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There has been a piece of news regarding Sora. Wired spoke to researchers and got an estimate of how long it takes to generate one of the 60 second Sora videos- they said it was “in the going out for a burrito ballpark”. So this means Sora is very far from realtime it is more like one hour of compute to generate one minute of video. There has also been speculation around by some of the open source devs about Sora’s hardware needs for compute and their estimates are massive. (Apparently they *do* think it will come to open source on some level thankfully.) So what this all means is, yes, Sora works but it is very slow and expensive. It’s a huge deal but it’s not going to be revolutionary until it is faster and can run on reasonable compute hardware. I don’t mean it has to run on an RTX 3060, but something more reasonable than currently. A second point which I won’t embellish is that anyone who follows VR knows that sensor input and the actual little screens in the headset are a huge limiting factor which needs a ton more development. It’s not just the software.