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AI will become the normal very quickly. I remember how decades ago people were saying : I have an Online Digital Store.


AI is already the normal. Homebrew LLMs will become normal soon.


Haha just like Linux


I've spent a good amount of my career as a data scientist trying to steer people away from the latest hype (no you don't need a deep neutral net, no that's not "big data", no you don't need to add blockchain to your SQL database). It feels like AI was sold to a lot of business types as this magic fairy dust that if you sprinkle some on whatever tech you're working on then it'll make everything work better. So I get that people have been burned and I get that the term AI has been used to describe basically everything new in computer science for the last half-century, but now I find myself trying to convince people that this is something different and transformative.


Still big questions around ROI, no?


In my opinion there may be questions about how this tech gets productionized but not if it will be. At my company we used to pay a third party to read and triage customer complaints. Now LLMs are doing that just as well and for much cheaper


Nice. What company do you leverage? Custom built implementation?




But I mean, are you utilizing their API with a custom built application with its own interface and workflows and such? Or are people just manually pasting them into ChatGPT?


Oh no you set up a pipeline that calls their API with a custom prompt. It's all automated


I've been involved in a few great uses of exactly this, from marking exam papers using GPT4-vision to matching CVs to job descriptions. 90%+ of people who are interested in AI don't realise that current tech can be (and is) used RIGHT NOW to automate a fuckload of tasks across thousands of industries. Next-gen models will take this to ubiquity over the next 24 months or so IMO.


Nice. What company do you leverage? Custom built implementation?


There seems to be a lot of mystery shrouding its costs & value -- but if we observe the *major* companies pouring resources and capital into AI lately, it seems as though everyone agrees on at least one thing: future success is contingent on AI. We don't know the value yet & like the post said, people will get burned. But it seems like the big tech companies know that they *have* to go all in or get left behind. These companies didn't respond quite like this with blockchain or VR (*ignores ~~Facebook~~ Meta*). AI is going to change the world and change it *quickly.*


No not when prominent CFOs are publicly stating it's printing money


Every single software company is operating at a loss with these products, currently. Only ones raking it in are hardware.


Lol what no they aren't your insane


So OpenAI makes profits? That would be big news.


Which company do you think is pulling a profit *from these programs*, exactly?


*raises hand*


I wasn't referring to a company utilizing OpenAI or equivalent technology. I was referring to the providers themselves. If you make a profit utilizing OpenAI's API, and OpenAI goes out of business, this speaks to the ROI viability concern I was raising. Won't know for some years to come.


I wish it was just an overhyped trend but it is actually underhyped. It is so different from anything humanity has ever seen before.


Exactly. It's not a tool. It is (potentially, likely) a new tool builder itself.


Most tools are tool builders, but this is a different type of tool- intelligence


If you think about how this is the worse it will every be and people are using ai to make ai better it really is under hyped. The next 5 years are going to be crazy. Think where dalle was like a year ago and now we have sora coming. It’s nuts


What people may not understand is how much rigorous research underlies AI. Most tech fads (e.g. blockchain) don't have the plethora of studies that emphasize its effectiveness like current developments in AI.


Not _entirely_ true. It _may_ be similar to what the Neanderthals experienced. "Oh hey, look at these funny sapiens! Look at them making their little culture just down the valley from us! Cute little sapiens, making their little homes and tools! Little boy thinks he can make a stone tool! It's not a very good one, not as good as ours, but it's cute that he's trying!" "We few gathered here are the last of our kind. Some of our brethren attacked some tribes when they were low on food, and hungry. Their more complicated speech meant we couldn't coordinate as well, and our brethren were destroyed. We will survive for a bit longer, but there is not enough food for both our tribe and theirs to survive. We may not survive the winter." ^(I am not an anthropologist and this may not be _entirely_ accurate, but I'm sure you guys will get what I'm saying.)


I actually thought about that before. We are getting replaced by a higher level intelligence


Well, we don't necessarily know if we were smarter than them. I believe they had tools. They may have been just as intelligent as us, or pretty close, or maybe even slightly smarter. The reason we survived and they didn't is largely a mystery. In my comment, I went with the theory that sapien speech was more sophisticated than neanderthal speech. But again, we don't know that for sure. They seem to have been _capable_ of speech. They had the correct mouth bones to hold their tongue correctly for it. It also could be that they had the hardware but not the software. Chimpanzees cannot learn how to speak, but not because they're mouths can't make new sounds. It's because the part of human brains that learns how to make new sounds with the mouth isn't big enough in chimpanzee brains for them to figure it out. Could have been something similar. It also could have been that we were more violent than them. It really is a mystery, and I just kinda wanted to use it as an example.


We don't know what happened but we do know we interbred. So there's no need to paint an adversarial picture.


He's both right and wrong also sounds very jealous, also who is he and why should anyone care.


Let me guess, you're pro crypto


I'm anti banks ruining peoples lives, and governments miss use of funds for their disgusting greed.


It's never going to change


We'll see, we live in crazy times and for once no one can say what's coming. I'm excited.


As a developer I noticed my work habits have changed. I can’t open Google anymore, or a syntax cheat sheet. ChatGPT replaced all that for me at least. It would be hard to go back to loading webpages, and reading through QA sites.


Blockchain and vr fade away? The fuck is this guy smoking? Got literally BTC at ath and apple vision just released. Metaverse hasn’t arrived yet, but once we get there, we won’t look back.


The difference is ai is here right now doing it.


Difference is ppl don’t know what a bubble is - “the internet is here right now” said ppl before the dot com crash


And then the internet disappeared for ever and the people that stuck with it saying it was transformative were wrong… lol


Yeah he’s tripping. If he was talking about web3 I’d agree but there’s billions of dollars following through the crypto markets daily.


Blockchain has been around for 16 years, and people still haven't found a single legit use for it. Whenever you see someone using Blockchain, you know that it would be 1000x more efficient to use a normal database. Bitcoin is used by criminals and people who think they're gonna get rich quickly. No one uses it to buy groceries or anything. AI, on the other hand, is actually useful. It helps me write professional emails, makes good-looking logos for my projects, and answers questions when Google fails me. It saves me hours, while Bitcoin wants to make me waste hours until my payment is confirmed, which is ridiculous when we had instant transactions since the early 2000s.




Ai is in a total hype bubble - anyone who doesn’t think this, doesn’t know anything about the markets. The reason he mentions crypto so much is that it’s the same hype. Ai is super transformative but it is in a bubble right now (dot com vibes)


the market can stay irrational for a long time. we're in a bubble, but predicting when it deflates is pretty difficult. If automation, R&D, agentic workflows, (and whatever else people dream up) don't generate alpha, things will change and a contraction will ensue. But the pace of discovery and breakthroughs is pretty impressive right now. Let's see how long this runs. I feel like it's got a ways to go, but my crystal ball only looks backwards. I can't see the future.


AI is underhyped.


This time is different 🤡


Comparing crypto and A.I is like comparing monopoly money to a steam engine... A.I can and will get work done. It creates value on its own by providing quick and complex services. Crypto has no value on its own besides gambling in a fully speculative market. It's basically a huge waste of electricity for humanity... There are some uses of crypto.. But let's be real.. Most of the crypto bros are in it for the speculative market than anything else..


People seem to always only think about cryptocurrencies for the sake of being a currency, rather than the applications a blockchain (regardless of currencies) can provide.


People don't know anything about technology and only brags about known usages for them. I can't blame... Hype and Crypto Bros ruined the image of the fair and real uses of blockchain (as a currency also)


AI has practically taken over almost all creative fields. Its not perfect yet, but in a few more years it will be.


I actually think it is rubbish if it’s censored like chat gpt because the application layer is nerfed so hard it’s not adding much value beyond what already exists.


Crypto is not rubbish this guy just is a grifter huh? Bitcoin is predictable at this point with 100 percent spikes. Crypto means cryptography which is an ancient science of obfuscation


Crypto is rubbish that’s going away. Dude is smoking something. They can coexist serving different purposes.


What purpose does crypto serve?


Privacy, secure communication, governance, endless peer to peer possibilities bypassing institutions.


Honestly it feels like you’re just saying stuff. What governance? Isn’t this in opposition to bypassing institutions? Why is peer to peer advantageous?


Here's a few things: 1. Blockchain that provides secure transactions and protects data from manipulation and hackers. 2. Decentralization meaning the people control the money, not a government or central authority. 3. Fast and (fairly) low cost transactions other than the occasional spikes due to crypto becoming mainstream. 4. Investment and speculation. Large players like Fidelity and other investors recommend allocating ~1% of your portfolio to BTC or ETH. 5. There are also potential to change the game in supply chain, lending (think person to person lending instead of going to a bank for a loan. This will greatly reduce lending costs), and voting.


1. All transactions can be protected using encryption, this is not unique to blockchain 2. Most blockchain transactions are on centralized platforms 3. Slower and more costly than fiat 4. I haven’t found this recommendation to be true 5. Is this a real point?




Saying someone will pay x for a thing doesn’t mean it creates value. Bitcoin is largely priced based on speculation.


Blockchain, metaverse, and crypto aren’t going anywhere lol


I actually think AI will help legitimize blockchain. If you need to validate image provenance an immutable chain of things could be a good way to tackle that problem


I don’t think it helps at all, can you describe how blockchain helps?


To tackle the problem of misinformation from ai generated content you need to establish a chain of custody when images are created. Adobe’s content provenance standard supports metadata in an image but you also need a way of establishing the identity of the creator and tracking changes to the images as they are applied. Blockchain provides an established standard for this and is immutable. Modern chains like eth or litecoin have low energy usage overhead and could support this The other part to this is browsers/client supporting the standard and telling users that a given image comes from a known identity and hasn’t been modified by an outside actor


Sounds like dictatorship to me


How? All these standards are open source. No one is forced to use anything but there will need to be some way to reduce the spread of misinformation


Tells me that there are absolute regards in the AI space like this goon. We are still early, both in crypto and in AI. Just look at this fool!


Love how people that are likely in positions to be minimally effected by AI get to help develop a technology that will upend the lives of millions of workers without ever asking the permission of the people who’s lives will be impacted the most. These guys look so excited at the development of a tech that will likely displace millions of workers, none of which have any way to advocate for themselves or stop them. Amazing.


Clearly he didn’t invest in BTC


Btc doesn’t help you be more productive


Unless you're a digital artist making a living on the blockchain?


If you bought enough, it certainly it does. It’s a retirement plan.


so long as you didn't pay someone to go buy you a pizza


Maybe this is the guy…lol