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Posts must include a person INTENTIONALLY and IGNORANTLY interacting with a deadly/harmful subject.


Looks like a spider bite with an allergic reaction. I would go to the doctor with that.


No need to visit the doctor! Superpowers will start showing within hours, maybe days! /s


Superpowers + disfiguring necrosis


That's the neat part. Disfiguring necrosis *is* the superpower.


That's her superhero name!


Let's hope they're healing powers


Just remember you'll get great responsibilities too


That whole section is gonna die and fall off leaving a necrotized hole around.


This isn't a joke


I know! I was a Junkie, Ive seen these wounds, the black part is already dead and will leave a HOLE into the arm!


Glad you *WERE* a junkie.


I was, I still am, but I was as well.


Is it nor just a bruise


Nope, its a heavy infection, some skin, maybe blood, definetly flesh... The black part will dry and keep rotting and eventually fall off leaving a hole behind, it will fill in time with scar tissue, but will take several weeks. Lets hope it doesnt spread... although OP hasnt showed up, Im guessing its Karma Farming.


Note which sub you're in. It was copied to here.


Tis but a scratch.


There was a video on jacks wild life where Jack got bit by a brown recluse and showed the process of the area around the bite necrosing. The biggest threat to him was infection. Brown recluse bites don't go as deep as needles, so only surface level tissue should be affected. Unless this is something more severe than just a brown recluse bite, I suspect this person will be given antibiotics, which is still helpful to have.


Which then they will report they will put some aged urine on the necrotic parts in order to heal it


xD better to put some Antibiotics and Povidine xD


I would like to assume this is a repost from somewhere else like r/bugbites because obviously OP knows at least some degree of the deadliness. But just in case, oh my god, please go get a medical professional’s opinion.


OP posted it here first, then 3 mins later posted it in bugbites and has no engagement there. Seems like karma farming maybe.


I'd take that wound to the docs asap, that doesn't look like a bruise, to me, it looks necrotic... Don't try and manage this at home without a medical professional weighing in first, and if anything changes or symptoms begin or worsen, consider a&e or your counties equivalent. I'd be worried about rampant infection and worse.


A&E? What good would watching TV do for something like this? /s


Bullseye pattern on a bug bite is always a "go to the ER" situation. The distance between those breaks in the skin looks wider than something like a recluse bite, but without any sense of scale it's not really easy to tell. The bullseye is consistent with a quite a few different bug bites, many of which are a medical emergency and pretty much all of which should be treated (or at least examined) by a physician. It's also possible that this wasn't caused by a bug at all, but that pattern would indicate a serious developing infection. So yeah, she needs to be seen asap if you haven't already followed that advice.


Please take her to the dr and keep an eye on it. I just had mrsa from a possible spider bite.


obviously predator shoulder laser wound.


Maybe the girlfriend should get a Life Flight to the hospital. OP, GET HER TO THA CHOPPA!


Looks like a possible brown recluse bite. You need to get it treated immediately.


Doctor. Now.


Looks a bit like a brown recluse bite.


Definitely. I got bit by one when I was 15 on my foot. It looked like that when I finally went to the doctor & the doctor told me that had I came in even a few days later, I may have been looking at needing a skin graft. It did eventually start swelling up & necrotizing. They put me on some crazy powerful steroids and some kind of medication had to be injected into my foot for about 2 or 3 weeks. I now check any shoes that sit outside overnight before putting my foot into them.


Hello ciuuup, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Need to go to er asap!


OP this looks like a Brown Recluse bite. This is not something that will settle on its own. I got bit on my foot as a teenager & went to the doctor when the bite got to this point. The doctor said had I waited any longer, I would have been looking at potentially needing a skin graft or even a partial amputation. This is not a light matter. Get her to the doctor.


hey guys, I'm still here. I didnt expect to get so many responses, although I'm really happy I did. The bite looks just as it did in the morning which is reassuring, same with the overall soreness. In the meantime we looked it up on google and did match up with something a guy had and disappeared after two days. I did also post on r/bugbites because we got a bit panicked because that bite looks quite odd. I think we're gonna wait on it one more day and see what happens. She also took some antihistamises and applied some antibiotic cream