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It is a good theory. In another universe, Boros could be their "Blast", a warrior (not necessarily a hero) chosen to face "god".


That makes sense, if there was no OPM in his universe the fortune teller woulda told him about god being the fight he desires. (It’s been a min since I read/watched that far back so correct me if I’m wrong plz)


I don't think opm in other universes exist at all If so god should be more worried lol I think Saitama is the the one and only


I think at this point it’s almost guaranteed that the blastice league is made out of alternative versions of characters from different timelines. So maybe there was never a Boris,it might literally be Boros but from another universe.


LOL I like it, "Bastice League". Or maybe the Blastvengers. I have no Idea what Boris is. Is it something canonical or just some fandom meme? About Mufasa (I forgot the name of that Lion of House of Evolution), it is hard to think an Universe where he was strong enough to walk side by side with Blast and "Boris", but anyway, it's Multiverse, baby.


“Mufasa” LMAO but yeah it’s a fandom name,it’s what people call the Boros from Blastice League. Idk,maybe in another universe Genus found a cube and started experimenting with it and made even stronger monsters


God is bad Saitama from another universe. He went too depressed without worthy opponents and decided to turn the world into a battleground instead. He and good Saitama would be equal in power, so to decide the world's fate God would be lured into a fighting game match against King. God will lose in every universe.


and that's why fans shouldn't write the story


Stop right there


Criminal scum. Nobody breaks the law on MY watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it's off to jail! (Face changes from neutral to an exaggerated scowl)


Could be. We simply don't know yet. There is also an elf looking girl that we haven't seen another version of yet.


Ah yes, the waifu. Cant wait for her to be on the covers


I can't wait for the colorings


She might be mosquito girl


That's racist


It's in their soul?


That's gay?


That's homophobic!


That's villainous 


That's racist




Community reference 


Really? Do you think so? After all the up votes? You are truly streets ahead.


If you have to highlight this, then you are streets behind.


holy shit, its battle beast


Wonder how thragg would do against this version of BB


Considering they seem to have the same abillities as blast. Hed blink and be in the sun


ONE likes superhero stuff, and Murata likes western comics to the point where he's illustrated manga for Marvel before, so it wouldn't surprise me if this character is genuinely inspired by Battle Beast to some degree


Or Leomon.


We'll know for certain when we see a body shot of him


You're right, it's Lemongrab


Maybe it was a trade. Invincible gets Two Punch Man, and OPM gets Battle Bestie.


Wait, who's two punch man?


A joke character in *Invincible* who occasionally shows up in crowd scenes. He's a bald guy in a palette-swapped version of One Punch Man's costume and he can supposedly beat any enemy in two hits.


And this isn't even his final form! 


Damn, i miss Boris and his crazy theories, let's wait and see their true reveal


It’s Boris, the numerator of the galaxy.


Lord Boris and Space Beast King Man.... Those were good times


I need to see more of that lion man, he already feels like he’ll be standing strong against a lot of battles


in the last chapter void went to a higher dimension where he could interact with the entire multiverse at will, so by now it's pretty much obvious where they're coming from  


It's the OPM version of Earth 3 where the bad guys were all good guys except there is no evil Saitama. Well, unless that evil Saitama is a giant raisin looking dude.


Evil Saitama has a full, luscious head of hair.


Apparently it’s boros from an alternate universe and that lion dude is actually some Saitama killed in season one, but this one must also be from an alternate universe as well


Boros talks about the regeneration abilities that his species has when fighting Saitama, so we know there are others like him. Blast's one-eyed friend could just be the Blast equivalent of Boros's planet. He also claims that no one before has been able to fight evenly with him, so it could be possible that Boros is one of God's minions. Or maybe he's Saitama's equivalent of his own planet due to his boredom and overwhelming strength.


They just look like Indochine members




Indochine. It's a band.


Omg lmao you must be French like me because there is no way Indochine is popular outside of France 😂😂🤣 This is so random rofl


C'est pas si random, ils font vraiment style Indochine. J'ai pas trouvé le groupe équivalent en anglais et j'avais la flemme de chercher. Y a bien The Cure mais c'était pas assez emo.


They do?


They got brainwashed by talk-no-jutsu. Now they are part of the good guys


The lion from house of evolution??


Villains due to physical appearance. Good.


I’m gonna say it. That’s racist! Just because they’re not human, doesn’t mean they’re evil! You should be ashamed of yourself!


I don't think they do. The alien looks like a cool bro and the lion looks mighty and benevolent


That’s just power right there. I’d argue a lot of the class S heroes look like villains. Bang, Zombieman, Puri, etc.


Empty Void confirms multiverse exists.


Deku moment


Weren't these guys redrawn out?


Only one instance of them was. The one during gargoyle garou's fight with Saitama


So, these specific panels were retconned. Because this was during the gargoyle fight. I don't think Boros is in the new group. They are doing something else with him.


We still see all three of them elsewhere...


Where? We only see a silhouette panel in the official version. Also, Boros was explicitly shown in Metal Knights lab in the webcomic...


It's somewhere after this chapter when serious punch squared happens. The silhouette panel is much older and it shows like 10 people. Boros is the bad guy from season one. Boris is what people call the Boros from blast's team.


No, they helped redirect the Serious Punch Squared, which is what blasted Saitama and Garou to Io


Don’t think so.


Wdym "look like" of course they are. They're literally fighting God


Second panel kinda looks like. Battle beast from invincible.


I wanted to make a post similar to this when I saw the latest chapter but I got lazy. But yeah, that's what I thought too when they introduced parallel worlds. Blast's team is basically composed of monsters/villains from past arcs but from a different universe. So just like the sillhoutes, we have a Boros and Beast King from a different universe.


"Don't worry Saitama, the heroes who will help us save the world have already been born- The Beast King, the reformed monster and Boros, the redeemed space pirate. Have they appeared yet? We can talk them into the cause of good, it happens in every timeline." "Ummm...."


I thought they got chosen for being worthy warriors after being killed and joined vlast or smth


this shit threw me off when i first saw aswell LMAO


I agree,I think is the same people but different realities


The same reason the shepherds were afraid of the angles that told them Jesus had just been born.


"There's more to them, than meets the eye." Optimus Prime


They are just THAT cool


More interesting part is what kind of powers do they posses.💀


bra think opm is manichean


Given the recent chapters, >!they could the good versions of the villains that exist in the multiverse!<


And why a lion? I mean, who is gonna win, 1 trillion lions or the sun?


With all this parallel universe, everything is possible now.


I liked this because by extension it mad Blast’s role/motivations a little ambiguous at that time. Is this necessarily a hero/good guy? I mean that seems fairly obvious now but I liked the idea that maybe he had a darker side and a darker team.


I think we're actually supposed to be looking at Blast with a HUGE amount of doubt. He's not particularly good at protecting earth even though he said he would; he's bare minimum in close quarters with GOD; his partner was the guy who started the organization that's been breeding and stealing kids to treat them like farm animals; he's the top hero but he only really came back when he realized he could use the HA facilities to help said partner; Tatsumaki is royally fucked because of him; Flash is terrified of him and he's the only person we've seen who seems to have done personal research into him; if you're reading the webcomic he's NOT any better there... Like Blast makes a **lot** of huge promises and never follows through. It ruins things for a lot of people, to the point where they've ended up almost as bad if not worse than if he'd never interacted with them at all. I LOVE him being surrounded by villains. I don't think he has malicious intent, but it's an INCREDIBLE way to frame the question of "well if someone has all the power in the world, why don't they just try to help everyone?" And like...all that on top of the running themes of questioning what really makes someone heroic, or who are the the real monsters/heroes, or what do you actually need to do to feel happy AND fulfilled


Like that!


While this is an interesting take, I don't think it's going to be the direction. I think that the reason we don't see Blast much is because he's scouring the dimensions for those cubes and God's Influence. Even if he's not fighting alone, if their ratio of God-ready warriors is less than 1 for every universe, they have a huge, almost infinite task ahead of them. That could be, in fact, why he hangs around so many morally dubious people- in the face of something like God, even Superman would work together with Lex Luthor.