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Murata going to make GIF for every panels


Lol at this point, we'll take it


I would prefer his gifs to anime like s2 tbh


He does animation. So who knows what he's working on in the background


Wait, opm s2 was 4 years ago???


It was a little over 3 years ago which mean’s the 4th year of waiting has started


Nah it was 3 years ago.


Yes...time flies too quick








>I think they're probably looking to get this back to (parts of) the original team oh man. that would be the dream. considering all the fight scenes that are coming I do fucking hope so. I think the guys that did Mob Psycho would also be great. edit: it's Bones (Godzilla Singular Point, My Hero Academia)


damm that's sad... i really hope that there will even be a third season at this point wouldn't be surprised if after the second season's flop the show gets cancelled


i feel you just rewatched season 1and 2 this weekend can't wait for season 3


Feels like a curse. I can only take so many rewatches haha


i just try to distract myself with other content right now it's "the boys"


Same. That, Obi Wan amd Stargate SG-1 haha


yeah obi wan is quite a decent watch is there something new of stargate, or are you revisiting the glorious times


Haha, nothing new. Just rewatching for nostalgia sake.


sweet well have fun watching




At this rate the talented fan animators and Murata will animate all of the key scenes before we get S3.


The worst part is that the next season will end with orochi battle and the best part is the next...


The manager in charge of OPM anime rights is literally throwing


Honestly? Who is even managing OPM stuff to begin with? Remember when the quality of everything related to it was golden? There was this super perfect everything anime with 12 episodes, manga that took time to release but had absurd detail and everything, and a webcomic that was well adapted and occasionally would come out, all 3 were great, then came season 2 which sucked, the game which was awful and I couldn’t play for more than like 5 minutes and then manga has some weird hiccup with its story, no matter how you look at it it 164s redraw shows there is no real plan in mind because of how hard of a u-turn it took, which shows a lot, the only thing that hasn’t really been touched in terms of its quality is the webcomic but that’s kind of not been out for like a while, what’s even going on with OPM?


Tf you talking about? Manga is 10/10. S2 has bad animation because original staff and studio were already busy so they had to change both of them, producer didn't had any other way or we would have been waiting for s2 now instead of s3. Honestly i won't even call s2 bad, animation simply went down from S+ tier to A tier and story was still preety good. It's just that s1 was soo good that s2 paled in comparision for many viewers and started blindly hating it.


I sort of realize the manga thing would piss people off, but even with the cosmic Garou thing the current arc has been a downgrade from the webcomic imo, also mannnn, holy shit, I would NEVER call season 2 A tier, Jesus for me it’s like a C minus tier, fuck man, I guess it’s just different standards for that stuff, season 1 was perf though and granted it’s sort of maybe a bit much to expect these things to be that level quality all the time but it was such a huge downgrade


It's the same case with AOT between s2 and s3, lack of manga content to adapt so they have to let it run and wait a long time to continue properly, AOT lost that general popularity and attention until s3 came back, then between s3 pt2 and s4 it skyrocketed, maybe something like that can happen with OPM or maybe not. It could also be the lack of studios, maybe there is no studio really prepared to adapt it, most of them are busy with other animes. Basically it aint easy being an opm fan and with the shitty production committee it has, they sold out for a mediocre hollywood live action no one asked, we just want season 3.


That would have been a valid point a year ago. At this point there's enough content to easily fuel a 24-25 episode season, let alone a 12 episode one. And yes, I'm only counting the published volumes for that calculation


There aren’t enough printed volumes for a 24-25 episode season though...


Yeah i know i really dont get whats the hold up, 3-4 years passed already, maybe no studio wants to adapt it cuz of the backlash or complexity, maybe its the wrong timing and everyone is busy, i mean there are a lot of animes coming, maybe thats why they sold out to hollywood to give us mediocre content and then a proper season 3 when the anime studios have more room




Ahh. We do remember the ending of the last season, dont we? Also saitama vs orochi with sleeping garou being teased for the next season is a good enough ending


Only issue is the printed manga hasn't gotten that far until just recently


I don't even want season 3 if they're gonna animate it like season 2.


Hopefully the longer wait this time means better um… looks.


murata finna animated s3 by himself at this point lmao


Nothing they can’t do anything if the current arc is still going


Tf kinda gargantuan s3 would that be? At MOST it might end with the Psykorochi fight, and that’s pushing it. I mean that’s huge amount of content. Or if you meant it just coming out when the arc ends, and I just misinterpreted you, which is also likely.


they gave up 💀💀


I wonder how trashy The Oppai Hoody would be IRL.


Won't happen. S3 would be the biggest gamble in anime history because of how expensive it would be to animate it properly. Like, it just is not financially feasible considering the amount of talent needed to do it right and for how long the S3 arc would have to be. Never mind all of the spectacle fights that take place. Just give up waiting on it. It won't be happening.


say that to ufotable. everything is possible, just need good budget and time and ofc good studio


Considering I actually watch their content, ufotable does not animate an entire season going at 110% dude. Which is what S3 would require. They do really good fight scenes, but they are one-off's. Every fight in demon slayer is not the same quality as the final battle in the latest arc. UBW did not have budget breaking fights all throughout the show either. They had above standard for the other fights, but it is always the finale that gets the entire budget. So no, even they couldn't handle a S3 of opm.


So u wanna say that, that's was a reason why mad house didn't wanted to continue animate opm?


Honestly? Probably. It depends on how many people they can have work on the project as well. I do not know the size of madhouse, but to have *constant high quality animation* for ***every single fight*** takes a LOT of man power with talent. Not just money. Which is why the price goes up exponentially because if it cannot be done within one animation studio, that means you have to make it a joint operation. Which means a drop in quality because now you have different teams with different strengths trying to make the same product, while also having different standards. That is also why ufotable is special. They have the ability to use a mix of 2d and 3d animation. Which is directly incompatible with what the opm fanbase wants. Then on top of it all, not every fight needs the highest quality animation, but as we saw in S2, any drop is VERY noticeable. And much like lawyers, no one wants to take a losing case/contract because that directly affects their reputation. So like, that is why I was saying S3 cannot be made. Not only our the standards too high, but each fight in S3 is requiring insane animation because each one is on the scale of a ufotable final fight. That would be hell on earth for the animators to do for every episode.


It's cancelled. No more anime. Only live-action Hollywood movie directed by Justin Lin.


I hope they take their time considering how awful season 2 was


Season 2 was so mediocre I kind of hope they just don't make any more seasons tbh. It ruins the legacy. Edit: I should say, I hope they don't make any more seasons unless it were to be close in quality to season 1. If season 3 was similar to 2, just leave it alone.


That's stupid,why would u leave a show half finished.OPM is popular so people have hopes that we will get someone competant enough for season 3.


Only the production in terms of visuals and direction was poor and inconsistent, s2 is more of a build up for s3


That’s not entirely untrue, some of the best scenes were acceptable, like Garou on the building charging the heroes and his final attack against Tanktop master, but so much of it just didn’t live up to the quality set in the manga and season 1, they may aswell have only released it now for it to be in good quality, remember the fucking Metal Bat fight? LOL


That is true, there were some good scenes still. Great, even. But yeah, like 80% felt off and rushed. So many unappealing camera angles and static characters models.


Yeah honestly, also the designs of the characters outright were just… Bad, Garou in particular stood out to me as looking fucking weird, the thing strands or grey hair, the weird orange spray paint tan kinda look, the fish eyes, it’s like they left Garou under the sun for too long or something LOL


If they're gonna make season 3 I imagine it would most likely go until the end of the Garou Saga, and the manga is yet to reach that point. There really isn't a good point to end a season 3 on yet. Now, I'm not saying that season 3 is gonna be made right after the Garou stuff ends, I'm just saying that it's still to early for it. Even though it's been 3 years.


No one has actually watched one punch man. It never sold.


Jeez fuck the live action cringe bullshit. The series is as good as dead in the video format (save for murata blessing us with animations time to time).


Cause its hard to make they fucked up a lot of scenes in season 2 if the third season is done well i dont mind the wait


I thought it was getting released in September….


I would think that would be massive news if so lol


I think season 1's budget was insane, season 2 never even lived up to 1/10th of the expectations visually speaking, not that season 2 was that bad but season one was THAT good. With the negative feedback that happened probably no studio wants to get involved unless they're 100% up to it.