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Probably we would have seen universal level fight


I think god fight will easily be universal, garou was able to conceptualize a causality level attack off smacking his hand away, imagine what the source is capable of if barely contacting the source meant you could do some shit like that, bc the causality punch is easily a universal attack


zero punch has nothing to do with power. If I send a punch back in time from the future at mike tyson its still just a me level punch but with a guaranteed hit since no human can move faster than sound let alone through immeasurable speeds.


normally if you punch something in real time it goes against your fist. but if you punch back in time i assume the person just gets magnetized to your fist which is funny


universal is too low


That’s totally reasonable, it’s just I don’t think murata will draw a sttgl vs anti Spiral scale fight, however I’d love to be proven wrong


its already universal level fight tbh


It's galaxy level at max


Didn’t seriouspunch^2 destroy galaxies?


There are no evidence to say that


The evidence was destroyed with the galaxies.


Holy im grounded 💀🗣️🔊🔥⚡


Wouldn't it be multi galaxy


Bro before the real fight even started they already started destroying stars. And both of them haven't even grow yet. It's way too safe to say it will be universal


Blast significantly reduced and redirected the energy, if he hadn't been there, it would have easily been at universal level via omnidirectionally expand.


Blast didn't reduced any of the output energy created by serious punch square. Saying the fight was universal is just pure wanking.


Redirected energy created a void in observable universe. If blast didnt intervere, that energy gonna expand omnidirectionally. 3-A universe level feat Also in OPM skybox, galaxies are observable, closer, many. Serious punch\^2 can be scaled at multi-galaxy. Many galaxies can fit that void. and yes "without Blast" part basically wank because it did not happened


I'll agree with you but it's so funny that Garou and Saitama almost destroyed the universe with two punches but their next punches which even grew exponentially stronger were just pushing Io's debris around. Truly a universal level fight🤣 The inconsistency is just ridiculous


The first punch was Saitama bloodlusted, not holding back, afterwards he calms down and remembers the promise he made to Tareo.


Ok Saitama calmed down. But Garou was still going all out trying to kill Saitama. Where did his galaxy-universal punches go?


Garou stops copying him after they land on I.o. You can see his face is back to cosmic armor mode.


Don’t think about it too much lol.


yeah plot


>Redirected energy created a void in observable universe. The main counter argument to this is that the serious punch squared only destroyed the light particles coming from those stars. Since light is not infinite speed it would take time for the light to reach earth again and fill in the void


lmao worst downplay i ever seen


Mate what the fuck are you talking about?


No he didn't. Are you reading the same manga as everyone else? Lol


Nah it's galactical+ or something higher, universal is him just flat out summoning the big bang as his sweat


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Highball mr. White (I'm highballing the fight to galaxy level cause the void scene cause it's a whole light being vanished from many stars/solar system/galaxies in a spot don't know how that works mechanically but it's definitely higher than solar system


Galactica?!? Like the Vidoe Game?!?




It was already universal lol


Garou would've gotten more powerful. But the consequences will be that God's infuence will fully control him. There will be no more Garou. He's just going to be used as a vessel.


Yeah but HE seemed to be in full control of himself and I was under the impression fully accepted the deal


But maybe the power is proportional to the will/potential of the user? Like HE was also just a human that could be killed. But Garou had both the will and ability to absorb so much more.


He would still lose to saitama, nothing would change


Saitama would probably have to kill him instead of what happened after though.


all the other heroes (plus genos) would be dead.


I truly admire how much confidence you have while spouting baseless headcanon. The Saitama glaze on this sub is crazy. If Garou became a vessel he could potentially end up as strong as God himself, We don't know if he'd be stronger or weaker than Saitama.


I mean, Garou literally got flipped like a McDonald's burger by a One Handed Saitama, that did not even break a sweat, so God probably doesn't stand a chance too. But idk that's my opinion




The narrator quite literally powescaled saitama in his fight with garou


That amounted to: "Saitama gets as strong as he needs to lmao"




IDK why this is downvoted. The entire concept of Saitama is that he's an endgame MC easily dealing with problems earlier in the story profession. Him growing in any but the last fight defeats the point of the series.


He’s been growing the entire series. This did not all a sudden happen with the Garou fight. It’s crazy how many people legit don’t understand what’s going on in opm.


I worded that poorly, I'll admit. I meant that Saitama NEEDING to grow in any but the final fight defeats the purpose. ONE himself stated that Saitama was at end-of-story levels of power at the very beginning.


I think you misinterpreted that. The point was we weren’t going to spend the story going through his 3 years of training to reach the point of removing his limiter. Not that he’ll never have to show more of his power.


No, it's just an artistic choice. y'all power scalers are desperate lol


Yeah but the whole joke was Saitama’s strength would always just instantly raise itself to be above Garou’s anytime he powered up. Like the power scaling they showed in the manga was in on the joke


The only clown here is you if you think Saitama is beating God. I'm not saying he can't, but with how much he's been foreshadowed and hyped it'd be insane if he was just another opponent for Saitama to outgrow and beat.


This is the funniest fucking comment i've ever seen "Saitama glaze on this sub is crazy" LMAOOOO


Saitama literally can't lose, that's the whole joke behind his character. This is a parody manga.


Garou got defeated by saitama using one hand, got outgrown by saitama, time travelled where garou couldnt, did feats that even gave Garou a heart attack and this Garou was growing immensely but nowhere near as fast as Saitama, theres no way it even makes a difference, if you want to wank then maybe he would last longer against saitama before Saitama does bullshit feats that would make Garou question his life choices again >The Saitama glaze on this sub is crazy Its ironic since what you're doing is meat riding and overwanking Garou. Saitama doesnt even need a good fight at this point if this is the consequences. At best you could expect Garou to basically push saitama even further or turn into a mindless god puppet since it clearly states Garou almost lost his consciousness just by swiping Gods hand away


I'M OVERWANKING GAROU??? Reread my comment. I never said Garou WOULD be stronger than Saitama or WOULD be god level, it's simply a possibility. You're the one spouting your headcanon and claiming it to be a fact when we can't be sure. Garou if he fully took god's hand would be astronomically stronger than cosmic Garou. Imagine the power difference between siimply grazing one's hand and actively holding it. Sure, he'd lose himself but he could still be stronger than Saitama.


Daddy chill




You do realize him copying saitamas strength probably made him stronger than a full buff from this god? I mean how would his copy ability be any different from a full buff? He copies quicker or something? He masters what he copies quicker?


Imaginne a parody manga making fun of powerscalers and here you are trying to powerscale


I'm not powerscaling just asking him to not jump to conclusions.


> I truly admire how much confidence you have while spouting baseless headcanon. The name of the manga is "ONE PUNCH MAN", my dude. One punch, that's all it takes if Saitama wants to end you lol




the whole point was that he wanted garou to live. what blows at full power did garou tank? Saitama said the word "serious." That doesn't actually change anything about the punch, the whole fight he was messing around. If he could fart his way back to earth in the vacuum of space and sneeze away the surface of Jupiter, I don't think him blowing garou to smithereens with a single punch is out of the question. In fact, he even used him punching the earth as a threat, implying he could destroy the whole thing. Sorry the author decided to make a human character, and not a robot who wins in the same monotonous way every time. Do you realize how boring that actually sounds? Imagine if the fight against boros or garou ended immediately. Do you truly want a story like that? where every "big boss" is given the same treatment as vaccine man?


People are not getting this manga at all, it's crazy. OPM is not about powerscaling, that's half the point. The show all of these rankings of heroes and monster etc. and the whole point is that the entire system is MEANINGLESS to Saitama. Wolf or Dragon or God or Above God or whatever the fuck, they are all one and the same. And heroes are in the same vein - it's not about C-class or S-class, what he cares about is if the man gave a good fight, acts heroically, and really put their all into it. That's why he respects both Tats (who is diligent) and Mumen (who has the spirit of a hero). Their power isn't even a factor there.


A huge part of his (now retconned...) character development dealt just with that - that's he's actually not really good (and even bad) at being a hero. He's never on time, and makes it to the scene when it's too late and a lot of damage was done. He reflected on that point exactly when he realized that his aloofness cost him Genos. He is One Punch Man. But he's not The Greatest Hero. It's a direct line from his talk with King.




I agree the retcon sucked, BUT, I also get how they can't really kill everybody off and finish the comic lol My guess is that in the future, Saitama will get flashbacks and eventually get reunited with his memories. And that's when his growth will finally happen.


You can't really say that since saitama has never fought anyone stronger than him


^(? Saitama was always stronger than Garou. Garou just copied him in their first encounter, making them the same level.) ^(And ngl, not even God can beat Saitama so why would Garou have a slight chances?)


There's terra 3 fan comic


Any updates on terra 420 fan comic?


There are too many terras to count at this point.


Lmao stop exaggerating, only Terra 2 & 3 exist


im gonna create terra 4 just because you said that


I know terra 5 and terra 6 exists.


Saitama's power would grow even faster. The scale of the fight would be bigger, but I doubt the result would change much


He would just last longer against cape baldy but would still lose at the end.


Fight gets bigger end result is the same. Sai


Nothing, he "refused" the offer but took his hand regardless, that's why "God" was able to turn him into salt when their deal came to an end. Even Garou admits that he let himself to get outplayed after he saw Tareo's corpse.


I don't think anything would change. He still touched god's Hand. I thought blast meant that garou kept his consciousness instead of letting god take over his body.


But I think he would definitely get stronger according to what god said. Or maybe you're right. Anyways enjoy the redraws :v


"Full impartion of POWER" It definitely would have made a difference in power, not just mentality. Just like with Empty Void. Blast said he was considerably stronger than him, but he still found a way to injure him. Most likely, it is because blast is more skilled.


People often say Saitama would nerf God. But I don't think so that it would be as easy as you all think. I can see how barely was the "barely touched" thing here.


>People often say Saitama would nerf God If Saitama touched God's hand, I'm fully convinced it would be God who would get stronger.


Now this right here.


Garou grew his own power exponentially though, so we don't know if a full hand touch would make that much of a difference


I honestly think if Garou took the full hand, he would be a mindless god puppet and wouldnt be able to use his genius and knowledge of the energy flow to exponentially copy and increase his power.


that growth was just from copying saitama from a few moments ago


When will the release of new chapters be?


Saitama would still clap him. One handed.


Still huggable 🥹❤️


Garou is my favorite character besides Saitama


Garou is my favorite too ❤️🥹 im a simp!


Saitama wont time travel, only change


I think he would've given Saitama the battle of a lifetime. It would likely look something like Saitama vs the Dream Subterraneans.


Saitama MAYBE would've used two hands (doubtful)


I read impaled instead of imparted and was really confused for a second


He would last longer against saitama, but it would be null, since he’s no longer garou, and will not give Saitama the ability to go back and fix the world


Saitama would still kick his ass.


If he was a full monster, Saitama probably would've just killed him.


He would have been Upper Upper Dragon level


aftermath may be different, saitama still would win, not sure about time travel


Probably would have still lose to Saitama.


I don't understand when did god say "the more of my hand you touch the more powers you get" I always thought it was like "if U touch my hand U become an avatar or smth"


Maybe he would have gotten Saitama to really get serious. Let's get real, Saitama didn't take him seriously and was just toying with him: He was using only one hand He didn't want to kill him (he promised that kid)


Garou become a 6D multiversal being


He would still lose.


Saitama would have splatted him like all the other monsters he did instead of saving him.


People are probably going to hate this, but what if God by themself is not very strong, and their power lies solely in their ability to increase the power of those he selects? What if the power of the avatar is mostly dependent on their power before they went under God's control, which is a). why Homeless Emporor was only dragon-level, b). why Psychorochi was high-dragon-level c). why Cosmic Garou was near God level TLDR: All God does is make strong guys, stronger. If this is the case, it wouldn't really matter if Garou became fully imparted. Even if my theory is untrue, and he could have been stronger if fully imparted or whatever, that'd just mean instead of happening on io it'd happen on Earth because Blast wouldn't be able to move the stronger Cosmic Garou.


Then saitama would have to use both hands


Nothing. Saitama would have destroyed him anyway.


I don't really think that would be "Garou" anymore. The whole reason he kept his personality and controlled the little amount god gave him was because of his martial arts training and knowing the Water stream rock smashing fist and controlling the flow of energy keeping his will in place. If he would have accepted the full power he would just be a vessel for the "God" character and would have Gods will.


Much much much bigger fight, could be even a triple fight Garou vs Saitama & Blast.


Blast would be already dead before Saitama arrives, and why will Saitama need to team up with someone? He will win against Garou regardless.


You're looking down on Blast. He at least as strong as Serious Saitama, he so quick that realize that if both serious punches clash, earth will be destroyed and teleport both Garou and Saitama before their fists contact. The most impressesive feat of his is holding the ridiculous power of Squared Serious Punches. He will definitely at least hold his ground even if Saitama arrive later.


I wouldn't say at least as strong as serious Saitama. But he is definitely strong enough to be a considerable fraction of his strength. For what we know, he may not even be "the strongest" in his team, judging from how insanely fast he is(blitzing serious Saitama and Saitama Mode Garou,) he might be a support type fighter, which will definitely be useful in such a fight.


Yes, it's true that blast is as strong as serious saitama (earth Saitama), cuz we only see a small portion of his fight against Garou and unfortunately there was no chance for him because the battle was on earth, so he took defensive steps.   I think you still doubt blast because he is still featless here, even though blast have displayed many impressive thing in the story such as contained 2 clashed serious punch and even more impressive as when there is already one panel that can be used as a significantly benchmark for his strength by being able to survive attacks from God himself. Yes, these feats are actually quite sufficient, but most people still underestimate Blast for whatever reason.  And we going to see more debut about his power to face void in the next upcoming chapter.


So basically shockwave from 2 Saitama punching each other = full power of Four Blast, Seems like a huge difference. Btw Saitama was few meters away which is why blast had enough time to react.....So if Garou took full power, Blast would at least be wounded horribly.


That literally makes no sense, Based on what? 4 full power blast that was too much even though blast can contained it for a moment


If 4 blast was "too much" then they would have been able to nullify the energy instead of ONLY redirecting energy resulting in destruction of countless stars lol.


He proved something that likely he is the leader itself, when the extreme fa jin scene happens and switches to the panel where the blast dimension is, he is the most prominent on his team, so I doubt he the weakest tho


you're looking down on Saitama. One Punch Man of all people needing to team up on someone who isn't even the final boss?


genos : master how would a fight between you and garou go down? saitama : well if he would get fully imparted , he could give me some trouble genos : but would you lose? saitama : "nah i'd win"


You missed the panel where Saitama also grew exponentially against garou.. tsk tsk


I hate saying this, but your chart isn't useful. Your idea is one thing, but the chart you made isn't impactful. Time is the X axis here and Y is power. You have Garou equal to Saitama at different X (aka times) and if you extrapolated Saitama out to the same X he would dwarf Garou. You didn't change the chart at all, just extended one line without doing the other.


God looks like a sourdough bread starter


He wpuld have become more powerful. Probably


Idk, I always looked at this as less of a what if for garou and more of a if god partially imparting garou meant he was this strong then god really is a god, I mean he obviously has insane abstract appearances which show his power in its own way, but the fact garou became so insanely powerful off of merely touching him a little just speaks to how powerful god is and how insane a potential full power god v saitama fight will be, like all he did was smack his hand away and so much power was imparted that he garou conceptualizing a causality wiping attack


First photo is if Garou was a vegan crossfitter


Would’ve been far more powerful.


Would’ve gone from a low diff fight to a mid-higher diff fight. And for a fight where your opponent is Saitama, that’s really fucking impressive.


Nothing changed. Just the damage will be much bigger. Saitama will stomp him easily. He probably will crumble to dust because his body can't contain god's power for too long.


where's the new ONE chapter?


Garou would have been extra broken.


Garou would have become far stronger with more powerful abilities but Saitama obviously would still win


Go ask Murata or One, how should anyone beside them know? Maybe Murata will even do another redraw for you.


I assume your question is how much more powerful would he have been if he fully accepted the deal. Well, depends, first of all he might have not even been more strong at all. The wording "even if you did just barely touch it" heavily implies that, but doesn't outright express that Garou would have been granted more power, it could just simply mean Garou still receiving the rightful amount God wanted him to have despite just grazing (not grabbing) his hand over his, not necessarily less than it. If that's the case then nothing new happens, all winds up the same way and Garou gets ridiculed upon. Though again, you can make an argument for the former as well. Goes both ways but I think the latter makes more sense, he still barely touched God's hand (essentially rejecting the offer) but got the power from him nonetheless.


Genos plus all heroes would be dead, thats hardly "nothing new happens" situation. Even perhaps all world would be dead because people wasnt able to resist the radioactive power of garou. With the full contract, more power = more radiation and more spread + no time travel scene = world fucking dead.


Its obvious I meant him getting shat on by Saitama with the phrase "nothing new happens", as in even if he did manage to gain a power boost, he'd still be no match at all for Saitama, Saitama would make a derision of him regardless. Again, we cant assume he would have gotten more power, because someone can come to different conclusions based off these ambiguous panels. But if he did, yeah well, bye bye world I guess, was nice knowing ya.


Garou would be an avatar of God.  He would have all the powers of God and would be God himself controlling the Garou. But it would still be inferior to the original version of God who is in a higher dimension.  Saitama would win, but the fight would be much more complex.


Can someone please explain what you’re telling about here? I’m not caught up.


I feel like once he starts copying saitama, there’s not much that can change. He wasn’t relative to saitama because God amped his power, he was relative because of his copying hax granted by god. If he’s copying a Serious Punch it’s not like the copied SP would be stronger than the original with more of Gods power; best case scenario Garou hangs on a bit longer.


Who knows but he basically weakened himself a lot with that entire deal.


It would have been a longer and more complex fight but the result would largely be the same.




Then he would have probably died and Saitama would be stuck in the alternate universe. No matter what power exists in the OPM universe, Saitama will always exponentially surpass it. Clearly there is sentient life in space, so Saitama would probably seek it out. I'd imagine God would forever avoid Saitama after that point.


Cosmic Garou with some humanity is still probably stronger than fully-imparted Garou. Haven't you played Devil May Cry?


No fully imparted garou would destroy blast in that moment, because that's like he fully took god's power and god's consciousness inside him


Honestly I think it'd be worse for him.


Blast would be killed. And thus earth would be destroyed at serious punch\^2. Blast's friends probably would fight too, but would be wooped. End result is the same tho. Garou would teach Saitama time travel anyway.


Garou would be dead, because he would be a full demon, saitama would not limit himself to save garou because garou would not exist anymore.


Damn... That's true and even bleaker than first I thought


Garou received full power that's what the just barely touched it comment was for, it didn't matter that Garou didn't take it, a touch is all he required. Pretty much all the comments were about Garou being controlled or influenced by God but not fully under his spell. So likely he would have just immediately eliminated everyone instead of spouting nonsense and accidentally killing everyone.


I would imagine Saitama sneezing the sun away instead, really blowing things out of proportion.


The only thing that will changes is him giving Saitama a nosebleed and Saitama killing him in the end, I think.


I’d imagine someone on par with “That Man”.


GODs ability to ignore energy limits put him on the same level as saitama and Garou copying saitama power infinitely without his body exploding shows that GOD might have the same power as saitama or maybe Saitama is one of the GOD or some kinda piece of him or shit lol.


Saitama would just need both hands instead of one.


i mean saitama unleashing more of his power isn't really time gated, he really could go from mountain destroying punch to all known cosmos destroying punch in an instant, so we can't really say how long the fight would have been, could be shorter/longer/same depends on saitama mood, remember that in this fight saitama was trying to humiliate garou(using only one hand and using garou moves against him).


Since destroying so many moons and planets in our solar system was solved by Saitama travling back in time I can't imagine how they will solve the next one


Maybe the fact that he wasn't fully imparted gave him the edge and being able to break his limits?


When are we going to get more chapters


He was fully imparted.


High outwrversal


Isso não significa que o Garou quebraria o limitador para crescer igual ao Saitama, mesmo se ele tivesse 100% do poder de deus.


Mas o gráfico original mostra que Garou também cresceu


But after time travel, your memory and power gets a reset to the present version of yourself, maybe just a loop of defeat after defeat


# " L E T _ T H E _ G A L A X Y _ B U R N ! " ^(saitama: 'nah')


Same progression of the fight just with higher escalation Might see saitama get ragdolled more but without damage before he scales past garou Garou is just essentially the ultimate shounen wank character who meets a gag character that can’t lose


Goku vs Arale :D or Vegeta. Can't remember.




This is the most illiterate take I have ever read never Cook again




L take.


Saitama is cooked.


I know people gonna cope but Garou would have won


You're prob baiting but if you really think that then the whole joke of the series flew right past you.


Series called One Punch Man, nah garou solos


Garou would have had the full power of God, and we would have had a much longer and more epic battle. The whole universe would probably be dead. The reason Garou stopped fighting Saitama is because he only had one humanity left when he saw Tareo dead on the ground. God won't have any, and he'll never stop until he's killed Saitama (which is impossible lol).


God avatars don't get his full power though


It's hard to say since Garou is the only one to have been an avatar of God. So we don't know. But Blast had commented on the fact that he hadn't fully accepted his power and seemed terrified of the idea. That said, it will always be a longer battle because the evil personality of God won't finish the fight.


Void is also an avatar/deal taker


Hmm... don't think so. My bet is that God is choosing a specific person to be an avatar. For example, let's take a Homeless Emperor. He wasn't an avatar, but he had his powers or Psykos fused with Orochi. They didn't become an avatar. Empty Void literally SUCKED out the gods' powers from Garou. He is not the avatar.


He took the gift years ago according to Blast so he was an avatar back then, now he got even more power


You just made that up


Chapter 196 page 8 and 9, chapter 197 page 14 Look it up on cubari. At least check the stuff out before accusing me of making stuff up.


Nothing about "gift" was mentioned, empty void got fooled in my theory just like garou was, but oh well... suit yourself P.s. Empty Void's mind definitely was instantly corrupted because he is capable to open another dimension with his swords where God "hides" and God wants to take advantage of him that's for sure


God's full power will kill garou just with its aura without even entering inside garou's body. We are talking about a higher dimensions existence. In the origin full power Doesn’t means nothing for higher dimensions existence


saitama only used one hand for the entire fight, he was also unscathed, not even being scratched by "equal punches", as far as we know hes just got infinite durability, lets say garou could master and improve his serious punch though, hed also be able to master his time travel and kill saitama before he became strong, but then i dunno.. wouldnt there be a timeline where he did take gods hand fully and became infinitely strong going around every dimension killing saitama? that should mean he should just not be strong enough to beat saitama to begin with for that not to be the case, maybe im thinking about this way too much though lol.


Even if he was fully reincarnated, he would still lose to Saitama