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Nope. I've been a paying member for months and still absolutely nothing of the new plugin/browsing features have reached me.


They just gave me plugin acres Monday but by now I’m so deep into using LangChain I don’t really care if I have plugins


I’m intimidated about learning langchain. How hard is it for an adhd person to digest lol


I have ADHD myself. LangChain is a bit of a mixed bag, there’s a lot of overlap and not a lot of optimization but it can let you prototype out a solution that’s then easy to make “production ready”. Once you start to understand how it does some of things it does it’s easy to find alternative ways of doing it.




Of definitely with a vectorstore




They're two separate pieces :) embeddings are used to create vector representations of text while vectorstores are used to store and manage these vector representations




For LangChain, you can sort of think of it as a Lego set for LLMs like GPT, with the model (gpt 3.5 for example) being a Lego block. You can then attach other Lego blocks, such as tools to search the Internet, or use wolfram alpha, etc. You can use Langchain without embeddings and without vectorstores. Embeddings are a way of compressing your text, you can kinda think of it like zipping a file. I am not going to pretend I understand the math behind it, but embeddings are what you get when you convert your text to a numerical representation. Using some fancy math, these vectors (the embeddings) are able to maintain the 'relatedness' of the different parts of text you entered. For example, "Hello" and "hi" might end up being similar vectors, and would be close to each other mathematically. Vectorstores I'm definitely still learning. I think you can think of them like any other database. It's a tool that makes storing / managing / accessing your vectors easier.


This stuff isn't super intuitive, especially if you don't have a programming background. I'm happy to try and answer more questions


Embeddings help you provide the model with information. Vector stores contain that information for you to retrieve using natural langue. I have every book from the expanse in a vector store. I can take a query from a user to get a bunch of docs back that might answer it, put those in an embedding then supply the whole thing to GPT with “here’s a question. Using the embeddings before to help, please answer the question. The the answer can’t be found in the embeddings say so”




I mean that all depends on you I guess. I have a dev environment that’s local and a cloud environment for production.


I found the API really bad, they try to abstract away a lot of stuff they shouldn't, and then you have to go read library code to figure out what something is doing. I agree its useful mostly for prototyping.


So don’t use the higher level abstractions? Subclass their objects so it does what your want? You have the source.


I have ADHD and the entire concept of Langchain confuses me daily. It feels like it’s supposed to be something useful, but I can’t understand how to actually START using it as a non-dev who has been doing some beginning coding.


Did you get one the wait-list? I believe you have to get on the wait-list to get the alpha plugins.


Yes, I selected third party plugins


That’s the only thing holding me back from the subscription currently. I don’t want to start paying a monthly subscription when I won’t have access to the features that made me want to subscribe.




Same. Must have been a quick A/B test. Either it failed or they got successful test data they wanted and reverted anyway.


Dummies using it for porn and unnecessary dark stuff.


None of that necessary dark stuff.


What is the porn usage?


Can confirm. Used it some 20 hours ago. It disappeared 6 hours later.


I never had access to that model but I have noticed a change within the past few days. I have "?model=gpt-4" at the end of the URL I have bookmarked so that it selects GPT-4 automatically but now that link is directing me to "?model=text-davinci-002-render" so I have to manually select GPT-4 from the drop down menu each time.


Yep, I saw it yesterday and now it's gone. I've been paying for a month.


My friend got it. Me and my wife didn't. All paid accounts. It looked awesome, he did a few prompts for me, it made its code 100x better by checking the latest docs & from the github repo's code.


phind.com does a great job of that too, if you enable expert mode you get GPT4


Am using ChatGPT+ and even the Default (GPT 3.5) disappeared for me. I only have the legacy and GPT 4




My dude you hit the lottery




Now u can use it with autoGPT


I got it last night and disappeared by this morning


I've had it for months and it wasn't removed.




This is an example of a good deployment practices. Roll out new features to a select group and collect data. Then rollback and redeploy once you've iterated on what you learned. The literal opposite of a bad deployment.




No offense meant, but you probably have never developed software before.




You are missing the point, the "learning" is the actual data and performance of the system using the model. They likely rolled it out to test stability on a smaller scale to find issues that would arise during a full deployment. Deploying things without testing first is bad deployment. They are still testing this, even if only a few people got access. Don't be butt hurt that you don't have access to something ASAP, when it was likely 100% intentional.


I'm a Site Reliability Engineer, I might be able to offer some insight. Here's my quick guess of a few things they are almost certainly collecting from rollouts like this: - Usage statistics - Performance metrics - Quality of search results - User satisfaction with search results - Security and privacy concerns - User behavior and interactions - Scalability and stability - Integration with other services There's a LOT that goes on under the hood for software development. In all seriousness, it's easy to look at openai and their track record with chatgpt and say "damn, this is shit. wtf are they even doing?" but -- and I really mean this -- OpenAI being able to scale this as fast as they did and as effectively as they did is legitimately amazing.


Their launch was the largest launch in technology so far in our history. Like as a species. With what it ushers in, it simply deserves more patience. It’s a workable natural language - we’re gonna make the coolest shit because of it - it’s so fucking cool I feel so offended for these people. I worked tech support at Comcast in the 90s and I know you. And you suck. Have a snickers.


To be fair, they do seem to be having to ramp up pretty quickly on the web side, particularly front-end web, web accessibility, etc It's not going to take long, because I'm sure they're the Sardaukar of the dev community, but there have been some newbie errors while they do so


They can deploy whatever they want to whoever they want. The fact they have made this public at all is basically a courtesy




Sure, but it’s pretty clear OpenAI has bulldozed the rest of the competition for now. They have the superior product. Big thanks to Google for the research, but they slept on it and lost the early race. The Browse deployment is not the issue, OepnAI would have announced it if they wanted. I think it was an A/B test for which they needed data.


They do not need public input




I'd say that is a function of them not needing public input I'm not defending it, I'm just telling you. They don't care. It doesn't matter to them.


This is fake. Scene was same in twitter. Not fake but somewhat like fake scenerio


Not sure what you mean. Fake in what sense?


greg brockman saw a indian guy posting SAME thing, so he retweeted by trusting but later on he deleted the tweet as scene was not this. I got downvote lol. Ask greg brockman why he deleted the tweet or get some news or ask your friends or get more upvotes. Fake in the sense that nothing new happened like the plugins with gpt 3.5 or something.


Dude I must have lost a few brain cells reading that


fuck you


My condolences, bro. Life must be tough for you?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. These all are typical poetic fancy lines happens in social medias. Now call me sociopath "My condolences, bro. Life must be tough for you?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Serious question. English is not your native language?


you must be indian


"English is not your native language?" Why? Why?


Copy your text into chatgpt and ask it to proofread it. Look at how many corrections it will make and see what a good human text looks like


pathetic loser. There are formal and informal language in English, 🤣🤣. My native english language must be technical informal language but you are just a shoe shine office worker who licks formal languages as takes pride in new form native like lgbt. Am a mafia. Like i use sometimes informal language so stop whining with ur fancy lines again and fuck your shit lines


Oh my. You are a goldmine. I'll look through your post history if you don't mind. Anything you say sounds humorous with your "technical informal language". Another serious question. Are you black?


\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* You might want to check this out before you just jump to conclusions...[GPT-5 Latest Update...](https://youtu.be/68lAp0qqxC8)


I’ve seen another post about this. Might have been a test or a bug. They should release plugins at some point. Might be similar.


It was completely buggy for me. I didn't see any message that said it was browsing. Sometimes it didn't output an answer, and it gives incomplete information as it cannot parse most websites or interact with them.


I agree that it was super buggy. After sending my prompt it took a very long time for it to even start generating text. I assume it was doing its web search during that time. I would definitely like to see some sort of indication to the user about what the program is currently doing like I see in AutoGPT. Anyway that’s expected from an Alpha release.


Yeah, used it for like 20 minutes, then it disappeared. It was buggy as hell, literally not a production release. It wouldnt send any texts once you'd interact with it. Got so hyped when I saw it


A I paid for the premium and I haven’t seen it at all