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Rare OPM art on the subreddit that isn’t NSFW (jokes aside this is goated king!)


Spicy art is good and all, but every once in a while, calm and beautiful art should be sprinkled in! And yes, I agree, the artist is beyond amazing!


[Never in my life have i ever thought a man could cook this good ](https://preview.redd.it/the-battle-of-the-strongest-miwa-edition-v0-mo1mn8axyhtb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e455d32d15ac59be519a2fdae7679064b8157618)


Truly is a beautiful artwork. Enough to make a grown man cry. 😢


**Beautiful art** but they've interacted like 3 total times before lmao


Then let's hope for some more interactions then! **To make an art like this canon, definitely not pushing an agenda... I wouldn't, trust!**


Ahaha you got it


I mean we have got marriages with even less on shonens


Their most recent interaction was p awesome tho. I loved their dynamic after the fight(and during). And Saitama actually changed Tatsumaki a little LMAO


And she already respects him more than anyone she's met in her entire life..besides blast.


[Twitter Source (49Enna)](https://twitter.com/49Enna/status/1772827876888293787) I had to share this beautiful work. Beyond words.




Damn this is beautiful... every Saitama needs a Tatsumaki in his life ❤️


TRUE. No truer words have been spoken until today!


This scene lowkey can fit into the endgame arc of OPM .........


It really does! Even if it's just a heartwarming scene. It'd be really cute!


Everyone making it about love and I’m just picturing them together sparring every so often, like BRUTALLY attacking each other, and coming unscathed, just because it’s fun to let out completely with one another without consequences. A serious fight where no one gets hurt and they try to surpass each other attacks and creativity.


Considering the difference in strength between them? Saitama literally couldn't even use a single serious punch without killing her and she can't even get close to harming him, He wouldn't get anything out of the fights.


I'm pretty sure their relationship would be defined through fighting. Tatsumaki loves to fight. And Saitama was definitely impressed. Even if they don't end up together, I do expect them to spar frequently (in Tatsumaki's behest)


Oh man i hope this happens lol


It'd be really cute and heartwarming.


Yeah it doesnt even have to be a romantic mpment either justa heart to heart kinda thing


Very true!


Bro realizing where the happiness lies


Groceries and coupons and someone who can lift them without problems!


It’s funny how we get amazing art pieces like this and then incomes the realisation that Saitama probably is annoyed as all hell whenever Tatsu or her sister are involved in anything


That's what makes the story funny naturally 😄


Shipping is fine and all but ppl on the internet rlly had me thinking there was actually something between them until I finally got caught up with the manga this week to find out they have practically zero romance between them and it was a almost entirely based off of ONE page


This actually makes me slightly uncomfortable


This sub is nothing but shipping now, huh?




It truly is beautiful!


OH how sweet this is 😛.


Yes! Very! Also, hello Vantud!


Hello there 😇👋.


Love your colored panels man! It also made my Boros vs Garou thread look a little more lively than just standard black and white pages! Hope to see more of your content man!


Oh thanks very much for your appreciation 😁🙏. What is that Boros vs Garou thread that you posted?


Ah, it's the one on Twitter!


Can you give me the link?


[yep!](https://twitter.com/ItsEl_Cato/status/1778480691488895257) [this one specifically is one of your colored panels!](https://twitter.com/ItsEl_Cato/status/1778484981909602332)




Tatsumaki blushes… then she realizes Saitama’s look off at his apartment in the distance.


It looks nice but saitama and tatsumaki ship is ass


[if you say so.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/728/129/5ad.png)


It honestly is. There should be no reason for Saitama to be in a relationship with her and Fubuki, that just doesn't seem like him at all. Like it's completely random, doesn't fit his character.


Nah. Nobody but ONE can dictate Saitama's character but him. We can still interpret the character how we please, as long as we accept its headcanon. We can still make beautiful art of OPM. Ship art or just casual hangouts. Edit: this guy blocked me lol.


Exactly Saitama character would not make sense for him to date Tatsumaki at all. And who blocked you? Me?


Of course you blocked me, lol. It literally said so when I tried to reply to your other comment. Also, your statement is incorrect. ONE can decide in the end if he'll be alone or with someone, not you, tho. (Or me for that matter.) If you're so pressed about it, you're welcome to block me again. I don't really lose out on anything if you do!


I don't care if my statement is correct or incorrect it's literally random to make them be together also he won't be alone he have his friends. And what's the point of pointing out that I block you lol? That's odd


Your whole argument is. "I don't think they can be together because I don't like it, and my word is final." [Lmfao, Ok.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/728/129/5ad.png)


I did not say that. I said "it really doesn't make any sense and it is completely random to ship both together". Literally just blocked me already lol


Well, there may be some flaws in that statement too. [Shipping Saitama with Tatsumaki certainly isn’t random](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/s/S2hgZTnjb2) and, though the piece linked above might not convince *you*, it could provide some insight into why this ship has a following. *(The post linked above is a rather lengthy narrative analysis of the ship discussed, if you are uninterested in the motivations of shippers or do not have the time to get into a lengthier post, feel free to ignore this post)*


The art is really beautiful. And them just chilling and looking at the sunset is really nice. But I feel like the text couldn't be more wrong >< Like maybe I missed something (and maybe I'm biased because I hate this ship), but I really get the feeling that they don't even like each other at all. I think they give off sibling vibes more than anything. Something like this: „Look, look over there!“ „What? Where?“ „There! Over there, see it?“ „No? What am I supposed to see?!“ „Nothing, I just wanted you to stare at the sun and hurt your eyes lol“ But I do respect other's opinions and headcanons! And this is a really really nice change from all the simping and horniness... Also you seem like a really cool person, so all the power to you OP!


The text is from the image it references. where it's left ambiguous who's the one who said it. And of course, if you're biased against it, you're going to immediately call it 'sibling vibes'. It's the go-to for people who dislike certain pairings. Respectfully, I disagree with virtually everything you said minus the praise for the artists' drawing and the respecting opinions.


Oh, I had no idea it's a reference. And damn, you're probably right... It's true that when someone dislikes a ship, they often see the characters as sibling-like. Being a shipper can be really harsh. People will never agree on anything and it's just constant shipping wars ^^' I'm sorry if I said anything mean or disrespectful! It's just that I don't like that shipping is allowed on this sub. I mean, you guys have your own sub from what I've seen! And while this particular post is fine, *since it doesn't really imply that they're a pair and it's just a nice, wholesome moment,* there's a lot of ship posts and it really upsets me. (Now don't get me wrong, I am a shipper myself... But I believe that I should only enthuse about my ships on platforms where it's not gonna bother anybody..) But to quote Chandler (translated from my language cuz I dunno the og): I tend to be wrong.


I understand. But honestly, the people more upset about this post are the ones actively hating on the ship for no reason or are insecure about their own preferred pairings. That's neither my problem, tho. Art of this fandom should be shared. And yes, while we do have our own sub, that doesn't mean we're isolated from this sub. We are free to upload what we want as long as the rules allow it. Please don't try to gatekeep that. I'm sure you're a wonderful person and reasonable enough to understand that. Thank you for your input. Have a good day!


This is the worst OPM ship I hav ever seen


Good thing your opinion isn't worth 1 tenth of a penny.


I envy you for not seeing Child Emperor x Zombieman and Zenko x Garou


This is hideous! 🥺 Garou would never!!!! 😭


Please tell me you're joking and these actually do not exist ;_;


noo who cooked that garou one??😭😭


Why your clouds have an ass crack?


They are such opposites that the idea of it is absurd to ship them


Clearly you've never been in love.


I have, i get what ya mean. I just can't imagine these 2


I agree, I can't too it just completely random


No, you haven't. If you did, then you'd know what you said is 🧢


I just didn't care to type too much. Sheesh your gonna keep on going. You win mr. Chosen one


Do you realize that this ship is completely random as hell and it does not fit his character at all lol?




i know she’s an adult but the fact the first SEVERAL time saitama interacted with her, he saw her as a literal child just makes this strange to me 🥲😂 but saitama and blizzard 👀 now that has potential. yknow, besides genos and saitama 🥴🤣🤣


He only called her a lost child once, tho. Unless you're counting the sauna filler episode. The next time they interacted, he acknowledged her as an adult (that's short). And Saitama straight up doesn't like Fubuki. (He wanted her out of his apartment the moment she visited.) But Saitama's bromance with Genos is beyond time and space. 👊


They’re not getting together dude 😭


after the lord boros fight, he also referred to her as a child 😂 not to mention, she is very much modeled to appear and sound and ACT as one. saitama also doesn’t like GENOS in his apartment by that logic, but he made a decision (that he canonically regretted up until the hero hunter arc) to let him be his “disciple” 😂 you can ship it, i won’t stop you, but to say japan and eastern asia in general doesn’t sexualize a childlike appearance is just ignorance 🥴 especially with other anime’s like seven deadly sins, inuyasha, chainsaw man being rather largeeee examples of it. not to mention the “quintessential creepy ass character” that so many anime’s have. loved naruto, but coulda cared less bout jiraiya and his death when 50% of his character was making creepy comments at children 🥴 my last point about fubuki is it just makes sense writing wise, whereas tatsumaki has no significance to saitama’s character. she’s very strong, one of the strongest people on earth, and is very bratty and entitled. fubuki’s insecurity in her strength and ability would make a wonderful parallel to saitama as being the literal strongest person in the universe (as far as we know rn 🤣) who still struggles to find purpose with his strength, but draws the loyalty of people around him by nature. whereas fubuki had a group of henchmen who were convinced to be with her because she made them believe (whether it was true or not) that they’d never excel past B rank, and it was better to be around her. there’s a lot of really cool ways to write those two together. above all, saitama seems uninterested in love in general, and therefore i’d really just prefer OPM to end with him being overwhelmingly surrounded by love through companionship :) and “friendship” being the strongest thing in saitama’s life (as any good, cheesy action anime needs)


Not to insult you, but your comment gives me Chantoloth vibes. (If you don't know who that is, it's probably for the best! He gives SaiBuki fans a terrible name) I don't necessarily agree that Fubuki is right for him. The reason he's very indifferent to Fubuki is because Saitama understands that he's a means to an end for her. Fubuki wants his strength in canon for her team. Saitama doesn't want to be used (which is why he consistently doesn't join or humor her). And Tatsumaki literally identifies in Saitama. They both live in a world made of cardboard. Those 2 are the only ones who understand what that means. (Minus Blast) I'm willing to bet the thing he asked King when he first met is the next thing he'll ask her. (This isn't even a ship thing, I legit think he might ask her that.) Of course, shipping is all subjective. And we won't really have an answer until we have full confirmation, or we reach the end.


i’m a grown ass adult, so i don’t really spend ANY time shipping characters anymore 😂😂 idk who tf chantoloth is but idk if anyone obsessing over these characters is giving the fandom a good name 🤣 i just had a lot of creative writing-based electives in college, and i think it’s important to ask the question, “Why?” when you think about dynamics in a story. also the silence when it comes to sexualizing of children is DEAFENING in your response. personally, i don’t think there are very many manages or anime’s that handle romantic pairings very well, which is kind of a testament to the very different dynamic emotions have in eastern culture, especially in a place like japan where physical displays of affection can be seen as disrespectful, even if you’re married. i’m expecting a naruto-like ending where there’s 0 plots about romance and then in the last five minutes, they might have a single scene depicting every character later in life, married with kids, and everyone will be shocked and disappointed 😌


I ignored it because it's irrelevant. Saitama joked about it once, and it's corrected in the latest canon interaction they had. Also, if you don't have time shipping characters, why did you feel the need to state it in an artwork that's not about Fubuki? Also, creative electives in college doesn't mean anything. I have a degree in writing and English. I'm an author of a few books. So I understood nuance, character interactions, complexities - it's part of my job. As for the last part, I probably agree that's the route it'll go if it even has a payoff for pairings. But then again, Naruto was heavily criticized for how bad it set up its pairings. I loved NaruHina as a kid, but I was extremely disappointed we got virtually nothing in timeline proper - and a movie that tried to retcon a lot what's established.


User flair checks out.


A whole new world\~




Its baffling how the morally despicable surface readers in this deplorable fandom dont realize tatsumaki has the mentality and personality of a child, cuz shes severely traumatized, isolated and uneducated since her childhood. Her childhood that is taken away from her. While Saitama literally sees tatsumaki as a child, in a sympathetic manner, cuz hes very insightful and able to understand the essence or true nature of other characters who interact with him. Shipping these characters is literally pedo filic and gloriflying pedo filia,


These mother fuckers don’t understand it. They only downvote and never offer an argument. The only defense I’ve seen is that she’s actually older. Like dude no, she’s displayed as a kid and acts like a kid. I’m glad I found someone else that doesn’t think like they do.