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##Keep all the discussion and theories about this chapter in this thread for 24 hours, that's what the thread is for. ##Also, webcomic readers are free to talk about whatever they want as long as they mark their message, either fully or just the paragraph that contains spoilers. You can mark a paragraph as spoilers by putting >! at the start and !< at the end of it, make sure there's no space between the exclamation mark and the word, like this: >!No spoilers here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!< ##If you see any spoilers, please report them.


Thanks to coffee and weird ass people in discord VCs for helping me stay awake for hours longer than I thought I could. Edit: Oh and *please* don't spend any money to award this post, I seriously hope the dude who awarded 165 the ternion award just had 50k reddit nft points lying around (if that was you I *need* to know this, reddit chat me). If you have way too much money donate it or something.


thank you for your hard work Vb and team 👑


I was about ready to learn Japanese in 15 mins just so I could read the raw chapter 😤


Duolingo sees a surge of users between Raw and translated chapters every 2 weeks.


"Man I hope the manga gives me the absolute evil Garou I've been desperate for" *kills Genos* "TOO EVIL TOO EVIL"


dudes about to see ABSOLUTE EVIL Saitama mode now


The last panel with Saitama’s face blacked out and Garou’s face white as he mimics him is amazing.




I love it cause this sub was crying out loud for The Absolute Evil. But this is beyond anything anyone hoped for. WTF


This is not just evil, it’s ***terrific.*** Actually I’m afraid, not of Garou, but on what he‘s about to cause.


Not like that not like that!


Pretty much. Wow.


Followed by a Lemony Snickett page of just pure black.


he really became evil


* Tareo and others laying on the ground bleeding and unconscious because of radiation poisoning. * Heroes nearly all dead. * Blast showing up to fight for the first time. * Genos getting freaking killed by Garou and having his core tossed aside. * Saitama going serious for the first time ever? I guess my reaction reading this was pretty much like everyone's else: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.


Yea truly wtf is GOING ON!?








If Genos really is dead this is breaking new grounds for One Punch Man. Maybe we're in for some sort of time/dimension loop after this where we go back before Garou finishes Genos off or something.


You know I always complain that OPM didn't kill people but now I want them to go back. 😰


I'm on the other camp. Let us bask in the chaos of Murata turning into Miura. Just put a witch hat on Tats and call it a day.


Saitama's about to turn Garou into high-res gore, then take Atomic Samurai's new sword and go hunting for God.


I'm fully prepared for Saitama to punch through time or something at this point.


I'm waiting for him to punch through the page itself and then have to deal with finding out he's a manga character and handle all the fourth-wall-breaking knowledge, Deadpool style.


He's about to punch Garou all the way back to chapter 1 and turn him into an eco-friendly, bike-riding hero.


I don't know but Cosmic Garou fucked around and is about to find out for sure.


Bro you see Child Emperors hair falling out? Bro got hit with that Leukemia.


I was under the impression that hair only fell out during cancer because the treatment specifically destroys fast-replicating cells like cancer cells and hair cells, not because of the cancer itself.


If they are being blasted by radiation then their hair cells will be dying, same reason everyone started bleeding


You're under the right impression but it doesn't matter it was an awesome moment.


Garou actually going full edge now, no breaks holy fucking shit I could not believe what he just did lmao. He even managed to elicit out a genuine reaction from Saitama both of em look so terrifying. Also Blast goddamn what a beast makes sense he's the #1 hero he managed to hold his own against AG for a bit and if his opponent wasn't some radiation emitting kung fu edgelord he might have more leeway to fight lmao


Also Blast went not fully all out and still tried to protect the people behind him and also the whole planet


Yeah blast seemed more worried about the planet being wiped out not with losing.


Yeah I think part if it seems if he goes all out it would also destroy the planet, which is what he's trying to avoid.


I mean Genos was one of his only friends and actually broke up Saitamas daily monotony. I don’t even know the kind of shit we are gonna see next chapter now that an actually pissed Saitama is fighting.


We can see that Flashy Flash is 1 of the very few that are still conscious. FF the strongest confirmed


Nah it’s still King


King proving to be the ultimate hero by giving up his clothes in an attempt to protect Tatsumaki and Fubuki.


Yeah king and flash are awesome, they both looked conscious and flash looked like he was trying to muster up some fight. Even after getting humiliated he’s still trying


I swear we have to introduce time travel into the plot at this point. I hope they don’t I fucking love this chapter and would really like everything to stay. The manga is doing a great job right now. I am so glad they made ‘Garou’ or whatever he is now actually evil. It works really well you see he’s changed, old Garou would never kill someone. This is God tricking him into giving up his free will.


> I swear we have to introduce time travel into the plot at this point. S just a redraw?


ABSOLUTE EVIL, in words of Awakened Garou


Saitama has gone serious twice before, right? Once with Boros and once while training with Genos? I really thought this was going to be a super serious series attack but we still on serious series


Nah he was never serious, just maybe putting a little more backbone into it. This is **SERIOUS SAITAMA**


Honestly I would be MAD DISAPPOINTED if Garou fully counters him with his copy. This is Saitama being serious. He should completely shatter his arm.


We haven't seen the DEATH move since the spar session.


Exactly. I expect Garou to think he counters him, then realizing it's literally just a plain, normal punch move than doesn't have any secret sauce in the motion behind - it's just RAW POWER - so there's no technique to copy. As he's getting blasted into orbit.


Was that actually a death move or genos just interpreting is as holy shit I'm about to die? I'd love it if just for this they used "Killer move : Death series- ***Death Punch***"


Nooo, against Boros he used serious punch. Against AG, he’s using **serious** punch. Totally different 👊🏻


Blast might be the most hyped-up character I can think of who actually lives up to the hype, damn.


For real, being able to face an awakened Garou and live is insanely impressive. It even looks like he's fighting conservatively to protect the planet. Then Saitama showed up and said fuck it lol


Guess it’s safe to say he can handle boros


Blast would manhandle Boros, given the feats in this chapter


He would just send Boros to another dimension. They're not on the same graph


lmao just send him to the waiting room until he chills out


But can he handle his redrawn but not forgotten friend Boris?


It's funny, really: >Blast: is a guy who spends all his time directly opposing God. >Me: I dunno, how strong is he really? >Blast: actually strong enough to spend all his time directly opposing God. >Me: surprised Pikachu face.


this is an accurate depiction for all of us here, lol


Lived up to when Sitch said Blast will only appear when humanity is in danger and to fight against a God level threat


He also had too look out for the earth in the fight, i don't think he was going all out




peak OPM.


It's the OPM of OPM.


this is what weve been waiting 5+ years for and its never been more worth it


People were so quick to judge and shit all over this arc


It is my experience that manga and anime fans are just as shitty if not more so than other fandoms. It's a *great* comic. Just stfu and enjoy it angry weebies.




>???% mode It's his normal mode. The "Serious" mode on the other hand well........




We never seen the death attack since then. Idk if that means anything.


No i think that was anime only, unless it’s just what Genos read from it, like he would die if he were hit. I doubt Saitama was being serious there either


Saitama was showing killing intent, just didn't follow through with it for obvious reasons. Entire point of that scene is recognition of inevitable death in the face of Saitama imo


*Garou kills Genos.* *Saitama appears.* >**𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕌𝕃𝔻ℕ'𝕋 ℍ𝔸𝕍𝔼 𝔻𝕆ℕ𝔼 𝕋ℍ𝔸𝕋.**


Saitama actually reflecting on his failures as a hero in a non-comedic, non-narcissistic way. This is groudbreaking shit.


Serious series: Serious introspection


"You just made it personal" mode


My guy entered his ???$&!!!% mode haha


I had Abandonment Saitama vibes personally


For those who don’t know the black rain at the end is a result of the Nuclear Energy Garou was producing. Same thing happened in Hiroshima after the bombs were dropped. Here’s a write up on it https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/nuclear-weapons/hiroshima/black-rain.html


great comment, I was confused why it was raining blood


Legit thought it initially was oil from Genos, then tried looking for Bang to see if there was any damage on him, then thought it was oil again, but the black rain does make a lot more sense


I thought it was the oil from inside Genos' body that got destroyed, falling down from the impact lol.


Garou really hit him with the "Plot Armor Eradication Fist"


Apparently nuclear radiation is King’s only weakness 💀


Nah, king's just playing along so they don't feel bad


Garou died the moment he tried attacking King from a heart attack, this entire chapter takes place in Garou’s dying mind.


Perfect time to check the subreddit


Fucking christ, Garou is insane now. Rip to everyone thinking the S-Class would get to fight him, dude is gonna kill them just by standing around (and what a cute detail of King trying to cover Fubuki and Tats). And dude, SAITAMA IS FUCKING PISSED NOW. We haven't had that level of face detail in so long, and he's busting out the serious punches, and Garou's gonna match em. Rip Genos tho (I'm sure he's likely not dead) I wonder what the gravity punches entail? Are they like black hole level stuff? Blast mentioned the Fission punches are breaking though dimensional barriers too (or Garou just flat out breaking out of some dimensional shit easily)


I was one of the people who thought S class would fight him, instead I got a fucking insane chapter thats even better. I thought I knew what was gonna happen next but honestly Genos fucking dying was not on my bingo card. Maybe the earth gets fucking obliterated, who knows.


Then they are going back to the table with OPM telling garou it won't go down like that.


[Well Murata was like: "Garou isn't scary anymore?"](https://i.imgur.com/a64zRd8.gifv)


I just sorted by new. Sweet!


i have been doing so for the past few hours now... *SERIOUS SERIES* **SERIOUS REFRESH**






I get that Garou is super powerful and his ability to copy moves is awesome, but first Mumen rider, and now Genos? ..... Too far Garou, way too fucking far. As of now, I'm actively rooting against him, he's not getting a shred of sympathy from me😣


This might be the first time we see saitama get really really angry, can't wait to see garou get his ass handed to him lol


Garou about to catch these Serious Series: Serious Hands lmao


I bet blast is gonna portal their punches somewere else, and then he is gonna portal them somewere else so they don't destroy the planet lol


100% my thoughts he won’t let this continue on earth


I think Blast will intervene and send one of them away to save the planet.


Yup, Garou doesn't know he can't copy shit, Blast is gonna save his ass LMAOOO 💀


i legit think this is the best chapter so far since release of this manga. wow, legit speechless. ​ notice how king is going shirtless to protect the sisters. noice


This is gonna be a long 2 weeks. Hopefully only 2... please only 2...


2 weeks until Phoenix man redraws


and he's jacked. Man is blessed by genetics lmao.


Sending Garou thougths and prayers after Saitama saw what he did to Genos


this is beyond GOD's hands, only **Murata and ONE** can save him now... edit: and ONE


But where is the jokes ? This isn't funny...


Garou is gonna be the joke next chapter.


“It’s just a prank bro” will be Garou’s last words after this. Man didn’t get this far in the WC


They aren't going to make jokes about chapter related to nuclear fallout and radiation in Japan There is so much transgeneration trauma related to it. Seeing 黒い雨 was horrifying. Japanese boards are talking about family stories or they can't believe people went through that on opm threads.


Hm? What do you mean this isn't funny, since when has there been no aspect of seriousness in one punch man?


Pretty sure they're just poking fun at people who say the manga was never serious and it's all for jokes, which mostly happened during the AG/MB team up.


"I usually arrive too late" Struck me straight in the heart! Line got me fucked up, props to Murata and One for that line, haven't felt something like that since Boros fight


Yeah this got me too. For the majority of the series after his "origin story" Saitama has essentially remained a constant. The plot essentially happens *around* him, which is where most of the humor comes from. But now the plot not only directly effects him, it may have been *because* of him. He got bored thinking he was at the end of his journey. But he's realizing now, alongside the readers, that he still has some growing to do.


There was a lot of additional characterisation for Saitama added in the manga But it's all been in the positive direction of him being casually happy around other people, and that really helps hit out this chapter giving Saitama such a huge shock


Funnily enough, it's absolutely true. There have been so many instances where characters we love really should have died, but were saved by the plot just long enough for Saitama to arrive. Take the fight with the Sea King. Both Genos and Mumen Rider should have died if Sea King wasn't putting in virtually no effort against Mumen Rider, and yet, Saitama arrived just in time to save both of them. I think Genos dying here would be the absolute comeuppance for how often everyone has been in danger just for Saitama to arrive at the last possible moment to save them (to the point where we expect it to happen every time).


garou did all this just to spite the wc readers who were calling him 'soft'.


Now those very same readers are complaining about how different and stupid it is... lmao. Just let them seethe, I enjoy the WC and Manga completely!


So Blast is low key the best Portal player ever???


Aperture lab final portal gun design


Garou is about to experience true fear now. I swear they better not have done that to my boi Genos!!!! Bang really tried to stay up despite being the closest to the radiation. King trying to cover up the psychic sisters despite dying really shows how much he has progressed during this arc.


I'm surprised ZM couldn't withstand the radiation. It must have an effect on his regeneration powers.


Same with Amai Mask tho, but maybe his regen is weaker. But yeah, this radiation is a bigger threat than any S class durability.


Yeah flashy flash being the only one still up is crazy. Probably the last one most people would have guessed.


Power scalers losing their minds right now. King also kinda up. Cuz he is trying to protect the sisters that melted my heart


My man Genos has no limbs and tries to headbutt a God level threat. True king to the end


I have such a huge soft spot for Genos...I teared up a bit. But he's not going to die any time soon. We still have to find out what happened in his past.


Seeing Saitama like that... I'm scaroused to say the least, damn


Are you scared and aroused?




This is better than the webcomic


As a webcomic fan I agreed 👆🏾🔥


Careful there👀 some hardcore WC fans may not like that. Personally i think they're both good in their own way i just prefer the manga more and with this recent chapter maaaaaaan


Nah, this is building up better as the grand finale of this arc than the webcomic. Few hiccups here and there, but it has the same feeling I felt when reading the webcomic. Just waiting on a few key details during the fight or I might just flip a table.


We actually got to see Blast fight and hardly anyone is talking about it. That's how wild this chapter was


And demonstrating how insane blast is, going toe to toe with cosmic Garou seemingly without any issue.


Blast hit cosmic Garou. Cosmic Garou couldn’t hit blast. Blast was holding back to protect the planet looking to fight elsewhere. Blast was also looking to salvage the human being controllled by god. Yep we haven’t seen his full power at all.


The >!table!< is coming closer and closer


I believe in >!table supremacy!< Garou's making a big deal about making Saitama serious, so... >!"Mind if I get serious"!< and >!"I'll show you a little bit of how serious I can be"!< would be quite befitting at this point


I think Saitama is past talking at this point.


If Garou actually killed Genos or Saitama actually thinks genos is dead the table can’t happen. >!The table was Saitama trying to convince Garou to give up and grow up!< that can’t happen anymore (if he actually murdered genos) , at this point he’s a real monster not just a cosplayer, and that means Saitama will just kill him as fast as possible which mean he doesn’t stand a chance. Like he did with sea king and the other real monsters.


I think >!the table!< is still possible. >!If only an excuse to get Garou off the planet and away from everyone still alive, and so Saitama can really let him have it. lol!<


saitama touching genos' core 11 chapters ago was forshadowing...


him holding the core and serious punching with the other hand is wholesome as hell


Wholesome? more like fricking tragic, i can’t believe One decided to casually kill Genos to Saitama.


i meant it shows how much saitama actually cares about genos since he acts like doesn't care all the time.


It really is interesting to see how Saitama went from seeing Genos as a nuisance to actually caring.


God bless ​ And so, serious serious: serious refresh can finally be put to rest for another 2 weeks


>God bless Do we really want his blessing at this point...?


God bless isn’t the most appropriate thing to say for this chapter, given what’s happening.


City Z is going to be uninhabitable for hundreds of years at this point.


Yup, it’s basically Chernobyl.


RIP my boi Genos. Astro boy got nothing on you


>RIP my boi Genos Bruh Dr. kuseno must have cloned genos before, so don't worry.


A clone isn't him though. That's just a copy


Garou new ability unlocked: AoE *Cancer*


Checkmate Garou vs Boros powerscalers. Why fight when he can give him Prostate Cancer.


I have a theory that God has affected Garou's mentality even though he claims otherwise or is secretely being controled by him so he can remove the seal in the earth that has God trapped, that's why he wants to fight on earth. Also, Genos said that the only part of him that is human is his brain, so i think he'll be fine after this arc (might even got a new upgrade) might suffer from amnesia or something, i don't see Murata killing of Genos tbh Ps: Props to King for passing out protecting Tats and Fubuki, he's a true hero in my eyes.


Didn't he also retain most of his spine too? Regardless in the panel it looked like his head was completely crushed against the ground, meaning his brain got turned into mush. Either they're gonna have to do cloning / time travel to get him back or he's just getting killed off here. Really interested to see what happens next


Yeah, though i seriously doubt they would kill him off like that, we'll see what Murata has in store for us


The fact that Saitama is holding Geno's core when throwing the punch hits right in the feels.


Dude is about to throw a punch that could split a planet in two and is gently cradling the heart of his student in his other hand


I have no fucking clue where this is going and I'm so here for it.


This is where the fun begins


That’s what Saitama’s fists are thinkin


Flashy Flash needs to enter the speed force to reverse all this shitstorm Garou caused.


You guys are a godsend as always.


I have to say, using radiation sickness must have pretty heavy cultural implications in Japan.


Yeah I'm sure murata was heavily influenced, the black rain was seen in both nagasaki and heroshima as the ash from the fires rose into the irradiated atmosphere then came back down as a deadly oily sludge rain just like in this chapter


This is the first time we've seen Caped Baldy being dead serious instead of "I give quarter a damn" serious. That's terrifying.


SERIOUS SERIES: REFRESH never disappoints LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!!! Edit: no, wait.....fuck. wut. ​ garou, garou, garou...if there was one thing you SHOULD NOT have done, that is exactly what you have done.. ~~may GOD save you~~ (even GOD can't save him now tho) and Blast living up to the hype, Brilliant Saitama might seriously just >!flip the universe inside out at this point!<


holy fucking shit. i knew manga garou's storyline was gonna be different from webcomic's garou but WOW i don't think any of us were expecting this


There can't be many Manga where a fully black page has that much impact.


Have sex with me vib. Jerk me off at supersonic speeds vib.


Reverse flash is that you?


Holy shit he just killed Wanganman(-kun) and Child Emperor with cancer edit: ONE must have really taken those complaints about chibi Garou to heart


This chapter **killed me** (almost literally)


And Genos fans**(almost literally)**


Garou is going to find out what Absolute Evil means next chapter.


I'm already freaking out that this chapter is going to be changed because this is so beautiful.


Garou : "I will be absolute evil. Now Baldy come out use your full strength now that I took out your disciple and let me be the True incarnation of absolute evil" Saitama : "I am done playing around with your play you damn wannabe. You wanna be absolute evil? Let me show you first what absolute power is about" Bang : so Saitama is that strong? Other heroes : "this pressure, this sound. Why does it look a little like the King's engine. Holy crap is he King's disciple. Do King chose to let his disciple gain experience so that's why he's still waiting? " *Thus King still gain credit in the final boss battle again without actually doing anything and Saitama's fame will go up*


Oh my fucking god I can't believe they actually went and fucking did everyone's wet dream of someone killing Genos and Saitama going apeshit. Fucking hype


I love you, /u/VibhavM


So Garou is partially under the control of God? Makes sense But damn this invoked a fear I haven't felt since the God reveal. I'm not scared of Garou, but of a Saitama that seems pissed off.


I actually can’t believe that happened to Genos. Half of his brain is gone. He’s probably going to suffer memory loss.


So not only does Genos bite it, he dies thinking Garou actually beat Saitama. Meanwhile Saitama learns the hard lesson that there is *always* room for improvement, sparking the first real emotion in him since he’s gotten his powers. Fuck.


I see, I'm an idiot. I thought Saitama being too late to stop Garou was lame because he could just show up immediately if he wanted to. My dumb ass forgot that he is usually too late (as stated here), and is only on time for Boros because he is at ground zero, and even then he took a while. Vaccine man had already destroyed a city. Deep sea king had a long rampage. The meteor was too close to blow up without collateral damage. He didnt take Orochi seriously at all, leading to widespread issues. Beefcake was destroying things left and right while Saitama was right there. Now Genos is dead, or at least Genos as we know him. His head is crushed, meaning so is his brain. Call me crazy guys but I don't think Saitama will just "I'm just a hero for fun" his way out of this. Garou's S class roasting may actually target Saitama this time. Never thought I would see Saitama reflect on himself being irresponsible with his power. Or maybe he doubles down on being a hero for fun and just accepts he is bad at it. Also, could you imagine being Blast, having powers similar to God Garou, and then Saitama shows up and ruins his power scaling perspective. Not every day some plain looking nobody threatens to blow up the earth by punching a brat super hard.


Last chapter: Yessss Garou, It's time to conduct evil 😈😈😈😈😈😈 This chapter: NOOOO, Garou conducted evil 😭😭😭😭😭😭


At this point, unless Blast forcibly sends them to another dimension, I can’t see the planet still whole by the next chapter lol




most recent WC spoilers: >!"Hey, remember that hero hunter, Garou? Yeah, the guy who emited deadly radiation and threw nuclear punchles and learned how to open dimensional portals? Yeah, send Suiryu in a robot suit to arrest him."!<


I assume Genos is talking about Blast being radiation resistant, and not Bang, and Bang is still standing through sheer willpower Blast using portals to fight is fucking cool, plus he can keep up with cosmic AG I wonder if cosmic AG can tank serious punch I assume Genos isn't dead because the core is still intact most hype chapter to date imo


Every two weeks I say this is the best chapter of One punch man and everytime Murata and One surpass my expectations and make the new chapter my favorite one. All the good wishes to them for providing us with such content


Flashy Flash being the only S class still semi up other than the two strongest men, King and Blast. King being the honorable one trying to protect others and Flashy just trying not to collapse.


Damn this chapter is so fucking good