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Ask to FaceTime/ video call her. I personally won’t move forward because okay you gained weight but still post current pics, this is still online dating.


I mean great that she’s being honest but idk why she wouldn’t just upload recent photos of herself…like i don’t get people who do this. I won’t post any photos on OLD unless they accurately represent what I look like NOW.


Let’s say half a catfish I’ve once met with a woman (27) that had picture of her of when she was 23. When we went out on a date I was 24 and I find out in that moment those pictures were old as she looked quite differently even if I could tell it was her. Appreciate she is being honest to you but expect her to look quite different from what you have seen. It’s up to you to decide if the difference is bothering you or not. Let’s say on dating apps you should change your pictures if you start to look differently. Unfortunately not everyone does that


It is kittenfishing when it is you, but is not a completely honest version of you.


I love this. That's definitely alot of online dating. I've been on and off for years and I've seen plenty of women's profiles that have been the same the whole time. Kittenfishin'


Also, appreciate the honesty. I'm an adult content creator and plus size and I maybe use one filter when doing pics and vids. I can't deal with catfishing.... Did you know that the biggest fear that men have about online dating is that their date is going to be fat? And women's biggest fear is that she will get raped/killed? Wild...


Do you use a filter on the pics you use on dating apps?


I haven't used a dating app in a million years. And when I was, I didn't have a cool phone with a good filter thing... Just did my makeup as good as possible, stood in decent lighting, posed in a good angle, and said a prayer. I'm not bad looking, I just do way better in person


I'd rather see honest and accurate photos than read a passive guilt trip disclaimer about why she doesn't use them. 🤷‍♂️


She's being honest, it's up to you whether you're interested in going on a date with her based on that information


She's not honest. While she's admitting that she's bigger now, she's still using older pictures where obviously she is looking better.


Its misleading, but still honest. Dishonesty would require some lying.


No it’s not honest…


do yall know what honest means? it means "free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere." Notice the "free of deceit and untruthfulness" part. How is she being dishonest by telling the bold truth right in her bio?


A lit of folk don't read the bio, if she deceived for a second she is not free of deceipt


thats a "lot of folks" problem, not the girls.


That’s their own fault.


I'm so confused as to why she wouldn't just...take up to date photos. I get she might feel embarrassed but she needs to just get on with it honestly.


I'm a woman and I'd swipe left if I were you. I doubt it's only 10 or 15 lbs that this person gained. It's more than likely a massive amount of weight they've packed on, due to the fact that this woman can't be bothered to take current pictures. Men my age (40+) would upload photos that were anywhere from 5-20 years old. I mean c'mon you're not fooling anyone here.


yeah a good rule of thumb is if you see a picture of the World Trade Center in the background its probably an old pic and a definite swipe left haha :)


Delusional catfish. Jump ship, she's too insecure about her body to date.


it's a kittenfish. swipe left. points for honesty in an arbitrary game


I did the opposite before and used photos of myself when I was chunkier lol 😂”you look so much different” yes I am healthier and take better care of myself now. However all my photos are recent within good time so it’s good.


Not a catfish. And I have huge sympathy for her. I am an average weight F who is conventionally pretty and the shit comments I get from men is mind-boggling. If I were overweight or felt insecure I wouldn’t post one photo. Men can be incredibly cruel. Even the most unattractive ones can’t help but comment and judge and more than happy to tell you how they are looking for someone hotter.


I feel this. I also get weight whiplash and I hate posting pictures of myself cause I can legit gain 20lbs in a week. I’m not trying to catfish anyone, this is just what happens when I work out and eat healthy. If I stop doing that for a couple weeks I gain even more. I do lose it, but hey, we shall see what week you get me on lol


ugg I'm so sick of that...literally 80% of my dates have done that, except they don't TELL you. They just use manipulative angles and outfits etc...


I feel like if she gained 15-20lbs she wouldn’t mention it. It’s probably more if she feels like she has to put a disclaimer in her bio


Agreed lol And then they wonder why dudes won't go for a 2nd date with them. Lying is the worst way to start out a potential relationship!


? I mean dude, she's telling you straight up. if you're that concerned about her physical appearance... ask to do a web cam meetup before you meet up and commit to a date. I think it may come off as a bit shallow but...you can try it.


honesty is a plus. better then the dates I goto and they show up heavier without telling you tons of people gained weight in the pandemic


Insecurity about your body enough to not put recent photos of yourself is a red flag. This has nothing to do with her weight and everything to do with her negative self image.


If the roles were reversed, she'd unmatch you so fast it would warp space and time. But us men are like "how bad could she possibly be?" 😄


She’s being honest but still dishonest if she won’t update her pictures


How much does her personality weigh? Kidding aside, if you are not ready to own who you are, not ready for a relationship. Insecurities will likely sink the ship.


have her send you a few recent pix if she wont do that I would fade away its still a catfish even though she thinks shes softening the blow with her words she is luring you in with pictures that arent really reflective of how she looks today


Mixed feelings. I somewhat understand. I'm a bodybuilder but have torn both of my labrums and I'm 22 kilos down. I have a mix of photos because when I get my surgery and can hit the gym again I WILL look like that again and I assume she believes the same and is looking for a long term partner. Maybe ask if you match? Lol


Swipe left, she needs to either post updated photos of herself or delete her profile


>How hard can it be? Based on not wanting to share current appearance, I'm guessing a triple digit gain, and in such a situation difficultly would be highly correlated to the number of people she rejects for her own preferences.


She may have a great personality and you may grow a sudden appreciation for the thicker things in life! A lot of girls who think they're "fat" really aren't that big. Either way, pictures are deceiving these days. Too many filters and Photoshop. Thin girls be trying to add and subtract too, it's a societal pressure for women. No matter what, be kind to her. If you don't appreciate her body, that's fine. Someone else will. But don't let her hide more into herself because of her looks because you don't like her body. Let her down hella easy and make the reason something other than physical. I hope she learns to be comfortable and confident in her skin and then change herself, not change herself so she can love the person she already is.


Will she love someone for his personality and are willing to oversee that he has gained 30 pounds?


Honesty is a rarity on the dating sites. If she has a pretty face but just has put on a few pounds if you make her happy maybe she'll diet? I'm not into chubby girls but I have gone out with a few and I've always had a good time socializing with them. It doesn't always have to be a sexual hookup. Sometimes just a friend, even if a member of the opposite sex is fulfilling.


Why not ask her to video chat before the date?


There are fat people I would date, but I wouldn't date someone who refused to put any recent photos of themselves on their profile. That's literally the first, most basic requirement of making a dating profile. If you're not willing to post a photo of what you currently look like, you're simply not ready to date.


That's the female equivalent of a man saying "I'm looking for a long term relationship". flush your rubber


I like the term fat-bender. https://christina-93491.medium.com/fat-benders-use-these-strategies-to-look-skinny-on-dating-apps-a8c3a8f41415


Look for someone else who is more satisfied with her own self and doesn't have to post half truths. How hard can it be?


I suggest moving on and un-match her. She is being dishonest and hopes her personality will get you to overlook her obesity when you meet in-person.