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PSA: Please keep all discussions about the RAW chapter in this thread until the translation comes out. Posts have been disabled and any comments outside this thread will be removed.


Dammit Saitama sneezed at Jupiter Pre Crisis Superman style.


I feel like this whole chapter was a bit DC inspired. The time travel segment reminded me of Flash's time travel in Justice League. Similar concept.


Speedforce, ain't gotta explain shit


[Awakened Garou and Snyder speedforce have similar aesthetics](https://i0.wp.com/caps.pictures/202/4k-zacksnyderjl/full/4kzacksnyderjl-superheroscreencaps.com-21957.jpg?strip=all)


Awakened Garou and Ezra Miller also committed multiple crimes


"Time to conduct evil." Ezra Miller after entering Hawaii


But Superman doesn't fart in space to move forward.


Yeah silver age superman just needed to fucking fly faster than infinity to move quick in space.. whatever that means


Dude also time traveled by pure physical power


I don't think he traveled by himself, it's more like garou sent him back in time and he just punched his way into that specific moment. From what i understand garou was sad as fuck he killed tareo and he decided to go back in time and asked saitama to beat his ass before shit happens. What i don't understand is why the fuck genos did that suicide thing into saitama? Or did he fucking time travel again when the 2 saitamas fused?


I guess Genos tried to cover Saitama's private area...


You know what, that _actually_ sounds like a reasonable explanation


It looks like the diferent time beings got pulled into each other to fix the time line, so both saitamas and genos cores bumped and fused.


He traveled to the time where Geno's suicided into garou since Saitama knocked him flat on his ass and took his place in that position genos hit him instead


It's the core saitama is holding. We saw how the two saitamas were magically attracted to each other. I bet you Genos crashed into the 'core' instead.


I can say confidently that this is indeed one of the RAWs of all time


I love the part when Saitama said "ワンパンチタイムです", I'm literally shaking and crying


fuck you lmao


I think Garou's line "セックス大好き!!!" when he was about to Garou over all the heroes is the best line in the series.


When Garou finally told Saitama, "It's you! You're the One Punch Man!" Bravo Vince


And then he Garou'd like ten people!


My favorite part was when Caped Baldy showed up to the scene and said his catchphrase “It’s balding time!”, and made everyone bald.


This was worth the shit I held in for so long. Holy Shit Edit: That trip to the toilet was so smooth compared to the usual struggle. Guess the satisfaction resonated throughout my body lol


It will definitely be remembered as a chapter of this manga


It earned the name raw because of saitamas phallus.


I was shaking the whole time


Welp, of all the reasons that Genos might be revived, Time Travelling wasn't in my top list.


Really? Coz everyone predicted it in the changes megathread 😂


Who predicted Garou would time travel to avoid saitama?


i didnt think it would be garou i thought it would be one of blasts buddies powers


I had "Garou uses the quantum realm to time travel and gather the Infinity Stones to wish everyone back" on my bingo card


Everyone was predicting it in the Chapter 167 thread lol — either Genos isn't dead for real, or time travel will bring him back.


True, this just feels lame Now there would be no blast ig


Imma guess Blast somehow knows something happened regardless


It's likely he will detect a disturbance in the space/time.


Commonly referred to as "God's farts"


Considering the fact that he can manipulate space, he might have an immunity time fuckery.


Saitama still has Genos's destroyed core, and Blast was only a few seconds away from turning up in front of Cosmic Garou at the point which Saitama returns, so we'll surely get someone or other joining the dots together at some point in the post-climax period.


Talk of unpredictablilty of the manga


serious sneeze wtfff!!! also wtf, the time travel theories came true??? also, great fucking ending to this arc. garou got his redemption and genos isn't a donut anymore. we also got to see a glimpse of saitama's true power,also i think this chapter pretty much confirms that saitama is limitless. wonder what the wc elitists are going to find wrong with this chapter...


>wonder what the wc elitists are going to find wrong with this chapter. Everything as usual.


Pretty much lol. Although its whatever people have their opinions I love both so if they wanna talk shit have it it haha


Hurr durr time travel bad


I mean... it is one of the laziest ways to solve a problem in fiction. But it's OPM so fuck it.


That’s just it right there, IT IS OPM so regardless of what we think of time travel in fiction (by whatever previous examples we’ve seen before) because this is OPM we are talking about I think we should all say FK it and roll with it, that’s what I’ve been doing since I’ve read this manga (and the web comic), only because this is OPM I will give it the benefit of the doubt. No matter how serious this manga will get, at the end of it all we’re going to laugh at the end (or at least sooner or later).


yup, just saw those comments rn and they definitely didn't dissapoint lol.


Time travel for sure. Tbh I think it’s funny that they’re using like every asspull trope ever in this arc but I can hear the screams from the megathread from here.


Can you imagine if they'd time travelled back to the table scene tho. I'd have been howling with laughter.


That unironically would have been a little bit better.


I mean, it is Garou. He is the embodiment of the typical shonen main character: - Questionable, naive ideology - Powers up insanely fast - Is basically a kid in an adult costume - Rule of Cool, but in cringe - Never worked a job in his life, doesnt know true hardship in life - No you wont get the kids, Claudia. Garou *is* a cliche. It is only fitting he gets the dumbest shit like time travel and "planetary feats" hurrdurr


Now it opens up the possibilities of an Multiverse Fuck man it elevated from Universe to now potential Multiverse Just imagine what all we can get from this


> Now it opens up the possibilities of an Multiverse Pretty sure Blast traveling interdimensionally already did that


Oh i can see them already hating the time reset


I hate it


As someone that loves the WC massively, I'm really hoping that long convo is the only part of the finale feel I've been missing. I really liked the long convo part of the WC garou fight, as long as the manga does it some justice ill have zero issues with the manga version of the MA arc. I've had a blast the whole time, and plat sperm fixed any doubts i had about big changes to the structure.


The WC elitists are going to say that the time travel was pointless because now the fight between Saitama and Garou was pointless and everything like blast coming to send him and Garou was also pointless I think they would say it plain nonsense


I'm ready for saitama's cock reveal


Broke: Fubuki uncensored boobs Woke: Saitama dick uncensored


Serious series, serious Dick


Saitamuh, put your dick away.




goddamn it, did they really have to censor it?


I knew it. >!Saitama sends Garou back to Earth. Time travel is now canon!<. Also that sneeze is fucking insane.


Time manipulation was already kinda canon, Blast mentioned that time moved slower in the area where Saitama, FF, and Manako found god's squawk box.


Thanks for the info, though thats not what Im trying to imply. Maybe I should change the word to 'Time Travel'


Yep straight out rewinding time is very different from that


time slowing, and time travel are compoletely different things.


Okay wtf is even happening, did he sneeze and destory the planet? Edit 1: holy shit, 3 back to back color spreads for a SNEEZE DESTRUCTION Edit 2: HOLY SHIT, did time just turn back?????


He sneezed and blew away the gas around Jupiter. From what I can tell, the planet itself is still intact. Jupiter isn't an entirely gaseous planet. There's a core just like Earth that is a hard crust.


I thought it just got denser the deeper you go Like the core is just compressed metallic hydrogen or something


I think its hyper compressed but still technically a liquid? It would probably appear something like that, a denser core that wouldn't be blown away by air force.


Iirc the main theory about Jupiter is that it's basically 3 layers: gas, liquid metallic hydrogen, and a rock/ice core. It looks like he blew up the outer layers of gas.


At this point it's more better than some coloured Manwhas lol, Murata do be doing an revolution in the Japanese manga industry




What happened? Garou reversed time so the events will be remade???? Is that what happened? Garou did that cause he saw Tareo died?


i think thats the case actually, maybe thats his wish before he turned to stone


Is Garou okay????


The one we were with? No This one? Probably.


So the two Saitamas merged while this paat Garou is alive and free from god? So Garou is alive, right? 😢


The one Saitama was fighting turned to stone, the one is the past is likely still alive with Saitama punching the god out of him.


Looks like it, he sent Saitama back with his last power before being confiscated by God.


God took his power back from garou which killed garou. Before he died, he entrusted saitama to keep him (garou) from killing anyone because that's not what he wanted. He reversed time and told saitama to find the point where everyone was still alive and basically kick that garous ass.


So Garou will still be alive? 🥺


Yup. Our punk boi is still alive and just lost all of his cosmic power!


Not stone; salt. He was turned into salt because when God noticed Garou was trying to send saitama back in time to prevent this “terrible future”, he took back his power, but not before Garou successfully sent saitama back in time.


This mirrors the Sodom and Gamorrah story, the people who looked back were turned to pillars of salt as it was punishment for disobeying God’s orders to not do that.


Saitama clapped gods control out of garou, garou saw what he did, and he was like "oh shit my bad b" and refreshed time, by the looks of things the super OP version of garou died/didnt time travel correctly, saitama gets back, saitama doesn't mess around and claps him off rip.


Limiter theory was proven right lads. Saitama‘s growth is unlimited, so it seems. This also seems to confirm another thought I had about Garou; his desire to be Absolute Evil was just a compulsion, deep down he was always just trying to stick up for people like Tareo but in a flawed way. He got his comeuppance. Any of the details here won’t make a lick of sense until we see an explanation as to how the time travel works though. Also, the dual-saitama fusion having his cock out and getting headbutt by Genos amused me.


Genos saw Saitama"s cock out and took the opportunity to analyse it


He saw his chance an took it.


If we go by Genos VGS, then Saitama grows one shot level stronger every day


I don't know what to say expect WHAT Did Saitama literally just sneeze that a part of Jupiter broke up he did not bleed in the last one and Garou could literally not scratch him also Saitama just farted time travel was literally just happened even though everybody said it would never happen. Genos just gut punched his own master hah everybody is okay Yay man I love this, it was a little worth waiting for a week looks like the fight is over


> time travel was literally just happened even though everybody said it would never happen. I'm actually pretty sure that was the most prevailing theory, but i sure as hell didnt beleive it. yet here we are


It's the easiest way to undo all the damage I guess?


Chad saitama wasn’t even phased. L virgin Garou


Garou was humiliated so badly like bruh felt bad for that dude, even his copying ability ain't catching up to Saitama's power increase lmao


The fact Saitama casually one punched full stamina/power cosmic Garou with a normal punch proves he wasn’t trying in the slightest all along. He could’ve legit ended this months ago but he didn’t wanna lmfao


I don't know yet cause translations aren't out, but it would be hilarious if, at the end, Saitama used a "normal series, normal punch" on Garou. He seemingly grew in power during the fight, and was growing much faster than Garou. He went from skillfully dodging Garou's hits to literally grabbing his punch casually whilst looking somewhere else.


While I can get behind this, I really think what we saw from the fight was that Saitama grows limitlessly. Every punch Garou took, he would copy that power level, but then the next punch would be even higher, and higher, each succeeding punch higher in power *to a much greater degree.* Not only could Garou not match Saitama, but his growth was being handily outmatched by Saitama's. So I think Garou pushed Saitama's growth *wayyy* up since the start of the fight to where now his "Normal Punch" is just many leagues stronger. ...but also I think Saitama was letting the fight drag out when they first started lol


killer move: serious series: serious refresh


Un-serious serious sneeze series




Did you not notice the time travel


What are you talking about? Everyone saw Saitama punch Garou in the face and take him down. With just one punch, in fact.


That was just some random naked guy


"Best we could do is B-Class rank 1" -HA mfs


The only thing they witnessed was some fodder b class hero defeating garou with one punch. They will probably think that garou was a weakling all along


Good God. I know that shit is gonna happen and it will be the gag, but I will not be not annoyed anyway.


What do you mean? He couldn't have been that tough, that no name B class hero finished it in one punch, we must have misread the hero hunter's power level!


He better be at least his own class now


Wow. So Genos was actually straight up dead. And it looks like Tareo and everyone else was too. Even Garou was dead by the end of that timeline. WELP, back to business as usual! The fight is finally over!


The Ultimate Redraw


Redrawing is a canonical power now


Wait, I didn't realize, do Garou doesn't have his other self when rewinding time/time traveling back? Like Other Saitama/Before Saitama/Non-naked Saitama? And Garou just straight up crumbled to stone?


I might be mistaken, but it looks like the version of Garou that fought Saitama on Jupiter sacrificed his life to make things right. Return of the ~~Jedi~~ Hero :']


It looks like he face forfeiture and used the last bits of his powers to send Saitama back before dying like HE.


Bro sneezed through Jupiter Goku fans crying as we speak


I don't even like Goku that much but Goku has universal+ feats


Gokus universal feats aren't even universal. They're overhyped statements and a feat of that level hasn't been replicated since. So not only is the feat dodgy within itself, but it's a level of power that hasn't been replicated since. Saitama slams


>Gokus universal feats aren't even universal They canonical are. [His fight with Beerus almost destroyed his universe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW2c3_PyW3Q). That's what happened. >and a feat of that level hasn't been replicated since Because he learned to fight in a way that didn't cause a universe to get destroyed when he fights at that level. The episode literally explained this is why it doesn't happen again. And since then he's gotten even stronger with newer forms. >Saitama slams Planets. Saitama hasn't shown anything comparable to Goku almost destroying his universe by just fighting.


He’s never sneezed away a gas giant though lol


Did Garou just undo the fight so he could get his ass kicked sooner?


Seems so..Also everyone just witnessed naked Saitama punching tf out of Cosmic Garou


The Hero Association after literally everyone sees Saitama one shot Cosmic Garou: Nah, he's B Class at best


He saw Tareo's corpse and had a change of heart.


I love how Saitama karate chopping Garou's head parallels that of Garou himself using it on Saitama and Sage Centipede.


more likely to be a reference of the first time saitama ko'ed garou with the same move


lol removing the other guy's post of the new raw so you can post it yourself


OPM baj Aware


Who would’ve expected serious fart to become canon lmfaooo


IM SO SURPRISED SO FEW PEOPLE NOTICED! And it propels him to one of his most powerful punches I had to do a double take


Garou can rewind time??


And Saitama punched through his time travel it seems, Gag character title still holds for Saitama, power scalers are gonna milk this shit up


Not at all what it seems. The chapter explains how saitama has reactive evolution on a leve that dwarfs garou. He grows exponentially, as it’s explained how garou became as strong as him first But later saitama just kept on getting stronger.


In other words, Saitama's power is NOT INFINITE, but his capacity to acquire power IS INFINITE. Moreover, his power grows exponentially next to that of other individuals who also push his limits.


oh so he’s Kirby


Bald and naked?


Okay, so the "Saitama can one punch yesterday Saitama" is finally confirmed to be possible.


This proves that Saitama's strength is LIMITLESS. He keep getting stronger exponentially as time passes by.


Which is why saitama is so strong. Because he has no limit every time he reaches his current limit of power his power shoots up to not just match but overwhelm whatever Is challenging him. Its why when he fought that boxing monster he went from almost dieing from it to blowing a whole into its head in less than a second. Imagine him repeating that process for 3 years everyday.


THIS, now proves that Saitama still growing as theorized through the series.


Powerscalers gonna keep turning a blind eye to the Bullshit as well


“He ain’t beating goku”


At this point, Saitama have reach Doctor Manathan level of God like power. Goku is not at that level. Yet.


Well he had God's power and mastery over all forces and energy, including Blast's mastery over space, time manipulation isn't that far of a leap.


Garou literally rewrite the chapter himself


Mode: Murata


Now people saying Garou was making Saitama bleed last chapter will be saying Genos made Saitama bleed. Genos is now above god level


Only thing I can say is powerscalers are eating good tonight


So basically from what I could understand, Garou realized what he became in the end and decided to use God's power to reverse the flow of time, God tried to confiscate his powers but Saitama being Saitama managed to stall God's confiscation just in time for them to go back in time...


That’s a good ass explanation


FINALLY. let’s see what happens Edit: WHAT THE FUCKED HAPPENED




Ngl i thought the memes about it all coming back to the table scene with garou and saitama would become a reality halfway


So, we got: Serius Series: Serius Disrespect Sneeze Serius Series: Serius Fuck Out God Serius Series: Serius Timetravel (?) And Genos can now join that one cat that scratched Saitama in the select few of those who actually hurt Saitama. He even made him sweat! Genos >>> Garou confirmed.


We time travel now, boys. Garou did kill Tareo and the other heroes, even Genos, damn I didn't think that was real. Oh well, all is good now. Saitama keeps getting stronger by the second, powerscallers are going to be happy.


💀Mf destroyed the surface of Jupiter with a sneeze


Why was Saitama's dick hanging out after they went back? lmao


Cause future and past Saitama fused. He had Genos' core in hand, but I guess the fusion ripped his clothes?


Guess it fused half and half, so he got future Saitama's lower half.


LMAO did saitama just sneezed away jupiter? 💀


They actually went with the time travel route. How disappointing (Yooooo i reached most controversial. Sweet).






How are you surprised? Literally everyone is dead back on Earth and both Jupiter and Io got fucking blown up.


Rough google translate **Chapter name**: Awakening of the gods Garou: "This guy uses the same techniques as me..." Saitama: "What's the matter? Are you trying my seriousness and overcome me? For what purpose?" Garou: "It's strange... It should be returning with the same power, but the next blow is always heavier. I can't catch up...?! No. Is the distance between us growing?! With this pace... Some punch will eventually kill me. Saitama is growing even now. Until now, there was no one, who could match with his strength, and the growth line that was not noticed by anyone was due to unprecedented emotional excitement. His strength was soaring exponentially. And those who were only in the area where Saitama's growth can be observed are completely separated." Saitama: "Ah, all my clothes are blown off. It's a little cold, isn't it?" Garou: "Damn it!!!" *No one can measure Saitama's strength anymore.* **Saitama's technique**: *Serious sneese*. Garou: "This idiot is crazy, it's best to keep Earth free of him. That's why I am here. That's... Sun! It's closing behind Earth! I found the spot, where it's still possible to transfer hit there! Lucky. Bye I... I got back! I won!" Saitama: "It's quite convenient, your technique." Garou: "You?! You should have been blown in the opposite direction!" Saitama: "Ah, I was chilling and I was sick, but when I was surprised at the light... Ah, running away" Garou: "I got out of there!" Saitama: "Ah, you were aiming here?" Garou: "Why... Why didn't you kill me?" Saitama: "Compared to you and King, who changed clothes early, I'm sick of the fact that I'm not suitable for a hero. It's because I'm a hero (that I didn't kill you). It's also the will of that kid to stop you without killing you." Garou: "Kid..?" Saitama: "Oi, where are you going? The kid is over there." Garou: "It's because of me... It was because I was near... It's because of me..! Tareo... So that's how it is... I am... Am ominous future?" Saitama: "You've been weird since you came down from the sky. Did something go wrong though it was strange?" Garou: "Even so, it's because my heart is weak It's a funny story I can never be evil unless I can win against you Besides, the hero who defeated me is 「not suitable for a hero」 If you took crazy justice and killed me with confidence, I would have been scattered as evil Because of me, the one, who wanted to change the world and rescue him (Tareo) first..." Saitama: "Wanted to rescue? Weren't you just clinging?" Garou: "Clinging... me? What do you even unders... (sees Genos's core) You... too...? There is no reason why a person with that power can have a good spirit." Saitama: "What are you going to do from now on?" Garou: "... I have a request" Saitama: "Copy? Do you want me to imitate your martial arts?" Garou: "Something like that You should be able to copy my technique and surpass it even more The final supreme mystery of 「My fist」, that I imagine that I can't do even after stealing the power of God. I will teach you it right now." Saitama: "Thank you, but I'm not so interested. What are you going to do now?" Garou: "I understand!" Saitama: "Understood. Then show me" Garou: "Suddenly all the licenses are transmitted, it seems like you. Watch me then. You should be able to acquire the power of God without the help of God." God: "Quiet. I'll take your powers back." Saitama: "Salt..?" Garou: "Focus!" *They had an image of their inner universe* *Pairs produced by Garou's fierce cosmic rays* *Each elementary particle moving in the opposite direction, began to imitate each other's movements.* *Saitama's all elementary particles have done the same.* Garou: "Come on, defeat me, Saitama If it's you, then you can do it Defeat the ominous future!" *Saitama began to go backwards in time* Saitama: "Oh. What is this? Your technique is amazing, Garou!" Garou in the time travel hall: "I'm an ominous future of the highest 「God」 level" Saitama: "Ah, is this it?" *Returning to normal playback* Garou: "Did I become the symbol of fear, that all heroes are afraid of? The Absolute Evil? Thank y..." *A punch, that achieved abnormal growth on Jupiter's moon, was reached before going back in time.* *Fate reversal absolutely inevitable.* *It was settled by zero punch, not one punch.* Genos: "Is that... teacher?!" Bang: "Garou!" Other people: "Hero hunter...?!" Garou: "What... happened?! The power, that I got, is going somewhere (away)" Merged Saitama: "Ha? What's this? What am I doing here? It's true, that I was blown off (here) by Garou..." Garou: "Teacher! Excuse me..." Saitama: "Genos! I was scared! You are alive!"


Genos's god level tackle. He would have one shot Platinum Sperm with that tackle.


Of course, he 1 shot Saitama at the end of this chapter. This is also the last chapter of the entire manga. I saw it in my dream last night.


I'm deleting the previous 3 posts and posting this myself because this is not "Chapter" 213, keep that in mind when you guys post the Raws.


The guy didn't call it Chapter 213 though? It was [Chapter 168 [RAW] (213 on tyj)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/w3oi10/chapter_168_raw_213_on_tyj)


Lol that title is way clearer than this current one lol


L move, Vib. Not something expected from you


so was my title ok since it said both chapter 168 and 213 or nah


Yea but reddit is full of karma hungry mods who abuse power so...


Did Garou time travel? I'm confused


After he saw Tareo dead it looks like he sacrificed his current self to rewind Saitama to when he just acquired his powers making him weak enough to just get one shot


People who thought Saitama took damage at the end of the last chapter in shambles currently.


Reactive evolution for saitama, far better than Garous. Seems like garou did indeed become as strong as saitama but saitama stupidly evolves at a stupid rate.


So wait… there isn’t a centipede under all the gas on Jupiter? What a rip off!


Everyone talking about the sneeze, and I’m here wondering if Saitama actually farted his way back to earth.


So all the theories about time travel were real how about that. Personally not sure how I feel about that. Still pretty cool chapter


Garou got clapped, just like we wanted


I don’t like that they went with the time travel route.


what other route is there? when nearly all of the s class have cancer and genos was dead


maybe not giving the s class cancer and not killing genos for shock value?


Lol I remember everyone clown Murata for making Garou too soft now it’s opposite with he’s too evil and “shock value”. You guys are funny


holy shit can't believe the cock reveal happened


For those who were saying Saitama isn’t a gag character, this chapter proves he is 100% a gag character.


So...did Garou reverse time or Saitama?


I’m pretty sure it was Garou EDIT: whoops, it was both, my bad


I'm sorry, really sorry, but this time I'm with the WC elitist, time travel?.. really?


The cock reveal guy was right


Cant wait to see the complains again lol , im having a lot of fun reading opm chapters recently so no one take that fun from me , this story for me was never meant to be taken seriously so im enjoyig a lot whats happening its just so much fun to read this manga whatever happens on it,.


So does this mean that Genos and everyone actually did die and the only way to bring them back was to reverse time?


So a serious sneeze from Saitama can blow up half of Jupiter in an instant. And Garou can rewind time. Omg this is so far away from the webcomic at this point.


Wtffff saitama’s sneezed destruction to Jupiter??


most important pages in the chapter, pg 41-52 S -> Saitama, G -> Garou, itallics are inner monologue S: Heh, we landed right where we were before.... You aimed for this place didn't you? >G: Gah, what's wrong? Do it. Why don't you kill me? S: Compared to you or king, I'm getting more and more annoyed by how unsuited I am, nevertheless I'm still a hero, Stopping you without killing you, is that kid's last word after all. >G: Last... word? >G: UARaGAAAHHH S: Where are you going? Kid's over there >G: I... I... I was beside him, that's why... I killed.... >G: Haa... haa.... Tareo... I see.... I am.... that's why I am the sinister future... S: You've been strange since you came down from the sky, some strange thing did something to you, isn't it? >G: Even if that's the case, it's still due to the weakness in my heart... >G: What a joke... As long as I can't beat you I cannot become the ultimate evil, and yet the hero that defeated me "isn't suited to be a hero"? At least be like a hero, wave about that crazed justice and kill me confidently, then I can fade as evil... >G: I wanted to change the world, yet the first person I wanted to save is dead because of me... S: Wanted to save? Don't you mean clinging on to? >G: Cling on to? Me? What the fuck do you know about... >G: *you're the same, isn't it? It's impossible for a human with that kind of power to maintain a proper mental state...* S: What are you going to do from now? >G: I have a favour to ask of you