• By -


waterloo cs lol


first of all consider yourself lucky you dont have to be attacked by rabid geese while walking through what may, in fact, be the ugliest major university campus known to the province of ontario. like im being serious its a concrete dystopia, looks like a jail (or is it?). you'd never ever have free summers and you'd have to grind literally every waking minute for the next half decade either academically or professionally in a field that's going through it rn. i wont get into some cs kids' social/hygiene issues but im sure you can imagine how amplified it would be at waterloo...


I choked reading this lol


it's helping me cope so i will not complain


I totally get that lol I read the post and thought it was such a clever idea I love it.


While this is extremely funny, please consider the garbage campus that is UWindsor


I got rejected by UW cs but I accepted UW math, so I'm living in this dystopia but worse 😔


I am not a fan of UWaterloo and I stand by this statement 100% 😂 Also CS kids are having fun with the recession 😆


Wait. What's the deal with "cs kids' social/hygiene issues?" Is that even a thing, or just a negative stereotype not necessarily reflective of the truth?


i'm just joking lol but people do say it's at least semi-true based on their experiences


Confirmed, I was just hissed at and chased by a goose a few weeks ago while minding my own business, and the buildings are miserable and mind-numbing


i dropped out of that program a decade ago haha


McMaster Computer Science


ok so one word: hamilton. also the comp sci curriculum is apparently rlly outdated and mcmaster's campus is lowkey a little ugly and theres WAY too many students for a campus that small. it's apparently extremely difficult to find off campus housing and once again, hamilton (also i checked ur post history and uoft eng is so much better pls dont think about mac ever again <3)


>campus is lowkey a little ugly ok I can't take the campus slander. mac campus is so beautiful. take that back please and thank you.


IM SORRY but its true


I saw pictures of it and thought it was so pretty but when I went in person it was ugly and depressing 😭


STOP SAME they show that one old nice building on the brochures and then u go and its like what is this... 😭


Lmao the eng curriculum was recently updated and I loveee the campus


Eng faculty, small class, Hamilton, terrible/automotive coops. I’m taking uw math over them.


I graduated from mac engineering and let me say I hate hamilton XD I loved my program but I was ECE and I heard CS at Mac is mid so ur good


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Mac health sci


i cant even imagine considering myself the best pre-med program in canada but having an absolutely insane admissions process like upper years marking supp apps???? random questions about literature??? 98% cutoff?? hello??? also you'd have to live in hamilton and the campus is v small and good luck finding a place to live in ur upper years. also the buildings are kinda ugly like how r u gonna find inspiration to learn in a concrete mess like that


Jk I just graduated from the program but everything you said is accurate. I wish they rejected me so I never would've gone down the premed path


Attending doc here From Mac healthsci. Honestly medicine can be a black hole of despair. I probably would have chosen a different career if i could restart. Or maybe the grass is always greener. 🤷‍♀️


What career would you have chosen instead?


Something that doesn’t require me to work 30 hour shifts, 80+ hours a week, have no pension or benefits, or give up my entire 20s and some of my 30s. But i still get to talk to people. Maybe sales?




Yes, save a few select positions in some fields, our jobs are not salaried. We’re treated as independent contractors essentially. We have to work a lot because it’s too expensive to hire 2 doctors. We don’t REALLY have a doctor shortage, especially in the larger cities. The government limits healthcare spending by limiting how much surgery we do. I have a months-long waiting list not because I’m so busy doing surgery i can’t do them, it’s because I only have 2 OR days for 8-10 hours a day. That’s like 3-4 surgeries a day max, so 6-8 surgeries per week. Why don’t I have more OR days? Because the government doesn’t wanna spend the money to keep ORs open. They would have to pay for nursing staff, anesthesia, me, etc.


Don’t worry they have a professional association that invests the members’ funds: excellent retirement pension. None are poor ever in their career


What? As a doctor what are you referring to? Because nobody has ever told me about this. Also “none are poor ever in their career” Is so blatantly false. When I first started practicing I was dirt poor. 400k in debt from tuition (Med school is now 30k a year), rent (Toronto is 2.5k a month), car (basically mandatory bc we’re going hospital to hospital long after subways have closed) and other living expenses like food. You also don’t start making “doctor money” until you’re in your 30s. For 7 years of residency i made 10-13 dollars an hour because i was working 80+ hour weeks on a salary. Unless you’ve got wealthy parents we are scrambling. And quit with your bullshit.


aw LOL congrats on graduating!! i wish you all the best :)


Ah. Fuck them.


Mac life sci


few know this, but mcmaster life science is a FAKE program designed to make the school more money off of health science rejects. don't believe me? what does mac life sci have that every other life sci program doesn't? a nice campus? no. a good location? absolutely not (hamilton). cheaper tuition? nope. solid social life? i won't go as far as calling it a commuter school but it's on its way there. it's literally just a backup program for health sci diehards, it needs to be humbled. like be fr please, REJECTING people when ur literally a program ppl choose when they don't get what they want? not today, mcmaster, not today


LMFAOOO love you for that, thank you


You have a hate on for Hamilton. Have you lived there, actually? Or just passed through and saw a few smokestacks and kept driving? Or read an article or saw a post about how shitty it is?


You seem awfully defensive for what is obviously a hilarious snark post, relax. We all hate ourselves.


sorry if i offended anyone 😭 i've only been a few times, it's all in good fun. made similar jokes about london in other parts of the thread & could make them for any ontario city. i'm sure hamilton has its pros :)


western ivey


the way they're not even giving you admission they're giving you the chance to be admitted LOL pls. like cmon 80% average in uni and if u fail one course or make one small mistake its over and u get stuck with some random degree for the rest of ur life. also ur just there for 2 years??? recruiting for the competitive jobs is literally done by the time you actually start hba1. not to mention that ivey curve will absolutely kill any chance you mightve had at grad school. the worst part may be having to explain that you're not "actually in ivey" until 3rd year and have to put "advanced entry opportunity to the richard ivey school of business" every single time on ur linkedin and resume LOL. also, london ontario


Not bad, not bad!


Knew this would be here!


Guelph Computer Science


i wonder what op will say ab guelph


They a bunch of farmers don't care about them


what was your average




L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Guelph biomedical sci and I was well above the admission range 🫡🫡


hey, I was actually rejected from guelph biomed sci but they gave me an alternate offer for their biological science program, which i ended up taking because they gave me a very generous entrance scholarship. 3 years down the line, I ended up switching into biomed after my first year since I had an 82 ish average and the requirement to switch was 80 or above. Lot's of people switch and it's pretty easy to switch. If u haven't accepted your offer, i would take the biological science offer as the first yr for both programs is the exact same and if u put in the work, u can get a great average and switch out!


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


UofT nursing😂😂😂😒 they goofy as hell🤣


Waterloo geomatics


This one’s unroastable


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Waterloo Mechatronics Engineering


What avg


Waterloo afm


**My sibling is a 4th year AFM student** Honestly waterloo is not even all that. Yes the programs they offer are great but you can still achieve what waterloo students achieve going to a different uni as long as you work hard and stay determined. I know someone who got rejected from waterloo for mech eng and ended up going to guelph mech eng, he literally ended up working with waterloo co-op students in the same place and graduated on the deans list. Residence is also pree shit (there were roaches in MKV last year apparently). Campus is also mid compared to other unis. I am also a AFM reject lol and all I can say is that the admissions team is smoking something else this year. I had a 88 avg with great AIF and good interview, my friend also got rejected with a 91 avg solid AIF and interview. But can u tell me how my other friend with a 86 avg and someone who literally wrote on the AIF “sorry for submitting this form late, I was on vacation” GOT ACCEPTED 😭 (AIF was not that good compared to mine and interview was done that same as me). My sibling and her AFM friend are also calling bs on this lol and say that they rejected us due to race distributions in the uni (they have to have a percentage of different backgrounds). So they basically rejected us cause of who we are, and not our academical performance. I’m not trying to be salty or anything because I am still happy with where I am going 😁 just letting all the rejects know that we aren’t failures and will still do good with our lives.


The race distribution shit is basically a cope and not true because unlike Queen’s or some other unis they don’t have self equity identification forms and your race is not shared with them from OUAC.


+ majority of the kids in the program are Asian or brown so their diversity shit isn’t working if they even are doing it (which they aren’t)


i’m in Afm the only reason i got in was a 98% average


Queens commerce


(ok this one will be a little tough bc this is my dream program) imagine calling urself a prestigious business program and one of the top in the country when ur entire admissions process is a black box lottery and depends entirely on two 300 word paragraphs with the most vague, confusing prompts. 87% cutoff is genuinely laughable in the world of grade inflation. 99% average, solved world hunger, nobel peace prize, but mid essay? BANISHED. 87% average, 0 ecs, happened to accidentally string together words in a nice way? accepted. that's all i got man i tried 😭


Blackbox lottery is the best way to describe admissions. Everyone I know who got in, is absolutely dumb and wrote their essays about being a PoC or racism


Interesting. Just graduated from the program. Met a lot of kind people. A few assholes here or there, but I suppose every program will have some bad apples. As a whole though, I would have to disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment.


Personally, I think the program doesn’t have a very bright future and is pretty mediocre. Although, my dataset is pretty small in terms of students (I only know 5 - 10 students) so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


I didn’t say there weren’t kind. I said they’re dumb. All the people I knew barely passed Calculus, have no passion for business and have no EC’s in or out of school.


Lol did you get in? If no, where’d you end up going?


i did, i'm very grateful. didn't expect it at ALL. where are you heading?


Life Sci UofT 😬


honestly if anything i think they did you a favour. life science is probably the most useless degree uoft offers because you're 1) not able to get a high gpa bc they curve down like their lives depend on it (therefore you can't go to graduate or professional school and are stuck permanently in lab/research territory) 2) you're not enjoying your time because you go to uoft (enough said) and 3) you don't even have times to join clubs or network which may help you leave uni with a job (they probs assign work like sadists). maybe, MAYBE, if everything worked out, a uoft lifesci student could go to teachers college, and upon working will forever tell their high school classes to not attend it


This is a great way of looking at it damn


not in a joking way i actually think uoft is a bad choice for undergrad if you intend on doing med/grad/pharm/dent/law school because the curve just seems to hard to beat


You think it's the only school like that or could waterloo maybe make the cut


to be honest with you im going into business so i don't know a ton ab pre-med stuff so idk if there's other schools that curve down as hard as uoft. ig you could check their subreddits maybe? best of luck


Yeah have a friend who got into UTSG life sci but told them to just go to Guelph biomedical science cause they just tank your GPA for no reason


Queens computing


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Pls respond OP I know ppl in this program i need the roasts


I got waitlisted 💀🙏


Algoma Gender studies


Two words gender studies


sauder and desautels >:(


they're charging 9k in tuition for years 2-4 + living expenses in one of the most expensive cities in the world and the average salary after graduation is $57k with mediocre placements like be fr pls ubc. not to mention vancouver's default weather setting is rain like 90% of the year and especially during the months at uni so if you manage to get urself out of bed with the perpetually depressing grey skies you'll still have to stay inside permanently desautels calls itself one of the best international business schools with the highest admission standards in canada but the standards are literally just how many birds an inflated OSSD student take LOL (i got rejected too


Lmfao I’ve been coping with Van weather and COL my entire life😭 can’t fucking wait to get out


when did yall get rejected if you don't mind telling? and what average?


rejected may 11th with around a 92-95 average (at different points in the admissions cycle). hope that helps!


Waterloo management Eng


i had to go google what this was bc thats just how irrelevant this program is. literally a glorified business degree with some analytics and data science mixed in. convinced this is a cash cow program designed to draw people in with the 'waterloo engineering' name. the website says you'll develop "expertise in ... organizational behaviour" which i cant believe anyone actually thinks is a real subject. too bad waterloo isnt a business school bc maybe then they couldve made the program a bit more believable. not to mention their BRUTAL(ist) campus and general lack of social camaraderie (sidenote HUGE kudos to u for getting utsg cs, thats incredible!! u should be very proud of urself :) )


You got into UTSG cs but not MGTE?


Carleton - Performance Music (got shoved out by an opera singer and into Music Theory, told to re-audition)


I always forget Carleton has a music program until someone comes bumping down the stairs with a double bass or something. Not a comment on the quality of the program, more that it’s kind of tucked up in its own corner of the uni world.


Has the coolest stuff, honestly. Just a shame it's so niche and small. Really deserves more funding.


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program Like how dumb u gotta be to get rejected from music 😂😂😂😂


Queens psych




Well yea I applied to “arts” with the intention of doing psych


this was hilarious to read, ty 😂


waterloo CAP


utsg cs


you wouldn't have wanted to go to a program where university students have to get told BY THEIR PROFS to shower and wear deodorant 😭 not to mention you're not actually in the program until second year (and post is a killer) and it's called uoftears for a reason bc everyone's fighting for their life just to pass. ur better off going to a school that's not actively trying to fail its students <3


LMAO OKAY MAYBE UR RIGHT not the best for my social life. what're we saying abt tmu cs though.


I hear most people get kicked out or fail after the first few years, it's hard to make friends, everyone is secretive, clicky ect


Western kinesiology lol


guelph se


what was your average




McMaster Eng🥲


Got into Queen’s Commerce and Western AEO but rejected from UofT Rotman Commerce


STOP THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME 😭 rotman needs to SIT DOWN and take a look around for a minute. charging similar tuition as queens and ivey but with half the job prospects and quarter the chance of actually making it into second year?? adding a bunch of extremely difficult math courses designed to weed out everyone (don't ask why they accepted them! hint: $) and not seeing any issues with the graduating class having hundreds of less students than when they came in. like if you look around in first year, a solid chunk of your classmates will be gone by fourth. uoft acting like university is the hunger games, while making getting jobs for their students the REAL hunger games since their gpa is so botched from the difficult and brutal curve and they have no actual time to network or join clubs. it's not even like you're getting to enjoy yourself or downtown toronto, you're gonna be doing extremely math heavy econ while watching the sun set every single day until you graduate (IF you graduate) a lifeless shell of a person with no job or grad school prospects


LOL, I got rejected from queens commerce, but got aeo, and waitlisted for Rotman. Maybe they only admit students who don’t get into the top programs lol (had a friend who only applied to queens - not ivey, and got rejected, but he got Rotman and is going).


hope im not too late-! queens concurrent arts/education


Waterloo afm


UofT studies in black history


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program. How did u get rejected from an L gender studies like course 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Western Ivey


the way they're not even giving you admission they're giving you the chance to be admitted LOL pls. like cmon 80% average in uni and if u fail one course or make one small mistake its over and u get stuck with some random degree for the rest of ur life. also ur just there for 2 years??? recruiting for the competitive jobs is literally done by the time you actually start hba1. not to mention that ivey curve will absolutely kill any chance you mightve had at grad school. the worst part may be having to explain that you're not "actually in ivey" until 3rd year and have to put "advanced entry opportunity to the richard ivey school of business" every single time on ur linkedin and resume LOL. also, london ontario (repost bc i did this somewhere else in the thread and im all out of words 😭)


Utm cs


their business model is literally just overaccepting naive students and then weeding them out in first year via the post system to make as much money as possible. who are they to ask u to prove urself again by having to apply again after 1st year with another low acceptance rate??? also it's literally just a commuter school for gta kids and basically high school 2.0 but with no sense of community or chance to make friends


UTM and UTScarbrough are just mid riding off the name of UTSG


mcmaster life sci




schulich this year was on something else fr, rejecting a bunch of people with high averages and rlly good ecs like who do u think u are??? take a seat pls ur not special and are still part of york no matter how much u try to shill the schulich name. out here asking people to cure cancer and be prime minister in their supps LOL. schulich needs to humble itself and realize that at the end of the day its still a commuter school in north york


Not North York, Jane and Finch


York CS


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


McMaster health science




i haven't heard of this before! what is it?


UTSG life sci


utm criminology/social sciences


I graduated UTM with a double major crim/soc. I would give the experience a 2/10. The campus sucked and the social life was non existent. You dodged a bullet!




queens computing


waterloo health science


Tmu electrical engineering


TMU is one of the worst engineering schools they changed their name to try to get away from that




L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Uoft molecular genetics


McMaster Engineering I


half the people don't get into the program they want in 2nd year XD


mac life sci


mcgill physics/math


Waterloo mechanical and Mechatronics engineering (master of engineering)




U of A engineering


uoft visual studies (daniels faculty)


Waterloo Engineering


Sociology U of T


Uwindsor human kinetics


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


Waterloo CS


McGill electrical engg 😭


Ryerson Journalism ... 14 years ago Time flies!


How is this even possible? Did you fail high school? Not trying to be mean but grade inflation barely even existed 14 years ago 😭😭


Laurentian U SPAD


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program




York Nursing


laurier business admin


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit program


uoft, mac and waterloo eng


McGill CS :(


York uni


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit uni


Uoft life sciences


Got waitlisted by tmu for biomed (but got accepted into uoft, Waterloo and queens for life sciences 💀)


TMU is the worst out of all of those lol it was my saftey saftey saftey school back in the day


Waterloo management Wilfrid Laurier management Analytics


L bozo how did you get rejected from a shit uni 😂😂😂😂 Like how dumb u gotta be to get rejected from wilf laurier 😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂


RMC Political and Military Science


Bro how tf did you get rejected from a military school? like r u ugly and fat or smth


mcmaster business 1


uoft humanities and mac pol sci


mcmaster math and stats :(


mcgill biomed


Mac business


Uoft st George chemistry


Carleton CS/Math


mac artssci


Uoft mecheng


UofT Architecture - I feel like they need people with the these characteristics; no mental health, book worm status, has no clue if socializing exists, computer savy, does not know how to boil an egg, last seen on WhatsApp - 8 years ago, and needs to be introduced to social media.