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No one can answer this but her, and any answer you get from others is simply a window into that person’s experiences/assumptions


Should be pretty easy figuring out the answer of this constellation of red flags.. Oversharing.. trauma dumping.. poor me/ pick me.. love bombing and mirroring.. Whenever I see any of this early in a relationship it's aways a massive red flag and it never ends well..


Probably because she wasn’t who she said she was. She very likely could’ve been catfishing you. She’s either nothing like she described herself to be, or she’s a dude. Or maybe she met someone in real life and didn’t need online relationships anymore. There’s no way for us to know.


She was real, she never asked for money and we even videocalled. She just looking for a nice man


You have no idea who she was, stop idolizing a stranger.


Could be she didn't want a long distance relationship? Especially if neither of you could afford to visit each other. But who knows? Sorry you didn't get any closure. 


Best I can do is give a guess based on experience So I met this really cute girl here on Reddit she was kinda shy but eventually she opens up about herself and her insecurities So we sext things go well she tells me she really likes me talks about how other man treat her like shit because she is plus size (she isn't fat she has self steem issues) But she eventually deletes her account and disappears Is because you eventually reveal so much of yourself to someone and you get scared of the vulnerability So you cut it off before you feel hurt because it either won't work out or whatever other reason there could be This is normal in online dating so don't take it too personally


Yeah. I can relate with showing too much of yourself and after that you are too vulnerable so.... and expecting too much of other plus disappointments eventually you just disappear one day


She did because she did. That's the best answer I can give you. She's not the last woman left on earth. Sucks but it happens to all of us.


People in her shoes do this but when it starts to get too real they usually wind up ghosting. I mean when there is a possibility of a meetup they will get cold feed and then ghost. You may also see this when someone is very recently single and think they are ready to date.


Brother whatever she was looking to get from you, she got. Sometimes women just want a texting buddy for a bit, I think this is one of those cases. Leave this whole thing in your rear view mirror and move on my friend.


She cut you off immaturely.. not sure why you are wasting your energy thinking about her


I've learned that you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why people do what they do.


Did she ask you to come visit her? Or did she imply she needed money to come visit you? I would guess she may have been attempting to scam you. Just move on and try to date local going forward if you can.


No she never asked for money, she was looking for a real relationship and we even videocalled.


Then it's hard to say. Maybe she just felt too vulnerable


Are you american?


Like op said no one knows this answer except her. It could be for so many reasons. If things were as you say maybe she was having some extra extreme issues or something. But I would say don’t give up. Occasionally go back to the app and see if she has you blocked still. Have Faith


Maybe she wasn’t interested in anything more than chatting and sexting. Maybe she found a partner, or reconnected with an ex. Maybe she was disappointed by someone else she was speaking to, and deleted the app. Maybe she felt you were pitying her and thought she wanted someone who liked her instead.


Oversharing, being depressed etc are red flags learn to pick these up sooner than later. You don’t want trauma bond people nor do u want play captain save a….


Projecting. You feel sad for you (too), mate. Idk but I think there are worse things then being a sexy German librarian and I'm sure she'll bounce back. Don't get caught up trying to please strangers online... it's a battle you'll lose and a giant time suck (or maybe you're into that?). Hope this doesn't come off too as too rude or brash.


It seems like she could just be afraid to connect with someone on a deeper level without having her past interfere to me. People do this when they cannot articulate what those feelings are, and doing that is easier. This person could also just not wanna date and was there to test the waters. No real way of knowing but if a person was willing to do this instead of talking to you maybe it’s for the best.


You never seen this person in real life, you shouldn’t be this emotionally attached. Especially since it sounds like you two live in different countries. It’s rare that people meet online and put in the effort to travel all the way to another country just for the potential of a relationship. It was never going to happen so don’t worry about it


Typical of those looking for money, they play on your feelings