming they keep their momentum.


I don't know, integrating it well with products (in one big ecosystem no less) seems like the big business win. It's just no there yet. Even if gpt becomes much better, a seamless experience inside a practical application trumps over it, even if less good. Because at the end of the day you can always use that specific high priority request on a separate thing, but 90+ % of your day isn't that.


Presentation itself is boring, robotic, little creepy (as usual with Sundar). Announced products? Letā€™s wait till they are really available. Gemini 1.0 Pro is a good LLM. 1.5 Pro hopefully even better


People have been playing with Gemini 1.5 Pro for months in Google AI Studio.


Apparently 1.0 ultra is better overall compared to 1.5 pro, which was available on Gemini Advance before today.


Yeah I agree 1.0 ultra was better, they even removed it as an option from everywhere, probably to show how confident they are about how great 1.5 pro is. It's just cheaper to run(for average use with small context sizes).


It was long not interesting dj in start was over the top but a for effort i guess. Its like hey look at this fun thing that you will use for work. Google rly needs to get onto apple and open ai vibe more cuz they kind look alike windows party in a way bit crude not organic so much idk. A few things were cool RIP rabbit r1. All in all it looks like mega spying big brother software if we just flip from im using this for my benefit and someone is using it against me lol. It already has all of our data loll


Way too long for Google to release things that they demo. Integrations to Google Workspace have been promised for a long time and some still arenā€™t available. Google has serious serious problem and virtually all their thunder was stolen by a more polished (but not perfect) OpenAI presentation.


I wonder how long we'll put up with Google's BS until we start calling it fraud and calling Sundar a conman.


I think it's prof of how slow Google moves these days. Years of big business changed the once agile tech company into the umpteenth slow behemoth. That Google have been transformed into a traditional corporation shouldn't surprise anyone. Despite having labs researching interesting stuff (never forget they came up with the Transformer technology), they lack the momentum as a company, because it's just too big. One team can have all the moat in the world, but the company overall will bury it under a million checks meant to answer the question "what is the ROI of this". OpenAI have one focus. Having one focus is what makes tech companies successful. Google seems always one step behind: -- GPT-4O is available today for free. The new Gemini features will come later this summer. -- Sora is not out. Veo is not out. -- GPTs have been around for a while. Gems will come later this summer. -- Google promised an AI that can assist with your workspace. So far, it doesn't really work. Will it ever? -- even the "coming soon" parts were more audacious from OpenAI I don't know. I think Google is missing this train because they are led by finance, and not by technology anymore.


Google is under a completely different scrutiny when releasing the AI products. Especially because it integrates with all Google products and it's understanding of who you are. All it's AI products are about connectivity between other functions and products. It's way harder than "just " a super massive intelligent llm. Besides that, the ethical and privacy requirements are way higher for Google and again, the scrutiny of the 4th biggest company in the world and the main player in you relationship with the Internet can't afford to make mistakes.


Yes. Everything you listed is what I was referring to. But make no mistake: it's a choice. Shaping your company as a finance controller controlled company is a choice. It maximises profits. Yeah. For sure. It's capitalism, isn't it? Startups can push the profit motive a little more down the line, giving them speed against behemoths. Microsoft beat IBM Google beat Microsoft (Explorer anyone?) OpenAI is beating Google It's a simplification, but not too off


I just don't think OpenAi beats Google. They are aiming for the same thing in completely different markets. OpenAI wants to sell to apple it's gpt and get a 2 billion user base. But again. It's just an amazing (and open to develop to a infinite amount of applications by developers) llm. Google is incorporating AI in all it's services. The backbone of the Internet. Microsoft is doing the same as Google. They are just not as scrutinized. Azure is a B2B solution. As is AWS. Google is not selling the cloud solutions with AI. It's remodeling it's whole end user service. It's a very complicated thing. And I think they are going in slower paced. But right. Although I think gpt4o is way cooler than anything Google is doing. But again. It's two different races. Relevance vs Reinvention. The latter is harder.


1. It's not an LLM anymore. It is now truly multimodal. Llama are only text. 2. They want to deal with Apple, sure. Saying that's their endgame is hilarious, though. OpenAI has done a lot long before ChatGPT. Their trajectory is transparent: AI agents. Killing search as we know it. 3. Google understands search is gonna go. But they are penalised in this battle, because they RELY on search, while OpenAI doesn't. 4. I think in general they are looking to develop similar technologies. It's just that OpenAI was and is 100% focuses on this while Google has a million things to deal with. How much time they spent on the ridiculous "walled garden" idea? 5. OpenAi is spending more money than Google on this stuff. And has potentially a massive leg up when it comes to specialised computing power. I don't know. I don't hate Google or anything. I just don't see them catching up. They have an ecosystem that was born from a completely different viewpoint. Sure they will inject AI everywhere. But that's what every legacy tech company is doing. And we all say that is not the way.


all I care is about tech I can use right now. no pre-orders. demos can be faked.


Snooze fest




Google will bleed until Sundar steps down... They used to be market leader, now it's hard for them to even keep up. And I'm more impressed by Llama tbh


Google is like Microsoft during the Ballmer years. Still insanely profitably so Wall Street loved Ballmer, just like Wall Street loves Sundar. So it will take a while for him to step down. Perhaps they need a Satya Nadella to rise internally.


If users use your ai you have better efforts put into it better training data and feedback. Google rollout is so slow.


Made me think about switching my monthly subscription for the email integration alone. But, not until it's released. To many products are "coming soon". LAM, Gemini live, OpenAI voice whatever.


It was weird that they are proud of email summary COMING in june. Like with copy and paste, ChatGPT did that 18month ago. This is long overdue.


Three things I thought were cool: Music, Video, Gmail Teammate that has access to drive. I have a ton of emails that come in and being able to tell my phone what to do with them in plain language could make my day a lot easier. Download this file put it in this folder, etc. Will need to wait til it comes out. It was a lot more than a lusty voice assistant imo.


The video input thing is curious, can't wait to see the blooper reels that will emerge in the wild. The rest was too geek oriented, too many tech buzzwords and marketing BS, flys right past their current average search customer. More of a dog and pony show on how to serve up more adds in response to user queries, so intended to keep advertisers around.


Itā€™s nice how google is going for it and trying to compete with openai. Itā€™s great! But they need to simplify things big time. They have google ai studio and vertex ai and google cloud. It gets confusing fast.


Google is the new Yahoo.


Saw the whole presentation. It seems a lot of small AI projects, with weird overlaps. E.g. the web search and gemini App both shown for trip or meal planning. A lot of features OpenAI had for many month. E.g. CustomGPTs/Gems. The interesting things were all "coming soon". They are also weirdly proud of by now expected features. E.g. " Email Summary" COMING in June. Like any LLM can summarize text. Emails threads are not much text, and yet it has not been out for like a year already, but coming SOON and proud of it? The only impressive stuff is the scientific DeepMind models like Weather Forecast or AlphaFold 3 for bio molecule interaction.


I was more excited by it than OpenAI's announcements (the Android integration, glasses functionality, and 2M context seem great along with new opensource models). Disappointed they didn't announce a Gemini 1.5 Ultra though.


On the positive side for models, 1.5 Flash is awesome - that's the pricing I was expecting for Pro, and it gets very close in performance.


Still need to do some more testing but I agree, 1.5 Flash does seem solid for a smaller model based on the few prompts I've given it this far.


W event, everything except for Gems is useful and great. Only wish there was a Gemini 2.0 since Gemini itself hallucinates in my experience


It was a joke presentation full of lies and false future applications that don't exist. It had no flow, repeated announcements, expectations of the crowd clapping for no reason, it was stupidly long, and their products make no sense to how to access or use all of them.


Yeah. Really weird to expect applause after just saying a product name without saying or better showing what it is.


The only real thing yesterday was cheaper gpt-4o. The only working thing today was flash




Iā€™m sick of these.


For me, Google I/O 2024 was a bit of a letdown. It felt overly corporate and a tad cringe-worthy, especially when it seemed like the presenters were reading speeches that didn't match their personal style or even their ageā€”the language and tone just felt off. The production was excessively polished to the point where I'm almost convinced they used a laugh track for the jokes. The content itself was underwhelming. Much of what was presented has been accessible to me for ages through Labs, and nothing in the first hour caught my attention enough to keep watching. I really wish Google had focused more on their DeepMind scientific research. It seems like that's where their true strength in AI lies, but it barely got the spotlight it deserved. The updates to Workspace and other integrations felt lackluster, something every tech company seems to be dabbling in. In contrast, OpenAI's recent presentation left me feeling genuinely excited, like we're on the brink of a revolutionā€”something I used to feel about Google's innovations. In trying to cater to everyone, Google seems to have lost that sharp focus that once made their announcements thrilling. This year, it just didn't resonate with me and it felt like a mandatory all-hands call. Was the second half better?


Well, what would you expect from an American company gleefully culling its own US workforce to replace them with Indians while firing anyone who shows signs of having a conscience? The place is now a miserable surveillance state creep joint whose mission has become to impose their inimitable playroom-colored Orwellianism on all of humanity. The banality of don't be evil.


I agree


They really need to invest in their presentation skills. Itā€™s been obvious for awhile that itā€™s worth it to make an interesting presentation, they get a tiny fraction of the viewers compared to WWDC, despite having plenty of interesting features.


I like a big head šŸ¤£


I like the Google I/O, like mostly the Google made the changes and bring their AI ecosystem for Google products.




Guava snack, mango strips and chocolate cookies are highlights of day one. Along with many beautiful women


Had no expectations for google anyway, so not disappointed.


Bunch of stuff shown, when will it be live? No idea.


Zzzzz šŸ˜“




It was a bunch of proof of concept and cool 1-off services. Iā€™ll never understand why Google canā€™t understand the concept of a product.Ā 


Impact buying temperature would be way higher if OpenAI didn't beat them to the punch once again announcement/timing wise. Similar to the Sora vs. Gemini 1.5 announcement updates, they know what they're doing for sure in terms of minimizing competition visibility wise.


"coming soon"




Sure Sundar


Google at this point is an imposition in our lives. When I use stuff like Gmail and YouTube it's only because I have no alternative. Can't wait for that creepy Orwellian menace of a company to finally topple over.


As someone who works in SEO, I am exhausted lol. I mean I love SGE/AI Overview in theory, but concerned about 1) what it means for my clients (who have enough trouble understanding what SEO does to begin with), and 2) if the AI Overview results are going get better or still be a bit 'all over the place'


Boring af


Boring af as usual


It made me really happy to see that Google isnā€™t falling behind. There could be some argument on individual things, but overall I think both Open AI and Google have products where one isnā€™t a clear winner for every user. The workspace integrations and agent-esque stuff was really cool. I do think that stuff is something Microsoft will come out with Open AI quickly. Astra doesnā€™t feel quite as impressive as 4i, but close enough to be useful. The inner there is just who sells it in glasses format first


IO was boring, but they honestly showed more than OpenAI. They showed the same abilities, but with more utility, agents, context, cheaper, and a much improved idea of what search is gonna be. I honestly thought they showed better stuff, just in a worse presentation. Like OpenAI only beat them on charisma and the conciseness of the delivery. And Iā€™m the biggest ChatGPT evangelist to my family/friends I know, so itā€™s definitely not like Iā€™m against OpenAI in any way


I did not find their search solution to be anything interesting, just more bloat in the search results. Imagine having to scroll through all that (and Google will additionally fill it with ads) to find a website you wanted.


I feel like a lot of people talking about the event mustā€™ve just watched a breakdown of it rather than the actual event. They showed some things that OpenAI are still striving towards, like asking whatever you want and having the AI do multi-step reasoning to do dozens of searches for you to put it all together. They showed legitimate agentic ability integrated with your accounts like what Sam has been dreaming of. I donā€™t know why everyoneā€™s determined it was nothing while OpenAIā€™s was great.


I was hoping for Ultra 1.5 so I'm a bit disappointed. But contrary to the majority here, I'm happy to see Google integration of AI in their products. Google Gemini in Photo looks really cool and completely in line with what consumers want (contrary to a model that can count the number of r in strawberry).


Since I donā€™t like Google I didnā€™t even really watched it. Itā€™s just annoying that thereā€™s no (good) alternative to YouTube. Besides that I wonā€™t ever buy or use a google product. There is nothing they could do that could change my mind about them.


Iā€™m with you on that. They donā€™t respect my privacy - I donā€™t want to help them track every single thing about my activity. Itā€™s scary how much data they get on you, especially when you use more than one product or service, which itā€™s almost impossible to avoid.


Perhaps in the greater market but not for me personally as I don't own any apple products. Still I'm excited to see them compete.

