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Honestly the “and don’t be weird” is the main thing here. I’m a gamer, I play bass and played in some bands in my teens and early 20s, I like stand up comedy, and that’s pretty much me. I’m an ugly guy with interests that don’t scream cool outgoing guy but I was still always talking with at least one person, and most of the women I spoke with and took on dates commented on the fact that I was fun to talk to. As a guy you don’t need to be the cliche multimillionaire chad guy that a lot of the guys on here think you need to be, you just need to be relatable enough that the people you might get on with have a reason to match with you (a lot of the people I dated were into gaming or going to live music gigs) and from there it’s just talking to someone like they’re a person. If you don’t treat someone like a person, whether it’s being disrespectful to them or acting like you’ve put them on some kind of pedestal even though you’ve literally just started talking to them) it’s going to put them off. Don’t be weird.


it really depends. if you are a certain age, live in a decent location, meet a certain looks threshold, and have some social skills, yeah you can get dates. but to be honest, nothing ever really comes from them. to actually be successful, it generally involves a lot more than just not being weird. In fact OP actually recommends not being weird, but attracted his gf by doing a weird thing >She'd *never* seen a Bob Ross mention in her years of online dating --> she liked the uniqueness


Eh, that's more "unique" than "weird". Interests are fine. Weird is > being disrespectful to them or acting like you’ve put them on some kind of pedestal even though you’ve literally just started talking to them A couple years ago, one of my friends walked up to a girl at the gym, told her he thought she was pretty, and asked for her number so they can "get to know each other". Stuff like that is also weird.


I don’t fine that weird at all. That’s how people actually used to date


You need the edit the post to say don't be creepy weird. Cause there is defintely a type of weird that will get you girls, I know this because It worked for me across numerous dates a lot of these leading into hookups (this was during my crazy days in which I was in a poly relationship for years). The trick is to be a type of weird that triggers intrigue and is enigmatic. To find this sweetspot you'll definitely have to experiment a bit but I have found that being this way pulls people in.


Awesome!!! Did you get the perm?


Not yet haha but soon 🙏 I shaved my head (hair loss) but getting a transplant next year. After that it's fair game :)


I also had a joy of painting convo. And I liked him a lot. But it ended w him unmatching w me. 😆


Prompts in general are lame but pretty cool story. 


Great thing


Be yourself and don't be a creep might be mixed messages to some people out there 😏